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Everything posted by Dakan

  1. Outraged over a computer game? Nah, I have bigger fish to fry in my life.
  2. I play a Sage, and do not agree that Force Armor has to go. It just needs some tweaking, that's all.
  3. Dakan

    Sage VS Sorc

    Because I play my Sage like it was designed—as a utility class. I'm going to do whatever the situation calls for. Whether it's keeping a teammate alive, or some spot DPS to help kill off pesky Imps. Most of the time though I'm healing because there are only a few of us healers (if we're lucky) in each warzone match on my server it seems.
  4. There are pros and cons to the system.... On one hand, it's exciting to open a bag, not knowing what you'll get. When you hit the jackpot, it's a euphoric feeling. On the other hand, when you hit a streak of bad luck and get nothing, it's deflating.
  5. Top 5 priority kills in PvP: 1) Healer 2) Healer 3) Healer 4) Healer 5) Healer Mark the healer and tell your team to burn them down. By the way, I play a healer.
  6. Turn shadows off. Turn graphic settings down a notch. I play with a 4 year old machine and have no problems with FPS in Warzones. Textures are set to medium and everything else is set to low. And I still think the game looks beautiful.
  7. You spent real $$$ on credits/items in this game?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How terrible (and lazy) of a player are you?!
  8. I have no problems healing in any of the warzones. *shrugs*
  9. Don't take what the announcer says so literally OP. *laughs*
  10. Dakan

    Sad but true

    Don't ever speak for me again. Or anyone else for that matter.
  11. I've had it happen to me a few times since I started playing three weeks ago.
  12. I hear this kind of crap all the time on my server (Darth Malak). I usually tell them to go pound sand. I find it very hard—extremely hard to believe, that all of these high level players who complain about lower levels in Warzones avoided them until they were high level. How quickly people forget they were once low level peeps in Warzones. It's laughable. I'm of the opinion that if you're serious about PvP, then you need to que up as soon as you're able to. You need to learn how to play your class in PvP situations (PvE situations don't cut it). Yes, losing can be a learning experience. Getting your butt kicked can be a learning experience. You don't wait until you're level 50 to start PvP'ing.
  13. Dakan

    huttball camping

    ^This I like seeing familiar allies and foes. Cross server PvP kills communities Bioware! Don't do it!
  14. Dakan

    huttball camping

    It'll all be over come Tuesday OP. Well, most of it anyway.
  15. It was dumb to include 50s in there, but putting together levels 10-49 is still a good idea. Unless you like long que times?
  16. *takes a bow* I'm 37! Actually, I'm 33, so the kid comment isn't exactly accurate. The nerd part, yes.
  17. Your problem is that you're playing with PUGs.
  18. As a healer, I couldn't care less about medals or MVP votes. I'm trying to keep my team alive. That's my challenge. That's my ultimate goal (well, winning too).
  19. I absolutely hated, HATED Huttball during beta. Now, it's my favorite WZ of the three. Huttball as a sport is a great concept. Would love to see new maps/layouts for it.
  20. I've been able to overcome the difficulty of this class quest using some of the strategies already mention in this thread. My HUGE problem right now is, I've saved 4/6 scientists, but there are no more around. All imperial forces (and Sith) have been defeated. Nothing else has spawned (or is spawning). Attis Station is completely empty—there are just dead bodies scattered everywhere. I've tried resetting the phase (the only thing it resets are the coolant tanks you can blow up), I've tried logging out and logging back in, etc. Nothing seems to work. I submitted a ticket, but haven't heard anything back for two days. Any advice and/or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  21. *sniff, sniff* I smell a troll. This game is EXTREMELY solo friendly.
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