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Flashpoints too long for 99%

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All the flashpoints I have played have been fine length-wise. They have all taken roughly an hour or so and that is great, I want something substantial when I go for these. If I want a shorter group section I do a herioc 2 or 4. One hour, even two, is not a huge investment in time and can still fit it into an after-work play session.


Also.. it never ceases to amaze me how many people on this forum use phrases like "most people" "99%" "everyone" when describing their own personal opinions.

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Instances should not be a 10 minute walk in walk out deal. Period. That detracts from gameplay, and doesn't add depth to anything, forcing players to add depth to content that has none (by pulling multiple packs at once, doing bosses using strategies that shouldn't work, etc.) Make the hour it needs to find a group capable of pulling the instance off and doing it. It's not fair to everyone to dumb the game down in its infancy to later realize that what kept the game interesting was the fact that there was dungeons that were difficult enough to provide some challenege and initiate social interaction that develops interpersonal relationships which bloom into online friendships and gets people to play with people often that they otherwise would not have.


TL;DR: Save yourself the trouble of dumbing down the game; people should have to adhere to challenges you put in the game so that the rest of us dont have to make our own in easy content.

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There's 2 kinds of flashpoint length.


Length from convos, and length from trash.


The former is evidenced in BT, which has very little trash on hardmode and is a breeze. I like the fact that the pace is controlled by the convos. The latter, you can easily see in Boarding Party, which has literally hundreds of trash mobs to wade through.


Then there's friggin' False Emperor. Which has both. Seriously, the trash has its own mini-bosses. It's like Xzibit designed that place; "Yo dawg I heard you like trash" etc...


Fact of the matter is, to min-max a new toon you have to spam-run these instances. At this point, with the sheer amount of trash in the HMs which aren't BT, I basically get time to do maybe 2 a day after work, do dailies, then sleep. I'm not saying we need WOTLK-style 15-minute zergfests, but keep the trash down to a sensible amount. Put in more convos as a pacing mechanic. Trash isn't even challenging, it's a chore.


Edit: How about HMs for the other flashpoints at the drop pods? I'd rather do Hammer Station or Cademimu on HM than slog through another Boarding Party clear.

Edited by Farabee
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so i did normal directive 7 and it took like an hour and a half, guess you are following the cata model that lost half of blizz's subs


A) 99%? Really? you can't come up with a better arguement? so you make up false numbers?


B) "lost half bliz subs"? You just like to make up stuff don't you? Until recently Bliz has not lost subs and the lose is not due to a 7 year old game being bad, it's due to competition slowly chipping away at a 7 year old game .. they still, as of the last posted number, have 10mil + active subs ... and I don't think swtor has broke 2mil yet.

Edited by dchero
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A) 99%? Really? you can't come up with a better arguement? so you make up false numbers?


B) "lost half bliz subs"? You just like to make up stuff don't you? Until recently Bliz has not lost subs and the lose is not due to a 7 year old game being bad, it's due to competition slowly chipping away at a 7 year old game .. they still, as of the last posted number, have 10mil + active subs ... and I don't think swtor has broke 2mil yet.


Unfortunately, this forum is littered with people who exaggerate to make a point. If they dumb down and/or shorten the flashpoints, some of the "fun" will be taken out of them. 1 hour 30 min is just fine (maybe a bit long for some). There should be some longer flashpoints for those who want a deep/involved story to drive through. The shorter ones are no better than a typical HEROIC mission, which there are plenty of already.

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so i did normal directive 7 and it took like an hour and a half, guess you are following the cata model that lost half of blizz's subs


That's funny because even after Blizz shortened their dungeon lengths they continued to lose subs so I think you need to revisit your theory.


I agree they can be long if you wipe a lot. But I like the difficulty of the dungeons. It makes you feel like you accomplished something and it makes for better players.

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Not that the flashpoints are too long. but the fact that to progress throguh them you usually have to die and by dying your equipment breaks causing you to have to pay for repairs. now does anyone else think its ridiculous for my repair bill to be 32,000 credits? i mean thats a lil extreme for dying 10 times. especially when it takes me longer to farm that much gold er credits than it does to run the flashpoint. reduce the repair cost by 50% or so to make it reasonable
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90 minutes is not a long time.


It's 90 minutes that require your constant attention. You can't do anything else. A lot of us have spouses/gf/etc., and believe it, sometimes you just cannot sit at the computer for 90 minutes without paying attention to anything else.


Main problem with Flashpoints is they feel like Aion - **** takes forever to die. I guess when ppl willstart to CC and FOCUS TARGET things will go faster.

Edited by CastorKrieg
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Yeah right.. maybe if you don't listen to any of the conversations and you have a team of high level people that know exactly what they are doing.


It took me around 2 hours the first time to do Black Talon


i wouldn't have it any other way :D

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It's 90 minutes that require your constant attention. You can't do anything else. A lot of us have spouses/gf/etc., and believe it, sometimes you just cannot sit at the computer for 90 minutes without paying attention to anything else.


Main problem with Flashpoints is they feel like Aion - **** takes forever to die. I guess when ppl willstart to CC and FOCUS TARGET things will go faster.


This is why they need some long ones and some short ones. The long ones to satisfy those who want a deep/interesting story. The short ones for those who just want to get it out of the way (if a deep/interesting story can be included, then bonus points!).


Personally, I would be GREATLY disappointed if they removed (and/or stopped creating) the longer flashpoints. And just to make things clear, I have 3 spouses and 4 gf's, etc.

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if you think flashpoints are long you obviously never did blackrock depths in vanilla. that thing was an epic 6 hour journey.


This. There really wasn't a length difference between WotLK and Cataclysm dungeons...what changed was the difficulty, particularly for healers.


The length is fine. Most flashpoints don't take more than an hour if you're with a coordinated group.

Edited by raelimar
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