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Why is everyone so impatient and unfriendly?


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I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


OP... I don't know what to say.... I love this post... the only thing funnier than your post are the people taking it seriously.

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Hi drbeat. I wondered this also. I believe it is due to playerswho where involved in the creation of the game feeling under seige by unhappy customers. Rudeness is the chosen defense of the lazy and arrogant. Since the knowledgable people are being cold it trickles down and ends up becoming rampant.


the game itself also promotes unfriendliness. We are spread out with poor means of travel.


Impatience is easy to answer. MMos take up alot of time. People have to struggle to get done what they want to get done.

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I like how people say WoW brought up MMOs, but all it has done is ruin them, steal ideas and take credit for originality, make everything so easy a Caveman can do it, and overall ruin the communities. I played MMOs about 5 years before WoW came out, my first was when Runescape first launched and I was like.. 7ish.


To be fair i don't think WoW ever took credit for being original, it's some of their fanbase that's cluelless and thinks they are.

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We're not your psychologists. We're here to play a game, I find it unfortunate whatever personal problems you're having, but I don't care about them. Nor do I really care about the people I'm grouped with unless they prove to be exceptional players.



If you're pulling and progressing the dungeon, I will gladly be friendly and social with you.

Edited by kingsab
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We're not your psychologists. We're here to play a game, I find it unfortunate whatever personal problems you're having, but I don't care about them. Nor do I really care about the people I'm grouped with unless they prove to be exceptional players.



If you're pulling and progressing the dungeon, I will gladly be friendly and social with you.



He's kidding.

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Sadly this is true. Which is why I'm in a guild full of like-minded people and the bulk of my socialising is done in-guild.


This is why I won't do PUGs with randoms or other guilds I only do raids with guildies only and once more get to 50 Ill be doing warzones guild only. 8 yr SWG player and 6 yr EVE Online player, the WOW and RIFT gimee gimee gimee!! can go suck one.

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I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems...



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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


Why do you care what my A/S/L is? You some kinda perv stalker?:p

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Same drawbacks as other mmorpg's which is an issue.


Has a few issues it shouldn't have 2011 new experience or not.


Took one truely huge step forward which was story that's it. Don't list content I mean hell there were a lot of step forwards with one thing that if combined with SWTOR's story could have less issues, because there could be complaints but if so people would easily be able to say "No not true this is my recording of such and such so your complaint doesn't make sense."


I.E - NPCS are statics as freak now post a video to counter that, thanks.


So for my example there are also little things that grow in a short amount of time.


Some issues were reported in CB all the way till now and are still not fix.


They make it seem as if you'll have to pay an extra 15 dollars just to get the real fixes, people aren't that dumb, least I hope, I mean hell they don't even need 15 dollars from us in all honesty, they just want it, doesn't hurt me but many others it actually does.


Haters that lack common sense don't and shouldn't be addressed, how ever for some odd reason when fans lack it, it is concerning, because these are the people that can actually change the game yet few assume what many assumed about the previous MMOs "Give them time it'll be fixed."


Must one pay 15 extra dollars for several months or a year until his/her gamebreaking issue is fixed? Average person wont try to argue well have fun but it is how it is.

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Welcome to the new MMO generation, we vets are quite out of place, replaced by the WoW kids and thier instant gratification needs.


This^^ they are the same ones that are naysaying and rubbishing the game. Whiny self entitlement is the name of their game and it was born of Blizzard. You can't please them and I for one hope that Bioware don't even try to.

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This^^ they are the same ones that are naysaying and rubbishing the game. Whiny self entitlement is the name of their game and it was born of Blizzard. You can't please them and I for one hope that Bioware don't even try to.


Rift's path it is then.


Though honestly one should actually try which if you think about it not trying to is the big issue.

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i just wish the Maw had some good guilds on republic or atleast some funny people that you could find and so far i have found one person out of like the 15 groups ive been in. Come to the republic plox we have rocks(if you know what i mean) :D
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Sorry to hear that OP, there are some good ones out there though.


So far I've had nothing but good experiences with pugs, Shoot even made a handful of friends with some of them.


Got a group together for the heroic bug quests on Balmorra, didn't even do the heroics right off the bat. We helped each other do the quests then did then heroic's.


We stayed in group for a good 3 or so hours, till one had to go to bed, the other guy and me stayed in group though. Helped him finish his last group quest and ran two other people through it while we were at it.



I don't mind being friendly in-game but personal details are a bit much, feel free to discuss your thought's on the FP, quest, or anything going on with the world. A friendly chat never hurt anyone. I'll only give personal details once I've known the person for a good period of time.


Good luck in the future though OP.

Nice to see other friendly players out there.

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