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Everything posted by CrazyGreggy

  1. Happened to me on Saturday, pugged into a TFB SM 16 and the raid leader in 78s rolled need on Arkanian Bracers, as did someone who already had 69s. I'm using blue 66s as I'm gearing a toon on a new server and I decided that if that was the way things were for this group I would rather leave and try my luck at getting a run after the lockout expired. The raid leader accused me of creating drama and what was wrong with taking 69s for offspec as noone cared about them anymore. He'd even rolled against his own guildie who had 24k health and would clearly have benefited from the piece as much as, if not more than, me. As luck would have it, the following day a group was advertising for a healer starting from the 2nd boss, which fit perfectly with my lockout. By the end of that run not only did I have 2pc Arkanian as only one other person needed the pieces and 2 drop in 16s, but I had both tanks asking me if I was looking for a guild
  2. You just piled a bunch of gender stereotypes together. That doesn't require thought of any description.
  3. Did a repair, which necessitated restarting the client. One or both of those fixed it, yay. False alarm folks, pelt me with snowballs to your little hearts' content
  4. Maybe it's just me but before today's patch I could've sworn that after using left mouse button to look around the camera snapped back to facing forward when you released the button. Now my character turns to face that direction when I release. Am I going insane or did something change?
  5. Sith Warriors have it good. They're the only class that can finish out all companion conversations as soon as they're done with chapter 2, getting that lovely +50 presence boost across the legacy without having to slog all the way to the end of chapter 3 like the knight, the inquisitor and so on. Relax young warrior, bank the fires of rage for when you need to unleash your hatred.
  6. Well, for one thing gunslingers/snipers CAN outrange those turrets. Their max range is 30m, a slinger or sniper can stay between 30.1 and 35m out and blow them up with zero danger. Sounds like your derps don't know their class and the tank did. Plus, I wouldn't claim to have class when you send that snide little whisper afterward. Derps fail to know their max range, derps pull turret instead of waiting for slicer. Tank dropped group and apologised. Think I know who showed the class in that group.
  7. Level 40 - 45 are rougher post - 2.0 with the inflation of the skill trees pushing your keynote ability out of reach for 5 more levels. Bacta Infusion makes a ton of difference but really, a double melee group in Red Reaper is going to be a nightmare to heal unless the tank and the derps know what they're doing. I have to admire your restraint in not excoriating whoever was breaking cc or even pointing fingers, not something I'm capable of A freshly upgraded healer should be able to keep a competent group up, but some groups there's just no saving from themselves.
  8. By "grinding", do you think the rest of us could really mean actually playing the game?
  9. Fer cryin out loud. Only ONE person has to make the jumps successfully. If you're grouped with a bunch of keyboard turners whose reactions compare favourably only to geological events, then the one person with a fully connected nervous system and sub-glacial motor control can do the jumping, while everyone else waits for the speeder rack to unlock at the previous checkpoint. As long as the designated Competent Person doesn't move forward from the antenna at the back of the checkpoint vehicle then you don't aggro IR77 or the other droids.
  10. Ask yourself "why did the tank drop group?". Was it because they had a RL emergency and had to go or maybe it was because one of the dps decided to pull a pack of mobs and leave the tank scrabbling to pick up aggro on mobs that have now scattered from their starting position? If the latter, put yourself in the tank's shoes. Packs of mobs start close enough together that the majority, if not all, can be hit with Mortar Volley, Slow Time or Force Sweep, thus gaining instant aggro on the pack. A pack that's moving towards the sentard that used double sabre throw is not quite so easy to gather up. If you see a 50% drop rate of tanks, then examine your own behaviour and consider whether YOU are the reason they're leaving. If not, you're either unlucky or exaggerating.
  11. Sadly the dancer tops all have the dangly bits on them, which a) clip badly through skirts at the front and b) drape ridiculously over skirts at the back.
  12. Those are your choices sadly. Captain Oily or a brief fling with cockney bit'o'rough Pierce. My jugg quotes Kaylee about nethers and batteries.
