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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Char_Ell

  1. 4 minutes ago, GreyestJedi said:

    The Saga continues. I still can't log in. Game gets stuck on the Title Screen. I tried the regular way and also on Steam. I am paying for this game. They need to fix this ASAP. I am paying for to play the game not be a QA tester and Bug documenter.

    I will be blunt.  BioWare is not going to fix this for you.  You're not going to get a resolution unless you put the effort in to resolve the issue, unfair as you may perceive it to be.  I'm not seeing any posts from you on https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en as Owen Brooks requested.  If you're not willing to continue working with volunteers like Owen Brooks to see if a fix can be identified then you may as well uninstall the game to reclaim your drive space, submit a request for a refund of your unused subscription time due to 64-bit client not working on your PC (not sure if BioWare will grant), and move on to something else.  Or continue to vent your understandable frustrations here if you want even if it's a waste of your time.

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  2. On 4/30/2023 at 1:25 AM, Audie said:

    So we had a player disconnect from the game, we waited a while for them to come back but they didn't so we decided to vote to kick. Tried it, the screen pops up to initiate the kick, click confirm then nothing... the other members didn't get the pop up. Tried swapping leadership, still nothing. Tried it on an online member and it works. So it would appear you cannot vote to kick a disconnected player. Also couldn't find a replacement while they are DC'd so Flashpoint had to be abandoned.

    Unless this is a fairly new bug then this is an isolated glitch.  Many times I've been in groups that have successfully kicked disconnected group members.

  3. 1 hour ago, JoeStramaglia said:

    What do you like about how the GTN currently functions?

    Searching is fairly easy to do.  I like to see and sort by Unit Price.


    1 hour ago, JoeStramaglia said:

    What do you dislike about how the GTN currently functions?

    I dislike 1 billion credit limit as the inflation rate in the game's economy has pushed many desirable items' prices well above 1 billion credits.  

    The sort by Unit Price feature does not always work.  I have to sometimes sort by Total Price and then sort again by Unit Price to get sort by Unit Price to work properly.


    1 hour ago, JoeStramaglia said:

    Is there anything you wish you could do on the GTN that you cannot do currently?

    Bundled item sales.  For example, I would like to sell a crafted armor set as a set, not its individual pieces.


    1 hour ago, JoeStramaglia said:

    Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items you particularly like or that you wish existed?

    I would like to be able to search for items sold by character name.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Toraak said:

    I shut the PC off for a few hours. My lag seems to be back to normal now. (shrug).

    Hopefully you learned that just because you experience poor game performance it does not necessarily mean it is BioWare's fault.  This is not to say that it's never BioWare's fault, just that players should refrain from placing blame until the failure point is actually determined.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Eneriango said:

    During PH4-LNX quest of The Cheating Algorithm, when the mission asked to Scan the Gaming Floor of the Club Vertica Casino the button to scan does not appear. This seem to only bugged out in the Republic side the Empire side still works. Can anyone else confirmed that this is bugged or a workaround?

    My level 80 Trooper Vanguard also had this problem this weekend.  My vanguard did not get a button to scan the casino floor.  I also checked the Mission Items tab of my vanguard's inventory and did not see an item that corresponded to scanning the casino floor.  I reset the quest but it reset back to Coruscant and I haven't tried doing it again.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

    Oh I assumed your comment was rhetorical, as you don't need to tell you that just because bioware says something doesn't make it true or a good idea--you have plenty of people in this thread and many threads saying exactly the same thing. 

    Again, it makes no difference who 'wins' this argument, if I persuade you or vice versa, because only bioware can make changes and they probably won't. Given past changes, I think we're stuck with the QT tax just like we're stuck with the redesigned map and that popup that takes up 20% of the screen and has to be collapsed every login for every toon smh. In fact, the most likely thing that they would change is to increase the travel cost further to try to make it more of a sink, while ignoring why people are so annoyed by it in the first place.  

