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2 weeks worth of credits wiped out in a mis-click


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with skills you click on it you buy it.. 300k piloting skill. At lvl 50 I had close to 1,000,000 credits and brought all my skills there and then


perhaps a suggestion would be to have s different trainer sell you riding ranks. Selling abilities back is not something that is normally done.


Thid never happened before wardrobes. Making a buyback option while your still at the vender inan MMO is easier said then done due to potential for exploits and security. If it were me this would be on my to do list but certainly not at the top of my priority list

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I think the point here is speeder skills cost WAY too much. It shouldnt wipe out every dime youve made to learn speeder skills. Insane how much it costs for only 10% increase.


Right, but why do you have to buy it the exact moment you hit lvl 50?

If its only 10% then you could argue its not a necessary upgrade?

Edited by Propanelgen
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You need the skill for speeder driving anyways. The other skills only costs 900 creds a piece at lvl 50 so you can easely do some quests or flashpoints to get the money back.


I'm sorry it happend to you though, i've made the same mistake on vendors.


Yeah I dont know where you found this Class Trainer giving cheap level 50 skills away, most of mine were 11.5k, and a few were 32k each..

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I reached 50 yeaterday and when I went to my trainer was pleased to see a long list of trainable skills rather then the usual one or two you get in the previous levels. I just clicked accept for everything in the list. Switched to the force skills and started to click and accept only to realise I had no credits left. I had almost 400k so where did it all go.


It went on speeder pilot 3 which I hadn't even noticed. Not sure how much it cost but it must have been about 300k. There really should be a way to sell the skill back to your trainer if you make this mistake. I lost all the credits i had managed to accumulate in over 2 weeks play in one mis-click


As much as I like SWTOR, BW, and SW BW projects, I do wish they would add in confirmation boxes for high priced items i.e speeder training, blue "specialty" gear etc.



I also wish they would add better item filter's i.e HEAVY/MEDIUM/LIGHT and make the item picture RED if I'm not high enough level!, so I limit the 53151531 items to the 3-4 that are actually my stats/armor, seriously, no one on the republic side can use snipers.

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All I can say is that I'm truly sorry this happened to you because you won't be getting those credits back. I do the same thing, click right through my abilities to train them, because I'm not interested in knowing if the new rank of Project does 1% more damage or 1.1% damage than the last rank.


Ultimately, this is a failure of design, putting a massive money sink in the same easily mis-clickable window as your relatively cheap abilities.


I agree that this really sucks, my response at current though is

"how could this be improved?"


buyback optoin on skills seems a little funky. I think maybe move speeder training to speeder vendors would perhaps do the trick a little better, or maybe having a confirmation box pop for purchases over 25k credits and all commendation purchases.

Edited by LexiCazam
Trolling - quote
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I reached 50 yeaterday and when I went to my trainer was pleased to see a long list of trainable skills rather then the usual one or two you get in the previous levels. I just clicked accept for everything in the list. Switched to the force skills and started to click and accept only to realise I had no credits left. I had almost 400k so where did it all go.


It went on speeder pilot 3 which I hadn't even noticed. Not sure how much it cost but it must have been about 300k. There really should be a way to sell the skill back to your trainer if you make this mistake. I lost all the credits i had managed to accumulate in over 2 weeks play in one mis-click

That was not "mis-click". You simply didn't botehr to check the prices of the skills before purchasing. So the fault is only yours to begin with.


That said, some sort of confirmation window or similar would be nice for the real "mis-clicks".

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Whats worse? Blindly clicking new abilities and not even looking at what you get or hitting spacebar through every conversation?


Forever alone at lvl 50: your fault


Wasted your credits because you are too ignorant to pay attention: your fault


If it makes you feel better I misclicked on a conversation on one of my toons and now have 50 LS points...but guess what...my fault....




Part of the MMO support is having the tools to reverse these errors. They should have implemented this till the start but ... we have the same talk all the time for so many features/bugs/design flaws that it is not even interesting.

