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I'm still waiting for the argument that op/scoundrel is balanced.


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Nope, more like I dont deal much damage in 2-3 attacks unlike burst classes. I need like 10 global cooldowns to get someone down... because Im sustained damage lol. Who's gonna let me stand next to them for 15s?


Chase them.

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Good Gunnery commando's kill good Imperial Operatives. Imperial Operatives can kill many classes easily. But a good gunnery commando will destroy an OP.


Holy **** I would love to 1v1 you as literally any class to help you realize how utterly horrible your class is at 1v1.

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part of it is expertise, that is why you see 50s 3 shotting people and critting for like 6-8k


remove expertise from the game and like 90% of the problems in warzones disappears


Yes, the 10% damage that expertise gives you with a full champ set is really gamebreaking. Thats like...a whole extra 600 damage on a 6k hit.

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The current problem with Operatives / Scoundrels is that they do WAY to much damage and can take quite alot of dmg to put down, and lets not forget their ability to disappear and run away/ come back and instagib you.


I think BW should take the Team fortress approach with the spy, keep them as they are damage wise but greatly reduce their hp, for them to play their original roll as a glass cannon.


Operative is the most squishy class ingame right now :rolleyes:

Edited by BobaFurz
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There is no valid argument that Op/scoundrels can make, they're OP as hell and need to be nerfed. There is no reason someone should be able to kill you in 3 seconds from 100% to dead in a single CC knockdown. It's broken as hell and needs to be fixed.


What perplexes me to no end is how the developers don't actually know this. It shouldn't be necessary to have this conversation on a forum. There aren't that many classes and there was a closed beta test which by the way, told the Devs. how OP Operatives and Scoundrels were.


If I was a developer of a game with this budget and number of sales, I'd "KNOW" first hand what the heck was happening and not need to rely upon a message board.


Either the Devs don't care at all, or the priority of PvP on its list is at the bottom.



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You don't know what you are talking about. OP/Scoundrel only have instant heals when specced for it otherwise we have to spec the other tree for the knock down. We can't have both so you don't know what you are talking about.


This is a gear game, if you don't have it then you lose.


I know if a Sith Assassin has gear he will destroy my butt when the knockdown where's off. Plus he can just sprint away. All the classes have their pluses and minuses well except Sith Warriors/Sentinels. I feel for those guys.

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38, and I'm fighting anywhere from 20-50. Almost all of them are able to stun lock me even when my resolve is full, and do insane burst. 2.5k is the smallest critical hit I've seen from the CC melee strike BS.



....the whole classes are unbalanced at low and mid level. What about you try a lvl 15 sorcerer/sage and a lvl 15 operative/scoundrel and compare.


Do you know why the operative is the least played class ? Because the class sucks and is weak in pvp until almost lvl 40 and most people on weekend beta only played to lvl 30ish around. Thats the truth and the truth is also that Sorcer and his mirror class is powerfull from lvl 10-50.


Go try an operative and get into the battlegrounds, I bet you quit before lvl 25 out of frustration. :o

Edited by BobaFurz
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I see no reason for there to be a post about op/scoundrel being balanced.


I can only assume you have no idea how to PvP, I've had no issue dealing with them EVERY SINGLE MATCH by using the abilities at my disposal as a Jedi Sage.

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I am in full champion gear with one off-hand piece that is centurion. The only way I can possibly deal with operatives is to only use my CC breaker when they use hidden strikes, and then quickly stun them, until I can get back out at range where I can kite them.


Yeah this makes it so that the op doesn't kill me EVERY time... but having a class that I have to specifically worry about above all others should be the sheer definition of OP.


You are absolutely correct. If Operatives are the only class that you have to specifically worry about, then your class should be nerfed. =oP


Originally Posted by Paltu

There is no valid argument that Op/scoundrels can make, they're OP as hell and need to be nerfed. There is no reason someone should be able to kill you in 3 seconds from 100% to dead in a single CC knockdown. It's broken as hell and needs to be fixed.


Three seconds is only two GCD's. Grossly exaggerating is not going to help your cause.

Edited by Dusksoverture
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Concealment Op's are pretty much a copy paste of rogue's from WoW. They have damn near every single skill rogue's in WoW have and then a few more. :X Only got a lvl 30 Op so far but it's broken. lol


Just look at hidden strike it's pretty much ambush and cheap shot mixed together. It's GLORIOUS! XD


They can spec to make their ranged 50% slow have a 2 sec immobilize as well which ignores resolve :D


The dmg outside of the opener is pretty lame but who cares when the opener pretty much decided the fight?