    So, my goal here is more to remind the two of you that people wanna vent about the changes and express their frustration and that is perfectly okay. You are not mods and it is not your place to insist that players not be emotional or that we have to argue in a way that makes sense to you. You may think you are being helpful, that bioware will more likely respond to well-reasoned, rational arguments, but I would suggest that you lack the experience that many veterans on this forum have with bioware's communication strategies and willingness to listen to any feedback that isn't just purely uncritical praise.  

    Not sure why you went off on this lengthy exposition that did not answer my question.  I get the sense you simply dismiss anyone that does not support your viewpoints.  I haven't attempted to take on the role of moderator so no idea where you came up with that idea.  I thought you might be someone who could debate on substance but apparently I was mistaken.

    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

    I would like to know how you determined the quick travel cost credit sink is ineffective when BioWare's stated intent is "The goal of these changes is to introduce passive, small credit removal to the game. This way we have credit removal a bit more in line with our credit generation.

    @Ardrossan I see you've made a couple more posts since I asked this question and it looks to me like you're only interested in engaging with Diamaht.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

    You won't win any debate points here for using tactics like "why are you so emotional" and following it up with "hey why are you namecalling". We see you. 

    I guess I'll say you're not winning any debate points here for misquoting what the OP stated in response to someone who offered zero substance, only emotion, in their posts.


    2 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

    You've created a straw man argument: no one is against credit sinks, including the poster you replied to. People are against ineffective, nickle and dime sinks, which remain ineffective even combined with other sinks. Most people here want sinks that act as carrots, vendors that sell something we want to spend the credits on, armor, decos, high-end unlocks etc. Failing that, we want sinks that remove credits without people noticing much, like a higher GTN tax. What we don't want is to be taxed for something that was a paid unlock and it existed for free for a decade until BW decided they needed to appear like they were doing something about inflation.

    Forcing players to choose between Yes to credit sinks even dumb ones versus No to credit sinks, do nothing to fix inflation is reductionist. There are more choices than this, and we can differentiate between good credit sinks and sleazy nickel and dime-ing that we'll be stuck with for months while bioware "collects feedback". 

    No one is against credit sinks?  I'm not so sure about the poster you referred to. Retracted.  The poster I referred to stated GTN was a better credit sink to use.

    I would like to know how you determined the quick travel cost credit sink is ineffective when BioWare's stated intent is "The goal of these changes is to introduce passive, small credit removal to the game. This way we have credit removal a bit more in line with our credit generation.

    I understand your arguments about not wanting to be taxed to use a feature that, as far as I can remember, always had no credit cost prior to 7.2.1.  I can clearly see the large volume of discontent quick travel costs have generated on the swtor.com forums and on /r/swtor.  If BioWare has metrics to track new and/or casual player retention I certainly hope they are paying attention to those as I support the position that the quick travel credit sink  has a greater impact on new and casual players with relatively few credits than it does to veteran players with 100's of millions or billions in credits in their banks.  I also understand the lack of trust in BioWare's management of the in-game economy since the credit economy has had such rampant inflation for several years.  All that being said, the situation now is the same as it has always been.  We have no option other than BioWare to address these problems and I for one am glad BioWare are finally taking some action, even if I think quick travel costs missed the mark.

  9. I only downloaded the new 7.2.1 client yesterday and did not actually launch the game until today.  I received the Opal Vulptilla for each of the two characters I've logged into today.  The email generates and is delivered at the time the character logs in the first time after 7.2.1 went live.  In other words, the in-game mails with the Opal Vulptilla showed as being delivered today, not yesterday, so I don't think there were any issues with the mail delivery unless perhaps you logged in yesterday.

  10. 6 minutes ago, rylixav said:

    Technically, Microsoft ended final support for Windows 7 just a couple months ago. They continued with security updates until January 10th, 2023

    Do you think someone complaining about SWTOR forcing them to upgrade their operating system from Windows 7 64-bit was actually paying for extended security updates?  Methinks the chances of that are quite low.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Borderrr said:

    I have to buy a new OS because Windows 7 64 Bit isn't supported by a 11 years old game that is updated to 64 bit? Are you serious?


    If that's the answer/solution for a "patched in error" I have to consider, to cancel my 11 years uninterrupted subsription. That's a insolence as an answer!

