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I unsubscribed, and here's why.


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Wait lol...do you even realise I can say the same thing to you, except why are you here on the forum if the game is so great?




So meaningless you just *had* to respond to it? :rolleyes:




What's stopping you playing? The story, the lag, the pvp, the bugs or the faction imbalance? Maybe you've done your space battle dailies? Or do you just like the forums more? :confused:



Ummmm, because I like the game I am never allowed to stop playing it? Wow, you truly do not not realize how dumb you are coming across do you?


If you must know, I was taking a smoke break as we do not smoke in the house.


No sense in trying to reason with stupid. So I am heading back to the game.


I love the story, have ZERO lag 99.99999999999% of the time, this is only MMO, I have PVP'ed in and love it (though agree at some point it needs expanded), faction imbalance doesn't mean squat to me (why would it) and space combat is alright, but I can agree it also need expanded. Bland space combat hardly ruins the entire game though.


You take care and hope you some day get the help and/or attentoon you seem to need, but I assure you I'm done feeding or reading your big bag of crazy.

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I find it funny how people expect the wow standards and even more. Remember what wow was like back in 2005? This game is much more advanced than wow was at the release. Give it time, the game will improve. If you cant give it time, then unsub and go back to wow. Comparing a 2 weeks old game to a 7 years developed game is pathetic.


What you are saying is that having high standards is bad. This is not true nor fair. If you want low standards for newly released IP (or newer iterations of old IP) you will drown in a see of poor games. This is bad for the industry.


I hope you understand that. You could claim standards were too high, but for 150 million dollars, a talented team at BW and a great marketing campaign it's hard to state that this is the player's fault for coming in hot and ready.


Just a thought.

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And so on and so on until the end of time.


The people who consistently move to the next big thing will be doing it forever it seems.


And the people who stay are left playing a game that just dies out slowly.


You know they talk over the next couple of months will be all about how many subs TOR has lost. Soon it will be "TOR failed", WoW will get back the 1 million subs it lost even though panda's are ridiculous and we're back to square 1.


The thing is - it's BW's fault. Nobody else is to blame - they only had to make a game that was at least as good as a very old game but they failed to get close, just like the others before.

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No it wasn't. WoW was FAR better at launch. Regardless SWTOR isn't up against WoW at launch it's up against WoW NOW. Where is it better? Story? :rolleyes:


Another ignorant WoW lubber. WoW was all kinds of broken at launch. That means you either weren't there, which means you're a liar, or you were there and are choosing to ignore it, which makes you a blithering hypocrite.


And again, for the 9283928371928371209387129-381273987th time...if this game is sooooo bad, and WoW is soooooooooooooooo good, why the hell are you here?

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Ummmm, because I like the game I am never allowed to stop playing it? Wow, you truly do not not realize how dumb you are coming across do you?


If you must know, I was taking a smoke break as we do not smoke in the house.


I'd advise you to lay of whatever it is you are smoking tbh, not just inside.

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Listing valid bugs and constructive criticism of the game is fine, however I don't see the point in spending a paragraph telling everyone that you have unsubbed, I mean who really cares? There are so many posts like that, it's irrelevent information.
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Another ignorant WoW lubber. WoW was all kinds of broken at launch. That means you either weren't there, which means you're a liar, or you were there and are choosing to ignore it, which makes you a blithering hypocrite.


And again, for the 9283928371928371209387129-381273987th time...if this game is sooooo bad, and WoW is soooooooooooooooo good, why the hell are you here?


I was there and WoW was nowhere near this broken.


Regardless, you still fail utterly to miss the point that TOR is up against WoW in 2012, not WoW from 2005.

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a great marketing campaign


Through all my disgust in what this game is... I will give EA this one point.


The whole hype they created prior to launching this pitiful game... was a marketting masterpiece.


They made people buy so much crap before the game was even in beta... amazing...


EA knows how to make money... and they are working damn hard to do so right now, just remember this when your trouble ticket gets "closed" status with a deadly c&p response ;)

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I have to agree this game is going to tank fast after the first 30days...so many bugs from 40+.. dont even get me started on the lvl 50 stuff...bug list went from maybe one to 10 in one hour at 50.


You should be glad you reached 50 - most won't. PVP is completely dead due to 50's dominating - soon nobody will pvp because of it.


BW could fix simply it today, but they won't. They don't have a clue tbh.

