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Have the DEVs ever played an MMO?


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Before this game came out nobody gave a ***** about story or quest lore when they were in an MMO (only the hardcore fans or people who enjoy the story telling aspect), I'd say 80-90% of people who play mmos never read the quest text or care why they need to kill 10 boars or what ever else the quest calls for.


Bioware took a huge step in thinking that an MMO needs a strong story line and interesting quests. Only time will tell if they made the right call, but one thing they didn't make the right call on was the way this game is played. This game should NOT be called an MMO.


MMO to me means playing in a huge world with hundreds or thousands of other players at the same time. Not being confined to an INSTANCED area with 200 people tops running around the same planet you are. hamster in a cage is a perfect explanation of what this game feels like. There is no real freedom in this game. Everyone plays along a set path. Sure you can veer off and do something else for awhile, but either way you have to do your main storyline. The same storyline everyone else in the game gets which makes the whole CREATE YOUR OWN STORY! Bull*****. That's why story and questing isn't the main focus of most MMO's. Functionality and things to do are. that is what this game lacks.


Nar Shaddaa is a great example of a great delusion this game plays. You have this grand city that would make any starwars fan giddy in the hopes of exploring this amazing moon, but exploration doesn't exist in this game. All those lights and buildings you see are nothing more than a backdrop. You cannot go there or do anything interesting. Hell there are casinos everywhere on Nar Shaddaa, heres a cool simple idea... How about making some of those slot machines and card tables useable? Small simple things help add depth to a world where there is none. Bioware doesn't understand the basics of how to make an MMO world come alive. And that's pretty sad.


This game isn't an MMO, its Kotor3 with co-op online play.

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My opinion: No one gave a **** about story in an MMO because the developers didn't make it important enough to care. They only cared enough to throw up a block of text and hoped you read it.


Still my opinion: I played the last november beta weekend of SWTOR and afterwards, after getting engaged in the story that my character was going through, I went back and attempted to play RIFT (as i still had some time remaining from my initial 30 days) and well... I just couldn't get into it. It was boring. I walked to this place, clicked some guy I could care less about, clicked accept on the quest without bothering to read it and went on my way to kill X creatures or collect X bear asses.


My opinion further still: SWTOR was the first (and only) MMO that actually made me -care- about the story that I was playing, and further invested me in the character I had created. It is this experience I look for in my games, and TOR delivered.


TL;DR: Previous MMO developers didn't care about story, Bioware does and it drew me into the game and ruined other MMO's for me.


Thank you Bioware ^.^

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Why? Am I scaring people with things they don't want to hear?


That is not the issue. The issue is you should have known what type of MMO it was before buying it and if you donot like it...then donot play. Bioware is not going to change it now. I think it is fine as is.

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So in other words thanks for proving my point that this is kotor with online co-op?


you are a moron that is like saying WoW is a singleplayer game with co op since all you need is 10 people to see the whole game i have played games on my xbox called ghost recon that has 16 player co op.

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That is not the issue. The issue is you should have known what type of MMO it was before buying it and if you donot like it...then donot play. Bioware is not going to change it now. I think it is fine as is.


I dunno its pretty obvious what you get (or in this case don't get) when a game claims to be an MMO. So I paid for an a MMO where is it?

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My opinion: No one gave a **** about story in an MMO because the developers didn't make it important enough to care. They only cared enough to throw up a block of text and hoped you read it.


Still my opinion: I played the last november beta weekend of SWTOR and afterwards, after getting engaged in the story that my character was going through, I went back and attempted to play RIFT (as i still had some time remaining from my initial 30 days) and well... I just couldn't get into it. It was boring. I walked to this place, clicked some guy I could care less about, clicked accept on the quest without bothering to read it and went on my way to kill X creatures or collect X bear asses.


My opinion further still: SWTOR was the first (and only) MMO that actually made me -care- about the story that I was playing, and further invested me in the character I had created. It is this experience I look for in my games, and TOR delivered.


TL;DR: Previous MMO developers didn't care about story, Bioware does and it drew me into the game and ruined other MMO's for me.


Thank you Bioware ^.^


Amen. Very well said.

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My opinion: No one gave a **** about story in an MMO because the developers didn't make it important enough to care. They only cared enough to throw up a block of text and hoped you read it.


Still my opinion: I played the last november beta weekend of SWTOR and afterwards, after getting engaged in the story that my character was going through, I went back and attempted to play RIFT (as i still had some time remaining from my initial 30 days) and well... I just couldn't get into it. It was boring. I walked to this place, clicked some guy I could care less about, clicked accept on the quest without bothering to read it and went on my way to kill X creatures or collect X bear asses.


My opinion further still: SWTOR was the first (and only) MMO that actually made me -care- about the story that I was playing, and further invested me in the character I had created. It is this experience I look for in my games, and TOR delivered.


TL;DR: Previous MMO developers didn't care about story, Bioware does and it drew me into the game and ruined other MMO's for me.


Thank you Bioware ^.^


I fully agree. This is the first MMO where I care about my toon and I'm not blowing by all the quest text.


I agree with the OP that Bioware was a little conservative with how the separated the factions on the early worlds but I love the Instancing that makes my story seem to be the only one going on. I see plenty of players of my faction running around the non-instanced parts of the game.

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I dunno its pretty obvious what you get (or in this case don't get) when a game claims to be an MMO. So I paid for an a MMO where is it?


That is still your fault. I did not buy Rift when it first came out. I waited until I could do a free trial and then found out I did'nt like it. See the difference?

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you are a moron that is like saying WoW is a singleplayer game with co op since all you need is 10 people to see the whole game i have played games on my xbox called ghost recon that has 16 player co op.


but WoW is an mmo. here's the the wiki on it so you and everyone can understand what MMO means.


"Massively multiplayer online game


A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously."


SWTOR can barely handle 200 people on the same planet. This ain't an MMO.

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Before this game came out nobody gave a ***** about story or quest lore when they were in an MMO.
The whole term is MMORPG. There is no MMORPG that actually focused on the 'RPG' part, they all try or attempt to focus on the 'MMO' part. BW actually focused on that part. And if you aren't happy with it (by the way your stats are all wrong, I'd love to see where you got them from) have you ever asked yourself, are you the target market for the product then?
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OP: The game is an mmoRPG. This game puts the RPG back into MMO :) For me the story line really makes you feel like you are part of the atmosphere and that you make a difference. I love this style of play and I remember playing Neverwinter nights, loving the storyline and wishing that it could be turned into an MMO. You could already level your character up and play it on a shard but it wasn't quite the same.


You only have to look at the amount of servers and the people on them to realise that the game is already a huge success.

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