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Theory: Do haters FEAR the potiential influence of SWTOR?


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I wish! But I highly doubt it. The money and development time required to code this masterpiece is way out of the reach of most developers. Bioware is one of the very few gaming companies with the resources to pull this off. You will continue to see WoW-clones from the others unfortunatly (see Rift, and the upcoming GW2 as examples).


Oh wow, you just called GW2 a WoW clone. I'm speechless.

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I think this post is spot on. This game has released better than any mmo ive seen in years and ive been a part of all the big ones and how bad those launches were. This game has launched with tons of content allowing players to level how they choose and making it very alt friendly. there is endgame as well. I am quite impressed with the game and after seeing the overall response this game is getting, I just laugh at the forums because this games a big hit so far and all those that are coming here HATING on this game are afraid of it taking over the future of mmos.



heres the kicker though, its not gonna. It will be one of the more successful mmos out there definitely. only a deaf and blind person couldnt see that.

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to the original OP.


SWTOR potential isn't a good example of a MMO, it is a good example potential of a SP turned MMO hybrid. I don't think the potential of MMO's will be at all directly affected by SWTOR, but may indirectly affect it by possibly influencing more SPRPG's to become online games, possibly MMO's by definition but not as large or as much scope as a traditionally 'defined' MMO.


If future MMO's really want to cater and offer to the MMO crowd they won't copy SWTOR format at all. It's pretty much common that the large share of MMO players aren't interested in intricate story lines, they want to skip through quest dialog and proceed to get on with killing stuff or killing other players - as well as all the other large infrastructures that MMO can offer. SWTOR actually has a fairly anti-social aspect to it's progression (at least IMO), perhaps it will change, it probably will most likely change a lot over time though. The general overview of SWTOR is a game based around story-driven quest hubs which are fairly limited when compared with other 'larger' MMO's with more player-interaction and more terrain to explore.


SWTOR is a really good example of what BW intended to develop. SP RPG games have a lot to learn from SWTOR, perhaps FF IP and Skyrim would do well to follow in BW footsteps (FF may already be a good example too). The layout of SWTOR does allow the player to experience a very specific environment and progression, as tailored by BW original game designers. BW is able to bring to the table what they do best, and offer it to a much larger audience than one of their traditional games might ever be able to reach. We will see if SWTOR will grow into a mature MMO or if it will remain to be a mostly first-person experience, which is not a bad thing really, it just depends what kind of expectation you have...

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Well, not knocking TOR because it's a good game... but it isn't the view (including my own) of what a true MMO should be. People have varying expectations about what makes a game an MMO.


The vision of my future perfect MMO includes one without player levels, abilities that are skill based (the more you use an ability, the better you get at it), true player driven economy, robust crafting/merchant play, robust diplomacy/faction play, and still have a guided storyline (but not necesssarily for the player character, a general overall world story will do fine.)


Call it a themebox or sandpark... there is a happy medium that has not yet been struck.


There is a game like this... it's called UO. welcome to 1997 bra.

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OP maybe they fear that this game is headed the same direction as all the other failed mmos that haven't gained longevity.


Which with all due respect it is so far, you know how many fans of said games looked retarded by making threads about people fearing the game's success but not knowing they are the ones coping with half azz excused bugs that take months to fix that are big isssues among many that would have to end up paying over the regular price just to experience in their mind a gerat game, that BS doesn't work with many as it's happened so many times.


Open your mind up ba bit and understand that yea haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love, but inbetween that thinkers are gonna think, not saying your not valid by loving the game and not saying your are invalid by hating the game, but in order to stay humble you think.


I'm not gonna pay a sub to a game that dissappointed me and I will share my experiences when and how I want, as many others will as well I.E the best I.E at that, ability delays.


People just can't sugar coat these things, that's being unreal, some sound blunt, some sound ignorant, you may think i sound blunt, and you may think I'm ignorant, but I for one fear that the Devs might be like other Devs and they haven't proved it yet if anything to keep a glarring issue since CB is saying whole lot.


I believe though when it comes down to it you may deep down inside fear what others say may just be true and INB4 you say you don't you post says it all and INB4 you or anyone try to break the OP or mines or both, this thread itself is fear hence why it was created.


Take care I gave advice do what you want an say what you want better support those issues.

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And the award for dumbest thread of the day goes to...



Seriously though, what's with fanboys and wingnut conspiracy theories? Are you people so cognitively dysfunctional that you really can't accept that your favorite game is flawed? Reality doesn't go away simply because you invent some paranoid fantasy.

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OP maybe they fear that this game is headed the same direction as all the other failed mmos that haven't gained longevity.




These threads show people care about the game, it may look like they are whining but in most cases it is because they feel let down, if you are in the majority that have been on the long trip from MMO to MMO looking for a sleek experience then this is not new territory, we have seen MMOs fail with launches like this.

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You guys are dealing with idiots who only

1. Can afford one mmo sub a month

2. There parents only are too cheap to pay for two subs

3. Under some delusional belief that destroying X mmo makes their current mmo better

4. Is a sheep


^ Basically that


TOR has good things. My other MMO has good stuff.

