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Everything posted by Brewski

  1. With the recent change the the way pending quest rewards work, you can no longer stack more than 3, and doing so prevents you from accepting any more quests until you get your rewards. As a result, if my math is right, the maximum number of quests you can stack is 27. That would be 2 pending and 25 in your completed log. Once you accept the third pending quest reward, you will no longer be able to start/complete additional quests.
  2. There's been no official word as far as I am aware, but you can expect it to be a few tiers under the new top PVE tiers due to Expertise. 162 is the top PvP gear rating now, which is the same as basic gear, so using that we can theorize the new top PvP gear will be around 186 level, give or take a few points. That would suggest around 180 for the entry level 60 PvP gear. But as I said, no official word on this, so these are just my personal guess.
  3. My wife still won't let me keep it...
  4. And I want a pony, but I can't have one. But the big difference is that in seven days, you will have your answers, but I still won't have a pony. It's an unfair world.
  5. Ah, perhaps that is true now, but you will be able to buy useful things after next Tuesday when Basic 186 rated gear goes on sale for level 60's at the Basic comms vendor.
  6. The planetary comm cap is 100, so at most you can get 300 basics. I would hardly call that winning. You can get 800 from Elite at the cap and 900 from Ultimates. I think you'd be better off spending your time working on getting those capped.
  7. Thanks Eric! I have updated the original post to include this information for those coming in late to the conversation.
  8. Because... Step 1: Play SWTOR Step 2: .... Step 3: Profit!
  9. Tanking Guardians get an inherent 10% accuracy boost in their defensive form. They won't miss taunts or attacks. The chance to miss really only affects DPS Guardians, who will need to stack accuracy, which they do any way. I don't see how that's going to affect end game anything. The chance to miss will really only matter to leveling or non-optimized players at the end game. Unless I'm missing something there?
  10. I guess I should have been clearer in that I was thinking the new ranked set might be purchasable using any of the three possible sets. (Unranked/Ranked 55 or Unranked 60) It probably is as most of your stated, though, that farming the new entry level 60 set will be necessary to get the ranked 60. Still, a guy can dream, right? (At least until the devs comment or 3.0 rolls out.) Certainly! Playing PvP matches will award you Warzone Commendations. The amount varies depending on your contribution and team performance, but you also get additional commendations by completing daily and weekly PvP quests found at the PvP terminals on the fleet and other locations. Warzone commendations come in two forms, "normal" and "Ranked". Each can be traded at PvP vendors to buy PvP equipment, consumables and a few other rewards. So "farming PvP gear" basically means playing Warzones and using the comms you get to upgrade your PvP equipment. PvP specific gear comes in lower rating levels than PvE gear (162 being the top gear today), but it has a PvP stat called "Expertise" on it. Expertise improves your performance in PvP combat situations, making it better gear when fighting players, but not as good as PvE gear for raiding and other PvE activities. All armor sets (PvP and PvE) with a set bonus shows the potential set bonus, and how many pieces of that set you have, in the more detail section you see when you hover over an armor piece in inventory. Currently, unranked PvP gear is rated 158 (named "Obroan") and ranked PvP gear is rated 162 (named "Brutalizer"). You can tell which is which either by the name, or if you ripped the mods out and placed them in other gear, by the rating on the armoring. If you want more info on PvP gear and progression, this thread is amazing: How to become a Contender
  11. So, I don't think this question has been asked or answered anywhere yet, but if it has, let me know. Currently when farming the BiS PvP gear, it is necessary to save your low tier PvP armor shells (Obroan) so that, once you have enough ranked commendation you can turn in a combination or the commendations and Obroan shell to get the ranked (Brutalizer) armor piece. This makes it necessary to farm the armor in order. In 3.0, we will be getting two new, as yet unnamed, PvP armor tiers, presumably with the same requirements. That is that you farm the lower tier armor first, and turn it in for the upper tier armor. So my question is this: If I have not yet farmed a full set of Brutalizer gear, will I still be able to turn in my Obroan shells to purchase the ranked level 60 gear, or will I need to refarm the unranked level 60 PvP gear first in order to turn those shells in for the ranked? (Essentially rendering the Obraon shells I have moot.) Similarly, I'm wondering if I can turn in any Brutalizer pieces I have for the new ranked armor, or if they basically become like recruit gear, and are only useful to farm the new unranked gear so I can trade up. Anyone know if this has been answered, and if not, any chance of us finding out?