  13. Having rolled on a US server when my longstanding guildmates from other games chose that option at launch (as has happened in other games), I've grown accustomed to this time of year being a struggle to find groups or indeed anything to do. PvP was dire, the same bunch of clueless people making the same mistakes, FP queues lacking either healer or tank which I tested by queuing first on one, then the other only to find the role I wasn't filling was the one missing. So I rolled a new smuggler on The Red Eclipse and started levelling her up. Within a few hours I was level 10 and having selected Scoundrel I queued for Esseles and got an instapop for the healer role. Level 10 vanguard "tank", 2 sentinels (uh-oh) and me. Then I realised FP in progress, which is... less of a good sign. I zone in and run to catch up, taking forever as a) permanently in combat and b) as it's a server I can't transfer my legacy to, no rocket boots, no legacy perks, nada. Catch up with the group at the conversation with Commander Narlock and away we go! Tank disconnects right after the conversation with Narlock and Asara, so the 3 of us continue on, clearing trash as we go. One of the sentinels seems a good sort, name with special characters but wearing the Living Legend title so I take this as preliminary evidence (your honour) that (s)he knows what they're doing. Their gear indicates the same, 2 orange weapons, all gear with strength in it. The other sentinel....car crash. Willpower chestpiece, willpower pants, willpower offhand, cunning boots. Charges into combat first, never once heals up between pulls, just after deaths of which more to come later. We reach the engine room, tank still hasn't reconnected but Special Sentinel is on lead. Super Sentinel initiates a votekick on the still offline tank, I concur. We ask Special Sentinel to queue us for a replacement. Around about the time we reach Ironfist is the time he does so and our new member is......another sentinel. Fortunately Supplementary Sentinel is friendly and chatty, taking an interest when I finally crack and advise Special Sentinel never to wear any primary stat other than Strength. Supplementary Sentinel thanks me for the info and then proceeds to ask about the skill trees for Sentinel. At this point I'm feeling better about the run, now that Super Sentinel and Supplementary Sentinel are there to carry the load of Special Sentinel. We get through Ironfist and head to the Emperor's Glory. Special Sentinel continues to pull and heads straight for the first elite in the power room, tunnel visioning it with the ferocity only one of truly limited higher function can achieve. I manage to save him from himself with back to back Underworld Medicine casts and Super and Supplementary finish off the pack. Special doesn't heal up, he just charges straight for the 2nd pack of mobs while on half health or worse, once again tunnelling on the elite. I decide that the heal aggro from the other 4 mobs in the pack isn't worth trying to save his skin and let him die, using backblast and blaster whip to kill one of the droids while Super and Supplementary finish the other mobs and we then take down the elite. I scrape Special up off the floor, reassemble his internal organs into something approaching working order and we pop the consoles. We finish off the boss in the room which drops Trooper boots for the zero troopers in the group, and turn off the tractor beam in true Obi Wan style. The next thing we see is "Special Sentinel has been defeated". He leapt to the add pack and fell victim to the ramp bug, falling through it to his death. Fair enough, it's been the death of many of us in the past, but it did add one more impression to the pile He releases and runs back, then turns right and heads for the 3 pack in front of the lift while myself, Super and Supplementary head for the ISS bonus boss. We kill it before Special's presence outside the shield gets him killed, only for the Esseles Consular Robe to drop. As I had somewhat jadedly expected, Special rolls need on it and when challenged says "it's not for me, it's for my mate". I type a lengthy explanation of etiquette and that if by "mate" he meant companion then he should roll greed along with the other 2 sentinels as they get the same companions he does. By this time he's up the lift, into the next area and pulled, trapping me below as I was typing rather than keeping up with Special (my own fault, obv). We finally get to Vokk, the orange shotgun drops along with a purple skill mod 2. I "woot" and roll need on both. Special rolls need on the mod (although not the shotgun) but loses the roll. I facepalm but decide it's not worth any further wear and tear on my keyboard. We finish the run, I say farewell to the others and proceed on my merry way. Due to being on a new server and not wanting to populate my ignore list before adding anyone to my friends list, I shrug this off and head back to Ord Mantell to finish up the Prologue and get at least 1 companion. When I hit level 15 a short while later, I queued for Hammer Station. Guess who was in the group......
  14. Oh I dunno. Even when it's a real smoking train wreck story, I look for the heroes, the bloodied but unbowed survivors, the tales of 110% given to preserve that one last breath of hope.
  15. Put it this way. You roll up in a HM FP with my tank or healer and claim to be there as dps in Soresu? Guess who'll be initiating the votekick with "clueless" as the reason?
  16. The AD-11 is a nice meaty sound, but I miss the raw power in the sound my Heavy Repeating Interceptor and it's offhand twin made before 1.4. Plus the HRI looks so much better than the AD-11.
  17. It explains a similar thing I had happen last week on my shadow. Prob working as intended
  18. Some of us were playing another Bioware title during that period, namely Mass Effect 3. I missed the entire event and frankly would like to complete the Sharp Dresser achievement which it is impossible to do without the outfits from the Rakghoul and Chevin events. Bioware saw fit to introduce an achievement which contained outfits from a pair of one-off events, an idiotic design decision. Rerunning those events would be one way to fix, another would be to remove the containment officer and sandpeople outfits from the achievement.
  19. Leap worked absolutely fine for over a year. How the eff can they not find and fix this bug?
  20. The only problem with the SM GF for Ops is that join groups in progress is default off, not on, so it takes longer to backfill. The only people who'll get backfilled in are those that are aware of and have fixed that option.
  21. So formulating strategy is easier in 4v4 but this reflects a greater level of skill? Hahahahahahaha logicfail. Seriously, eff deathmatches. #stillquittingarenas
  22. I will leave every arena map I am dumped in by the warzone queue. Dear BW, stick your 4v4 deathmatch where the sun shineth not.
  23. Might have meant Esseles HM. If you Force Leap to the ISS droid you fall through the ramp and have to exit area and come back.
  24. Singularity is part of focus/smash spec. Pulling because your PvP-centred build relies on a short-lived resource is a double sin for PvE content. Read back through the thread and find all the posts from tanks annoyed at precisely this behaviour. You sir, are one of the reasons I will drop queue and requeue after adding any dps jugg or guardian to ignore while playing a tank or healer.
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