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Everything posted by Ayradyss

  1. I'd love to be able to create a Togruta too. But at the rate they're getting the Cathar out, who've been 'announced' as coming out for how long? Dang. I sure would not hold your breath.
  2. Hmm. No new mission content, just new rewards for doing the same old stuff. And it's not really even rewards, but a currency to grind to get new rewards. Joy. This is exactly the kind of grind that turns me off of these games. In no way do I consider the 'Galactic Reputation' system to be an improvement.
  3. I'm 100% in favor of allowing us to recolor gear! I think that would be awesome. And FWIW, I heartily disagree with all those who think it's necessary to limit the color selection. If it breaks your immersion, then you're not really very immersed -- because 'in reality' (meaning in-character) folks could wear whatever color they want. The only ones who are really in a military unit that would require uniformity are the Troopers. Drab colors may be the norm for Jedi, but they don't really enforce any specific dress code. Likewise, I doubt the Sith care -- heck, they're into passion -- probably would say go wild. Bounty Hunters? Totally up to personal choice. Same with Smugglers. There's no precedent, in the lore, for limiting what color a person can wear. (No, a 'tendency' is not an absolute limit.)
  4. Well, YOU can skip it, and the results on your machine will be the same, regardless of whether or not anyone else skips. The only thing others watching the cutscene will do is cause you to wait a bit longer. The state of your own machine is not going to be any different. Sounds like you do indeed have a glitch, but don't go blaming anyone else for skipping or not skipping. What your own client does is completely on your end. You should likely try to hit the Settings (gears) button on the launcher and use the 'Repair' option to see if it'll fix your install. You may have a corrupted file or two lying around.
  5. Hang in there, hopefully they'll get them out soon. I just got mine today (30th) -- usually they're due to appear on the 20th. So 10 days, but they got there.
  6. Actually, the real simple answer is that it's a game, not a simulation. This means the focus is on building a fun, engaging game, not in dutifully reproducing every last (often tedious, frustrating) detail. Same reason you don't see a toilet in your ship either. But . . . they must have some kind of facilities for those long trips, wouldn't you think?
  7. Hm, yep. I'm still getting the Google warning message even now. Hopefully it'll all get sorted soon.
  8. Heck, they could put the schematics in the market too. Then they'll still be making at least some money on the crafters.
  9. Couldn't agree more. You've put my own thoughts on the matter into words very well, thus the quoting. Outlaw's Den may be dead now, but as soon as the rush is on and everyone and their brother is trying to unlock HK-51, you can bet there will be bunches of people camping that vendor. It'll be the only "guaranteed" open PVP there is, after all. I agree wholeheartedly that "open" PVP areas like this should remain solely on PVP servers. Otherwise, why do we even have PVP/PVE server designations?
  10. 1. More character slots per server! Personally, I'd like another 8 slots. 2. An appearance system similar to DCUO. You've had your chance with the 'orange' system and it's just not cutting it. You'd have to make ALL items orange or somehow able to be RE'd/converted to orange, which you haven't. Just do the appearance thing and get it over with. I really believe most everyone would be happier with it in the end. 3. Violet color crystals available (and equally available) to both PvE and PvP, to both factions. More different colors would be great too. Artificial limitations make the game just that -- more artificial.
  11. Well, the good news is that 2 out of 3 of these are currently in testing on the PTS -- hide helmet and unify colors. Nothing for choosing your own color scheme, but that's still a 'wish-list' item rather than a 'confirmed to be coming by devs' thing. Maybe someday.
  12. No plans to change mine, unless they also loosen up the rules on capitalization. Mine is a hyphenated surname, and the second name really should be capitalized as well, but the system didn't allow it. If they were to change that, I'd redo it with the proper capitalization, but that's about it.
  13. I've been wanting orange versions of the blue Jedi outfit worn by Master Bela Kiwiiks for a very long time now! Definitely my own #1 request. One thing I'd like to add, in a similar vein, that would really open up the moddable armor system and make it much more what I think folks would like to see (I know -I- would love it!) -- a suggestion originally made by LordArtemis in this thread: It could even be worked into the crafting system as something for those with Armormech and/or Synthweaver skills, IMO.
