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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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F-. Can you believe there are lots who want to play and light servers as we speak. Even a medium populated server has room. They cant leave early two days in a row so im hoping someone from the bank will show up and tell them that people pay to play. Thats how a monthly sub is. I no its early access but there creating a imbalance. People are power leveling fast. F-
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Your full of crap, EQ launch was plagued with laggy servers -- so much down time, they gave an additional month free.


Seriously? I was there and don't recall SOE ever giving me a free month. The servers were laggy though, especially in areas like EC's tunnel where everyone used to sell/trade. I so miss those days...

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I'll give Bioware an B+. Could they have communicate a little better? I guess. But really, it's the way companies deal with things. If one person is having an issue it gets moved to the bottom of the job stack behind the issue 100,000 people are having.


I believe they're really trying and most people that are complaining barely have a leg to stand on. I was in the first group (Can you tell?). I have had ZERO lag issues. I have had ZERO gliches. Wait time to get onto my server? None. No problems whatsoever.


I still want to know what we're supposed to do if 12/20 comes and our physical box hasn't arrived. I was hoping they'd let me buy a 30-day to cover the gap, but no dice so far. I'm willing and able to pay... Just let me do it, guys. You want my CE CD-key...and I want to give it to you... But I can't until it gets into my hands.


People who were confused about when they'd get to play... I have no clue how you got the impression that it was gonna be a free-for-all starting today. It's a staggered release for Bioware's benefit, not yours. It makes sense and it sucks to be the ones left waiting, I get that. How many more people would be raging if on release day you couldn't even connect to a server because of all the traffic? Maybe that will still happen. But the early release let's Bioware see the ACTUAL server demand and adjust things accordingly. It's not really a stress test. We did that in Beta, we know what the servers can handle... Now it's all about how many users do they need to be ready to serve? How many of those pre-orderers will be be there round the clock taxing those servers? Me? I'm off to bed. You can have my open slot on Lord Adraas until 4:30pm EST tomorrow. ;-) See you then and thanks Bioware... You've exceeded my expectations.

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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.




1: Only a dumba** would take off work/call in sick for a video game. If they scheduled it then they are still getting paid for it more than likely. If they didn't get in then it's their fault not BW cause BW didn't say "Hey we think everyone should forgo their responsibilities and wait for an email that may or may not show up".


2: No comment.


3: After the amount of people who cried and begged and moaned and got angry about not being first wave I would call it for the night and ignore people too.


4: And those who abused that exploit will probably have their characters banned or rolled back to level 1. There is no way we can tell what BW has planned for people who abuse the game like that. Remember GM Island for WoW? I and many others went to that island killed bunnies and got epics, that account is still banned to this day.


5: Maybe they are light because kids have to go to school tomorrow so they went to bed. Or people have to go to work. This morning the servers were all standard to full population.



And why play for your 30 days free....you still have 6 days to cancel your pre-order and get your money back.

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A, probably around a 98%. Smooth as can be, the people complaining make me laugh. The game comes out on the 20th. They moved EGA up from 15th to 13th, and people are STILL complaining. Heaven forbid they play the game a day later, I mean Christ almighty the people are just hilarious. You give them gold, and they say it's not shiny enough.
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Even though I got in in 2nd wave, i'd say D-.


Not because people didn't get in or they had to wait, it was they didn't know WHEN they where gonna get in.


It like owning a bus company that doesn't have any schedules. People don't know when the bus is coming so they sit around, waiting & waiting.. you know that bus may not come by today... its the uncertainty is why I give them a low score.


While I like the effort to keeping the servers from crashing. Waiting with an unknown outcome was a foolish move. People have RL stuff to do, make them feel like you have this organized. Even if they don't get in until the 4th day, at least they are not waiting around wondering!


Something like a chart such as:

Day 1 - July 21-30th Pre-orders

Day 2 - August & Sep Pre-orders

Day 3 - Oct & Sep Pre-orders



This would of been way better and not cause so much anxiety for my members. They could go do their RL stuff.


Just my thoughts.


*Bows with much respect*


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny



OMG someone that feels exactly the same and did get in. Really appreciate that you pointed to the heart of the matter. Thanks for great and truthfull response.

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.




They stuck to their guns, laid out a plan, and executed it. A BIG plus is the didn't give into to all the crybabies who didn't pre-order when they could have.


They've been upfront about the early access system from the begging. If you have anyone to be upset with it's yourself.


If you weren't nerd enough to follow the development of a project as massive as swtor for 4 years, you aren't nerd enough for early access.


In short, quit crying, go back to WoW, and put your fake-nerd tears in crystal vials so you can sell them on the AH. This community doesn't need negativity.


/******** Crybaby thread

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A, probably around a 98%. Smooth as can be, the people complaining make me laugh. The game comes out on the 20th. They moved EGA up from 15th to 13th, and people are STILL complaining. Heaven forbid they play the game a day later, I mean Christ almighty the people are just hilarious. You give them gold, and they say it's not shiny enough.


