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Everything posted by Brewski

  1. Because clearly your original post does not fall into this very category.
  2. Crafting. When I try, I can make a million credits in a day with 60-90 minutes of effort spread out over the course of the day. (Spread out because of mission/crafting time.) At the moment, I am in "cruise" mode, bringing in an average of 400k per day with about 15 minutes of effort beyond my actual play time. Essentially I do a crafting round when I log in, stopping for a minute or two on each crafting alt when I first log in, and when I log out for the night.
  3. I haven't experienced any lag at all since the last patch. Prior to that I had occasionally delays and lag, but nothing consistent. That said, I do not believe it's easily blamed on the user side. The problem is too widespread to be blamed on that. There are still people with underpowered systems or bad internet connections out there, but the recent spate of lag was introduced with the update. Recent patches have made it somewhat better, at least for a lot of people, but problems still exist, and hopefully they will be addressed soon after the holidays.
  4. It mostly depends on the item you are selling, though. It's quite situational. So lets take Mk-10 Augment kits. On my server they generally sell for 60k a pop, occasionally going up as high as 80k if the supply is low, or dropping as low as 50k (or slightly less) when the supply is high. So if I log in to my lister with 10 MK-10's and the current GTN low price is 50k, I have a choice. I can list them at 49k and sell them in a few minutes, or post them at 59k and maybe sell them in the next 24 hours, depending on the breaks. The downside to listing at the higher price is that the next time I log in to list them, I may find myself stuck with 20 to list instead of 10. For the 100k difference, it's not worth the hassle of ending up with a large inventory. I'd much rather make 100k less on the batch than try to sell two batches at once. Volume makes up the difference. Now say I log in and the price has spiked to over 100k. I could list them at 99k myself, but I know from experience they won't all sell at that price. A combination of most people waiting for the price to drop before buying, and other crafters undercutting, will pretty much guarantee the price will be back under 80k in less than an hour. So why list above 79k? There's no reason if I want to make sure my inventory moves. And in the end, the entire discussion is moot, since they cost me about 30k to manufacture in the first place. Would I like an extra 10k per? Sure. But since I'm already making 300k a batch, why push it when I can make up for the difference in sheer volume over time.
  5. I agree that the 3.0 lag is too widespread to be totally based on individual machines/internet connections. However, it's also true that most players are not experiencing lag to the point where it affects gameplay, so that means it's still at least somewhat situational. My guess is they are dealing with a number of bugs that, when combined, expose users with certain configurations/machines/etc to the lag, while leaving others (such as myself) completely unaffected. I know the recent patches corrected at least some of these issues, as several guild members have reported their lag dropping or going away completely. Still, obviously, there are issues remaining, and hopefully they can get them patched soon. That said, I would highly doubt there will be a patch tomorrow, so we're looking at next Tuesday at the earliest really. I know patience is a rare commodity in the gaming world, but in this case is the only practical solution. I wouldn't blame people who are being severely affected for cancelling their subscription until it's fixed, but short of that, patience is the only thing that will work. I have no doubt fixing the remaining lag is high on the priority list.
  6. My suggestion is to run it solo once for the story aspect, and then run the Operation when you are ready for it. The solo mode is a very cut down, and very easy, version of the final quest, but it does have the epic final fight with a whos-who list of the most notable (and notorious) NPC helpers that make it look kinda epic. This can be repeated as a weekly after you run it the first time, and neither locks you out of the alternate method, so there's no harm done in either choice. I just recommend the solo mode once for the experience.
  7. Because the market is now flooded, and 30k is the fair market value? Even in an MMO economy supply and demand have a direct effect on the sale price. If they can make a profit at 30k, more power to them. This happens to every product out there. When the expansion launched. Purple augments were selling for 500k or higher because there were never more than 1 or two listed at any given time, and people were in a rush to gear. Now they hover around 100k. (Plus or minus based on type of course.) The price of MK-10 augment kits has dropped to 50-60k now whereas they were selling for 150k at launch. This is a normal cycle. If you can't make a profit at the new levels (or don't consider the profit worth the effort) move on to new items. There's so much money to be made on the GTN it's crazy.
