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Theory: Do haters FEAR the potiential influence of SWTOR?


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I wish! But I highly doubt it. The money and development time required to code this masterpiece is way out of the reach of most developers. Bioware is one of the very few gaming companies with the resources to pull this off. You will continue to see WoW-clones from the others unfortunatly (see Rift, and the upcoming GW2 as examples).


Maybe so, but if it becomes nr 1 allwill clone it as allcloned WoW, that is how the industry works, something works, copy it.I believe that is why Bioware made the MMO, they saw what MMO's are and they wanted to give gamers a real good gaming experience for their moneys worth even if it is an MMO. Which makes sense since I pay more for this than Skyrim.


I mean


To elaborate on my argument, 8+ years of EvE, latest big improvment to game? 4 new ships. 8+ years and game still have sameproblems it did back at start, 8 years later...


WoW how many years? how many monthlysubscriptions? how many expansion packs? biggest improvments are what? flying? pandas? higher level raid with more gear and more things to grind? whatever



Think about the amount of actualcontent your moneys worth have been giving you on other MMO's besides "grind".


Why waste money on that when I can get batman, skyrim, MW3 etc. ten times better games at WAY less cost for me. Now I got that and an MMO in one=awesome.


Please take note world!

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Maybe so, but if it becomes nr 1 allwill clone it as allcloned WoW, that is how the industry works, something works, copy it.I believe that is why Bioware made the MMO, they saw what MMO's are and they wanted to give gamers a real good gaming experience for their moneys worth even if it is an MMO. Which makes sense since I pay more for this than Skyrim.


I mean


To elaborate on my argument, 8+ years of EvE, latest big improvment to game? 4 new ships. 8+ years and game still have sameproblems it did back at start, 8 years later...


WoW how many years? how many monthlysubscriptions? how many expansion packs? biggest improvments are what? flying? pandas? higher level raid with more gear and more things to grind? whatever



Think about the amount of actualcontent your moneys worth have been giving you on other MMO's besides "grind".


Why waste money on that when I can get batman, skyrim, MW3 etc. ten times better games at WAY less cost for me. Now I got that and an MMO in one=awesome.


Please take note world!


Understood. However, just becasue a developer would want to copy SWTOR, they simply can't. WoW is easy to copy, and thats why most do. However, this game is far above the norm and literally takes millions to produce and a huge development team. It will be very difficult for anyone to try and make a SWTOR clone.

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I think the ones who are complaining about heavy instance and linear worlds might fall under that category of fearing the direction of current MMOs. I don't think end game raiders really do though since end game content is already in the game just some don't like it's current form I guess(Haven't reached 50 myself).
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Well, the hater ALWAYS fear's anything that might make him look bad (especially if they don't like or even more so if they don't want to like something cliche), so in all likelyhood, you are possibly correct... with exception...


but really, any effort to beat WoW at it's own game, while changing the rules will fail miserably again and again...

Edited by WLpride
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For the love of god do you actually believe people are here complaining because they WANT the game to fail?


Did you ever consider that many are sick of WoW and other MMO's and are completely disappointed and aghast at the horrible flaws in TOR?


The biggest problem for me is that there are simply TO MANY issues that BW will not fix fast enough, and this game will die as even the most patient of players loses patience with one of the very many issues it has right now.


Believe me I've seen it all before, many times.



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I think you need to just deal with the fact that not everyone likes the game.


Oh I completely understand that everyone doesnt like the game. What I dont understand is people that dont like the game continues to spend time on a forum of a game they dont like.

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Understood. However, just becasue a developer would want to copy SWTOR, they simply can't. WoW is easy to copy, and thats why most do. However, this game is far above the norm and literally takes millions to produce and a huge development team. It will be very difficult for anyone to try and make a SWTOR clone.


Perhaps, but maybe Blizzard will take note for their next MMO,THQ and others who can afford it, perhapsa future Bethesda MMO, who know.


But at least in direction smaller developers can follow suit,focuson story, on the actual levelingof the character instead of what happens at max level. I mean RPG's have done it for decades, I play SWTOR I feellike I play KOTOR or Baldurs gate or Final Fantasy 7, living the story, not thinking about end game. Heck, if they make an FF7 MMO with story focus I play it, make it f2p, small community. Developers can do it, they can.


If one guy can make minecraft, anything's possible!

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Oh I completely understand that everyone doesnt like the game. What I dont understand is people that dont like the game continues to spend time on a forum of a game they dont like.


It could be something crazy like...I don't know...


They would like to see changes made to turn it into a game they do like?

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You could just as easily say there are some people who blindly love swtor and dismiss the many flaws and criticisms because they are afraid the game will fail and in a few months the servers will be empty.


MMO's are a large time investment so people like to make sure they are making the right decision which is why on one side you see alot of people saying that the game is the worst thing ever and then you have the other guys saying how its the greatest thing ever and perfect in every way. Its just people trying to convince themselves that they have made the right decision.

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For the love of god do you actually believe people are here complaining because they WANT the game to fail?


Did you ever consider that many are sick of WoW and other MMO's and are completely disappointed and aghast at the horrible flaws in TOR?


The biggest problem for me is that there are simply TO MANY issues that BW will not fix fast enough, and this game will die as even the most patient of players loses patience with one of the very many issues it has right now.


Believe me I've seen it all before, many times.



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Perhaps, but maybe Blizzard will take note for their next MMO,THQ and others who can afford it, perhapsa future Bethesda MMO, who know.


