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Subscription Status: Cancelled


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Meh, its launch. After wow's crappy launch this seems like a masterpiece to that.


On the bugs note, I can say that I have not noticed ANY bug at all while leveling with my wife. I havnt even noticed this ability bug people are talking about.


I click my button, my ability happens and then I click on the next one and it happens, just ike wow and ffxi did *shrug*


It's an extremely small delay that is augmented in PvP for some reason.


Sometimes instant casts that aren't tied to the GCD have problems going off, ect..

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Why are people surprised to see these posts?...


I remember these same types of posts from other game launches and even expansion losses. Once some fixes are made, people will be back. I would not worry. The game is just 2 weeks old from release...

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It's an extremely small delay that is augmented in PvP for some reason.


Sometimes instant casts that aren't tied to the GCD have problems going off, ect..


It adds to the mechanics of the game! Every falters once in a while, so why shouldn't your character?

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Why are people surprised to see these posts?...


I remember these same types of posts from other game launches and even expansion losses. Once some fixes are made, people will be back. I would not worry. The game is just 2 weeks old from release...


Yeah but i also remember seeing posts like this in games like daoc after it was first released and it never really recovered from it, if the game has problems that need to be fixed then the devs need to see that people want them fixed, there were fanboys flaming people who made posts like this for tabula rasa too, now what game are those fanboys playing.

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Yeah but i also remember seeing posts like this in games like daoc after it was first released and it never really recovered from it, if the game has problems that need to be fixed then the devs need to see that people want them fixed, there were fanboys flaming people who made posts like this for tabula rasa too, now what game are those fanboys playing.


Tabula Rasa may be as big of a game for you as TOR, but in reality it is not. You need to look at how many people will play TOR compared to TR. The SW IP will help keep this alive longer for changes to happen, but even if those changes that you want dont happen, I am certain that the game will still be around without you.


TOR is not just a bunch of MMO-ers/Gamers...

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Yeah but i also remember seeing posts like this in games like daoc after it was first released and it never really recovered from it, if the game has problems that need to be fixed then the devs need to see that people want them fixed, there were fanboys flaming people who made posts like this for tabula rasa too, now what game are those fanboys playing.


That's funny, i was playing DAoC since release and never felt like it had to 'recover' from anything.

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great argument

you listed two


first - sharding makes world pvp only a fraction of its potential


second - have you ever been to ilum? you would know right away what on ilum discourages pvp.


people just swap the daily/weekly instead of pvping for it. its 1000% more efficient this way. aka: discourages pvp


First, sharding was stated to be a temporary measure during the launch to allow people to actually play the game. Shard and have low pop zones at times, or don't shard and have 50 people camping the same mob for a quest?


Second, yes. How does it discourage PvP? Because people don't actually PvP? How is that Bioware's fault, and not the communities fault? More importantly, how is that not something that can be easily fixed if enough people report it? It's not like this is the first time it's ever happened, right? No one has ever abused PvP in any other game, right?

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was fun as a single player game


some issues that made me quit:



Yes you can have my stuff

im not going back to wow (done with that game but it kept me entertained for a whole hell of a lot longer then this pile of rubbish)




Good Sir,


You mentioned in your OP that I could have your stuff. Please let me know what server you are on so I may stop by and collect said stuff, as you are clearly leaving and do not need any stuff. I will create a character on said server to obtain said stuff posthaste.


Thank you in advance, for your stuff,



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Are we supposed to care?


If you are an EA shareholder yes. If you are subscriber and care about healthy populations and a successful game going forward yes.


Me? I can look past the OP's fairly legitimate list of faults. What I can not stomach is the EU maintenance times. I might be a work shy pinko liberal (I like to think its being principled) but I just could not give a company money that had such a disregard for a huge (the largest actually) chunk of its player base.

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So people who mindlessly white knight the game = people who dont care about anyone


Therefore, people defending this game are bad people.


Yeh I think I'll listen to people like OP who, like good friends do, point out the flaws.


Saying it's rubbish isn't pointing out flaws it's trash talk and ridiculous. He played WoW, did he know how unplayable it was after launch? The fact that the game survived after launch is a miracle. Not being able to go into a zone in WoW because it was pinged as water, that's an issue.


This game is solid, yes it needs more work but the game as is at launch is far superior to any other MMO at launch.

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Yeah but i also remember seeing posts like this in games like daoc after it was first released and it never really recovered from it, if the game has problems that need to be fixed then the devs need to see that people want them fixed, there were fanboys flaming people who made posts like this for tabula rasa too, now what game are those fanboys playing.


You don't think BW doesn't know what it needs to work on? To say it's unplayable is beyond absurd.

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The trolls are never gone unfortunately, will be reduced, especially the worthless 10%ers but some will always lurk under a bridge.


but they will be paying a monthly fee to troll.


i can respect trolls who pay. because usually they make sense and aren't trying to hate the game just to hate.


they with all intents and purposes do actually like the game

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I agree with every point. I also cancelled my sub. I will come back in few monts to check if anything change. Simple as that. All EA MMO were failures and right now TOR is no different. Good for single player folks - all multiplayer aspects are dead or poorly made (try to say ANYTHING to person next to you :p).


So see you in half a year or less after few big patches. Right now only biodrones play this game probably and people who didn't realize how poor copy of wow this game is (in terms of mechanics). They manage to copy most of it but most of it don't work as it should.


See you later aligators :-) Cheers.

Edited by DariuszPol
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Why do you people feel the need to rant. Just be a man/woman and uninstall and quietly dissapear so we all can enjoy this fun game. Is that so hard?



I can understand the quitting -- I just can't understand all the anger.


I'll play this game until I beat it. Meaning, until I finish my story, like every other RPG. I'll cancel and uninstall, and remember the enjoyment I had in following my character's progression.


It doesn't make me angry. I'll get a Republic and an Empire storyline out of my $60, and probably one addition month of subscription time. I can live with that. Just because I'll only subscribe from one additional month beyond the freebie, doesn't mean I'm all upset that I can't play for years and years.


I don't understand how people think it's a personal affront to them that Bioware didn't make a game they like. The internet is a strange, strange place...

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