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2 weeks worth of credits wiped out in a mis-click


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quoted for the truth. Your own fault but most certainly a design flaw. I did it with a speeder, didn't see the level req (stupid) and bought it for 25k, sell back value was 2.5k no idea why but that sucks


It's like buying a car. Spend £20k on it, drive it off the forecourt, and it's suddeenly worth about £15k or soemthing.

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I bought the rank 3 speeder skill as soon as I hit 50, and got the money back before I finished the Ilum story line along one round of dailies there.


Remember, 300k at 50 is not even remotely as "hard" to get as at 40 or before. 300k credits is like (approx.) 30 gold in WoW... yeah, credits = copper.


No big deal, you'll recover in way less than 2 weeks. If you had played instead of making this thread, you'd already have half of it back ;)


Gotta love nerd-rage :p
Only nerd rage I see here is from those who go "whaaa whaaa I lost 300k because I mashed my keyboard instead of paying attention". Edited by Korrigan
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no they should have not put it in with all the other skills. guess what other games like you know WoW have a completely different trainer for mount skills. works just fine in that game. when i go to my class trainer i am going for my class skills not my mount.


God forbid that you actually have to pay attention to what you do.


Yes, that other game did quite a few things to "convenience" players, like teleporting them to instances, allowing full refunds on everything, removing the need to gear up, shortening level times, remove the need to quest, etc.


The lesson here is that WoW owes its massive popularity exactly to the idea of eliminating the concept of player responsability and catering to the minimal common denominator. Not every game has to be like that.


I'm not advocating a better refund system shouldn't be implemented, but I'd like to see all the "WoW is easier/more forgiving" complaints die. It's the entire point of playing something different. I know WoW has taught people that they can mess up as much as they want and anything can be undone, but not every game has to be like that.

WoW is barely a game anymore. It's an interface. You click here, click there, wait, teleport, mash, loot, return to the original point and be done with it. It works, it's very immediate, incredibly forgiving and user friendly, but not every game HAS to imitate it, and I really hope SWTOR doesn't, because the things it does differently from WoW are those that make it worth playing.



Next time read what you're buying. If you're willing to just click everything without reading, you're accepting the risk of screwing up. Slow down and friggin read what you're buying.

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Ouch! That's the growing pains of playing a new game. I guarantee you'll pay more attention next time, and this thread is one way of warning folks about this. I know I've been shocked at some of the training costs going up in level, and I've been watching it closer.


I alos know I've bought some stupid stuff I couldn't use by simply misreading the item and couldn't sell it back to the vendor for anywhere close to what I paid for it, or in the case of Commendations, couldn't get the commendations back.


Them's the breaks, unfortunately.

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Going to have to go with the 'cry me a river camp'.


I don't want to click through a dozen confirmation boxes every time I play to make the game idiot proof.


This. You got what you deserved AND it was something you can actually use.


Slow down, READ what you're mindlessly clicking, and learn.


Developers shouldn't need to worry about protecting impatient fools from themselves.

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People keep saying "mis-click". There was NO "mis-click", the OP DID NOT READ. That was the issue.


You idiocy, carelessness, and not thinking before acting resulted in your loss of credits, not a "mis-click, and certainly not any flaw in game mechanics.



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I'd like to see a more uniform system and an "Option" for a confirmation box.


For instance I Right click to buy things and Left click to move them around MOST of the time, but on occasion a left click will buy items.


Why the switch? At least make it right click only.

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Ahh MMO gamers, taking every opportunity to one-up someone or kick them when they are down. Go ahead, defend a bad system because others have failed at it while you haven't (yet) and it makes you feel good about yourselves.


Sorry to hear about the misclick, OP. They really need to put mount skills on a separate NPC.

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People keep saying "mis-click". There was NO "mis-click", the OP DID NOT READ. That was the issue.


You idiocy, carelessness, and not thinking before acting resulted in your loss of credits, not a "mis-click, and certainly not any flaw in game mechanics.




Actually there is a thing as misclick and you are an idiot. You can accidentally click the wrong area for 100 reasons. If someone pushes you -even lightly- as you are clicking, if your eye are tired you can easily do it or 100 other reason that people make a mistake without making them idiots.


