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Too many Elite mobs ingame..


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I agree with the OP, this is especially true at level 50. I have a healing spec traited sage and if the pull isnt perfect its a wipe, I get sick of the repair bills. So sick I figured since I will die at least once between the boss and me I just run the gauntlet and die at the end to not have to fight throuigh the grey semi elite mobs. When we get a pather joining a fight, my companion usually (not always but usually) dies because I cant keep up the heals, esp if its a gold mob that we got flung to as well. I understand some fights should be challenging, but save it for the end, combat just takes way too long for my class who has no specs for dps. Nadia works good but again with light armour she can't take a beating. I got no prob with fighting 4 or 4 regular mobs at a time, its the gold and silver in every mob i pull that annoy me when I solo.


SWTOR could introduce a difficulty slider. but in some games i saw this in, while it made alot of people happy (those who love every fight to challenge them and make them sweat) it didnt seem to fix i all together. I have died so much in this game its not even funny. Yea sure some people may laugh cuz i am a healer not realizing my biggest heals have VERY long inductions, by the time i cast them, my companion is dead and me soon to follow.


For now I will run to the end, die and fight till they make it more enjoyable for us who dont prefer to spend an hour or more on a single mission because fighting so many mobs takes forever for certain classes . For *me* it ceases to be fun when every fight makes you work hard like that. Sometimes I just want to fight with my companion not heal us for our lives.


I am leveling my Trooper and smuggler next so we will see how those classes compare to my squishy sage. For not being level 50 doing solo missions make me hate my healer less and less each day, and i use to love her while leveling. Not so much now. My tropper I am loving, she heals, and has crazy dps. I love it. Healer? meh, needs work.

Edited by Coeru
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Totally disagree. If the mobs were any easier, they'd hand you their loot and just kill themselves when you show up. Even gold elites (baring the odd high hit points named boss) are pretty straightforward if you know how to play your class and your companion.


Learn to adapt and play the environment, you know, like you have to do with any MMO, IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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I think if you don't picture them as elites but think of it in more of a scaled fashion it feels more fitting. The only mobs that one might truly define as elite are "champion" mobs. I think this tiered mental approach especially makes sense given how 'regular' mobs tend to feel weaker at-level then standard at-level regulars of the couple other MMO's I've played.


Tier 1-- Cannon fodder with virtually no challenge (other then damage if you forget to burn them before that strong/elite in the same pull)


Tier 2 ( i.e. strong)-- Tougher mobs that should be beatable without any overt alteration to strategy over your standard pulls/rotation methods



Tier 3 (elite) -- Bonafide tough mob where you actually have to factor in how you approach them and if you screw up (getting adds/hitting the wrong key here or there, poor resource management) bad things can happen



tier4 (champion)-- Exceedingly tough that requires you to really play to the top of your abilities to defeat, some of them still not soloable at level regardless of if you do everything right





Strong and elite mobs are something of a blockage to the linear steamroll one might be accustomed to in traditional general leveling content, but I think the place they are rightfully placed and make you think about how you approach pulls instead of just a sstream of wanton carcasses with little to now effort put into any given pull.

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I was just thinking yesterday how much more entertaining the game is because im facing mobs that are actually decently challenging.


It would be way too easy to just aoe down a bunch of common mobs on my saboteur smuggler (it already is) but having tons of silver and gold mobs makes it challenging.


I like it.

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Why exactly is this a problem? I rather like that the mobs of cannon fodder are littered with the occasional slight challenge. And I really like that major quests are usually capped off with a moderate boss fight.


The only thing I dislike about it is how Elites can vary in difficulty from easy , to manageable, to ***-****** impossible at the exact same level simply because they have the perfect ability list to shut down your every mitigating ability.


I went straight from fighting hard, but manageable sith at the end of act 1 Jedi Knight who were story important, to non-important, unnamed sith the next quest who could basically tear me and Kira in half even if I used stims, all my defensive cooldowns, and couldnt even use kick because none of it was interruptible

Edited by Wingofbenu
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Its people like you <Andryah > who post because you only love to read your words over and over. Whenever anyone has trouble only people like you have to comment to tell then how stupid you think they are or how if anyone struggled with anything, its all because they can't play their class and your the expert. In case you didnt know not every class is the same in this game, maybe you need to know how to play or go back to wow please. I am obviously not alone in this, and in case you didnt know not every mob drops loot, even at level 50 the loot is laughable. If I get 200 credits off a mob cuz I killed it in 10 seconds rather than 30, that somehow makes it less fun? Get a life. Edited by Coeru
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I actually like hunting down the elites. Although I think they should at least drop something that makes it worth the effort to take them down.