  14. To the best of my knowledge, this is already the way it works for armor mods that have set bonuses. They are 'location specific' as you suggest. They just need to break down and redo ALL of the armors with set bonuses instead of just a small handful. I love this idea! Great thinking there. I really hope the devs see this and implement it. Personally, if it's to be tied to a crafting skill, I would stick to the Armormech and Synthweaving crafts -- as appropriate to the piece to be modified. All in all, I think this could really make the 'orange system' work. The main problem I have with it is there are a TON of items I really like the look of that simply don't have orange versions available.
  15. Aye, the second pic shows Visas after she was captured by Darth Nihilus. It was said that he'd carved out the skin where her eyes would've been to make her look more like him. <shudders>
  16. Yes, I just had this same issue. 6 months later and it's still glitched. (There's a recent report of it in the French section of the forums too -- actually found that first when I did a search.) Hopefully they'll take a look and fix this sometime soonish. (I did put in a bug report, FWIW.)
  17. It does seem kind of inevitable (IMO, of course) that at least some, if not all, of the 'origin' servers for transfers will end up so low-pop that they'll need to just merge them. It really seems to follow logically, that if these servers were low enough in population to be complaining in the first place, they'll be true ghost-towns after transfers have taken place. So yeah, I guess I see the transfers as 'server merger, phase 1.'
  18. I agree with the OP's sentiments that Social Points/Ranks are way too hard to come by. I play with friends from my guild, but honestly, unless your missions are all perfectly in-sync, it really doesn't do much for Social points. If you don't have exactly the same quests, you don't seem to get points for just being there in 'Spectator' mode. We get together and RP, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Social points, since they're only earned via NPC conversations. As others have already stated, other group activities like taking on world bosses and such likewise don't net any Social points. The vast majority of things you actually DO in a group don't tie into the Social point system. IMO, there is a dearth of NPC conversation once you're past Esseles/Black Talon. Honestly, to me it feels as if the devs put all their best writing into those first FPs to draw people into the game. The majority of the FPs after those have very little dialog and are mostly just running and gunning. (IMO, and all that.) If there was actually more dialog in the later FPs, perhaps it would help the issue a bit. Still, at the rate the Social points accrue, the rank requirements are still pretty darn steep. I'd really love to see the Social rank system get a good overhaul. It seems like an interesting concept, but very poor execution.
  19. Personally, I'm fine with my ship as my 'house.' The thing I'd like to see though, is the means to customize it a bit. Maybe move around some furniture or at least choose from different styles for things (bed, cargo cabinet, perhaps even some of the consoles, holoterminal, etc.) Just being able to 'paint' the walls and/or hull differently might be a cool thing. And definitely let me change the color of the lighting! I don't know why such an intensely yellow-lit interior was deemed good. I guess the artists are fond of yellow -- me, not so much.
  20. It's hard to choose just one, but I have to go with R2-D2. Always loved Artoo.
  21. Hehe, very cool video! Love the use of "Kung Fu Fighting" too. The only suggestion I can offer is it may have been cool to throw in the theme song from "Rocky" (am I dating myself?). Maybe a thought for the next video.
  22. Will 1.3 address the current lack of ways to earn Social Points? Right now, the only people I know of to actually advance very far in Social ranks are folks who've farmed either the Esseles or Black Talon FPs repeatedly for Social points. IMO, there seems to be a real lack of opportunities for earning Social Points in FPs/Operations/Heroics once you're past those initial FPs.
  23. This is one of those things that seems to come up over and over. All the responses I've seen from RL military that I know seem to lean toward "ma'am" for female officers IRL, though "sir" is sometimes used too. The real hard truth of the matter though, is this is a computer game, and it's plain simpler to code a generic "sir" for everyone. So it's become the de facto standard in computer games for some time now.
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