And the game SHOULD implement buy/sell back mechanics. It is VERY common mistake and people have every right to ask for it. Especially if you think how much time support needs to restore an item...


Enough of this. UI has to protect the user when is about to spend a LARGE SUM. Not at every purchase. Just for LARGE sums.


Why do they have confirmation box when you want to quit the game? WHY? One must be stupid if she presses QUIT by mistake. There is no such thing as misclick? Really? Obviously they think THERE IS.

Edited by Rayaleith
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I think the point here is speeder skills cost WAY too much. It shouldnt wipe out every dime youve made to learn speeder skills. Insane how much it costs for only 10% increase.


Riding skills ALWAYS cost alot... in every MMO you pay a gods fortune on them... its "normal".

Just pay attention what you buy and read the description... not rocket science.

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All I can say is that I'm truly sorry this happened to you because you won't be getting those credits back. I do the same thing, click right through my abilities to train them, because I'm not interested in knowing if the new rank of Project does 1% more damage or 1.1% damage than the last rank.


Ultimately, this is a failure of design, putting a massive money sink in the same easily mis-clickable window as your relatively cheap abilities.


wow, when people are too ignorant to read we start to call it failure of design. your right it was a failure of design, for whoever designed anyone that does this. just freaking read what your doing and slow down a bit. this aint game design failure, its basic human stupidity which unfortunately has gotten way worse in video games in the last several years.


so many people keep saying they want a great sandbox, I dont think mmo gamers are intelligent enough to play a sandbox anymore.

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Why would you click it all? Don't you have any sense of how to save money?


Don't just buy everything just because you can. /facepalm Look at what you're purchasing next time. This is no one's fault but your own.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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I haven't done this yet, but I guarantee you at some point I will make this mistake. I'm a fairly attentive person, but everyone gets distracted. I can't be perfect 100% of the time and I wouldn't want to be punished for a mis-click by having to go grind hundreds of thousands of credits.


Yes, it would be my own fault for not paying attention, but seriously, would it hurt anything to have a confirmation? I don't see the value in making the system completely unforgiving. It's suppposed to be fun, after all.

Edited by daemian
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I haven't done this yet, but I guarantee you at some point I will make this mistake. Yes, it will be my own fault for not paying attention, but seriously, would it hurt anything to have a confirmation? I don't see the value in making the system completely unforgiving. It's suppposed to be fun, after all.


"Do you want to click this? Yes or No"


"Okay but, seriously, do you REALLY want to click this? Yes or No"


"Just making sure if you actually want to do this. Yes or No"


" ... Really? Yes or No "


" Sigh, alright then. "


Even though that would be hilarious, how about you try to be smart instead of asking for Bioware to input ways to stop you from being dumb? Look at the price, look at your money, consider the worth and make a decision.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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Speeder skills imo cost way too little. The highest rank of speeder training should be HARD to get, not take 3 days....


It took me almost a month to get the highest rank of flight in WoW... I wish the final speeder training rank was similar.


I already have almost a million credits and have maxed out all my crafting/gathering professions. I'm almost out of things to buy and the game isn't even a month old...


Please drastically increase the price of things. Level 30's complaining about not having credits do not represent the reality of the game.

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Isn't it really weird tho, that the class trainer is the one to teach you how to ride a speeder bike? These skills really need their own NPC. Next to the speeder vendor would make a lot of sense, no?


This. The class trainer is the last place I'd expect Speeder Training to come from. Especially since it's such a huge money sink.

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Speeder skills imo cost way too little. The highest rank of speeder training should be HARD to get, not take 3 days....


It took me almost a month to get the highest rank of flight in WoW... I wish the final speeder training rank was similar.


I already have almost a million credits and have maxed out all my crafting/gathering professions. I'm almost out of things to buy and the game isn't even a month old...


Please drastically increase the price of things. Level 30's complaining about not having credits do not represent the reality of the game.


get a life ^^



this is clearly an oversight in design, its far to easy to buy something

when you just want to see th elook on your character ...


either a confirmation box or a buy-back option for the last few items

also an option to lock items in your inventory to not sell them would be nice

and an option to sell all in the inventory that isnt locked ...


thats standars and theres a lot room for improvments in this area for swtor



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