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Everything posted by Dakan

  1. Dakan

    getting sick of "PVB"

    Collecting anything, like you're on some PvE quest (and claiming it's part of PvP) is NOT PvP. It's dumb. Can we get some real PvP, please?
  2. Fire Jeff Hickman already Bioware!
  3. *sigh* Trying to "fix" things that aren't broken. C'mon Bioware, you have far more pressing issues than this. Change it back to the way it was at launch and just leave it alone already.
  4. Yes, I really do find this game to be fun. *gasp* Someone has a different opinion than you! For shame!
  5. Yes, please change it back to the way it was at launch. PLEASE! Why has it been changed twice already? What was wrong with it in the first place? Am I missing something?
  6. Here's some food for thought... Some (most) of you are way, way, way too obsessed with medals and MVP votes. The bonus valor you receive from them isn't all that significant; it's really not. Quit worrying about trying to top damage charts/farm medals and try helping your team win. Play naturally, and your valor will come. You'll be fine. Trust me.
  7. Started with UO, so no, not my first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth or even seventh take at it.
  8. SWTOR can't do DAOC because there's only two factions.
  9. The responses given so far in this thread prove that the "spirit" of competitive PvP is truly gone for good, at least in themepark MMOs. Players these days are only looking for shiny rewards. Everyone wants to be rewarded for every single second spent in-game. My idea is coming from the perspective of wanting to see players LEARN how to organize, LEARN how to communicate, LEARN how to win as a team, and LEARN how to PvP correctly. You do those things, and your chances of winning increase ten fold. But no one wants to put forth the effort it seems. Shame really.
  10. I'm a rebel player. I just want to play with people who actually want to try and win, not farm for rewards.
  11. I'll get straight to the point. The rewards given to losing teams in WZ should be reduced by a large margin. Why you ask? PvP is not about grinding for Valor, Commendations, XP, or Credits. Too many times I've watched teammates (and opponents) give up on games early and focus only on medal farming so their rewards are bigger, regardless if they win. I believe reducing rewards for losing teams will deter this sort of behavior by a great deal. Valor, Commendations, XP, and Credits reduced significantly Medals are not rewarded if your team loses, OR, are worth a lot less. Will people still quit mid-game? Absolutely. But that's when you nail them with at least a 15 min penalty before they can enter another WZ. I also believe it will discourage players from joining WZ in the first place who are only there to farm rewards and/or leech off of others' work, and not there to win and, you know, PvP. It will separate the true PvP'rs from the pretenders. Players need to learn how to work as a TEAM (and win as a TEAM); they also need to learn how to PvP correctly. Reducing rewards for losing will hopefully make them put forth the effort to learn. Thoughts?
  12. My guess is, the topical hydrocortisone cream business has increased its profits 300% since SWTOR was released. Lots of blisters to heal!
  13. *shakes head* EQ, and more recently WoW, have brainwashed so many of you into thinking you need a shiny piece of something to feel like you've been rewarded for your time and effort. Back in the day (when us older MMO vets walked uphill, in the snow, and both ways) PvP was about the competitiveness and fun. Yes, let me repeat that: We PvP'd for FUN And it was great. The thrill of the kill was all we needed.
  14. I'm fine with arena-like game play, as long as it only rewards players with aesthetic things, like mounts/titles/accessories/clothing that give NO special PvP bonues/advantages. So, no arena gear. In my head, I picture it as just another type of warzone—2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, and even 1 vs 1 could be fun. Go nuts, have a ranking system (and even a less competitive non-ranked arena to practice in). The more variety of PvP, the better. Just don't base nerf/buff decisions around arena play, and all will be fine.
  15. This is a BS excuse if you don't mind me saying. The game has been out for a month. Before each WZ starts, the game tells you how to play and what the objectives are. A handful of games, and you should know how to play. It's not that hard.
  16. Well said OP. I agree 100% That's not to say Bioware shouldn't "tweak" certain classes, but the excessive QQ I see on these forums is a bit out of hand. Some (most) people just need to suck it up and learn to get better. You can always get better. It's also time for people to accept the Rock—Paper—Scissors design of this game.
  17. No one is getting owned. I'm on winning teams more than losing ones in Warzones. This thread was dedicated to laughing at bad players who don't know the meaning of objective based, team PvP. Good try, though. *hands Volok a cookie*
  18. Here's the problem. I felt the guy on my heels, so I started running in the opposite direction of my teammate who went on to score (no one else was around him). The enemy player was better off going after my teammate ball carrier. None of his teammates were even close to help out. He wasn't interested in stopping us from scoring though, he just wanted to chase me across the map to get his kill. That one really made me laugh.
  19. As a healer, when I'm trained by competent players, I die within seconds. My shield is not OP.
  20. You know who you are. Scratch that. You probably don't. I'm going to briefly describe three different recurring scenarios that I'm sure many of you have witnessed and/or experienced in Warzones. Sadly, sometimes on your own team. These all happened in the last 2 hours for me. It's pretty sidesplitting, actually. Scenario 1 — Huttball: Enemy player chases me halfway across the map to get his kill, and on the way, runs right past my teammate who's carrying the ball and on his way to score. Scenario 2 — Alderran Enemy player leaves turret undefended to chase me out into the open field, thus, letting my teammate ninja behind him/her and capture it. Scenario 3 — Void Star See above. Same thing, different Warzone. Enemy player is drawn out away from defending the door, allowing my teammates to plant the bomb. I see this over and over and over and over again. Every. Single. Day. These kinds of players are so easy to manipulate, and so easy to distract, its laughable. Who cares if you did 300k+ damage, got 7 medals, or was "immortal?" If your team lost 6-0, 400-0, or failed to defend the bombs from being planted, you've failed as a teammate, and more importantly, as a team objective PvP'r. YOU'RE HURTING YOUR TEAM TRYING TO SOLO PvP!
  21. You should go back to playing Rift.
  22. OP wants his ego stroked. That's about all I got out of that post.
  23. You're so awesome OP! You deserve a cookie! *hands OP a cookie*
  24. The more variety, the better. How anyone could be against this idea is, well, a bit perplexing. We need more than three Warzones—much more!
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