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....and i got a reply within 24 hours


a friend too. and they asked him the vendor :o :O he bought it... and whether it is in his inventory and date and TIME he bought it and the EXACT name of the item and the server name... and the character name...


IN other words they wanted from him to write the WHERE clause for them since they obviously do not have the support tools. And he still waits after 4 days...

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Ultimately, this is a failure of design, putting a massive money sink in the same easily mis-clickable window as your relatively cheap abilities.

No, ultimately it's someone being headless, not looking at what they're doing, making a huge mistake then looking for someone to blame and dig them out of the hole of their own making.


Typical of today: everyone has RIGHTS, no-one has RESPONSIBILITIES and nothing is MY FAULT, someone else must be to blame and it's someone else's job to fix it for me.

Edited by KerinKor
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They need to put a confirmation selection box in.



No need to inflict asinine "Are you sure?" "Are you REALLY sure?" type dialogs to force people to engage their brains, the UI is fine if someone's too lazy to PAUSE AND THINK for a second then it's their own fault when they make a mistake.

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No need to inflict asinine "Are you sure?" "Are you REALLY sure?" type dialogs to force people to engage their brains, the UI is fine if someone's too lazy to PAUSE AND THINK for a second then it's their own fault when they make a mistake.


There is something that is called UI Design which is above your little mind can comprehend. So, just because most of the people are not THAT good as you, they should probably implement it for the ship skill or implement a buy back option. This is the PROPER way of designing.

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I agree that this really sucks, my response at current though is

"how could this be improved?"


buyback optoin on skills seems a little funky. I think maybe move speeder training to speeder vendors would perhaps do the trick a little better, or maybe having a confirmation box pop for purchases over 25k credits and all commendation purchases.


I agree we should pay more attention to what we do but some improvements could be done. Moving the speeder training with the speeder vendors sounds good. Every one can drive a speeder so why buy this skill to a class trainer? It's a misconception.



English is not may motherlangage so, i hope it's understandable ;)

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I did something very similar when I was trying to preview the customizations for your companions on the CE vendor (right on release). Lost 12k but was plenty pissed at the time about it, lol.


I'm still on speeder training 1 on my 50. The cost benefit kills me, I'll dodge more.

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I bought the Rhythm droid from the security vendor for 55000 credits. The info about it is cryptic, and I took it to mean you can use it every 30 mins to summon your party members to you. I then discovered it plays a ****** tune for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.


I got trolled.

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Well this is like...


Focus man?!


It's the same if I gave a homeless man 500 euro bill instead of 5, you're not gonna see your money again!




What's this fuss about credits anyway? 400k? I'm level 13 and I have 120k, I thought the sums will be much higher for end-game stuff.

Edited by Chikai
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I think the point here is speeder skills cost WAY too much. It shouldnt wipe out every dime youve made to learn speeder skills. Insane how much it costs for only 10% increase.


I agree, speeder skill costs way, way too much.

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I did something similar wanting to preview an item when I just started playing.


However, I don't want a confirmation box to pop up on me all the time. Maybe a customizable option of how big a percentage of your total cash an item needs to cost before prompting you for confirmation.


Us who don't want it can just set it to 100% or maybe even a off-button.

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No, ultimately it's someone being headless, not looking at what they're doing, making a huge mistake then looking for someone to blame and dig them out of the hole of their own making.


Typical of today: everyone has RIGHTS, no-one has RESPONSIBILITIES and nothing is MY FAULT, someone else must be to blame and it's someone else's job to fix it for me.


Gotta love nerd-rage :p

Edited by DashFiss
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Too many people need a care bear hand holding.


A prompt when you are spending a lot of credits? what are a lot of credits?


Depending on level, this changes dramatically.


Sure an optional prompt for ANY purchase could be in the game, but this is the OPS fault. It is how it is right now. I bet you'll pay more attention from now on.


Life lesson not JUST for the video game.

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It can be a pain to missclick but seriously what game actually allows you to sell back skills? I wish they would make it possible to sell back an item for commendations for say 15 mins. Although as said its stupidly easy to make more money here just finish up your quests and do the dailies and you will be back to 500k in no time at all.
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