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Wondering who's getting in when? CHECK HERE.


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It does suck that they quit with so little left, however ... some of us should have maybe

pre-ordered earlier.... I for one didn't do to money problems... but now I have more time for... banging head on keyboard lol


If we did pre-order earlier, we'd still have the same number of people and they'd end up stopping with just as many left.

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Well I finally figured out why I am not in yet, I oreder my copy on 11-3-2011 and just found out that I should have put in my code at my account page right away well I did not until 2 days ago so my fault I did not realize it, the email I got did not tell me to and I thougth I would not be able to until I was ready to start playing. Hope to see you all soon.


I double checked my account because you mentioned this and I did enter it on July 31st. So for me that isn't it. If it had been I would have really been kicking myself.

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Ok let me break it down for you.


1) BW stated that Individuals ho pre order will have up to 5 days of early access dependent on their registration date. December 15th.


1a) BW then extendended this to 7 DAYS as a COURTESY... a BONUS...


Result: ALL, and I mean every single last one of you entitled, spoiled little brats, have NO reason to complain... ZERO... Unless you did not get in today. AND even then if you complain because you only get 4 days of early access instead of the ORIGINAL 5.... Do us all a favor and do not raise your kids the way your parents raised you.


Let me break it down mathematically for you and make it simple. 138 days have passed since the first pre order date. What this means is that 129 out of the 139 days have been accepted. Not taking into consideration the massive difference between pre orders in july and the pre orders between December 6 and 15 you still have them hitting 129 of their 136 days BY the 12/15 deadline. That is 94.85%. In all honesty it is closer to 99% of the pre orders got let into the game with 5 days of early access.


What do I say to that?




Im sorry to break it off like that but I am sick and tired of all these 2 year olds running around that cannot read.


Wicked - Understand the brunt of this message is not towards you. I understand your frustrations but we have to accept it and move on. In a week all will be forgotten as long as the servers remain stable.


I really hope you enjoy your time in game starting tomorrow. Honestly I do Wicked! ;)



Yes, we have all had this established already for the many "2 year olds" as you so decided to call them. They should be thankful for the fact that they will have early game access and at least 4 days still....but you're still not getting it...


In the world of Business, as a business owner you can't sit there and tell clientel "stop acting like 2 year olds, quit your ************, don't raise your kids like your parents raised you"....that kind of attitude is worse than being one of those 2 year olds, even though you're attempting to be one of them, but rather "attempting" to sound mature.....guess what, you still failed....rule #1 of a business: don't expect any clients to be intelligent...make sure everything is set up so clear and dumbed down that even newborns can understand it...rule #2 of a business: the customer is always right...fail to follow this and guess what, you hurt your own company more than you're helping it, and that's a known fact...


So while we may say "OMG 129 out of 139 is so awsome!", to the common consumer, it's far from awsome...they will always be pesamistic but never see the optomistic side, EVER...welcome to American clientel...


5 months in 3 days, 1 week in one day... oviously they don't care about any other factor, that's what they can see...


OR they actually can see it in an even WORSE light...


160 Day's in 3 day's time, 7 day's in one day's time...


Just think...all they see is that "hey, in a 4 hour period, 3 times now, Bioware got the first 160 day's worth of Early Game Access Codes in...but they couldn't fit only 7 more day's in on the 3rd day? Instead they have to waste an entire DAY just to finish 7 more day's worth?" ....it doesn't look pretty, and believe me when I say this, clientel that is not satisified generally attempt to leave a nasty comment that all can see...


Today we have Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google Plus, texting, cell phones, and many other methods of fast communication....this means that just within a few seconds, to a few minutes, people all over will hear that above comment, followed by a loooooong spewing of false information that will just make Bioware seem so terrible as a company....easily they can loose thousands, tens of thousands, even hudreds of thousands all because of ONE client saying something wrong because they are angry.


Now, what is the smarter thing to do? Clearly it was to get everyone in on this day...even if it meant working over hours...so what if maybe the last wave got people in only 1-2 hours before maintenance, those people wouldn't give a crap, they would have gotten in...the company just stopped a potential loss of hundreds of thousands of future potential clientel. It's also very very close to the holiday's, and guess what, holdiay's are major selling times...if you get all that negative going durring that time frame, sales will go down, not up, no matter what the "hype" was....


But Bioware didn't do what was better for their company in terms of future potential clientel, and this is probably because they had something else that was in need of being taken care of first: also known as a really good reason. But do you really think those "2 year olds" are going to understand any of that? Do you really think any of them will understand any of this???


Of course not...


But the sad thing is that most "clientel" understand the rules of business...as they have been flooded with "the customer is always right" for decades....so they will forever think that they are right, meaning that yes....in their eye's Bioware is evil, Bioware is disrespectufl, Bioware if full of fail, however they may want to word it...


There's honestly no point in trying to tell a group of people who so passionately now hate the company, think it's customer service is the worst out there, and completely forgot about how much worse 90% of the other MMO companies out there really are compared to EA/Bioware....it's how America was raised to think, it's how American's have turned out to be...


I don't blame anyone for being angry or upset. I for one and beyond pissed off that I can't get into the game tonight, I can do the math and the figures and I can understand that it was a very bad business move and that it makes absolutely NO sense what so ever...


As for the "up to 5 days early" crap....you seriously going to try that junk on customers? Look...go to a website...click on a product...guess what, you may see something that says "1 year Limited Warranty" or maybe "Lifetime Guarantee" off to the side or near it...you do realize that 99.3% of the clientel that see's that site and buy's that product will NOT click the link, but rather "assume" that the product they just bought has a 1 year limited warranty or lifetime guarantee? Even if you put the words "click here" under it, they still wouldn't do it, you just reduced the numbers down to roughly 98%....so people would see "up to 5 day's early" and what they understand, is "Pre order the game, and you will be guaranteed 5 day's of early access"...it's inevitable....yes, it was a poor poor poor way for EA/Bioware to advertize their early access....and guess what, people didn't read any fine print or check forums or anyting ot try to understand how the early access works, they simply went out and pre-ordered and then figured that they were guaranteed those 5 days...


YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID....that's a known fact, and both sides made a very stupid, stupid move....


The saving grace, however, is that SWTOR will have a huge fan base SIMPLY for the fact that it has "Star Wars" in the title of it, and EA/Bioware are depending on that for thier main supply of permanent players. The next group is the ones that are tired of the messups that the other companies (mainly Blizzard, Turbine, and Sony) have made with their MMO's, so they are willing to suffer anything to simply play something new....that's their insurance....what does that leave you with? very few player base....enough to get you buy meeting your bills and paying your employee's....but then think a few months down, then a few more months, etc etc. Negativity spreads like a world ending virus, while positivity moves like a sloth....welcome to living as a Human Being, surrounded by Human Beings...it's inevitable...


You see the point? I wouldn't worry about telling others off or trying to make them stop complaining or telling them comments that make you look even less mature, like saying "don't raise your kids like your parents raised you"....just let them flame away and hope that EA/Bioware has a backup plan to recover from the existing (not potential) future clientel loss due to this ONE...small tiny thing of making many players wait for just one more day.




So I may be very upset with the fact that I didn't get into the game tonight, BUT, I am more than certain that it was because there were other issues that clearly had to be taken care of first that were more important, and I understand that EA/Bioware is willing to sacrifice a lot of potential business due to the importance of the other issue...


Do I hate them? No...

Will I continue to recommend the game? Of course!

Am I going to quit? ...why? All because of one stupid extra day I have to wait? Big deal...


But i'm not like the majority of American Consumers.... ;)

And I"m not like a large majority of people who just felt like they got screwed.


All in all though, you'll always have the negative side of a business, and you'll forver be surrounded by people that need their hands held each step of the way.

Edited by GreyJediBajorek
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Actually rule #1 is that the customer is always right. I don't agree with that but when you want to make sure that your customers continue for return business you bend over backwards to appease them.


Now, in an mmo where there are literally millions of people as customers you accept that you cant appease everyone. You do your best and hope that the majority of the clients are taken care of so they spread the word to their friends that this is a great product.


With that in mind your customer service should still look into legitimate claims when it comes to client complaints. Just saying "I want into the game now" is not a legitimate complaint. You were promised early access and making it relevant to your pre-order date is fair for everyone. If, however, there are people in the game that pre-ordered after you then I think you have a valid complaint and your voice should be heard.


Of course I do fall into this status so I am a bit biased. I'm not going to throw a fit though, I'll just keep an eye on my email and measure the depth of how much my furrowed brow deepens as they days go by with out my early access email.


/crosses his fingers and hopes for tomorrow

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They stress tested the servers so they have a general idea of how many people can play on a single server, so if they stopped and couldn't let the rest of us in because of not enough servers then shame on them they should of been prepared to handle this situation, but if it has something to do with too many people in the starting zones then I would feel a lot better about waiting to get in.
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lol you'll get in tomorrow, no worries. HOnestly, if people don't get in tomorrow, expect to see some seerious hell on the forums, youtube, forums outside of SWTOR, on facebook, twitter, etc....it will be extremely bad...


So yeah, might as well say you're definately getting in tomorrow. Hell only 8 day's total left, so even at 2 a wave, that's 4 waves...1 a wave, is 8 waves, (like they did today).


Hope you enjoy it!

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12.15.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order


12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order




Wheres my ready to play!!!!!!!


Must have been a lot of people entering in keys on the 7th with me :(

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Well I finally figured out why I am not in yet, I oreder my copy on 11-3-2011 and just found out that I should have put in my code at my account page right away well I did not until 2 days ago so my fault I did not realize it, the email I got did not tell me to and I thougth I would not be able to until I was ready to start playing. Hope to see you all soon.


LOL he full of it aint he he did not register with the forums till 12/2011 and already spamed the forums 105 times:confused:

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I beta tested thanksgiving weekend, was invited back for last test. Based on the most awesome fun we both had playing my wife and I preordered 11/30 (from Amazon) received and entered our pre-order codes same day. Got our EGA a few hours ago EACH!!!. So we in. (on a related note we both live in Australia have just received word from Amazon that our games have been shipped (almost wets self in excitement) 12/15 with estimated delivery 12/21 (from an original est of 12/28 and a 12/21 ship date. Now we have learned that Bioware is giving 2 days grace period from 12/20 launch date. Really can't get much better than this ty Bioware and big ty Amazon. BTW her game is coming from Phoenix AZ mine is leaving from louisville KY LOL!!!. Now ima gonig to play :D
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*cough* I don't feel like reading 30 pages of replies... but I need to point out I have gained access.


Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.

12.15.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

12.07.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Collector's Edition Pre-Order



And As shown I input my code on the 7th...


Got off work and checked the thread, sighed and checked my launcher ;)


Then went and copied my redemption page for you all.


Apparently my email came at 14:44 on the 15th, central time.

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Yeah, we have to wait tell tomorrow, I think its because they have maxed out the servers, for the past 5 or 6 hours they have been bringing online new servers.


List is excluding all the EU servers.


Krath (West Coast PvE)

The Corsair (East Coast PvE)

Ven Zallow (East Coast RP-PvP)

Thana Vesh (East Cost PvE)

Zaalbar (West Coast PvE)


I think there doing this cause they just didn't have enough room to let the rest of us in today.:rolleyes:

Edited by LutherVanguard
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