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Everything posted by Brewski

  1. Every controversy brings a set of supposed lawsuit posts. Does anyone have an example of one of these actually being filed and making it to court? (Or even to a settlement for that matter.) Seriously, I'm curious if any of these types of lawsuits have ever made it past the game forums. (In any game.)
  2. Sadly, I am down to a mere 40ish million, as I just invested in a crate-o-matic. Oddly, I thought I would relist it as soon as I got the achievement complete, but for some reason, turning myself into a crate has proven more enjoyable than I expected. Besides, what else am I going to spend the credits on?
  3. I dispute your categorization a bit. Han and Lando were the Cartel whales. Lando is that guy that buys a hypercrate of every pack, then logs into the forum to complain about he got shafted and about how "this deal gets worse all the time". Han is the lucky one who always pulls the best items from the packs on his first try. Wookie companion? Check! Kickass starship? Check! Hot princess girlfriend in a metal bikini? Check! The only bad pull he got was that whole carbonite thing, but he got past that without any permanent damage as well, so his luck is still holding. Leia is the alt that gets the benefit of 8 other max leveled characters crafting and buying everything she needs all the way through her life. Luke is the steady subscriber who plays the game exactly as it was intended, reaping the benefits of a story driven MMO. (But he did pick the wrong dialog options, so he doesn't get the girl in the end...) Vader, on the other hand, is actually a Dev in disguise, showing off all the coolest stuff the cartel market provides, and making everyone want them. (Soooooo dark side....)
  4. No Luke was an artificer, because he made his own replacement lightsaber. (With the first ever nifty green saber crystal we saw in the movies.)
  5. I hate to tell you this, but with the exception of a very small minority of GTN sellers who are just trying to dump goods, if you can buy it on the GTN you can craft it for cheaper. Speaking from experience, crafters don't sell items at a loss. We don't need to. The only real reason to buy craftable items off the GTN is to save yourself the inconvenience of crafting it yourself.
  6. Someone is failing at basic reading comprehension... The machine is working as intended, but they are going to review the junk drop rate. If it's too high, they will adjust it down. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
  7. Actually using the adjusted numbers accounting for replays below, my results were almost identical, so I would say these numbers from the other thread, which bake in the replay chance, are pretty spot on. Green Jawa part: 12.5% Blue Jawa part: 12.5% Purple Jawa part: 12.5% Green reputation: 12.5% (sells for 500) Blue reputation: 10% (sells for 1000) Purple reputation: 6.25% (sells for 2500) CM certificate: 2.5% Carry on.
  8. Looks like I got slightly better returns than that, but it's close enough it could be writen off to statistical averages. Cartel Cert (vendoring everything else): 6,800 (my results were 5,500) Purple Junk (vendoring everything else): 1,467 (my results were 1,221) Purple Junk (vendoring only rep): 1,617 (my results were 1,370) Maybe I'm just really lucky, or maybe the odds are slightly better than these?
  9. I was watching hockey last night, and decided I might as well check out the slot machine bruhaha myself to see what the returns were. (It''s easy to right click over and over while watching TV.) Anyway, here are my results, and I would be interested to see if anyone else was tracking their specific returns as well. For my testing, I bought full stacks of tokens, and used them until they were gone, then totaled the results. Therefore I did not track the number of free chips I got, as I just put them back into the slot machine anyway, so the net result is "I spent X credits to get Y reward." Note: I am starting a new thread on this so that (hopefully) we can keep posts here to just the numbers and not have it degrade into a morality debate. I expect that to fail, but it's worth a try. Anyway, here are the total results. To see the six individual run results, see the spoiler area. Tokens purchased: 594 (six stacks) Total Cash Value: 297,000 Rep Tokens rewarded (cash value): Green: 66 (33,000) Blue: 66 (66,000) Purple: 37 (92,500) Junk Tokens rewarded (cash value): Green: 64 (3,200) Blue: 83 (8,300) Purple: 77 (11,550) Certificates rewarded: 15 (0 cash value) So if I sold everything except for the Purple Junk token to keep for rare mats, my calculation puts it as 1221 credits per junk. If I kept the green and blue mats as well, that only jumps to 1370. If I were strictly trying to earn Cartel Certs, and sold everything else, they come in at approximately 5500 credits per certificate. Anyone else get similar results? (Or widely different?)
  10. You can gift her all the way up to 10k just like every other companion, it just takes a lot more gifts if you are female. Level 1 gifts that you can buy at the vendor max at 6k affection for all companions, so at that point you need to start buying or doing crafting missions for companion gifts so you can give her the top level gifts. I maxed her affection with pretty much gifts only. She's by far the most expensive companion to max, but it is doable.
  11. In addition to GTN service charges, some dyes are purchasable for credits from vendors, and crafted dyes remove a certain number of credits as well, as many people just run missions for the components. So not a huge credit sink, but it does remove credits from the game. Admittedly, though, dyes are primarily a revenue generator. Random packs and dye sales for cash generate a decent amount of revenue for them, I would be willing to bet. The problem with credit sinks in general is that they are always annoying to users, and also always needed to keep a game economy balanced. So when you plan your money sinks, you always want to balance them in such a way that people don't get too annoyed when they pay them. It's a hard job I'm sure, and one I'm glad I don't have to do.
