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This game has a short shelf life - PvE and World PvP are colossal failures


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WoW is at no point considered balanced. Especially not now.


In case you hadn't noticed, WoW is no longer at any Tournaments either(not counting blizzcon), because it's PvP is a joke.


SWTOR has a chance at decent PvP because it's classes are balanced, if they improve animations and responsiveness it would be a very good PvP game. At least as MMOs go.


Also you have no idea about coding, they can actually fix those problems in a patch.


Class balance aint why it was dropped. Blizz had some arena issues at launch of cataclysm and and they couldnt/want provide MLG with special client with 3.3.5 patch. Thats was enbd of its MLG tourney. If blizz had interest on arena anymore they would get it back to MLG

now. You will never see rreally competetive system in warzones, only way is to create arnea kinda warzones with lesser numbers and make it based on ladder system I doubt that you are in any position to talk about any serious PvP and if you havent noticed how bad the combat system is like most PvP players in this game u are really awful or just mediocre in this game.

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So many reasons I could list to why this game sucks so bad right now and I am really sick of people saying its the first month, wait till the first patch/update and so on. No, the game was not worth what I paid for it and was not even close to what I was lead to believe it was going to be, at all, in any form. Its a solo game with a couple of MMO factors built into it and I have to say once you hit lv20 the game gets so boring it starting making me miss SWG and more so send a letter of thanks to SOE for making such a great game I got to play for all those years.


There is not just one or two of us saying this game bites, its loads of us and if you go in game and read the chats, you can see a lot of us are not happy.


I know what you are thinking, so stop playing the game right? That is the plan and its a shame, because like so many others I waited years for this game to come out. Since 2008 I been here and I feel we have the right to say,, *** BIOWARE!! ***!

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Any MMO veteran will tell you right now that it is way to early to tell whether this game will flop or not. It completely depends on how fast bioware fixes their issues with the game, adds new end game content and implements features.


If bioware developers are diligent in the development process and the community managers are social about changes and ETA's this game could do very well.


If not well....

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If you want to use the "WoW at launch" arguement.


Take a look at Rift, don't come in with "oh rift sucked bla bla". Just take a look at its launch, it was a fairly low budget game (compared to SWTOR) and it had nearly everything functionality wise that SWTOR misses, including a delay/lag free combat system, customisable UI, macros and dynamic world events, a combat log, target of target, outfitter system and many more quality of life refinements where they went one further and improved on what they had taken from WoW.


Rift was a game with shorter development time and a smaller development team, a much lower budget. Their game wasnt as big or flamboyant as SWTOR is, but it was working at launch with almost all the features that many people consider important, such features that you would find in the 7 year old polished WoW.






The only arguement I will see, and I ever see is that people will come in troll mode "Oh but Rift SuXx".



Rift also launched with almost no content. Rift did the small things, but good luck actually having things like lore, story, and voice over. It's clear where Bioware had its priorities. These small things will come... Bioware took care of the big things first.

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Rift also launched with almost no content. Rift did the small things, but good luck actually having things like lore, story, and voice over. It's clear where Bioware had its priorities. These small things will come... Bioware took care of the big things first.


Almost no content?


How so?


Lots of FP's, 2 ops, 3 warzones, open world pvp, Ilum, That is good enough for now. Next month get a new planet and FP.


Unless I totally missed it and you meant features... Which are controversial to the community e.g. LFG tool.

Edited by darthdoll
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I have to say that the opinion of the OP is too subjective.


It's ok to have your opinion but your making a prediction and accusation at a level that can be offset by a number of things no one can see. Considering your not level 50 yet I doubt you could prove to be the epitome of expert MMO designs. thats not an insult either, I just think your not qualified to make such an accusation.


The game is just too new, and I can't help but see you drawing your comparisons to WoW which most hardcore MMO players tend to do so frequently. I think it's an unfair comparison considering WoW has had almost a decade of experience and time now and they have their battle scars to prove it. I only compare WoW to anygame by it's base never it's core because why play any other MMO if the core mechanics you like already exist in the game your playing? makes sense right?


So if your not happy with the game, why torture yourself and continue to play? Just take your money and wait for the improvments. Personally I think everything is great. I have a life so im not gonna dedicate my soul to every little naunce this game has and it's already obvious the game has bugs, programming takes time, be patient. It's gonna get better and will have a helluva long shelf life than I think your predicting.


PvE will improve

PvP will improve

the game will overall improve


It's Bioware, have faith.


This is right on the money.

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Er. Ilum isn't that great yet. There's not any actual PVP, most times opposite faction members just stay out of their counter-parts way and just complete the daily's and weekly's. The Ilum map is huge, a little too huge seeing as not a lot of players play.
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Er. Ilum isn't that great yet. There's not any actual PVP, most times opposite faction members just stay out of their counter-parts way and just complete the daily's and weekly's. The Ilum map is huge, a little too huge seeing as not a lot of players play.


It's not really BioWare's fault if people are carebears, let's be fair.


