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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Will they please fix this already?


    1. Because it sucks

    2. Because this has to be the 100th thread about it.


    Seriously Bioware? You telling me this wasn't a top reported issue?


    Talking about it on the forums does not count as a bug report. If all the people who are experiencing the issue are running here to tell us about it instead of staying in game to open a ticket then the problem will never be resolved.


    If you want it fixed, be sure to tell everyone you see to report it in game.

  2. BH gear will not negate the focus fire when:


    • Rage Marauders and Juggernaughts figure they can smash you for 9K
    • Carnage Marauder discover force scream criticals for 5K, along with 4K ticks of ravage.
    • Annihilation Marauders discover you take 1500 per bleed tick and over 4000 damage from annihilate
    • Sorcerers who discover force lightning ticks for 1.4K each tick, and a deathfield critical can give them the 5K hit medal.
    • Powertechs discover that an 7K railshot is awesome.
    • Operators who discover shiv hits for 4K
    • Assassins who discover thrash and voltaic slash hit anywhere from 3K-6K a hit.
    • Vengence juggernaughts discover that vicious throw hits for 5K


    Once you discover the person wearing PvE gear it takes less than 2 GCD's of focus fire to send them back to the spawn.


    Except none of those things ever happen to a BH geared player since the ARMOR rating is so high.


    Since I'm assuming there is some confusion here, "BH" means "Black Hole", which is the highest tier of gear available in game for PvE. It is statistically superior to Recruit for PvP purposes despite the lack of Expertise simply because it's raw stats are so high.


    Also, it takes less than 2 GCDs of focus fire to send anyone back to the spawn in this game since the TTK has been completely botched since 1.2 when healers got nerfed so your argument does not reflect any meaningful difference between the two gear sets.

  3. BH gear has significantly more armor rating and endurance on it which will negate the damage reduction you are missing out on by having no expertise (from Recruit).


    BH gear has significantly more mainstat and secondary stats on it which will negate the damage increase you are missing out on by having no expertise (from Recruit).


    If you are already in full BH then you are going to outperform every single Recruit gear player.

  4. Maybe this is what they intended but the Chain CC actually drove me to hang up both my 50's and go level an alt...10-49 PvP the majority of SI/Con and Op/Smugg dont have all their stuns yet...so its a lot more fun. It doesnt help that the changes shifted the balance of Power from DPS rulz to Stuns rule...So everyone that shelved their Sorcs, and Ops just dusted them off all at once...And those that didnt have them dusted off their Juggs and respecced Rage...So its Stun, Stun, Stun Triple smash everyones dead...Awesome experience.


    Granted I have a Jugg and heve been rage since they "Nerfed" it. I dont want to be a part of this PvP anyway....Its still not fun even for the "OP" Dmg classes. Honestly the only ones that are probably enjoying this are ops, Sins, and Sorcs that figured out to hybrid spec into "Stun Bubble".


    They broke alot of abilities as well with the patch and no word on fixes there....1.4 should have never went live in its condition....They knew PvP could not be properly tested. The result is they completely destroyed it with bugs and untested changes that hit the very core of PvP fun factor. Really bad move.


    Ive heard it said before...and I agree that Bioware is severly lucky there are alot of Diehard Star Wars fans..If not for that I would have hung this game up a long time ago...Decsions being made are just mind boggling...


    Im going to play my alt and do under 50 PvP until I hit 50....If they havnt sorted this out by then I will be forced to bag it....PvP in its current state IMO is unplayable.


    SI/JC has both the hard stun and hard mez available by level 10. The Shadow/Assassin gets an extra hard mez at level 20.

  5. Might be a nub question, but do slows contribute to filling resolve bar?


    Slows are Roots are not Resolve Effects, thus they do not add Resolve nor are they affected by Resolve Immunity.

    This is intentional as they are part of the kiting metagame, not the CC metagame.

  6. As mentioned, the idea behind the change was to fix what amounted to a "bug" that granted free Resolve to players who were hit with multiple stuns.


    The system is designed to grant 200 resolve per second of hard stun, 100 resolve per second of mezz, and 400 resolve per movement effect.


    If you get hit with a 4 second stun, you get 800 resolve (which is 800/4=200, which meets the system design). If you get hit with two stuns at the same time you will still only be stunned for 4 seconds, but prior to 1.4 you would get 800+800+400 resolve (the 400 is the over 1000 bonus) for a total of 2000 resolve (which is 2000/4=500, which does not meet the system design).


    This change is designed to correct the unintended Resolve per second gain and bring it back in line with the intended rates.

