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Why in the world would you ever buy this game....


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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.
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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.









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Above posters, thank you :)


Falling victim to the hype most probably account for the most part.


No one should ever fall in to a form of hype, as you begin to gain unrealistic expectations of the end-product in which you're receiving, which will ALWAYS lead to disappointment. I belong to the instant-gratification generation but somehow I escaped the grip of idiocy in which most of my peers have not. If you hype yourself up for a game, you most likely be disappointed. Wait patiently, live your life, and have fun with everything you can. :)

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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.


+ 1


Well done OP my sentiments exactly

If I had cake, I would give some to you.

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If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.


Well said.

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I never really liked SW or light sabers that much, but I still love this game.


Same with my fiance. She had no interest whatsoever when I first joined the forums back in 09, but earlier this year when more information slowly began to get released, she steadily became hooked and was almost shaking with anticipation as the early game access drew near :D

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Above posters, thank you :)




No one should ever fall in to a form of hype, as you begin to gain unrealistic expectations of the end-product in which you're receiving, which will ALWAYS lead to disappointment. I belong to the instant-gratification generation but somehow I escaped the grip of idiocy in which most of my peers have not. If you hype yourself up for a game, you most likely be disappointed. Wait patiently, live your life, and have fun with everything you can. :)


I agree with you on this point. I was so hyped for Final Fantasy XIV and well that was quite a disappointment.


The TOR hype had killed my interest for the game, until I got into a beta week-end and saw the game for myself, it was very fun. I did not use my early access and actually got the game 2 days later than originally planned. The game is fun for what it is.

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