  12. No, you just activated the real life "Unify Color to Chest Piece" feature.
  13. Then maybe stop listing the lack of "Real World Logic" as a reason to support your argument? (Although rereading your post now, I'm wondering if your own use of the phrase was being sarcastic as well? This may just be a case of misunderstanding the context.) In any event, saying "I dislike this game mechanic because I don't think I should have to pay for a dye twice" is a valid opinion. If that's what you are saying, I understand, but respectfully disagree, as I think cosmetic money sinks are the best kind. (But I also don't care enough that I would object if Bioware decided it wasn't needed anymore.)
  14. You didn't ask if there was a "real world logic" reason for interchangeable clothing sizes. You said there was no "Real World Logic" for dyes being non-removable, and I was simply pointing out that there is, in fact, a real world argument for it. As for the real question, which does not in any way pertain to the real world, the second part of my post addressed that. Dyes are a cosmetic money sink in the game. Since it's entirely optional, and has no impact on game play, I'm fine with it remaining so. I mean, if there are people willing to pay $20 to dye their outfit black, I'm okay with them subsidizing my game play by doing so. That said, I think Bioware would have been better off if they didn't show the dye slot in the gear view. If it operated like GW1 did, where applying the dye changed the appearance but didn't show as a "mod", people wouldn't think of it as something they can extract, and would think of it as a consumable. (Which is what it is.) They just would have had to add some sort of "reset" dye that reverted the gear to it's original color and we'd be good to go.
  15. If I sew a new button onto my jacket, I can remove it with a pair of scissors and use it on another jacket. If, however, I take that jacket and dye it purple, I don't have the option to wring the jacket out three months later and retrieve the dye I used so that I can dye another jacket purple instead. Real world enough for you? Seriously, though, dyes are a cosmetic money sink. No reason to change the behavior, as every game needs money sink, and at least this one is cosmetic only.
  16. Dangit. Here I was thinking I was actually getting better...
  17. For me, it was: 1) Jedi Knight (Most Epic/Star Wars feeling story arc) 2) Sith Inquisitor (Best "fighting your way to the top" type story. ) 3) Imperial Agent (Most interesting/varied story of the batch, especially once chapter 2 starts.) 4) Sith Warrior (A bit predictable, but still fun and epic) 5) Trooper (Very typical soldier type story, but it was fun nonetheless.) 6) Bounty Hunter (Good companions, but the main story was kind of flat to me.) 7) Smuggler (Didn't feel like there was enough at stake to draw me into the story.) 8) Jedi Consular (You want to call me by what title? Sorry, but the story just didn't work for me.)
  18. Although I agree there are some issues that need to be addressed, I disagree with the comms issue being one of them for the same reason the poster above me lists: The comm gear is crap anyway. I definitely want it addressed, but I'd like to see the comm gear updated at the same time, and I don't consider it a huge issue until they do so. About the only issue I think rises to the "Major" level right now is the lag, and that seems (based on my experience) to affect only a small portion of the population. So in my opinion none of the current issues rise to the "bring everyone in on Christmas to work until we get them fixed" level. I realize some (especially here in the forums) disagree with that assessment, which is their right, but in my mind nothing short of a hard down or game breaking exploit rises to that level.
  19. Actually, the problem is it should read "Rakghoul Resurgence: Taris". They are all over the place on Taris. Clearly it was just the planet listed that was wrong...
  20. Sarcasm is difficult to pull off in forum posting. See this is how you pull off sarcasm. Bravo.
  21. I'm sure they have developers working (heck, I'm a software developer for another company and I'm at work right now myself), and we know they at least fave community team members checking in once in a while to update the "12 days of cartel pack sales" threads, so I guess "back" is not really the best way to put it. I'm sure the office in Austin is pretty sparse right now, though, so "understaffed" would certainly be accurate. This is no different than any other company out there right now. As I said, I'm a developer, and my office is running at about half staff this week. (The first half of us were off last week, everyone else is gone this week instead.) The point is, no major software company is going to patch over the holidays unless they have no choice, and Bioware is no different. So although I expect they have developers working on the major issues, we won't see anything on it until least next week. (Which is the source of my "I won't be as patient next week" comment.)
  22. Then you really need to work on your presentation style. From the sounds of it, a lot of people agree with your concern, at least two of which stated your argument better (imo) than your original post. Whether you intend it or not, your post comes off as yet another rage-against-the-game thread, which draws more knee jerk criticism than reasoned debate. In any event, for my part this slip doesn't concern me as much as the other issues that are ongoing. It seems rather minor in comparison to the lag issues and op problems out there. I'm hoping when they get back we see some concerted focus on those issue as well as communication about the state of the game. I don't begrudge them the holiday, but I won't be as patient when they are back in the office next week.
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