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You guys are dealing with idiots who only

1. Can afford one mmo sub a month

2. There parents only are too cheap to pay for two subs

3. Under some delusional belief that destroying X mmo makes their current mmo better

4. Is a sheep


^ Basically that


TOR has good things. My other MMO has good stuff.


It's not the subs, so much, it's the time that they take up - assuming that you're working!

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TL;DR I believe these people just want to sabotage the SWTOR popularity because they fear that if SWTOR grows, the future of MMOs would be more like SWTOR such as focusing on story and the leveling process instead of endgame. They fear that MMOs would become single player friendly. In short, they fear that the SWTOR formula would be the baseline formula for future MMOs.



I'll keep this short but hear me out. SWTOR is obviously not for everyone, especially if you are one of those old school MMO traditionalist who believes the real purpose behind MMOs is endgame and etc.....


With that being said, they do not like how SWTOR has a focus on leveling and not endgame. They do not like how SWTOR is bringing in people [such as myself] who are not traditional MMO players but rather single player gamers whos ONLY reason behind playing SWTOR is the promise of story and the ability to literally play it as a single player game if chosen to. The haters fear that if SWTOR grows and becomes really popular, then SWTOR would be used or could be used as the benchmark for future MMOs meaning future AAA MMOs will have emphasis on story.....interactive dialog....cutscenes and everything else that SWTOR does with the 4th Pillar of story.


These haters have already made up their mind that they do not like SWTOR and will either go back to other current MMOs, or just hold out until Guild Wars 2. However, because they fear that SWTOR could grow, they do not want their current MMOs or future MMOs [GW2] to be lacking in population because everyone is playing SWTOR.


So BASICALLY, the people against SWTOR pretty much want to sabatoge the popularity of SWTOR with the hopes that everyone jumps off of the "SWTOR bandwagon" and play other MMOs or hold out for future MMOs. I mean why is it that the people who supposendly have cancelled their subscription still post here? Why is it that the people who have came to the conclusion that they gate SWTOR.....continue to post here? Why is it that the most passionate opinions about SWTOR tend to be the negative ones?



N U DUMWIT!!! Ppl like GOOD games, ppl are not AFRAID that good games get subs and good critizism... They whine because they dont like the game.. ffs

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The vision of my future perfect MMO includes one without player levels, abilities that are skill based (the more you use an ability, the better you get at it), true player driven economy, robust crafting/merchant play, robust diplomacy/faction play, and still have a guided storyline (but not necesssarily for the player character, a general overall world story will do fine.)

I am intrigued by your ideas. Do you have a newsletter?

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Have you ever thought that maybe most of the people that are getting labelled as "haters" are simply just people that see the potential that SWTOR has, but are seeing that potential being snuffed out by people that in the end don't care about whether SWTOR is successful or not. People that just care about the game catering to a small niche by not having popular features from other mmos, and are willing for the game to slip into relative obscurity?


That most of these so called "haters" simply see what's about to happen to the numbers in the next three weeks, and given that they like a lot about the game and want to keep it being vibrant and growing, they're simply voicing what they know the game needs to do to achieve that?


SWTOR is by no means whatsoever a success yet. The numbers being touted about how many are playing have been seen in quite a few newly released games in the last 6 or 7 years. Those games all ended up having the rug pulled out from under them within three months of release. Many would say that the very reason it happened is the companies didn't heed the warnings coming from "the haters".

Edited by Umbral
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Turns out if you roll your eyes far enough, you can see the back of your own skull.


Yeah, anyone who doesn't think this game is the second coming of awesome is just a "hater" troll or a payed shill out to make sure the game fails. So do you use Reynolds brand aluminum foil, or is it something special?


Interesting fact I've observed from watching god knows how many game launches over the years; Nothing is worse for a game than fanboys. Easily the most vocal of groups, who crusade everywhere against anyone who raises the slightest criticism of a game, defending every development decision and ignoring every issue, fanboys destroy games.


How you ask? First off, they are corrosive to the community, due to the vitriol and harassment they spew at anyone who doesn't toe their line. Second, the dev's are people and want to believe they are doing good, so when the doubts set in and things start to fray, guess which voices are the ones they are going to want to hear.


Right now it's "Oh the xxx are just threatened because this a WoW killer". In a month, it will be "Oh this was never meant to be a WoW killer, it was meant to be a small base niche game."


Seen this all before. So enjoy your communal back-patting and whatnot oh enthusiastic fans, but you do more harm to the games you profess to love than any troll could ever do.

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I don't understand all the hating from so many people posting on whatever side they're on.


SWTOR is the first MMO I've played and wanted to pay a sub for, and Bioware + Star Wars was the reason. I'm enjoying it immensely and yes I have found a few bugs and annoyances (nothing game breaking), but I have done so with every PC game I've ever played.


:D One happy Smuggler (and I even understand why people like WoW and leave them to enjoy it)

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Yes, I understand that there are haters on every videogame forum, no matter how good the game might be.



And there are always Fanbois no matter how bad.



The truth, like SWTOR, is somewhere in-between.