  8. Only if you believe it will sell at 180k. If you believe posting at 180k will make buyers hesitate long enough for someone else to undercut you, then you lest lower to guarantee a sale. I sell primarily Augment Kits, and I always undercut by a small margin and sell within minutes, so my sell price fluctuates a lot with the market. That said, if I log in and see that prices for Mk-10 kits are at 120k a pop, I know they will not stay there long enough for me to sell my inventory. In these cases, I undercut by a large margin, because if I list mine at 119k I may sell one or two before I get undercut, but when I check back in an hour, the price will be back down to 80k, and I'll have to pull and relist mine. So in the above example, why would I list mine at 119k to sell 2 and relist 8 at 79k when I can instead list them all at 90k and sell the whole batch?
  9. Simple. If you think someone is undercutting you too much, buy and relist. If you are right, you make a quick profit. If you are wrong, you lose your investment. Either way, the issue is decided.
  10. 1/10, although I may have to raise that to 3/10 if it actually manages to reignite the argument.
  11. Is anyone patching this week? I'm not familiar with any game, or for that matter software system in general, that's updating this week. If I'm missing one, let me know. It's just not done unless the system is unusable by the vast majority of it's players. Patch now, and you'll have everyone on on Christmas day trying to fix something and do damage control of the PR side. Call too many all hands on deck emergencies on holidays, and you end up losing your most talented staff. I sympathize with those still experiencing lag issues, I really do, but you can't honestly expect an entire company to work through the holiday for it. Most players are able to play the game just fine, or with only minor issues. Those experiencing the real problematic lag are a small minority, or at least so it seems based on my own experiences and those of my guild. They will patch when they are back, and hopefully they'll get the remaining issues resolved quickly.
  12. Are you saying Star Wars and Star Trek are essentially the same thing? (Ducks and runs for cover before the ensuing nerdrage explosion...) * Yes, I know that's not what you're saying. I'm just trolling the SWvsST crowd.
  13. Wow. I though maybe the whole 7/Vista/8 thing was just a miscommunication or a typo, but I guess not. Although Windows 8 has come a long way since launch, there is a very good reason why the business community in general has rejected it, and has instead stuck with Windows 7, and will continue to do so until Microsoft can release another ready for enterprise level OS. Since it's a side issue, I'd honestly just let it drop anyway. Win 7/Win 8 makes no difference in terms of lag. I run on Windows 7 and I'm one of the fortunate ones in that I experience no lag whatsoever. Not that lag is not an issue, as it is, but it appears to be at least somewhat situational. I have friends with equivalent systems to mine that have been having the 3.0 lag issues, and some with older and less powerful systems who, like me, have no issues at all. Luckily Bioware isn't mired in a debate over upgrading their OS, and is instead working on fixing the issues. Hopefully they'll get it addressed soon.
  14. I think the concept, while interesting, is a bit too complicated and time consuming to be practical. I do think new specs within the existing classes and ACs would be great though.
  15. Mainstream support (i.e. Service Packs and new features) for Windows 7 doesn't end for another month, which is probably what you are thinking of, but extended support (i.e. security patches and such) will continue for at least another five years. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/lifecycle Windows 7 is far to widely used in the business community, which never embraced (and frankly never will) Window 8, for Microsoft to drop support before the release of Windows 10. (Which will hopefully shove 8 into the same box Vista and ME are hiding in now...)
  16. Although I know the whole idea of disciplines still bothers some people, I was wondering if their addition to the game opens up another possibility: New specs for all classes. Under the old tree system, the idea of adding additional skill trees was pretty much dead. Balance was difficult enough (i.e. impossible) with three trees available to each AC. Adding new ones would just have made it worse. But under the new system, in theory, new specs could be easily balanced without fear of hybrids. In theory you could extend that to even adding roles to existing classes. (Guardian Healer? Operative Tank? Finally a use for all those weird drops with cunning and defense!) Not that I expect this to happen anytime soon. 4.0 would probably be the earliest we would see it, but still, the idea is intriguing.
