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An example of how unpolished endgame is

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Three more bugs and issues I ran into today:


First, ability delay is hugely noticeable in 16-man operations. I actually don't notice it in any other aspect of the game, but something about 16-man operations seems to cause a lot of delay. Other people in my guild were complaining about it too, so it wasn't just me.


Second, I didn't get credit for my weekly. This puts me a week behind in getting tokens, which is a bummer. Yes, I did reset everything and get a fresh quest this week, so it wasn't that issue. Proof of no credit: http://i.imgur.com/gD6Ah.jpg.


Third, it is extremely difficult to track personal debuffs on a target in a 16-man operation because there is no way of prioritizing my own buffs or only displaying my own debuffs. I have to read through a wall of text, and that's practically impossible.


Notable issues, I think.

Edited by GeLopez
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Honestly, how much time would it take for a programmer to open a file and change the names of these mobs? 5 minutes?


It's pretty obvious BW was under a mandate to ship the game before Christmas.


I mean how do you launch a game with vendor filters that don't work?


They were. During the december period EA shareholders showed big concerns in EA's titles currently on the market. EA stocks dropped and EA's answer was SWTOR. I read this on a stock market site. I can imagine EA's infamous CEO pushed SWTOR's launch.


It's funny there is a dev message saying they respect us for buying SWTOR and note that the game is not finished...and never will be. It seems we have to take the last thing very seriously.


@OP, sorry for your guild to have come this far, only to see it wasnt worth it. I hope you can make the right decision for your guild for the future.

Edited by DeathHenk
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I think BioWare just missed the mark on the MMO player base. Story is great, don't get me wrong, but the put too much work into the V.O. and stuff and not enough time into basic mechanics. Personally, things like the ability delay and FPS issues in PvP are serious issues that should have been fixed prior to release. BioWare themselves have said many a time, that 'You only get one launch," and frankly aside from a decent roll out the game has a lot of issues.


I totally agree with the OP when he says it feels almost like you get punished for leveling. I have thought this same thing on quite a few occasions having been one of the unluckies who got early access first day and ended up in Taris for the memory leak from hell. Than in the move to Alderraan I got hit with the 'stuck on load screen' bug that just got a slight fix added to it. This game for me has just been a series of disappointments on a lot of fronts because it has so much potential... in about a year. However, this game doesn't have that time that it needs to fix itself and the MMO community is picky and moody. This game could go the way of Rift, Warhammer, etc in no time with the problems its having.


I would also point out that people need to really think about the progression of where peoples minds are when it comes to this game. First it was 'It's beta, it will be fine by launch.' Then it was, 'It's early access, they will patch it before the 20th.' Next came, 'It's only been out a couple days there is nothing wrong!' Now we are getting to the point where the community is saying, 'Ok, there has been some patches and big things haven't gotten fixed or even really addressed, there MAY be a problem.' Just imagine in two weeks where we will be? What will the majority of the community be saying when they are having the problems the OP describes.


TL; DR BioWare is like the little dutch boy with their finger in the dam trying to stop the inevitable flood.

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I don't get what the issue is have you never played another MMO's end game? In every stage of WoW's end game content patches since vanilla I can remember at least 1-2 of these issues especially with naming.


I don't care about WOW. I would not expect many people to be engaged in raiding in WOW if it was very buggy.


I wish it was only one or two issues though. The issues are everywhere in endgame. There isn't a single aspect of endgame that isn't seriously bugged in some way, and raiding especially has many, many game-breaking bugs.


Like I said, I've played other MMOs through these issues in the past, and I'll stick around as long as the game is fun and there are other people to play with. I know TOR is very fun, but I'm concerned issues like this give the game a bad vibe and make it so there aren't many people to play with.

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Rift's endgame wasn't quite as polished for atleast the first month as some people seem to remember, there was bugs, crashes, boss problems, bugged mechanics and not to mention exploits which caused atleast one whole guild to be banned for exploiting.


so no, no /argument


Top guilds,


Top WOW guilds


guilds comming from an already finished game


comming to a game that just released,


"oh why didnt they wait until derpidy derp derp"


Because they released on time instead of saying LOL NOPE WAIT ANOTHER MONTH


"Oh i would have been happy if it polished the bugs out deripidy derp"


You didnt know there were bugs didnt you, You would have just complained like a nerf herder saying bioware is now bloatware LUL LUL LUL




You rush to endgame, expect some things to not be quiet done, iam sorry thats how things work out,


If enough people complain about the bugs, like you are sir herp, then they will get fixed, thats the point of releasing the game to figure out who's laptop cant handle balmora because that certain part of the map causes their OS to give a graphical error 44552 and shut down and blue screen at the same time

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dude, the game has been out for just over two weeks.