  7. No one was complaining about our ranged stun. I believe they made this change to mesh with the changes to overall CC and resolve; as well as to make 4 second stuns consistent across ACs and not spammable from range.


    Abilities that have a 1 minute CD are not "spammable". Otherwise I agree with your assessment. They decided to standardize all hard stuns at 10m, effectively removing any chance of a Sage/Sorc escaping from another ranged class.

  8. (Emphasis mine) If I understand this correctly this means over the length of a match the maximum time you can end up immune is lower then before the change. I believe this is the problem we are seeing now.


    Before, two uncoordinated attacks allowed me to gain immunity more quickly. Over the length of a match this means I'd have more opportunities to gain immunity. The isolated example the developers used didn't calculate immunity over time in the whole match only in a particular instance.


    Eeeeer nope


    I usually agree with most of your post, I do believe our previous resolve system was fine.


    But I think this last quote is not true. As I understand (and after a few WZs today, looks like), when you get that second stun 1 second later, it will full the resolve JUST for that extra second you're stuned, what means that after you get out of those 5 seconds stun, you can actually get stuned again.


    I might be wrong, I haven't played too many (just around 8) but I think it does work like that now. Anyway, it's the first day... let's see how it goes.




    Here are the patch notes regarding Resolve:

    •The Resolve system has been adjusted in the following ways:

    •When a player becomes immune to control due to Resolve, his Resolve meter will not start decaying until after all the current controlling effects expire (instead of decaying immediately after the immunity begins).

    •Players under the effects of a control ability now build less Resolve for other control abilities that target them. The exact amount of Resolve the player builds is based on the time remaining on the ability currently controlling the player and the relative strength of that ability's effect. If two stuns of similar strength (such as Electrocute and Debilitate) target a single player at the same time, the second ability would generate very little Resolve. However, if the two effects were applied so that the duration of their effects overlapped very little, each effect would grant its full (or nearly full) Resolve to the target.

    •A new Codex entry can be found in the Game Rules section to help players who are unfamiliar with the details of the Resolve system.


    Here is a Dev Post on the Resolve Changes:

    Hey everyone - thanks for your feedback on the classes blog! We're reading your questions and concerns and will work on getting answers to some of the common ones. Today I spoke to Austin Peckenpaugh (Senior Designer) and Rob Hinkle (Senior PvP Designer) about the changes to Resolve in relation to coordinated and uncoordinated teams, which many of you have questions or concerns about.


    First of all, please do keep in mind that reading about changes and experiencing them can be different. We are looking forward to your feedback once you've had some time to see these changes when the PTS becomes available!


    In the live game, being affected by two stuns simultaneously only controls you for 4 seconds, but it gives you full Resolve. To be plain, this makes escaping a rampaging melee player very, very difficult. It's directly related to concerns we see regarding overpowered melee and them being inescapable. Going immune after only 4 seconds of control strongly favors the one being controlled.


    What this change actually does is make "wasted" control not build extraneous Resolve. Once this change goes live, two well-coordinated players will not be able to control a target for any longer than they ever were able to before. In the live game and after this change, the optimal control strategy is and will continue to be "player B uses his control after player A's control has worn off." The only change is that two uncoordinated players aren't unduly and additionally punished for wasting their control.


    I based my explanation on my interpretation of these two items. The intention (per the notes and post) is that stuns that are used within the same second (i.e. starting at approximately the same time) will not grant double Resolve any longer.


    Your enemy's CD is still wasted, you still suffer only one CC, but now you don't get double Resolve for your stun.


    This is a situation that rarely occurs in organized play, and is of such a statistically minor likelihood during PuGs to not really be a situation that you would be experiencing all that often.


    EDIT: It just occurred to me that by "overlapped very little" they meant "maximum length of CC time".


    I had interpreted that line to mean this:

    CC1: |----------------------|

    CC2: __|----------------------|


    They could have meant:

    CC1: |----------------------|

    CC2: ____________|----------------------|


    That would change the premise of my post entirely.

  9. Damage is going to be perceived as being higher since there will be significantly more players using Focus/Rage spec going forward. Prior to 1.4, Rage Maras like me got laughed at for being "bad" (despite the fact we were the best healer killers in the game). Now we are the go to spec for SW/JK.
  10. Per the patch notes, the change to Resolve will not cause any increase in time spent under the effects of a CC. Instead, all that changed is that when two CCs are applied at the same time, only one of them takes effect and adds Resolve. You also get the benefit of a full bar no longer immediately draining.



    Player A stuns you at the same time Player B stuns you.

