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10 Good
  1. This was what I was essentially trying to say; he said it much better.
  2. As I said, slug throwers are expensive now, being antiques, and most people know little on how to use them, comparative to how must people today know little about how to load a flntlock rifl
  3. While I do give you props on the first ones, didn't quite think those out quite much, but there are powers such as Force Sheild like the Inquisitor's bubble. Body armor, yeah, you've seen the jedi in this game, not to mention several during the Clone Wars, such as Obi-Wan, use them. As for the sheilds, plenty of them use it in the game. Then if you go by the Jedi Knight series, Kyle Katarn and Jaden Korr both use sheilds, which block slugs to an extent. Not to mention, slugthrowers are extremely out-dated by now, are relatively hard to maintain compared to blasters, and are rather expensive.
  4. Techblades/staves are pretty much electrostaves and force pikes, just lower output due to an older time period, thus less powerful technology.
  5. 1.) The Force- They can just force throw all the slugs back. 2.) Lightsaber- They might not be able to deflect the slugs, but they can melt them. 3.) Armor- Most armors such as stormtrooper armors and the like are pretty much slug-thrower proof. 4.) Kinetic energy sheilds- like the ones in the game, there are other sheilds, such as the Mandalorian Melee Sheild, which stops all kinetic energy.
  6. While true, you still look like you're elbowing a guy with your arm (looks like it hurts more due to the elbow guards on arm armor) and that's the best part of the 313, size means everything, despite what some goblins say.
  7. While true that it is most likely not very many actually belived, it still took Columbus about 4 years to get backing from Ferdinand. On topic though, yeah, roots need to stay. As others said, it keeps ranged competative against melee.
  8. So many awesome rifles! Not... enough .... HANDS! C-303 AR and E-313 HRD Are my favs so far, not looking forward to the Battlemaster weapons though. P.S. Yes, definately needs a sticky.
  9. My Bounty Hunter Chiss Chiss name: Ulng'reltarimi'colo Standard name: Ulng'reltari Mi'colo Nick-name: Ulng (pronounced Uhlng); tried to get Grel but everyone would just call me Ulng in chat. When I made the character and the random name generator popped out a two-syllable name, I had also forgotten about the 3 syllable rule. As such I just figured I would RP it as using a more basic name to help confuse clients less.
  10. I can agree the resolve system can use some tweaking. I won't say it's broken, being as I do not completely know how it's supposed to work, I admit that, but making it simpler would be a great assist. Say, it fills up a bar, like it does now, and once that bar fills to the top, it automatically breaks whatever CC is on the player and the player becames immune to CCs for however long the standard resolve immunity is without any action on the player's part. For some this might be too simple, but at least the majority of people may be able to understand it. I dunno, I don't claim to be the master of PvP balance, but I think that's a good idea, no?
  11. BioCharge

    iron fist

    Yeah! Stick it to da man that we may not be over powered but we are still viable!
  12. To me, it's not the animation, it's the noise. Half a dozen abilities (Dorne's wouding blast comes to mind) use the sound and makes it extremely boring. I want a deep *thump* when I hear one of my most powerful abilties go off, not a little *ba-dap*.
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