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The Most lifeless, dull, boring, dead mmo ever.


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You make me laugh. Not a lot of people in this MMORPG?! Go back to SWG then. Oh wait you can't :p

Your ridiculous arguments are those of a Troll. I quit WoW after four years because after burning crusade it got worse and worse, until my frustrations got the better of me.

THIS game is the embodiment of a true MMORPG in the making. I can only imagine where it will be after five years. If an MMORPG can be this fun at this stage, well then.

The grinding is invisible to me. The key portion is RPG. Something that the other MMO's are void of. You would do well to remember that. No more sword and board. Hello Lightsabers and energy shields. I found a new home. You on the other hand can keep looking. Good luck!


I could see you making this exact same post four years ago on the World of Warcraft forums. Although I do agree with you, I rarely look at my EXP bar while leveling. I just thought it was funny that you could replace "Star Wars" with "WoW" and "WoW" with "Everquest" and the post would be equally relevant.

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You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad....


Ok, there's your problem. You feel that the 'grind' of the game that makes up 90%-95% of your game time is only worth while if it leads to something. If you don't enjoy the majority of your time in a game, why bother to play it? Why be forced to grind out levels 1-84 or 1-49 just to get to endgame?


People like yourself are wasting your lives on these games, and its about damn time somebody (thank you Bioware) put the *********** RPG back in MMORPG.


If you don't like it, **** off. The majority of players don't want to spend 60 hours a week on a video game. We want a game that doesn't demand players to play 12 hours a day, we want to enjoy the journey of leveling, and for those of us who enjoyed KOTOR 1/2, we want an engaging story.

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Initially I agree with the OP and other threads that this is a very insular instanced glorified Singleplayer RPG with lobbies and arenas.






I almost exclusively play with a rl friend duo. Agent and Hunter empire.


and we have a blast together. speaking in voice messenger. We have alts for when we are not online at the same time to keep our mains synched.


Whatever this game is,...we found a way to enjoy it, until we don't.




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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.


This is not even a MMO. Its a single player game with a slight opton of multiplayer and a chat connected to other people.


What a dull, boring, lifeless MMO you created. No world pvp, no people period in this game. Ive finally questioned why I am even playing this crap. Grind the most boring quests ever and adding a few basic choices and voice over does nothing. Just gonna break my space bar and have to buy a new keyboard soon.


You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad. World PVP, and playing with alot of people which does not excist in this MMO.


Im not even gonna lie I rather play SWGs than this garbage. Least I could play with other people and pvp.

Must be that magnetic personality.

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I am not renewing.


They are coasting already. This company is barbage.


The "patches" did not add or fix anything useful. They should have been hotfixes done server side. But they published a bunch of **** patch notes to make it look like they're working on the game

Edited by PowerElectronic
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There's a survey you can fill out when you cancel. No one here cares


While you may not care, the fact that the largest complaint is that the game feels dead, cold and lifeless isn't good for the game's future and I'm sure EA cares...EA cares a whole lot.

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I think scifi just doesn't lend itself to MMO's like fantasy does. Fantasy is bright, cheery and natural. SciFi is cold, dark and sterile. It leads to a world that just doesn't feel alive and natural.


Not so sure I agree with this one. I certainly never found WoW (for example) to be bright, cheery, and natural. I found it to be dark and depressing most of the time (I'm remembering the droning music now). Sci fi can feel sterile, though. I'm not sure Star Wars ever really has (even in this game), but the Star Trek setting always felt that way (and EVE Online certainly did).


The problem isn't the setting, its the distribution of players. Think of Guild Wars and how that game can easily be played as a single player experience because of the way it splits up everyone despite being a fantasy game.

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Not so sure I agree with this one. I certainly never found WoW (for example) to be bright, cheery, and natural. I found it to be dark and depressing most of the time (I'm remembering the droning music now). Sci fi can feel sterile, though. I'm not sure Star Wars ever really has (even in this game), but the Star Trek setting always felt that way (and EVE Online certainly did).


The problem isn't the setting, its the distribution of players. Think of Guild Wars and how that game can easily be played as a single player experience because of the way it splits up everyone despite being a fantasy game.


What? WoW is one of the cheeriest games ever. It's one of the reason it's so popular. People can say what they want about WoW, but the world just feels GOOD to be in. It literally feels good to be sitting in the wow universe. How the game's world makes you feel is a large part of keeping people playing. So far, as great of a game that SWTOR is, the world just feels cold, sterile and lifeless...and it's a major issue with the game.

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