You are correct, Sir. +1 Internets for you.

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I'm very tempted to give this game up already, not because of how the pre-launch has been handled thus far, but from the level of maturity and rationality I am seeing from the majority of the player base so far...


Yes I pre-ordered. No I did not get in to the pre-launch yet. No, my live is not over. Yes, your life will continue too.

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1: Only a dumba** would take off work/call in sick for a video game. If they scheduled it then they are still getting paid for it more than likely. If they didn't get in then it's their fault not BW cause BW didn't say "Hey we think everyone should forgo their responsibilities and wait for an email that may or may not show up".


I took December 13th to January 9th off. Holidays and some good ole' SWTOR leveling. First vacation in 3 years. I have never taken a day off. If I'm a ******* for using my earned vacation time in a manner I see fit, then so be it.


5: Maybe they are light because kids have to go to school tomorrow so they went to bed. Or people have to go to work. This morning the servers were all standard to full population.


Really? Because my guild was reporting 38 people in starting zones with 0 people in instanced shards in the same zone all morning long and has continued to be the same all day long and into the night. I remember seeing beta queues of 6 hours, but in reality, they were only 10 minute waits ... I don't trust EA/Bioware's server reporting, at all.

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They stuck to their guns, laid out a plan, and executed it. A BIG plus is the didn't give into to all the crybabies who didn't pre-order when they could have.


They've been upfront about the early access system from the begging. If you have anyone to be upset with it's yourself.


If you weren't nerd enough to follow the development of a project as massive as swtor for 4 years, you aren't nerd enough for early access.


In short, quit crying, go back to WoW, and put your fake-nerd tears in crystal vials so you can sell them on the AH. This community doesn't need negativity.


/******** Crybaby thread


Preach it brother preach it.


Amen, hallallouyah


Now to leave work in 3 hours, head home and log back in :wea_09:

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Cant wait to sink my teeth in. Good job guys, seriously, good job.


Let the mindblowing numbers do the talking in a few months. All these fools will be playing happily then along with the rest of us regardless of the "Grade" they give your "Launch"

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haha damn i might have to cancel my preorder...........because the community is full of 14 year old kids full of impatience and crying


The good news, they're apparently all quitting as soon as their 30 days are up (probably would have had to since they don't have a credit card anyway.)


I'm actually impressed with their launch plan to mitigate 10 million people signing up at the same time, I'm not quite sure who will be playing on the 20th since everyone pre-ordered, but still for a soft launch this is going pretty well. I can't wait to get my invite in.

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I give them an A for sticking to the unpopular way it worked out and ensuring no hiccups happened. A controlled release.



That being said, I would give them a D for customer relations. They should have had someone giving us numbers to chew on, like how many total people there were in early access waiting to get in. A very rough estimate on when it will fall into place based on when you registered.


No hiccups? Do you really think there wont be any issues in 7 days when 2million people log on? All they are doing is easing people in, and then suddenly they will hit a stress threshold and **** will happen. Just wait, it is going to come and nobody can stop it, not even BW, wait till all the people who didnt get in the first few days try to cram on the first day servers because their guilds/friends that did get in are on one of those servers, and they are full, and people startt ************ and moaning.


then comes server queues, and all the people not just the people who are still not in or the ones that have been in are complaining, suddenlly those being like look at me I give you an A+ are going to be screaming F, why do I have to wait in a 1200 person queue?!?!?!

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1. Two of the initial 36 servers go down immediately on launch. Yes, if you were up this morning at 7AM, 2 of the servers were already listed as unavailable due to technical problems.


2. AA was still not enabled for Nvidia cards. This is kind of a basic thing. Not sure how they screwed it up. I think you can manually fix it if you edit some .ini files, but seriously, your customers should not have to manually edit .ini files to enable basic features.


3. Managed to piss off a huge percentage of the player base with the most ill-conceived launch plan in the history of MMO's. What a way to set a first impression. I don't care if you think the plan was good or bad, anything that upsets this many customers is a bad business decision.


4. There was a exp exploit that was so basic you almost could not avoid it, causing Day 1 people to level faster than they should and get gear with no effort. How on earth did something this major get by QC?


5. Complete lack of information. It's bad enough that you have customers that paid in full for preorders over 5 months ago that still didn't manage to make it into launch day, but there was zero communication ahead of time and absolutely nothing was done to manage customer expectations. People still don't know when they are going to get to play. This is beyond incompetent from a marketing and PR perspective.



Bioware has managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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To be fair, I'm sure they wanted to address any service/client bugs before the next day batch. To some degree, the first batch was the pre-release testers to catch anything nasty before they crank open the pipe. (Note, I'm also still waiting to get in.)


I can appreciate a good argument.



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