  17. I have to agree to being slightly disappointed in the scale of the changes to commendations gear. Frankly, they did need to slow down gearing a bit, so I would have been okay with commendation gear having more of a mix of mod and enhancement types. For example, maybe a couple pieces in the set have the best mod variant, while other have the high endurance versions, meaning you have to farm more for the better piece twice. Or maybe having the individual mods and enhancements available for comms so you could tweak your gear after getting the base pieces. However, the complete removal of the best variants from commendation gear means there's very little incentive to do dailies and weeklies, which is kind of the opposite of the intended effect I would think. Why farm dailes for weeks when you can craft the same gear or get better from ops? So yeah, I agree they overshot the mark a bit, and need to adjust the gear mods back a little to make comm gear worthwhile in the long run, even if it takes longer to get it.
  18. Personally, in theory, I love the idea that secondary stats can vary based on player preference, which seems to be part of what's driving this. I think Bioware may believe that making it nearly impossible to achieve 100/110 accuracy without dropping almost all of your secondary stats, they will get more players balancing their secondaries. That said, in practive I think the real problem with this change is when it comes to attacks that must hit. These are rare, but they do happen. Usually these take the form of interrupts that, if they fail or you don't get them off, result in an insta-kill or party wipe. They can also happen in very high level content where a missed DPS rotation results in a full wipe, but those are event rarer. If it's possible to recover from a missed attack, having a random chance of missing can add a little spice to a fight, and can require even more skill. But the problem comes in those "all or nothing" attacks which, granted, are almost exclusively high level raid content. For those attacks, if you die solely because of the RNG, it's pretty frustrating. So although dampening down accuracy may increase stat variability for a lot of players, anyone who's planning on NiM raiding, or even HM raiding, it's going to have the opposite effect. Those players will still need 100/110, which means whatever they have left will probably go into surge, with even less stat variability than we saw prior to 3.0. Unless we see less (or none) of these "must hit" interrupts in the future. I guess I'll figure that part out as my guild starts working it's way through the 3.0 operations.
  19. Right. To quote my post in the other thread... The results are in. After internal reviews they decided to leave accuracy as it was prior to 3.0, and have no plans to change it in the immediate future. I know this is going to cause a lot of QQ, but personally I'm okay with the numbers as they are for now. It will make DPSing a bit more challenging, which is, after all, part of what they were going for. I'm just glad to have it answered for sure so I can get to serious gearing. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7869767#edit7869767
  20. The results are in. After internal reviews they decided to leave accuracy as it was prior to 3.0, and have no plans to change it in the immediate future. I know this is going to cause a lot of QQ, but personally I'm okay with the numbers as they are for now. It will make DPSing a bit more challenging, which is, after all, part of what they were going for. I'm just glad to have it answered for sure so I can get to serious gearing. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7869767#edit7869767
  21. Thanks Tait! It's great to finally have this question answered so we get around to proper gearing.
  22. Technically it would only be a No True Scottsman argument if I'd reinterated my statment in the post above this one instead of acknowledging the fact that the statement is only an opinion. Again, since every post on this forum represents it's posters opinions, do we really need to spend half of every post pointing out this fact? And as far as I am aware, the change they are putting into place is for PvE servers only, where a small number of Griefers have been using various tricks to get players flagged and then sitting on the res point to kill them repeatedly. Also, as far as I am aware, this change will only change the setting for the default landing zone, not for the other 95% of Yavin where those of us who enjoy open world PvP can gank and be ganked to our hearts content. So again, in my opnion the only people objecting to this are Griefers, not PvPers, and their QQ is rather silly.
  23. Of course it represents my own opinion, as does any post on this forum, including yours. How does that change anything? Do the devs need to change the forums so that ever post is automatically surrounded by "<OPINION>" tags? I've been PvPing in games for almost 30 years, stretching back the MajorBBS days, and on through a hundred other games since. I feel I've earned the right to have an opinion on the definition. Of course, you have the right to your own opinion as well. However, I feel more people agree with my definition than yours, and your continued dismissive posts with no real argument to back it up only strengthens that opinion.
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