Most of the elites I kill drop junk loot, and very rarely a green/blue/purple item.




I have more of an issue of the "Here fight a boss and multiple adds right after leaving a voice-over" with zero time to prep. This of course is only really an issue on my inq, as she is squishy.


Well elites are very common and not super super challenging, like someone else said in this thread you should think of it like champions = elites and they do drop pretty good loot on occasion (if its not a heroic 4 area and its a champion out in the wild good loot chances are usually higher)


I really enjoyed taking down champion mobs either solo or with a friend its alot of fun and its pretty challenging.


I dont really think of silvers as anything different then normal mobs because there is usually just 1 other common mob with them and it usually takes about the same amount of time to kill a group of uncommons (well actually it depends if im single targetting its about the same, if there isnt a bunch of melee and i can aoe them down its significantly faster for common mobs , gunslinger saboteur FTW)

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The most annoying thing I've ever experienced. I don't mind a challenger with a light saber here and there; but when a fat piece of garbage soldier holding a rifle requires every cd I have in order to beat it really pisses me off. Jedi are suppose to be the strongest especially considering the questline making you seem unbeatable.
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Too many Silver Elites in general grinding/questing areas, imo.


And do we really need almost every single quest to end with a Gold Elite(usually with multiple mobs around him)?


The ones I hate is where the zone/group/class area quest is at the end of a tunnel network so I fight my way through these combinations of silver and other mobs (and the odd gold one). Get to my nice class/zone/group bit and clear that (with the advantage that nothing in that bit will respawn) but then have to fight my way through all the other crap in that tunnel again afterwards. No wonder you frequently see people running through without fighting and just trying to outrun the mobs.

Edited by Xerda
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Its a very harsh response but l2p?


Really yesterday I did part of Mako's storyline, I'm not gonna spoil everything but lets just say I was a bit underleveled and the mobs hit hard. Concussion missile on one, burst down the non-stunned one. Let Heat go down, heal, then hammer the second one.


This was on the second attempt mind you, my brain fried and I forgot about concussion missile the first time lol (was a epic fail moment for me) and was owned for it.


I like the fact that this game throws in the odd Elite to make you think "Oh fu*k" especially if you pull the Elite without actually knowing its an Elite (Like my Younger Brother has done, lucky I noticed he pulled it)


No they aren't challenging really but can make a normal pull into something hectic if you fu*k up and get an add or something.


Personally i'd be up for MORE Elite mobs patrolling to make questing that little bit more difficult, also it would help people who aren't good as instances (and do stupid things like pull adds while the tank is already engaged) get used to looking for adds etc.

Edited by CptBrit
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I am by no means an expert at this type of combat, but I do like the fact that the quests pose challenges like this. I found learnt a lot about my current class (Sniper) with the elite encounters as I levelled, but clearly not enough to have prepared me for the end encounter in Act 1. :D But that taught me a whole lot more too. Don’t wish for easy questing, the occasional challenge helps train you for harder content.
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Too many Silver Elites in general grinding/questing areas, imo.


And do we really need almost every single quest to end with a Gold Elite(usually with multiple mobs around him)?


This game is way too easy as it is. You can easily solo 1 - 50 in a couple of weeks, and I have yet to meet any "elite" that was challenging.


I really don't think you have a legitimate beef here.

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I totally disagree here - the game is just fine difficulty wise. It's actually NICE, for a change, to sometimes encounter a real challenge while leveling where you could eventually DIE!


I like it. I'd actually like it even a bit harder, with more areas where you also have patrolling mobs, it would also make the world feel more "alive".

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It's fine the way it is but they could make the mobs group up a bit more, when you are AOE specced and 2-5 mobs are ranged and spaced out and you cant use any of your aoe's properly. This only applies to solo play.
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Hmm, I have only had a problem with strong mobs once, when I was supposed to lure them and they overran me until I got 2 levels above them.

What I was really mad about was when a normal mission bonus asked me to kill an elite Sith Apprentice. She had 75k hitpoints. I managed to get her to 50k and died. So I skipped this bonus quest. Oh and two times with my smuggler a mission requred me to run through lvl 50 elite mobs. No other way but to "die through" them was possible. Bad design I say.

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