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WOW wwas worse on launch. Fail logic is fail.


I honestly thought the Bioware Social Forums were bad. This forum honestly takes the cake with absolute worst community ever.


WoW had stability issues with their servers. WoW did not have content issues and people were not maxing out before the game was even released.


Completely different things, I can deal with stability issues (which only lasted a month). I don't think Bio can fix their lack of actual content by the end of this month.

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And the people who stay are left playing a game that just dies out slowly.


You know they talk over the next couple of months will be all about how many subs TOR has lost. Soon it will be "TOR failed", WoW will get back the 1 million subs it lost even though panda's are ridiculous and we're back to square 1.


The thing is - it's BW's fault. Nobody else is to blame - they only had to make a game that was at least as good as a very old game but they failed to get close, just like the others before.


Maybe, maybe not. All I'm saying is this will repeat until the MMO genre is dead or changed completely. This newer generation of MMO player wants buttloads of endgame content, extremely smooth combat, lag free, bug free, queue free game right at launch.


If a game ever actually manages to do that at launch, it would be one hell of a c-c-c-comber breaker. But I imagine even if it did, it would still be considered mediocre with 500k subs a couple months after release.


I've stopped caring about numbers and subscribers altogether. If you enjoy the MMO, play it until it's "dead". *shrug*


WoW did not have content issues


Hard to have issues with content when it didn't exist, lol.

Edited by Jaku
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I was there and WoW was nowhere near this broken.


Regardless, you still fail utterly to miss the point that TOR is up against WoW in 2012, not WoW from 2005.


Your memory needs work then. Servers randomly crashing, gathering nodes that not only didn't work, but would lock you and force a close, unfinished world (hello Captain Placeholder), a complete lack of pvp, an almost complete lack of end game, classes so screwed up that virtually all of them have since been rebuilt from the ground up...at least once, ect...


I understand that SWTOR is up against WoW...I played WoW and quit several years ago, I play SWTOR and decided I like it despite the issues. You, on the other hand, apparently despise SWTOR and swoon at the very mention of WoW. Which brings me back to my other point...why the hell are you here then?

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WoW sucks. I mean, seriously, I would rather roll alts in TOR until my eyes bleed than endure WoW's "endgame" for another day. Between all those stupid dailies, heroics, etc., it just just a horrible, predictable grind. There's nothing like doing the exact same thing, every single day, week in and week out. WoW plays more like a job at the level cap than any game I've ever played. And not a good job, either; a really bad, horrible job that has you repeat boring, stupidly-easy tasks ad nauseum.


What so many of these roaches -- these swarming MMO locusts -- are missing is that TOR isn't nearly as much about what you do at the cap than what you do while leveling. And, since the classes all have different stories, there really is a true motivation to play each and every one of them to 50. But these tools will never get that; they'll dump their accounts after 30 days and run off to troll the forums of the next 'next thing.' The problem for these people is that they never settle down; never embrace a game. The truth is, they weren't happy (or accepted -- they probably sucked) in WoW, and they won't be happy wherever they go next.


But the sooner they leave here, the better. And I think it'll be hilarious when their paltry numbers are almost immediately replaced by thousands of fresh newcomers. You see, this game doesn't suck -- these people do.

Edited by AJediKnight
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Your memory needs work then. Servers randomly crashing, gathering nodes that not only didn't work, but would lock you and force a close, unfinished world (hello Captain Placeholder), a complete lack of pvp, an almost complete lack of end game, classes so screwed up that virtually all of them have since been rebuilt from the ground up...at least once, ect...


I understand that SWTOR is up against WoW...I played WoW and quit several years ago, I play SWTOR and decided I like it despite the issues. You, on the other hand, apparently despise SWTOR and swoon at the very mention of WoW. Which brings me back to my other point...why the hell are you here then?


I'm here because I paid £75 for 2 copies of the game for myself and girlfriend, and I'm rightfully pissed off at how crap the game turned out. Why are you here? Because the game is actually too boring to be playing right now?

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Show me another MMO other than WoW that grew significantly after its first launch month. A subscriber-based MMO, please.



EverQuest grew for quite awhile after it's first month too. Still going 12 years now. Of course it also makes both WoW and SWTOR look like shiny turds.

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I was there and WoW was nowhere near this broken.


Regardless, you still fail utterly to miss the point that TOR is up against WoW in 2012, not WoW from 2005.


