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2 weeks worth of credits wiped out in a mis-click


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People need to stop being idiots and actually pay attention to what they are doing. READ THE DARN thing. It wasn't a miss-click, it wasn't "bad UI design" - the price was visible, you just didn't bother to pay attention. Same thing would have happened if a confirmation box poped up - yeah whatever give me my skills - bam minus 300k and a whine on the forum asking for a confirm box for the confirm box...
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Whats worse? Blindly clicking new abilities and not even looking at what you get or hitting spacebar through every conversation?


Forever alone at lvl 50: your fault


Wasted your credits because you are too ignorant to pay attention: your fault


If it makes you feel better I misclicked on a conversation on one of my toons and now have 50 LS points...but guess what...my fault....




You don't need to get angry about it. As for you, it is your fault, but that sucks regardless. Though, I didn't even know they had Speeder Training 3.

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Isn't it really weird tho, that the class trainer is the one to teach you how to ride a speeder bike? These skills really need their own NPC. Next to the speeder vendor would make a lot of sense, no?


This makes sense!


Since the advancements in skills is for the most part the tedious "rank X of ability Y", I understand perfectly why some people just click the new skills, then sort it out later. I don't do it necessarily myself but I understand the issue.


Having this expensive driver's license the same place as the normal skills is a trap. Not made on purpose by some evil scheme but still a trap.

As you pointed out, it does not belong with the class trainer. What would a.. say.. Jedi Consular know about riding scooters anyway. :)

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I think the point here is speeder skills cost WAY too much. It shouldnt wipe out every dime youve made to learn speeder skills. Insane how much it costs for only 10% increase.


If you think this way are you sure you REALLY need the +10% speed?

It's not a lot of credits if you're even a bit dedicated for collecting it.

I'd hate if they reduced the costs, moneysinks are fun in MMO's.

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The majority of the responses you get will be from BioWare white-knighting fanboys who will see this as a criticism to the game and tell you it's your own fault for doing this.


On the left is the skill, on the right is the price. How is it NOT his own fault? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

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Ahh good ol' 40k, 210k, 310k speeder prices.


And good old quest rewards that scale up as you level, so that money isn't an issue at all at those levels, unless you are incredibly stupid with your money.



As people have said, you can easily make 200k a day at 50 doing the dailies, so the 330k is chump change in the long run.

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I do think there should be a refund option for items, but I don't think there should be a refund option for skills. Skills are always useful forever for you, whereas items may not be useful (or even usable) for you. Basically, you can't ever make a mistake of buying a skill (let's face it, you'll get all the skills eventually), but you can with an item.


I do think the speeder cost is a bit high though. I just hit 50 today (still questing through Correlia) and I actually didn't have enough money to get all my skills after buying the speeder skill. I had more than enough to buy the last 5 skills and the level 3 speeder after I finished the axial park area quests, but for a time I had to go around without all my stuff. Atm I'm sitting at 60k after buying my speeder. Of course, I'm not sure where I'm going to spend my credits on now since my crafting is max, except to maybe equip my companions with decent gear, so I guess maybe the cost isn't that unreasonable.

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An easy way to fix this would be to have the speeder skills sold by a separate trainer instead of being listed and sold as part of your regular class skill package. TBH, I did the mistake at level 40 as well.


I did not repeat it at 50 :p


To whoever says that money comes easily at level 50 - do you really thing this solves the issue ? If anything, it compounds it : these are the grounds for massive in-game inflation (which is invariably caused by excessive creation of currency). I would rather have a game where class skills are free and where money is scarcer.

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I do not know of any game with a confirmation window for training skills for your character.

I do think however the skills like Vehicle Training needs to be moved from the class trainer. I wouldn't have this problem you had because I like to read the skills I'm getting before I buy. I train the upgrades of the skills I use the most first and then work my way from there.


Confirmation for cash items I say bah. Commendation and token items I say defiantly.


HOWEVER they need to have some differences in the confirmation windows in the game. The confirmation for "You sure you want to equip this" and "You sure you want to delete this" is so close you really don't notice the difference. Happened to me once cause I tried to equip an item in the wrong slot on my companion and the game thought I was trying to toss the item.


Untill things get "polished" in this regard try to be careful with any purchases.

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Speeder costs too much... really? The game's out for two weeks, and you can afford your top speeder already- you know, it used to take months of farming to be able to afford a top speed mount... course, those who didn't use slicing pre nerf or won't reach Ilum to exploit easy money making there before it get nerfed will probably see themselves spending a month or two farming for that mount.


At least you bought something that is extremely useful to you. It might not have been what you wanted at that moment, but, it's something you would have gotten eventually.

Edited by fungihoujo
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This takes me back to the good old days of people demanding Turbine/Codemasters refund their money for the horse they accidentally sold for just a tiny fraction of the purchase cost. Never mind that you could lock items from being vendored to prevent just that.


Look carefully before you click, Bioware can only do so much to make up for other people's reckless behaviour.

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A customizalble option that would open a confimation window when you're about to buy something for a price higher than X (where X is customizable) would be nice. Im sure we'll come to this someday.


A misclick can happen even if you're paying attention though. We all make mistakes.

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Personally, I think a better solution would be to allow us to sell items back at full cost if we haven't closed the vendor window before. I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten that pressing Mouse 4 (***? Seriously?) will pick an item off the list. Problem is, that's my vent bind, and its been that way since I bought my first 5+ button mouse.


As for the skills, well, that's your own fault. Besides, why are you complaining? Not of that money was truly "wasted", especially the speeder train. Sure it might only be 10% faster than level 40, but you can also take more damage before getting knocked off the speeder. Useful.


That and its a one time cost, and there are plenty of ways to make money.


Last, speeder costs are fine. Its a one time purchase that you can use for the rest of your character's lifetime. Even without slicing nor crafting nor selling crap on the GTN (hate the interface so I vendor everything) my Op that I'm leveling already has 80k at level 24. I know for a fact I'll continue to have enough money all the way to 50 for every ability and speeder rank.


Prices are fine. People just whine because you can't buy all your abilities AND a full set of blues every three levels off the GTN.

Edited by Xontier
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Related and already mentioned is the commendations. I would like to see commendation items be refundable until you log off so that you can get your badges back on a misclick.


I also am the proud owner of a pair of orange boots not meant for my class. Thought I was previewing the item and instead bought it. Badges are easy to come by but all the same I don't want to just chuck em away like that.

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