They have vanish, cloak, a root/CC break.


The only thing this class/spec doesn't have is a shadowstep style gap closer :( I am disappoint.


Lack's the defensive abilities rogue's have but has enough CC/escapes to make up for it.

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Concealment Op's are pretty much a copy paste of rogue's from WoW. They have damn near every single skill rogue's in WoW have and then a few more. :X Only got a lvl 30 Op so far but it's broken. lol


Operatives do not have Sprint (50% from Advanced Cloaking doesn't matter b/c it's tied to Cloaking Screen), Preparation, Dismantle, Garrote's silence, a passive 70% snare, Gouge, Shadowdance, or, as you mentioned later, Shadowstep.


Other than that, yeah they're totally the same.



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Just look at hidden strike it's pretty much ambush and cheap shot mixed together. It's GLORIOUS! XD


That says it all right there, cheap shot and ambush mixed into one. Throw shiv or backstab or whatever the **** its called right behind it and its pretty much a wrap. Split the stun and ambush and it'll better even out their crazy burst, because no one likes having 60% of their hp taken away in 2 gcd while they lay there on the floor wishing their cc breaker was off cd. Anyways, this class has way to much going for it, so i dont see it being this way for to much longer. So if your one of them, id go ahead and get your kicks in, because their about to take the bat to it.

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In a 1v1 fight on equal level, operatives will win.



All they got to do is use an opener, do as much damage as possible, then vanish.



On top of all this, flashbang still last 8 seconds in pvp.



And in a team game, what are the odds of a geared operative being focused enough before he vanishes?

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As a lvl 50 Powertech Tank Spec with majority Champion gear... (~50-55% passive PvP damage reduction dependent on which stim is active) I don't think I should be getting hit for 4.5k followed by a 3.5k hit. Seems a little over the top for damage to a tank.


The OP/Scoundrel is definitely the class I look out for since they seem to drop me significantly faster than any other class.

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As a lvl 50 Powertech Tank Spec with majority Champion gear... (~50-55% passive PvP damage reduction dependent on which stim is active) I don't think I should be getting hit for 4.5k followed by a 3.5k hit. Seems a little over the top for damage to a tank.


The OP/Scoundrel is definitely the class I look out for since they seem to drop me significantly faster than any other class.


do you not see the irony in what you just wrote? You shrug off every class and spec, but IA ops.

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Anyways, this class has way to much going for it, so i dont see it being this way for to much longer.


Like what? All they have is burst. Their only gap closer is a 2-second root limited to only 10 yards on a 12-sec CD, and their only utility is an OOC group stealth that lasts for 15 seconds.

Edited by Dusksoverture
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Level 50 Concealment Op here, and I don't have any champ gear yet.


Cunning: 1100

Endurance: 1050

Crit Chance: 38%

Crit Damage: 80%

Accuracy: 97%


Don't know my power.


All my gear is 116 rating with some 126 I believe, and I'm squishy as hell. Not sure what the OP is talking about. If I do not kill someone in my opener then I am dead as dirt. Plain and simple.


Almost every other class destroys me unless I get the jump. And there are some classes that even if I get the jump I still can't touch them...like Vanguard's.

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That says it all right there, cheap shot and ambush mixed into one. Throw shiv or backstab or whatever the **** its called right behind it and its pretty much a wrap. Split the stun and ambush and it'll better even out their crazy burst, because no one likes having 60% of their hp taken away in 2 gcd while they lay there on the floor wishing their cc breaker was off cd. Anyways, this class has way to much going for it, so i dont see it being this way for to much longer. So if your one of them, id go ahead and get your kicks in, because their about to take the bat to it.


Backstab comes next while theey're on the ground then a shiv and a lacerate...then you respawn and I restealth with all my CDs ready to go again ;D


Op's lack the difficulty rogues had as well...no combo points and keeping up your recuperate style skill is optional.


http://www.torhead.com/ability/dfFKTKV <--- acid blade.


Acid blade > hidden strike is = to mixing garrote, ambush, cheapshot, and the talent that gives you ArP for x seconds after opening. :o Best skill/combo in the game.

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part of it is expertise, that is why you see 50s 3 shotting people and critting for like 6-8k


remove expertise from the game and like 90% of the problems in warzones disappears


This ^, this is why I hate games with PvP stats.

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