SWTOR is good in many respects, but equally weak or plain non-existent in other.


And the bugs, oh my the bugs - whilst some bug are inevitable, things like class story breaking bugs that were reported in beta and never fixed is just plain sloppy.

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Interesting fact I've observed from watching god knows how many game launches over the years; Nothing is worse for a game than fanboys. Easily the most vocal of groups, who crusade everywhere against anyone who raises the slightest criticism of a game, defending every development decision and ignoring every issue, fanboys destroy games.



This is true, bugs and gameplay weakness need to be addressed, drowning them out on the forums doesn't stop people that don't come to the forums leaving because of them.


Constructive criticism is vital to any game, MMO or otherwise.

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TL;DR I believe these people just want to sabotage the SWTOR popularity because they fear that if SWTOR grows, the future of MMOs would be more like SWTOR such as focusing on story and the leveling process instead of endgame. They fear that MMOs would become single player friendly. In short, they fear that the SWTOR formula would be the baseline formula for future MMOs.



I'll keep this short but hear me out. SWTOR is obviously not for everyone, especially if you are one of those old school MMO traditionalist who believes the real purpose behind MMOs is endgame and etc.....


With that being said, they do not like how SWTOR has a focus on leveling and not endgame. They do not like how SWTOR is bringing in people [such as myself] who are not traditional MMO players but rather single player gamers whos ONLY reason behind playing SWTOR is the promise of story and the ability to literally play it as a single player game if chosen to. The haters fear that if SWTOR grows and becomes really popular, then SWTOR would be used or could be used as the benchmark for future MMOs meaning future AAA MMOs will have emphasis on story.....interactive dialog....cutscenes and everything else that SWTOR does with the 4th Pillar of story.


These haters have already made up their mind that they do not like SWTOR and will either go back to other current MMOs, or just hold out until Guild Wars 2. However, because they fear that SWTOR could grow, they do not want their current MMOs or future MMOs [GW2] to be lacking in population because everyone is playing SWTOR.


So BASICALLY, the people against SWTOR pretty much want to sabatoge the popularity of SWTOR with the hopes that everyone jumps off of the "SWTOR bandwagon" and play other MMOs or hold out for future MMOs. I mean why is it that the people who supposendly have cancelled their subscription still post here? Why is it that the people who have came to the conclusion that they gate SWTOR.....continue to post here? Why is it that the most passionate opinions about SWTOR tend to be the negative ones?


You have officially entered the realm of paranoid delusion. Do you also believe the moon landing was fake?

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I only read the title so:


Maybe, at least I do. Just look at WoW. WoW did this and that and it became a huge success, now take a look at all the other mainstream mmorpgs after it, many copies a lot of concepts from WoW.


For someone like me, that would like a more sandbox approach to mmorpgs, this is disappointing. So yeah, it's a bit scary if SWTOR, a game that borrows heavily heeeeeaaavily from WoW becomes a giant success because it's just gonna encourage the future mmorpgs to go the same path, same damn path I wish none of these that came after WoW should've gone.

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TL;DR I believe these people just want to sabotage the SWTOR popularity because they fear that if SWTOR grows, the future of MMOs would be more like SWTOR such as focusing on story and the leveling process instead of endgame. They fear that MMOs would become single player friendly. In short, they fear that the SWTOR formula would be the baseline formula for future MMOs.



No I "fear" (lol) SWTOR because if its accepted, then other developers will think they can get away with releasing half arsed, half complete, unimaginative, buggy, crap games and charge a sub for it.


I want a good game, I want innovation, I want fun and supppprises. Not this.


I have no problem with storey driven, I have no problem with more levelling focus, I think these are good goals, but they have ignoreed endgame...there are no choices in progression paths, its raid, thats it. Or go level again and sit through the same Voice overs.

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If when you say "fear potential influence", you mean "every other game that comes out will be a reskinned, buggy, low quality WoW clone with voice acting", then yes, I'd imagine they really fear the potential influence.


The only innovation to come out of this game is the voice acting so far.

Edited by NopeNotVidya
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Well, not knocking TOR because it's a good game... but it isn't the view (including my own) of what a true MMO should be. People have varying expectations about what makes a game an MMO.


The vision of my future perfect MMO includes one without player levels, abilities that are skill based (the more you use an ability, the better you get at it), true player driven economy, robust crafting/merchant play, robust diplomacy/faction play, and still have a guided storyline (but not necesssarily for the player character, a general overall world story will do fine.)


Call it a themebox or sandpark... there is a happy medium that has not yet been struck.


The game you are looking for is called Ultima Online.

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.01%, lmao, just wait for the free month to end and u'll be playing alone



For the love of god do you actually believe people are here complaining because they WANT the game to fail?


Did you ever consider that many are sick of WoW and other MMO's and are completely disappointed and aghast at the horrible flaws in TOR?


The biggest problem for me is that there are simply TO MANY issues that BW will not fix fast enough, and this game will die as even the most patient of players loses patience with one of the very many issues it has right now.


Believe me I've seen it all before, many times.


Oh, hey, look, LionRampant and Shortcake.


Hey guise :)

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