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Everything posted by Brewski

  1. Per this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=523845 I would like to suggest that you give users an option to receive an email whenever they are billed for their subscription. This seems to be fairly routine with most subscription systems, and I would like to have the reminder that the billing occurred when it goes through.
  2. If you are a synthweaver, just make armor for your alt as they level. Blue synth gear is better than just about anything you will find while leveling. Better yet, buy (on GTN) or craft a full set of orange gear for your alt and mail it to them. With the new sets you can get a set by 9 and I think a full set of orange armor by 15. If your main is a cybertech, craft blue mods for your alt as they level. If not, you can just purchase them on GTN. (Or make your alt a cybertech and have him craft for himself as he levels.) Basically, the best method for helping your alt level is money. You do your dailies and ship the cash down, or purchase things and mail them.
  3. 50 Guardian 26 Scoundrel 22 Commando 20 Sage 32 Sorcerer 25 Powertech 15 Marauder 11 Sniper (Probably to be rerolled to Operative)
  4. There are rumors that only human characters are Free To Play. If I am a subscribing player who has a main character that does not fit the "free" model and I stop subscribing, will that character become unplayable? Or do I have an option to convert the character to a free species? Do legacy unlocks work for free accounts? For example, if I have unlocked the Twi'lek species, can I still play a Twi'lek for any class if I change to a free account? Or more generally: When a subscribing account changes to free to play, how will it be determined what characters/equipment/options continue to be available to me if I change to FTP?
  5. Early access/6 month subscriber here, and I'm renewing. I've enjoyed the last 7.5 months of playing, and look forward to the next 6.5. I briefly considered cutting back to a 3 month or monthly sub, but I decided to stick with 6 as I don't see myself getting tired of the game before then, so I might as well take the savings. I will continue to pay and play until I don't find it fun anymore, and would suggest everyone else do the same. If you don't like the game, move on, so those of us who do don't have to listen to the complaining. That way everyone is happy.
  6. D'oh! You're right. (As is the other person who pointed it out.) I'm not at all familiar with the Shadow/Assassin lines, and for some reason I was thinking they could still toss heals. I'll edit the original post so it's not a distraction from the point. (That you should help out in an off role when you can.)
  7. Thanks for the positive feedback from those who provided it. Like I said, I like to think most people in the game agree with me, at least in principle, and it's nice to see that. Just to clarify my stance on #6 and #7: I personally would watch the cut scenes every time, even in hard mode, as I really enjoy them. Even if things ultimately go the same way, I often hear a new line from another class, or some other variation I find entertaining. That said, in the interest of preserving #1 and #2, I concede to the majority, and recognize that most people running hard modes have been through the content many times and would prefer to skip it. It seems a logical middle ground to strike. I have no artistic ability myself, but I agree that would be pretty cool looking.
  8. I am not claiming to speak for the community as a whole, so this is more or less just my personal opinion. However, I would like to think I share these onions with most of my fellow players. So, with that in mind, here is my crack at general rules that should always be followed in group content. I try to follow this model when I play, and I enjoy it when everyone else does as well. (It's a bit long, but consider the highlighted heading to be the tl;dr; as the subsequent paragraph is simply me reiterating/expanding on the rule.) 1) Thou shalt have fun. This is a game we play for fun people, and you should always keep that in mind. These commandments all center around this one concept. Let's make the game as fun as possible for as many people as possible. Without that, nothing else matters. 2) Thou shalt stay respectful and civil at all times. My father-in-law likes to say "Don't argue with a pig. The pig will enjoy it, and you'll get dirty." No matter how much the person you are talking to may deserve a good tongue lashing, it's not worth it. If you can't resolve a problem in a civil manner, Report, Ignore and Kick are your friend. Select the appropriate one, and move on to enjoying the rest of the game. (See #1 above.) 3) Thou shalt help thine fellow player learn the flash point. Always keeping #1 and #2 in mind, you should try to help out new and inexperienced players learn rather than complain (or just quietly stew) over the fact that they are not running as efficiently as they could. This is how new and inexperienced plays become experienced veterans and help others, and it's a cycle worth preserving and building. 4) Thou shalt alert thine group if thou hast not done the flash point before. Similar to #3, if you are new to a flash point, make sure your group knows. No need to go on about it, as it's usually sufficient to just say something like this when you enter the instance: "Hey guys, just so you know, I've never done this one before, so if there's anything I need to know, feel free to point it out." You will usually find people happy to help out where needed, and more forgiving if they know you are learning and trying. 5) Thou shalt not roll Need unless Needed. If the drop is equipable for your current character, and better than what you have, "Need" is appropriate option. In any other case, "Greed" should suffice. Even if your companion needs it, or an alt needs it, or you just want to sell it because you think you are getting shafted on drops. Need should be the exception, not the rule. I know a lot of people argue about this, but to me it seems pretty straight forward. If you are in a group or see a player operating differently, reference rules #2 for how to deal, and always keep #1 in mind. 6) Thou shalt let people watch the cut scenes in story mode. When doing level appropriate story mode flash points, the default response should be to watch all cut scenes unless the entire group agrees to skip before beginning. In story mode, odds are good someone has not seen the content or would like to watch it again, and they should be given the right to do so if they want, even if three others would prefer to skip. 7) Thou shalt skip the cut scenes in hard mode. Similar to #6, skipping the cut scenes should be the default for hard mode flash points unless the entire group agrees to watch them before starting. If you have not seen the content, go watch in story mode even if you are over leveled. Most flash points can be soloed at level 50 if there is no other option. I sympathize with people who want to watch it every time, as I am one of them, but hard mode flash points are primarily for people trying to gear up, and that should be respected. 8) Thou shalt not rush ahead unless thine group has agreed to a speed run. Leave Leroy in the other game, and wait for your group to assemble before rushing into the next fight. If you want a speed run (where the default is to rush as fast as possible all the way through) make sure your group agrees in advance. 9) Thou shalt assist thine group in any way possible, not just by sticking to your assigned role. Obviously make sure you are fulfilling your main role first. That said, just because you are a healer or tank doesn't mean you can't throw out the occasional interrupt/DPS burst. Just because you are DPS doesn't mean you can't pull agro off the healer or toss a heal yourself if they are having trouble keeping up. Fundamentally, flash points are about team work. 10) Thou shalt remember to thank your group when exiting. This should be a no-brainer, but a lot of people seem to forget it, especially if the group has not been the best they've had. Always remember #1 and #2. Well that's my take on it anyway. Feel free to update, append, or add your own.
  9. I noticed yesterday that when working on quest that requires you to use a mission item, that item now appears as part of the quest name in the upper right corner of my screen, allowing me to use it without having to open my inventory, switch to the mission tab, find the item, and click on it. It's a little change, but I was very happy to see it.
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