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Swg vs swotr


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I'll bite, i preferred SWG because of player house/cities. The single best crafting and gathering system ever put in to a MMO, and damn we had some good communities on SWG. The WoW community ported over to SWTOR leaves something to be desired and i personally prefer the sandbox nature of pre-Cu/NGE SWG to WoW and games in its mold.


If SWG had been run by any company other than SOE post launch it would still be alive and probably doing better than EVE.

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It was better, servers not crashing every minute, no 1000 gamebreaking bugs,glitches and exploits. So far have not added 1000 crappy features every month that does not work. PVE that is fun and PVP that is not based on mana drains builds by CM with so much imbalance it was a freaking joke, peoplein charge are not ******s and no NGE n the horizon.


NGE killed SWG, I loved SWG but barelyplayed it as most didn't because infact before the NGE the game was going to die anyway slowly because it suckedon so many levels. SWG was always "it has potential" but never once delivered.


SWTOR best PVE in MMO history


PVP lacks player made cities? beats SWG on all the rest,except for casino games and ability to summon myown AT walker to fight by my side and my awesome decorated house.


I think most SWG vets, real ones, take the time to check old youtube vidsand forums and remember how many hours they actualy put into the game. I even made it to get a dark knight in SWG so I know when I say I do not miss SWG, just certain mechanics that never worked well to begin with in SWG.

Edited by TheHirogen
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Pre-NGE SWG was really something special. TOR is good, but aside from the strong single-player style story line, brings few new things to the table.


I don't think you can really compare the two though. They were made in completely different eras.

Edited by Seidex
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Apples and oranges. SWG pre-NGE was a SW godsend.


Was it? really? I loved SWG and yes there is nostalgia but it had soooo many problems, before NGE, there was a reason they released NGE in the first place besides greed and wanting to emulate WoW.


Everyone I knowincluding me quit before CU, came back after and quit after the NGE again. Actual people playing the game was low, most player cities were empty ghost towns before NGE.


WHat was the endgame?either, grind for6+months to be a jedi OR ehm ORlet me think wait, OR pvp? I give up.

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Criticism: Star Wars Galaxies was a fantastic game when it came out. The meatbags at SOE, especially the Julio Torres meatbag ruined any hope that game had. This game is a lot of fun and has finally allowed me to forget the atrocities committed by the SOE meatbags. Edited by nokstar
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Pre-NGE SWG was really something special. TOR is good, but aside from the strong single-player style story line, brings few new things to the table.


cover shooting in a mmo is a huge new twist among other things.

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I would love to take the two and combine them. Here is what I would do:


1. Implement SWG's crafting system in ToR minus putting out visible harvesters and factories.

2. Make ship decorating in ToR exactly like SWG's decorating system

3. Have SWG's space content

4. Have world PvP areas in Tor like Restuss (I haven't PvP'd yet in Tor so...)

5. Have a creature handler style class in ToR

6. ToR Bounty Hunter's could pick up player bounties

7. More detailed saber crafting in ToR

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Was it? really? I loved SWG and yes there is nostalgia but it had soooo many problems, before NGE, there was a reason they released NGE in the first place besides greed and wanting to emulate WoW.


Everyone I knowincluding me quit before CU, came back after and quit after the NGE again. Actual people playing the game was low, most player cities were empty ghost towns before NGE.


WHat was the endgame?either, grind for6+months to be a jedi OR ehm ORlet me think wait, OR pvp? I give up.


You missed the train that had sandbox plastered on the side of it.


More end game content would've helped undoubtedly, but it was a sandbox game meaning player driven content was the primary medium. But whatever, i spent many nights pvping, hunting krayts, geo caves, corvette, never mind the unstoppable force that was everyones desires to max professions to become force sensitive.

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Be honest was this as good as swg or was this as expected after swg?


You missed that boat a while back. If you came to live in a Star Wars galaxy unchecked this is not the game for you. It is a concrete themepark where the story is the main part. You either go with what they have or yer never gonna make it.

Edited by Uben
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I rather have SWTOR add... I will now list only good features that are missed.


Expanded space stuff random encounters pvp etc in space- They are working on that


Player housing in extension one day either player cities or warzones/soveregnity- Maybe one day




Than a SWG today pre NGE.


SWG was a complete broken game from release. PVE was non existing and PVP was broken beyond belief.


BH missions etc.smuggling would be added bonuses and I think crafting is more fun in SWTOR.

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I rather have SWTOR add... I will now list only good features that are missed.


Expanded space stuff random encounters pvp etc in space- They are working on that


Player housing in extension one day either player cities or warzones/soveregnity- Maybe one day




Than a SWG today pre NGE.


SWG was a complete broken game from release. PVE was non existing and PVP was broken beyond belief.


BH missions etc.smuggling would be added bonuses and I think crafting is more fun in SWTOR.


While I am not for him.. I am pretty sure you never played SWG pre-NGE. :rolleyes:

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You missed the train that had sandbox plastered on the side of it.


More end game content would've helped undoubtedly, but it was a sandbox game meaning player driven content was the primary medium. But whatever, i spent many nights pvping, hunting krayts, geo caves, corvette, never mind the unstoppable force that was everyones desires to max professions to become force sensitive.


Like I said I did that, jedi took me 8months I think, afterI got it another month or so to max level after that /quit end sub


krayts fun... pvping against all CM's mana nading you and calling in At-t's and what not,fun, laggy, bugy, more delay on abilities than in SWTOR and snipers, ooh love snipers... corvette was late laaaate and it was over fast faaaaast and the other droid complex was buggy to helll and never got fixed. Yeah, nostalgia for the win, did you actually play it as much as wow or less like everyon else?

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SWG definitely had some really interesting mechanics. Crafting was the best I've seen in any MMO, and the player housing/cities was really cool. That said SWG felt more like work sometimes than entertainment. I have to say that overall I have more fun playing TOR, and it definitely gives me more of a SW feeling.
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While I am not for him.. I am pretty sure you never played SWG pre-NGE. :rolleyes:


former bria player dark jedi master, had a million faction points at t all stuff. You are clueless.


first class teras kasi master


also loved commando and did combat medic. loved my launcher pistol and running from bounty hunters grinding killing rancors to level up as jedi

Edited by TheHirogen
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former bria player dark jedi master, had a million faction points at t all stuff. You are clueless.


first class teras kasi master


also loved commando and did combat medic. loved my launcher pistol and running from bounty hunters grinding killing rancors to level up as jedi


Not clueless enough to not know faction was capped at lower than 1 mil pre NGE... :rolleyes:

Edited by Uben
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Considering the number of people working on SWTOR who were at SOE and worked on SWG, I think this thread is rather pointless. Think about it, kids, it was developed in the same town even - Austin, Tx. - so it isn't a surprise. It was a revolving door from SWG to SWTOR, including the producer of SWG at the time of the CU and NGE fiascos, who is now the guy in charge of SWTOR development - Dallas Dickinson.
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Oh i played WoW more in terms of time investment no doubt. Did i enjoy it as much when i was playing? Hell no. I spent 4 hours a night face palming at idiots in vent and in game while raiding 4-5 nights a week. WoW was a time sink and a very shallow investment of that time. I literally, for the last 4 years of that game only logged in to raid and even then it was often a joyless endeavor. But if you want to equate time spent between the games to enjoyment then by all means.
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