    Why do you expect BioWare to support an operating system that is no longer supported by its manufacturer, Microsoft?  Windows 7 stopped being supported by Microsoft in 2020 January.

    That being said, @JackieKo, the help.ea.com page with SWTOR minimum system requirements with date of 2017 August 21 still lists Windows 7.  Someone needs to get those updated if that is no longer that case.

    • Like 1
  12. 30 minutes ago, destroyer__tr said:

    Can i change 64 bit to 32 bit? I tried every way but my game stuck at loading screen.

    No.  This not an option.  SWTOR has changed to a 64-bit game client with the 7.2.1 update.  From today on all players will need to use the 64-bit client in order to play SWTOR.

  13. 4 minutes ago, DamzTheShadow said:

    what's the point of us grinding like idiots only to be charged 60-80 cartel coins for unlocking for that stuff? All other event stuff (before season 2) was 1 to 10 CC for unlocking.

    This question was addressed in a developer post from January 19. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/927292-feedback-request-galactic-season-4-and-into-the-future/#comment-9739171

    5 minutes ago, DamzTheShadow said:

    Also, maybe consider doing account unlocks with credits, since you're already trying to make credit sinks to combat inflation 

    I think BioWare wants to reduce SWTOR's trade economy inflation rate but not at the expense of cartel coin sales.  Plenty of people have posted ideas for adding credit sinks to the economy as an alternative to current cartel coin requirements.  As far as I know BioWare has not made any changes to allow credits to be used where cartel coins are currently required.

  14. 37 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    So no more building up your escrow from GTN trading while preferred.   Well, at 1 mill at a time you could still build up the legacy bank credits but really slowly and tediously. 50mil from trades, 50 clicks to get that million, 50 to put them into the bank ... yeah. Not going to do that.

    I think it's really going to need someone with preferred status to test and post results on Reddit's /r/swtor.  Because I'm thinking as preferred you can sell item for 50 million credits on GTN and when you claim it with 0 credits in personal inventory then the game will deposit 1 million credits into your personal inventory and 49 million credits into escrow, just like it does now.  I think if a preferred account character has hit the character max credit cap in escrow (4.2+ billion credits) and tries to claim 50 million credits from email then the preferred account character will only be able to claim the amount of credits that will not exceed the maximum credits cap per character (personal inventory + escrow).

  15. 37 minutes ago, RevBurt said:

    If Bioware has the resources to do something useless like "romance companion" and then later one "same-sex romance companion," then surely it has the resources for something as simple as this.  The combat code already exists, in hundreds of NPCs and Bosses.  All you are doing is providing an instance and having your "trainer" adopt one of those combat roles with a difficulty adjustment.  There is more to gaming than chronic new content....like enhancing old content for vets.

    A lot of computer programming is just rehashing what you already have done. Hardly a waste of " dev resources."

    Obviously we do not agree on this and as a fellow subscriber I am posting my opposition to your suggestion.

    • Like 1
  16. 20 minutes ago, RevBurt said:

    The trainers in the game are pretty much worthless after you level.  So here is my suggestion:

    Upon leveling to 80, have the trainer now join you in an instance for combat when you access them.  It would make them an enhanced training-dummy of sorts.  

    This would also mean accessing trainers of other classes at this point to test yourself out with various class opponents.

    For grins, throw in a DPS meter for these instances.

    I'm not sure how this would work for people wishing to train healing or tanking, but I see it for DPS.

    This is what you want BioWare to allocate development resources to?  If BioWare still has "Wall of Crazy" it could be placed there but I certainly hope BioWare would not allocate any actual development resources to making this idea reality.  It would at best be nice-to-have quality of life enhancement but I can think of a lot of other things like new story content, new operations, lots of bugfixes, etc. that I would prefer be prioritized over something like this.

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  17. 22 minutes ago, tomius said:

    Will we need to do a complete reinstall for the 64 bit?

    It's not hard to go back to the first post of this thread and see the following statement:


    We did want to point out that this game update contains the 64-bit client, so please expect a larger download than normal. Players should expect a 35g download for 7.2.1. 

