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Suggustion: Mailbox and GTN Terminals on Personal Ships


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So how viable would it be to add the following on a character's personal ship


-A Mailbox

-A GTN terminal linked to the Republic/Imperial fleet terminal


I could see potential issues with the second, but the first one hopefully would not be all that difficult to implement. Besides, isn't the personal ship supposed to be like a base of operations for the character when they land on a planet? Doesn't it make just a little sense that they would be able to access stuff like the GTN and mail from their personal ship instead of having to go back to the republic/imperial fleet?


I am curious as to both positive and negative thoughts on these suggestions, but please keep it civil



Edited by Scathien
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sorry, I should clarify:


GTN: Galactic Trade Network Terminal


As for Mandrax:


People are already complaining that the world feels empty, put those things on your ship and you'll see even less people around.


I could potentially see that happening. But at the same time the republic/imperial fleet hub is exactly that, a hub, people would still go there to gather for things like flashpoints but quick things like dropping off a few items on the GTN while running around on a planet shouldn't require someone to venture all the way back to the fleet hub to do so on a network where something will reliably sell.




They wont add it, I emailed them some suggestions (this was one of them) and they said their policy did not allow outside ideas.


If you have some proof to back that up I would be interested in seeing it considering a mod pointed me here when I asked where I could make suggestions.

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i'd like a decentralized mail system. I get email on a device in the real world, why is the future/alternate universe not figured that out yet?


Because you can't recieve a UPS package through your iphone!!!! Yeah they have teleporters and such in the future/alternate universe, but that is still a tricky thing to pull off.


On a simular note, putting a mailbox on a ship makes it mobile, it is like tried to get UPS to mail you a package, while your mobile home is really mobile. How can you give an address when it changes so often. It is one thing to access a mail "terminal" and effectively download the contents to a set location (think email downloaded from the server to your PC, which ever one your loged into)


Anyway, just my 2 cents.

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i'd like a decentralized mail system. I get email on a device in the real world, why is the future/alternate universe not figured that out yet?


Yup, seriously. They have faster than light travel but no Internet? Also it would be nice if u could send holo massages to your friends, even if only to show off ur new gear...

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I concur, both of these would be good additions to the ship(s).


Mailboxes are all over the place so adding one to the ship wouldn't change anything. One might argue that it's illogical as noone would come empty the mailbox and deliver it, but that's nitpicking :)


GTN would be a great addition. I detest spending 20 minutes zoning a bunch of times just to get to a GTN terminal and back to where I came from, when I have no other reasons for going to Fleet at that time. Not to mention that Fleet is horrendous with 240+ players and a lowend machine... Add terminals to the personal ships and I can bet the GTN would be used by a lot more players than currently.

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Yeah, lets put everything on your ships and kill off what little MMO feel this game actually has. Great idea.


Do you have some proof to back up that doing this would do what you say? Mailboxes still exist on planet, in fleet hub, etc, and there's nothing stopping you using them after all. Besides, this particular argument only seems to give off the feel of "It only feels like an MMO if other people watch me do stuff that doesnt involve interacting with them" so really, this wouldn't change any "feel" of an MMO this game already has


Because you can't recieve a UPS package through your iphone!!!! Yeah they have teleporters and such in the future/alternate universe, but that is still a tricky thing to pull off.


On a similar note, putting a mailbox on a ship makes it mobile, it is like tried to get UPS to mail you a package, while your mobile home is really mobile. How can you give an address when it changes so often. It is one thing to access a mail "terminal" and effectively download the contents to a set location (think email downloaded from the server to your PC, which ever one your loged into)


Anyway, just my 2 cents.


an interesting thought, but since the mailbox/GTN is anchored to the ship, and the mail would never be accessed while the ship was moving (say, space combat) and your ship is technically stationary when sitting outside of a planet, or inside the hangar at said planet would you not give a specific location at the time that your ship becomes stationary?

Edited by Scathien
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People are already complaining that the world feels empty, put those things on your ship and you'll see even less people around.


The only people that will be effected are the economists: people that spend all their time buying and selling on the AH. Instead of standing in a hive around the GTN kiosk, they'll stand on their ship. Mmo is not about looking at dozens of people who aren't interested in interacting with you, that's a byproduct, not the goal...

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The only people that will be effected are the economists: people that spend all their time buying and selling on the AH. Instead of standing in a hive around the GTN kiosk, they'll stand on their ship. Mmo is not about looking at dozens of people who aren't interested in interacting with you, that's a byproduct, not the goal...


Yes that is exactly what I was getting at.


Interacting with a mailbox or a GTN terminal has -nothing- to do with social interaction. You are not there to talk to people standing around the mailbox/terminal, you are only there to pick up your stuff, or sell stuff on the GTN and get back to what you were doing. Even then any meaningful social interaction comes from the general chat and those people don't have to be standing anywhere near you to hear /1 chat

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This is a good idea. To be able to have easy and quick access to everything on your ship is nice. No matter what planet you're on a quick run to the ship and you can do anything you want. Instead of running to the ship, flying to space station, doing whatever, flying back to planet and then going back to questing/grinding/whatever.
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I like the idea of mail being delivered via electronic means directly to me (just like my Blackberry today). And you can't say, "but how do you get the gear/cash through a BB?" Well, let me ask how we can get the same mail and gear/cash from any mailbox scattered throughout the galaxy? Seriously, I have new mail. I can go to any mailbox anywhere in the galaxy and my gear/cash is there waiting for me? If both methods are completely unbelievable, let's at least make it something similar to modern technology and way more convenient.


No, mail should be delivered directly to me no matter where I am at that moment.

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Well, it looks like outside of a few people who think it would ruin a social aspect of the game, others think it is a good idea. Since no one else is really responding to this thread anymore, I wont bump it any further unless people have other ideas/critiques to add and simply let it die.


If a dev sees this, I would be curious if some word could be given on if it is something to consider or not, even if it's not something that would be implemented any time soon. Since however, dev responses appear to be few and far between and more focused on customer service aspects than things like this I wont expect it to happen and just let this thread die with the hope that I put forward a good suggestion and hopefully someone made note of it.

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