As long as there is Republic on Ilum I will kill everyone I see and there will be PvP.


Ilum is the only thing I'm not commenting on here because I haven't experienced it, good or bad. But everything else stands.

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Rift also launched with almost no content. Rift did the small things, but good luck actually having things like lore, story, and voice over. It's clear where Bioware had its priorities. These small things will come... Bioware took care of the big things first.


Rift had story and lore, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it didn't exist. As for voice overs, are you kidding me? Yeah, voice overs are completely original and new, they don't make people stay subscribed to an MMO for long. They don't even add to an MMO, which is why most people are just space barring through all of it in this game.

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Rift had story and lore, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it didn't exist. As for voice overs, are you kidding me? Yeah, voice overs are completely original and new, they don't make people stay subscribed to an MMO for long. They don't even add to an MMO, which is why most people are just space barring through all of it in this game.


You != most people.


In my experience, every single person I've spoken to listens to all the dialog.

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It's not really BioWare's fault if people are carebears, let's be fair.


As long as there is Republic on Ilum I will kill everyone I see and there will be PvP.


Ilum is the only thing I'm not commenting on here because I haven't experienced it, good or bad. But everything else stands.


Ilum is all objective trading atm because there is no reason to kill anyone, there are rewards for capturing objectives but nothing for holding them or killing anyone so its in your best interest to just swap objectives to get the daily/weeklys done.

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Let me start off by saying that I love SWTOR. It's already provided me with hours of fun. The stories for every class are so engrossing and fun that I had to reroll 3 times and level all the way to 20 before I stuck to one, and I will definitely be leveling every class to 50 for that story.


The combat is exciting to watch, and I love that there are different animations for most abilities.


PvP is the best balanced I've ever seen in an MMO, which is probably going to change given the amount of terrible players complaining on the PvP forums right now.


Now for the bad, Flashpoints are a joke, they are boring, even by PvE standards. The story's are weak and dont even warrant paying attention for even your first run-through. Which is sad, I could forgive the copy-paste wow dungeon format if they contained a well written story or tied into the overall story or my classes story. But they don't. They are tacked on to a silly dungeon.


Bosses are unimaginative and too easy, I haven't seen one single interesting mechanic. Most of the encounters have stuff that I see in low level WoW dungeons. Nothing but tank and spank with a few "don't stand here" abilities, or something to interrupt. Flashpoints are also loaded with pointless incredibly boring and non-engaging trash, Boarding Party has been the worst of this so far, it's absolutely filled to the brim with the most excruciatingly boring trash.


World PvP is a failure from what I've seen so far. Maybe Ilum will be different, we'll see, but as far as I've seen in the rest of the world, it's a fail. The biggest reason for this seems to be faction imbalances and instancing. There are so many private instances that you barely ever see the enemy. I'm almost level 40(with two level 20s), and I have seen a grand total of ONE republic player outside of Warzone. I'm also playing on one of the most heavily populated PvP servers. There's no incentive for world PvP. No points of interest to draw people to engage in World PvP. Maybe it's because I haven't leveled as Republic, but I don't even know where any republic bases even are on any of the planets.


So I will continue to play TOR for the story and the very balanced PvP, but if the PvE and World PvP are not changed heavily then TOR will not keep subscribers once people have leveled to 50 a few times.


PS: I won't go into it, but there are a few other problems, ability delay is frustrating in PvP and combat seems clunky, this can easily be fixed. Mods and macros need a place. Half of the reason I find myself bored out of my brain in these Flashpoints is because I don't have a damage meter my progress, I can't even tell if I'm doing good. What's the damn point? I don't care about orange pixels. I care about beating other people.


PPS: there's a LOT of bugs, get fixing.




Taral V boss before they nerfed it. Now trust me, that boss was FUN. 2 hours to finally figure out the correct strat

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These are all your opinions. The game will have a short self life for you. There's a key distinction there.


I guess there is none. But we will see in 2 weeks when those 30 days end.

As he said, if I subscribe it's not due to a MMO, it's because the single player part of this game, named "voice acting".


Sooner or later everyone will lose interest and trade it in for the next blockbuster RPG.

Maybe for Risen2?

Edited by squiek
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It's not really BioWare's fault if people are carebears, let's be fair.


As long as there is Republic on Ilum I will kill everyone I see and there will be PvP.


Ilum is the only thing I'm not commenting on here because I haven't experienced it, good or bad. But everything else stands.


This is the argument I heard over and over in Warhammer. People avoided combat in RvR zones and ran to PvE objectives because they gave PvP rewards, then wondered why the PvP sucked in the game. The PvP sucked because it was designed to reward players for avoiding combat. That's a design flaw, not a player flaw. Players will always take the path of progression. This brilliant argument of yours didn't prevent players from leaving Warhammer by the tens-of-thousands once they experience end-game RvR.


How Mythic could make the mistake of basing an open RvR zone around PvPvE once again is just beyond me.

Edited by Mannic
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