Read this:



I would also point out that people need to really think about the progression of where peoples minds are when it comes to this game. First it was 'It's beta, it will be fine by launch.' Then it was, 'It's early access, they will patch it before the 20th.' Next came, 'It's only been out a couple days there is nothing wrong!' Now we are getting to the point where the community is saying, 'Ok, there has been some patches and big things haven't gotten fixed or even really addressed, there MAY be a problem.' Just imagine in two weeks where we will be? What will the majority of the community be saying when they are having the problems the OP describes.


Edited by DeathHenk
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Top guilds,


Top WOW guilds


guilds comming from an already finished game


comming to a game that just released,


"oh why didnt they wait until derpidy derp derp"


Because they released on time instead of saying LOL NOPE WAIT ANOTHER MONTH


"Oh i would have been happy if it polished the bugs out deripidy derp"


You didnt know there were bugs didnt you, You would have just complained like a nerf herder saying bioware is now bloatware LUL LUL LUL




You rush to endgame, expect some things to not be quiet done, iam sorry thats how things work out,


If enough people complain about the bugs, like you are sir herp, then they will get fixed, thats the point of releasing the game to figure out who's laptop cant handle balmora because that certain part of the map causes their OS to give a graphical error 44552 and shut down and blue screen at the same time

I mean this argument is pretty silly...


How is it "herp" for him to simply expect content in the game to work...? He isn't sitting here complaining about the there being nothing to do or how stupid the content is... He actively sought out and participated in the content... And it doesn't function...


You keep talking about bugs and how they should be expected and the likes... Yes, of course they should... But that includes typos, or stability issues, etc, missing image somewhere, etc, etc, etc... When the loot system of a game that is entirely based on character progression and loot doesn't even function... That is unacceptable...


No one should expect an MMO to be perfect at launch or ever for that matter... But how is it unreasonable to expect the basics of the game, ie loot, to function...?

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You all did see that they announced the completion and expansion of that particular raid right?


Part of the upcoming content patch bundled with new flashpoints and war zones.


Cool more warzones with FPS issues and ability delays that a portion of the community won't be able to enjoy coupled with the completion of a raid which includes.... Fixing the loot and all the bugs? Elaborate on completion...

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Cool more warzones with FPS issues and ability delays that a portion of the community won't be able to enjoy coupled with the completion of a raid which includes.... Fixing the loot and all the bugs? Elaborate on completion...


Read the post . It's obviously a content update coupled with bug fixes and updates. If its buggy they will continue to tweak it until people stop complaining. Enough said.

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....thats the point of releasing the game to figure out who's laptop cant handle balmora because that certain part of the map causes their OS to give a graphical error 44552 and shut down and blue screen at the same time


How about a beta? Again I will come at the famous company Blizzard. Do you know how they handle Diablo3 beta? One of the things you are obliged to send for is a dxdiag. A wide variety of specs are chosen and thrown in the beta key lotery. Simply because Blizzard wants David and Ken with a moderate income and game machine to play and enjoy their game too. Did SWTOR had any spec check? I don't know, but it surely did not work out quite well.

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Or the other option: keep the game in production until it's finished.


Or the other option, pay people to play it.


My answer makes just as much sense from the producer's point of view bub.



This is a business, they're in for the money, nothing else.

Edited by dargor-
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with their massive budget and resources.. bioware should have been able to do a little research and find out how WoW works at end game. because like it or not, a big portion of that playerbase is also going to try out and play TOR.. heck, a lot of that playerbase is looking for something DIFFERENT, and they are hoping TOR can fill that void. and bioware should have seen this.


and although it will be a small percentage.. there is going to be a portion of the playerbase that will be at level 50 clearing content in the first two weeks.. its just the way of an MMO. some players are just faster at clearing content.. and they dont have to rush to do it.


and when those players start getting to that end game content and its broken.. we all have seen what happens. players react to it.. and most of it negative.. and THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO.. they are paying $15 a month just like the rest of us.. and they deserve to have that content working.


quite frankly, if bioware wasnt prepared to have end game content at launch.. they shouldnt have released with it.. they could have put it on the PTR (player test realm) and released it at a later time (say the first content patch)..


some people may have had a problem with that, but at least bioware would have acknowledged 'hey, we know our end game content isnt quite there yet.. and we want you guys to help us make it work'.


i think the majority of players would have been fine with that.


unfortunately bioware didnt go that route and its biting them right now.