Totally agree...


SWTOR launch needed to beat other current launches... they didn't need to beat WoW's launch 7 yrs ago...(and I'll admit, the launch itself wasn't insanely bad... servers weren't crashing left and right... although it was probably because they just didn't let them get full ... no I mean really full... no the queue labelled as "full")




Any new MMO will get compared to everything that is and was... and that is the right thing to do. To survive, you need to be better, or at least just as good...

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WoW sucks. I mean, seriously, I would rather roll alts in TOR until my eyes bleed than endure WoW's "endgame" for another day. Between all those stupid dailies, heroics, etc., it just just a horrible, predictable grind. There's nothing like doing the exact same thing, every single day, week in and week out. WoW plays more like a job at the level cap than any game I've ever played. And not a good job, either; a really bad, horrible job that has you repeat boring, stupidly-easy tasks ad nauseum.


What so many of these roaches -- these swarming MMO locusts -- are missing is that TOR isn't nearly as much about what you do at the cap than what you do while leveling. And, since the classes all have different stories, there really is a true motivation to play each and every one of them to 50. But these tools will never get that; they'll dump their accounts after 30 days and run off to troll the forums of the next 'next thing.' The problem for these people is that they never settle down; never embrace a game. The truth is, they weren't happy (or accepted -- they probably sucked) in WoW, and they won't be happy wherever they go next.


But the sooner they leave here, the better. And I think it'll be hilarious when their paltry numbers are almost immediately replaced by thousands of fresh newcomers. You see, this game doesn't suck -- these people do.


No offence but you're not kidding anyone.


If you had any "success" at all in WoW you'd hate this game for it's myriad of flaws. No matter how grindy WoW was, it had enough to keep millions addicted for years.


If you suck hard at gaming you might be able to get some kind of enjoyment out of TOR however. Perhaps you've given up on competition altogether? TOR is like a retirement home for failed WoWers - that's the type of person who will be here - all 100,000 of you - in 3 months time.

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I'm here because I paid £75 for 2 copies of the game for myself and girlfriend, and I'm rightfully pissed off at how crap the game turned out. Why are you here? Because the game is actually too boring to be playing right now?


To each their own. All that shows is that you are petty to go along with being ignorant and having a wildly bloated opinion of yourself.

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Totally agree...


SWTOR launch needed to beat other current launches... they didn't need to beat WoW's launch 7 yrs ago...(and I'll admit, the launch itself wasn't insanely bad... servers weren't crashing left and right... although it was probably because they just didn't let them get full ... no I mean really full... no the queue labelled as "full")




Any new MMO will get compared to everything that is and was... and that is the right thing to do. To survive, you need to be better, or at least just as good...


I never said that person was wrong saying that SWTOR isn't competing against launch WoW, but then again, I wasn't the one who erroneously brought up how smooth WoW was at launch either.

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Hmm - WoW's starting population was around 1 Million subs in the first month as well.


Seven years later we end up with a declining 12 million Sub Populous. My my, we forget to do our research didn't we?


As like you.... WoW has not 12m subs. They just lost many the last months. Its more like 10m atm. not even 11. So maybe YOU should get your facts right, huh?

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Spelling fail, and comparing a game released in 2011 to one released in 2003 fail... Simply, the bar has been thoroughly raised.


It was released end of 2004 in USA and Feb. 2005 in EU. Get yur facts right.

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What so many of these roaches; these swarming MMO locusts are missing is that TOR isn't nearly as much about what you do at the cap than what you do while leveling.


Is that really worth paying for?


Take into account that even the story of this game is limited by the fact that they can't really put things into your individual story sequences that CHANGE the world drastically. You can see that Bioware had to hold back on certain elements.


Ok, I can kill this guy in my instance or let him survive, ok I can detonate this bomb or not. You don't really see the effects of what you do, and they don't even have an effect on your game from that point forward for the most part.


Play the Mass Effect games or the original KOTOR, and compare the storylines to that of TOR.


The bottom line is that it's an "MMO", and I use that term loosely, that tries to adopt single player elements, but not TOO much because it is a multiplayer game afterall. You wind up with a sloppy mash of both.


Is a "great leveling experience" really enough to keep you paying?


For me the answer was no. Partially because I subscribe to games when I feel they actually require one, and partially because I felt like the story elements weren't even THAT good.

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