    You are stunned for 4 seconds and gain 800 + 800 + 400 Resolve (total of 2000). That means you have 20 seconds of Resolve Immunity, of which 4 are lost during the stun leaving a total of 16 seconds of Resolve Immunity once you are back in control.



    Player A stuns you at the same time Player B stuns you.

    You are stunned for 4 seconds and gain 800 Resolve.


    Now consider a staggered situatioin:



    Player A stuns you, then Player B stuns you 1 second later.

    You are stunned for 5 seconds and gain 800 + 800 +400 Resolve (total of 2000). That means you have 20 seconds of Resolve Immunity, of which 4 are lost during the second stun leaving a total of 16 seconds of Resolve Immunity once you are back in control. (note that this is not very different from the Before example above).



    Player A stuns you, then Player B stuns you 1 second later.

    You are stunned for 5 seconds and gain 800 + 800 +400 Resolve (total of 2000). That means you have 20 seconds of Resolve Immunity, none of which are lost during the stuns leaving a total of 20 seconds of Resolve Immunity once you are back in control. This is a net gain of time in control over the before scenario.

  11. Yeah because you are totally supposed to outlast multiple enemies at once......:confused:


    Logical Fallacy.


    Poster is not asking to outlast. He is asking to have a similar level of CD-related survivability against multiple enemies as every other class in the game.

  12. Lets not inflate a clucky pvp mechanic just to sound good. Music is an art, a white bar and button are not. Making such a comparison is frankly, stupid. Personally, I detest the new resolve system, i find that the overabundance of control actually reduces the skill required to pvp well in that its a universal counter to ..everything. And general counters do not ask the player the be tactically nuanced during a match. Anyone can cast a stun, its not skillful, and definitely not artful.


    An amatuer sees a white bar and a button, just as he sees a metal tube with holes in it.


    A master sees an elegant dance of cause and effect, just as he sees an instrument capable of performing a masterpiece like Mozart's Magic Flute.


    Perception is influenced by skill.

  13. One person on guard should only happen when you are on Offense (i.e. your team only controls one node and the other team controls two nodes).


    If that is the case, then by sending two people to take your node, your team will have a tactical advantage since they effectively outnumber the defending team (since you are currently in a 1v2, the rest of your team is going to be 7v6). If your team fails to cap a node during that tactical advantage, you may as well let the other team three cap you and get the beating over with as quickly as possible.


    If your team is on Defense and you are solo guarding, you should be screaming for help. If no help comes, just do your best and know that it isn't your fault when the node changes hands.

  14. I don't want to play stun wars, I want to play STAR wars. Like I said, I just don't like that the main strategic point in the pvp game is crowd control. If this is a design philosophy that remains and people like it cool. I'm just not one of them.


    Hopefully the 1.4 changes reduce the time you spend waiting to fight again.


    Also, I'm NOT suggesting that we just do away with crowd control and change nothing else. I realize they are an important part of several classes gameplay. I'm suggesting that they make whatever changes neccessary to allow people to have more "up" time in wz's. If this means nerfing damage so be it. I like spending more time fighting, and less time standing / laying around waiting for the CC to wear off. I'd REALLY like to spend more time fighting and less time waiting for the door to open and to be able to get back into the fight, especially if I wasn't going to run back into another cc fest that made even running difficult.


    The problem is not with Resolve or with CCs. The problem exists because TTK is far too low (TTK means Time To Kill, which is the time it takes for you to be killed).


    Hard Stuns last 4 seconds, and can be chained once for a total of 8 seconds of Hard Stun. Fact is, 8 seconds is an extremely short amount of actual time. Problem is, 8 seconds is an extremely high percentage of time when your TTK is only 10 seconds.


    In 1.2 healers got nerfed pretty hard which caused the insanely low TTK to become much more apparent. Options to correct this include:

    1. Bandaid nerf to CCs causing extreme game imbalances now and requiring constant tweaks in the future.

    2. Bandaid buff to healers causing extreme game imbalances now and requiring constant tweaks in the future.

    3. Correction to Endurance gains so that health pools are correctly balanced against base stats which will force an increased TTK.

  15. then you fragment rankeds even more and you cant even play with your friends (1~4 man queue), since imo a lot of the problems is to find 8 people and keep they as a team


    There are no "teams" in SWTOR. Any group of 8 people can queue up for ranked. Nothing is stopping you and your 1-6 friends from inviting random people on your server from joining your group for a RWZ or two.


    If you mix grouped people with random people you'll just reignite the premade versus pug debate that constantly ravages the PvP forums.

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