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with their massive budget and resources.. bioware should have been able to do a little research and find out how WoW works at end game. because like it or not, a big portion of that playerbase is also going to try out and play TOR.. heck, a lot of that playerbase is looking for something DIFFERENT, and they are hoping TOR can fill that void. and bioware should have seen this.


and although it will be a small percentage.. there is going to be a portion of the playerbase that will be at level 50 clearing content in the first two weeks.. its just the way of an MMO. some players are just faster at clearing content.. and they dont have to rush to do it.


and when those players start getting to that end game content and its broken.. we all have seen what happens. players react to it.. and most of it negative.. and THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO.. they are paying $15 a month just like the rest of us.. and they deserve to have that content working.


quite frankly, if bioware wasnt prepared to have end game content at launch.. they shouldnt have released with it.. they could have put it on the PTR (player test realm) and released it at a later time (say the first content patch)..


some people may have had a problem with that, but at least bioware would have acknowledged 'hey, we know our end game content isnt quite there yet.. and we want you guys to help us make it work'.


i think the majority of players would have been fine with that.


unfortunately bioware didnt go that route and its biting them right now.


Dont blame the BioWare boys for prematurely release. Its EA pushing the red button.

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I think BioWare just missed the mark on the MMO player base. Story is great, don't get me wrong, but the put too much work into the V.O. and stuff and not enough time into basic mechanics. Personally, things like the ability delay and FPS issues in PvP are serious issues that should have been fixed prior to release. BioWare themselves have said many a time, that 'You only get one launch," and frankly aside from a decent roll out the game has a lot of issues.


I totally agree with the OP when he says it feels almost like you get punished for leveling. I have thought this same thing on quite a few occasions having been one of the unluckies who got early access first day and ended up in Taris for the memory leak from hell. Than in the move to Alderraan I got hit with the 'stuck on load screen' bug that just got a slight fix added to it. This game for me has just been a series of disappointments on a lot of fronts because it has so much potential... in about a year. However, this game doesn't have that time that it needs to fix itself and the MMO community is picky and moody. This game could go the way of Rift, Warhammer, etc in no time with the problems its having.


I would also point out that people need to really think about the progression of where peoples minds are when it comes to this game. First it was 'It's beta, it will be fine by launch.' Then it was, 'It's early access, they will patch it before the 20th.' Next came, 'It's only been out a couple days there is nothing wrong!' Now we are getting to the point where the community is saying, 'Ok, there has been some patches and big things haven't gotten fixed or even really addressed, there MAY be a problem.' Just imagine in two weeks where we will be? What will the majority of the community be saying when they are having the problems the OP describes.


TL; DR BioWare is like the little dutch boy with their finger in the dam trying to stop the inevitable flood.

ROFLMA, Oh! I do remember reading an article which a BW employee wrote on

why SWTOR will fail

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Dont blame the BioWare boys for prematurely release. Its EA pushing the red button.


Regardless of why it was premature, there was no good reason that it had to be. If Bioware got into a contract that did not allow them to create the game at the pace that was needed, should I treat it as the game it SHOULD have been? Or should I treat it like the one that was actually purchased and I actually experience?


Bioware engage in a business deal, maybe they got pushed around on the release date, and they are passing their frustrations on to us with an unrefined game. Did they have to get into this deal in the first place? They are mature adults aren't they? Can they be held accountable for anything at all? Seriously? Or is the fan-boy shield too strong?

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Even if raiders are only a small part of the actual population they are a big portion of what is represented in media circles. Media outlets don't report players completing quests; they report world firsts and PVP and PVE rankings.


If media outlets end up not being able to report those accomplishments because endgame guilds are abandoning the game in droves due to bugs that gives the game less publicity and potentially horrible word of mouth. That could easily lead to a game's decline.


That is my point. I can stick with the game for a long time, but I wouldn't be surprised if these bugs wore a lot of other people down.

Edited by GeLopez
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After attempting the 2nd boss in eternity vault and get locked out of instance after a wipe, half of my group started randomly dying in imperial fleet. People will have a heart attack on their way to repairs and die; reset the instance fixed it, but no body was in the mood of clearing all the mobs again.
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