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Best looking Blaster Rifles


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Going to go through the 25-26 pages when I have some free time soon, but if someone else can answer this in the next day or so I figure I'll ask first.


Are there any Blaster Rifles sort of the side of the Republic Command Carbine in size and having a stock, but actually look semi-realistic? These legoland blasters drive me nuts. I love my C-303 Assault Rifle but Elbowing people in the face is awkward.

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So many awesome rifles! Not... enough .... HANDS!

C-303 AR and E-313 HRD Are my favs so far, not looking forward to the Battlemaster weapons though.


P.S. Yes, definately needs a sticky.

Edited by BioCharge
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So many awesome rifles! Not... enough .... HANDS!

C-303 AR and E-313 HRD Are my favs so far, not looking forward to the Battlemaster weapons though.


P.S. Yes, definately needs a sticky.


c-303 has no stock and the e-313 is so huge @_@ I love the c-303 though.

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c-303 has no stock and the e-313 is so huge @_@ I love the c-303 though.


While true, you still look like you're elbowing a guy with your arm (looks like it hurts more due to the elbow guards on arm armor) and that's the best part of the 313, size means everything, despite what some goblins say.

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is the Electro Charge Rifle only available on republic side? if so, is there an empire version that looks just like it?


The weapons from Esseles/Black Talon are all available for purchase using commendations from your Capital City. You just need to find the vendor that has them (hint: he's in (or near ;)) the Capital City).


Yes, that means you can buy a weapon that would normally only be available to the other faction. ;)

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The weapons from Esseles/Black Talon are all available for purchase using commendations from your Capital City. You just need to find the vendor that has them (hint: he's in (or near ;)) the Capital City).


Yes, that means you can buy a weapon that would normally only be available to the other faction. ;)


Never noticed that, I always wondered what the point of the lvl 11-12 weapons were for Coruscant comms on Specialty Goods when you get much better lvl 16 weapons from the actual Coruscant Commendations vendor.

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Never noticed that, I always wondered what the point of the lvl 11-12 weapons were for Coruscant comms on Specialty Goods when you get much better lvl 16 weapons from the actual Coruscant Commendations vendor.


I just think it's a pity they didn't do the same for the other flash points.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
No, I'm pretty sure the min to max damage range does not scale with mods (sadly). Update your rife at every possible chance.


The level 48 rife from Voss is ok looking. But I do think the rifles srites so far that I have seen need way more love.


this is wrong

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
For the mid levels, I picked up the E-313 Heavy Repeating Disruptor from Tatooine's Specialty Goods vendor. It's nice and long, has a solid stock for the strike, and looks like something an uber-commando would carry.


yea the speciatly one.. I want to get it but does it cost creds or comms?:rak_02:

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It costs credits... 11.800 Credits from Tatooine's Specialty Goods vendor or Alderaan's weapons vendor if I'm not wrong.


oh ok thx. One last thing..... This sounds greedy but can anyone spare any amount of money UP TO 100,000? Well if you can thx!


Either tell me here or mail it.(or both)

character name:Totalager

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, pretty simple question, is there any really big weapon we can use? I would like to mount AC but that is not possible, right? :D Anything similar, opr bigger then normal blaster, then normal elite war hero one?


I'm running pvp in golden armor like, I need some good weapon to finish my set :D

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Ok, pretty simple question, is there any really big weapon we can use? I would like to mount AC but that is not possible, right? :D Anything similar, opr bigger then normal blaster, then normal elite war hero one?


I'm running pvp in golden armor like, I need some good weapon to finish my set :D

Probably the single biggest Blaster Rifle in the game right now is theE-313 Heavy Repeating Disruptor. It's the one I've been using on my Vanguard (and my Operative's companion, Kaliyo Djannis) since hitting Tatooine. Worth every penny I've spent upgrading it.
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