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Everything posted by Bealsebub

  1. Playing on a Ser ver where the Imps outnumber the Reps by 4 to 1, the changes to Valor and the Daily/Weekly Ilum come as a pleasant change. It was possible to get the 30 kills quite rapidly as Rep BUT it was mostlöy with just 20 valor per kill, whereas the Imp players were getting masses of valor for their kills. Add to that the fact that at one time it was even difficult to find more than 5 or 6 reps in Ilum and you have the problem. So not having to grind Ilum and give the Imps an unfair valor gain the Patch is great, it makes the valor gain predictable.And who cares about Ilum? it never was PVP with 80 vs 20.
  2. That was what made WOW so good at the start, even after hitting 50 you could still go out into the world and free roam, ganking otherplayers, Stranglethorn, Arathi Highlands and many more such areas were just there waiting to be put to use. In fact Blizzard went out of their way to ensure that the opposing factions clashed, this inturn produced some Epic open world PVP. All this is lacking in SWTOR, the little PVP that exists is too sterile. I have played both Imperium and Republic on a PVP Server and in levelling 4 Characters to 50 I have had less clashes than I have fingers.
  3. Really great guide, thanks, although we have found that a combination of 2-3 Gunnery skilled Commandos is more than a match for a Sorcerer.
  4. The Restoration Zone, Imp zu Rep - 3zu1, Ilum geht immer als Rep in ca. 15-20 Min. Gestern meine Weekly gemacht 10 Spiele - 9 Gewonnen! Auf die Flotte Abends sind bis zu 100 Reps vorhanden.
  5. Ist mir alles so was vom egal, ich spiele ein Kommando weil ich die Wumme haben wollte
  6. Gesamtschaden ist nicht so richtig wie was man mit der Schaden anstellt Bzw. wie viel kills, wie viel Objektive man hat. Die Warzones wo man ständig ballern kann sind weniger geworden, wo alle mit volle PVP klamotten ausgestattet sind geht das schaden herunter.
  7. I thought the drop rate had been set at about 2%? since the commendations had been added last week!
  8. I just kitted out both with my duplicate PVP kit, to be honest they both hardly get used as I am mostly PVP'ing or what Bioware calls PVP or I am twinking.
  9. I would suggest that you go back to school and learn how to write, trying to understand what you have written is making me want to scratch my eyes out!
  10. I have just swapped to Combat Medic, Expertise is at 629 or so and I am still getting to grips with it after playing Gunnery and Assault so long But I am now a lot harder to kill and the damage is not bad either. Charged Bolts are hitting for 2k plus and the cast is by 1.3 sec.
  11. Nein das liegt nicht an die Rüssi, Focus ist Focus, da beisst jeder im Staub wenn er die Focus ist, egal mit welche Rüssi. Deswegen ist "Focus Fire" so wichtig gegen Heiler.
  12. Zur Zeit Commando Lvl50 mit voll Champion Ausstattung, Schurke ist 20, vom style her total unterschiedlich. Level Speed ist relativ, Schurke ist genau so schnell und durch seine Tarnung muss man nicht jeder Mob mitnehmen, so das man viel schneller am Ziel kommen kann.
  13. Fast vergessen, in deine skillung fehlt "Sturmsoldat", das ist 2 Punkte die quasi jeder deine besten Angriffe was, also Pflicht. Versuch mit http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bcMZ0cZbIMrzGGMs.1
  14. Feld-Ausbildung ist ein Pflicht Skill, Punkt. Egal welche Skillung. Ruhiges Zielen bringt keine vorteil und die Punkte sind besser woanders, überhaupt 10 Punkte in Artillerist sind nicht notwendig, besser ein paar punkte in Gefechtssanitäter um die Überlebenschancen zu verbessern. Zum Leveln und PVP bis 50 würde ich eh auf Artillerist gehen, die Damage ist bis dahin auf ein anderer ebene und nichts anderes kommt annähernd dran. Auf meine weg um 50 hatte ich vieles ausprobiert aber nur eins taugt für alles, jetzt mit 50 und voll Champion bin ich auf Angriffsspezialist geskilled und Heute wird auf Gefechtssanitäter umgekilled.
  15. Just concentrate on Gunnery, its the DPS Spec and is also usable in PVP.
  16. Tryed that, it didn't work, no matter where I was getting a kill nothing was registered.
  17. Well I get home in the afternoon about 15:30, login, get the daily and head to Ilum, after arriving I check to see which Ilum I am, I then ask in General chat for an invite to the Ilum group and head off down to the Rebel Base. On arriving I go over to the group and start shooting at the 100 plus Imperials camping in front of our base. After about 15 minutes I Port back to the Rebel Fleet and hand in the Quest, admittedly the Weekly takes a bit loger but its the same process.
  18. Just place forhead on keyboard, look left and then look right, rinse and repeat!
  19. Cant see the problem with the bags? As Rebel on a Server where the Imperials outnumber us 2 to1, I can get my bags just as fast, infact even faster as I can complete Ilum in a shorter time than the Imperials and I have far faster Warzone invites. Which means I get my Commendations quicker and therefore my equipment faster, so wheres your problem?
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