  12. Obviously there was still work to be done. Your point is moot. No, you can't. Sometimes some servers require extra work. You can't expect them to keep the other servers down just so you don't feel left out. When you signed up for the game you agreed to the TOS and licensing agreement. This includes an understanding on server availability. You agreed the servers would not be available 24/7, and that this was okay. How can you spend so much time complaining about an hour of downtime you agreed would not be an issue when you signed up for the game? Not really. Most people have a common sense definition that is perfectly understandable. In any event, since some updates can take 8 hours, anything less is extra time you get that you should not have expected. Total downtime here was less than it could have been. Woot! You do. Just don't take it to another MMO or you will face exactly the same issues on a regular basis. Again, exactly as you agreed to when you signed up for the game, and exactly as you will agree to when you sign up for a new MMO. If you want 100% uptime, get a single player RPG you can install on your machine at home. In any event, servers are up, go find something else in game to complain about. This conversation is moot.
  13. Pics please. Not because I don't believe you, but because I think it would be funny to see.
  14. I'm sorry if you failed to read the EULA, or fail to understand how an MMO works. There is an expectation of downtime to apply updates. That expectation does not include a specific amount of time, and it does not include a guarantee of a schedule. You have lost nothing yet that you didn't agree to give up when you signed up for the game. Until the downtime becomes excessive, as in days not hours, you have no complaint. This is expected and normal. Get over it.
  15. We have now sacked those responsible for sacking the maintenance people. The rest of the maintenance will be completed in an entirely different style at great expense to the owner. (A moose once bit my sister.)
  16. Do you ever get tired of making these threads?
  17. Nah, it's griefing. Own it man! Don't hide behind the skirts of real PvP players and pretend you're one of them. If you want to grief, then grief! It's not like it's against the rules. You just need to be proud to be a griefer.
  18. As Tux (and others) have pointed out, there needs to be an understanding of the difference between "PvPer" and "Griefer". A PvPer is someone who wants to compete against other willing players to see who's the best. This could be in war zones, dueling, or open world PvP venues. The point is to compete with other willing players. A Griefer is someone who wants to trick unwilling people into dying in amusing (to the griefer) ways. This could be through making them flag accidentally and killing them, or it could be through using in game mechanics to trick someone into dying themselves. Griefing can also take the form in simple taunting or ridicule. In no way is using this, or any other mechanic, to trick non-flagged players into flagging themselves "PvP". Anyone who defines themselves as a PvPer who does this is fooling themselves. If you use this, then you, my friend, are a Griefer. Nothing more. Nothing less. You might as well own it. Anyway, to fix the issue, Bioware could do something to the regen item itself, but I'd really rather see the confirmation popup when you do something that will flag you. ("This action will flag you for PvP. Are you sure you want to do it?") If you add a checkbox to hide the popup for those who don't want it, but have it there by default when implemented, you solve the majority of these problems now and in the future. (imo anyway.)
  19. You have a 25 quest limit, and the change in last weeks patch prevents you from having more than 2 pending while you accept/complete others, meaning you will have, at most, 27 quests to turn in after the launch. I think that is sufficient to keep people from getting more than a one level jump, if that, at launch.
  20. No you don't. It's an easy decision. Are you still having fun and do you still have the money to afford a sub? -> Stay subbed. Are you no longer having fun or has your financial situation changed? -> Cancel sub. I'm sorry you feel that a system you have not actually had a chance to use will destroy your fun. If it does you should cancel. However I would strongly suggest you wait until after you've had a chance to actually use it, as you may be surprised. Note: This is not a "well cancel then" answer, but an honest appraisal of your options. I've been a player since late beta, and have been subbed since early access. Someday even I will stop paying, because it will stop being fun, I just haven't hit that yet.
  21. No, there is no time to reconsider. You are talking about a major system in the game that is in the final stages of testing, and slated for rollout in three weeks. The only way they could stop it from rolling out would be to cancel the expansion, which many people have already paid for. So good or bad, it is too late to turn back. That said, I am optimistic about the new system. I don't think it will affect game play in any significant way, and will make game balance easier to achieve. Since I was already figuring I would need to learn new skills and rotations, I don't really see a down side.
  22. This thread has (mostly) moved on, and is primarily dedicated to talking about potential quality of life changes that would be beneficial to all with the added effect of reducing the number of occurrences of this kind of thing.
  23. I vote for the simplest options. I would go with 3, 4 and 7 for the first round, with 5 and 6 cool features that would be fun if they were simple, but not worth the effort if they take too much effort.
  24. No it's not, which is obvious to anyone willing to see reason. Congratulations, you've actually stunned me into silence with this argument. As there is obviously no further point to continuing my personal debate with you, I'll just drop it there. You can even get the last word in if you want. Go ahead. I won't bother quoting or replying again.
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