Well Blizzard or Bethesda could certaintly do it. It would need to be one of the big players for sure.

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What's the point in speculating about this? I very much doubt it, why would anyone be so serious about mmo's as to care so much about the future of the industry? People are generally only interested in the gratification they get from playing a game, and fair enough, it's a *********** game.
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It could be something crazy like...I don't know...


They would like to see changes made to turn it into a game they do like?


That train passed before alpha stage of game development, sorrybut that is how developing games work. Alsoif they would change it to what they like they do an NGE, and everyone that were happywouldleave and even those happywith new changes would never trust the company again and also leave=no more players.


Train has passed, if you don't likeit, move on. Instead of ruining everyone else'slife who are enjoying it. That behaviour is that of a spoiled child who wants others to be neglected if they are...

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I hate anything that doesn't work right, and why can't a story driven MMO have good end game content? it sounds like your bashing TOR yourself saying it will never have good content HOW DARE YOU!



TL;DR I believe these people just want to sabotage the SWTOR popularity because they fear that if SWTOR grows, the future of MMOs would be more like SWTOR such as focusing on story and the leveling process instead of endgame. They fear that MMOs would become single player friendly. In short, they fear that the SWTOR formula would be the baseline formula for future MMOs.


Also i would like to pick apart your TL;DR virsion


I believe these people just want to sabotage the SWTOR popularity because they fear that if SWTOR grows, the future of MMOs would be more like SWTOR such as focusing on story and the leveling process instead of endgame.
I don't think anyone is that hard core about MMOs, people care about what they want to play at the time not what it will do to the MMOs after it.


focusing on story and the leveling process instead of endgame.
are you saying TOR will never have end game? If so what keeps people comming back to play it for that $15 a month? I loved the story line but I sure as hell would not want to sit through all of the side missions all over again just to level another character. People will leave just as if they were playing Mass Effect. you play it once or twice and set it aside untill the new Mass effect 2 came out and then you maybe played it again to remember the story.


They fear that MMOs would become single player friendly.
Single player isn't an MMO, thats why it's called single player. Questing and leveling in other games has always been single player in almost all of the MMOs i have played what makes this one so dif? This game will be just like the rest and have an MMO end game once they get off their lazy butts to make it and or fix it.


I would also like to add the voice acting and missions almost made this game go under before it even came out, thats part of the reason it took them so long to make this game just to have it come out 2 or 3 years over due... (and still not work right)

Edited by Oldmaveric
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Well, not knocking TOR because it's a good game... but it isn't the view (including my own) of what a true MMO should be. People have varying expectations about what makes a game an MMO.


The vision of my future perfect MMO includes one without player levels, abilities that are skill based (the more you use an ability, the better you get at it), true player driven economy, robust crafting/merchant play, robust diplomacy/faction play, and still have a guided storyline (but not necesssarily for the player character, a general overall world story will do fine.)


Call it a themebox or sandpark... there is a happy medium that has not yet been struck.


I am an ex systems/business analyst with a loooooong history of RP (pen and paper until quite recently) - I've often thought along the same lines - no classes, you get points to put n what you want. In this you could be a smuggler with some force use - but not enough to be a Jedi. Or you could throw everything into force use or piloting and trade or crafting. Your guild affiliation(s) (and how high within the guild you rose) would be based on how much skill you have in the requisite lists.


Likewise your allegiance would be based entirely on light/dark points - choose to do enough nasty things, and the Sith would welcome you - behave like a school teacher and become a Jedi - somewhere in between and be neutral.


Balancing the game would be a nightmare - but I reckon that it could be done.


Story lines would be based on where you were with your skills and your allegiance - they'd, by force, have to be shorter (you could quite easily change sides/guilds) and it would need some sort of "quest generating engine" that would randomly produce quests based on preset parameters.....- but every time you started an alt, the whole experience would be totally different.


Any developers that would like me to work up a high level design can contact me through here! ;)

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Well, not knocking TOR because it's a good game... but it isn't the view (including my own) of what a true MMO should be. People have varying expectations about what makes a game an MMO.


The vision of my future perfect MMO includes one without player levels, abilities that are skill based (the more you use an ability, the better you get at it), true player driven economy, robust crafting/merchant play, robust diplomacy/faction play, and still have a guided storyline (but not necesssarily for the player character, a general overall world story will do fine.)


Call it a themebox or sandpark... there is a happy medium that has not yet been struck.


isn't that exactly what Darkfall was supposed to be?

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Well Blizzard or Bethesda could certaintly do it. It would need to be one of the big players for sure.


No, blizzard won't do it due to being part of Activision now. Activision won't allow it, they are the kings of re-hashing content until they are forced to dump it and come up with a new idea. Examples? 1) WoW after they merged. 2) Call of Duty

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That train passed before alpha stage of game development, sorrybut that is how developing games work. Alsoif they would change it to what they like they do an NGE, and everyone that were happywouldleave and even those happywith new changes would never trust the company again and also leave=no more players.


Train has passed, if you don't likeit, move on. Instead of ruining everyone else'slife who are enjoying it. That behaviour is that of a spoiled child who wants others to be neglected if they are...


Because no MMO has ever added major features after launch, right?

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Remember that when all the Shortcakes and Conundrums and even Camerans quit and the games revenue goes down and the future development budget is cut.


is that why WoW did really bad after it's first month?



If the fanbois defending the game on the forums are still playing after the people bashing the game leave then this game will do great. I could see that as being at worst a 25% drop in subs.

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