    You are not "reinstalling" the game client per se but rather are upgrading the client from 32-bit to 64-bit which does mean it will be rather large (I read 35g as 35 gigabytes) as a lot of files need to be replaced.

  18. 1 hour ago, AJediKnight said:

    All I know is that without a galactic season in progress, there's a much lower factor motivating me to log in. IMO, seasons should be constant - the end of one should mark the beginning of the next. Having this gap at the conclusion of an event that lasts months anyway (and which most devoted players have cleared many, *many* weeks in advance of the timer being up), is ridiculous - especially when the seasons themselves are extremely light on content, and really just an extra motivator to grind daily content.

    I don't feel like this is asking for the moon - you're talking about Bioware developing two costumes, a companion (which they seem to feel strongly about being a required part of these grinds), a handful of weapons, and one string of text-based fetch quests every, like, 3 months. That isn't some titanic burden - even for a game which seems to maintain a fairly healthy playerbase (not what they were originally hoping for, but at least consitent enough to keep the servers running), despite being eternally short of content. 

    No thanks.  Galactic Seasons to this point have been 20 weeks or roughly five months per season.  Two Galactic Seasons per year with 1 month in between works for me.  Not interested in having Galactic Seasons always running without any break.

    • Like 2
  19. 2 hours ago, Balameb said:

    I think YOU want others to pay the price. I don't mind paying it myself if it means nuking(or at least heavily reducing) credit sellers current stock.

    Based on the frenzied posts vociferously complaining about BioWare's plans to start charging credits for quick travel usage and using strongholds to travel from one planet to another it's not just him.


    3 hours ago, Balameb said:

    1- One week is certainly not a good time frame for measure at this scale. Prices fluctuate.

    2- There has been no changes implemented by BW in the past weeks, so those fluctuations have other sources.

    3- One highly potential source for that is that recently ended GS3. That means, less people playing, less demand. Also, current Gold agments have been implemented for a long time now. So: less people, more already augmented, even less demand.

    4- Last change from BW to credit generation was actually the removal of conquest credits and diminished loot for vendors. That was in 7.0, by 7.2 less than a year latter prices more than tripled. Probably 5+ times actually because I actually left some point after 7.1 and came back mid season 3 in 7.2 and prices por packs (the easy measure in GTN) were three times. 

    1) I'm seeing downward or holding trends.  I know prices fluctuate.  My reference to the past week only referred to credit seller rates.

    2) I didn't say anything about BioWare implementing changes so not sure why you thought it prudent to mention the changes have other sources as that is self-evident. 

    3) Source for what?  Sure, all the factors you listed could be at play.  Whatever the reason I see moderation of in-game inflation.  If your point is that this is only temporary and GTN prices will return to hyperinflationary pace at the start of the next Galactic Season then we'll just have to wait and see.

    4) OK.  I didn't say anything about inflation pre-7.2.  I only referred to the game's current pricing trends.  Are Ultimate Cartel Packs higher or lower now per unit than they were when 7.2 initially launched?  I'm seeing lower pricing.


    Sure, in-game inflation is always subject to fluctuation due to a variety of factors.  If you're not seeing the current moderation of inflation then all I can do is shrug and move on. 

  20. 42 minutes ago, DWho said:

    They have already taken this approach over the last several years (though they weren't silent about it) and it has had no significant effect on inflation. You no longer get credit rewards for completing conquest objectives (which was a big source of credit influx), rewards from heroics have been reduced at least twice (in addition to the elimination of credit rewards from them as conquest objectives), the selling price for mats and gear at the vendors has been massively reduced (selling gear from heroic boxes was eliminated entirely), etc. Still prices rise and in many cases they have risen even faster with the reduction in credit influx.

    I'm not sure you have an accurate grasp of the game's current economy.  I've seen advertised prices for hypercrates drop.    I'm seeing prices for OEM and RPM's hold steady or drop slightly.  Something has changed with the credit sellers because their rates have gone up by more than 150% in just the past week.

  21. 1 hour ago, Darcmoon said:

    When doing random FP with the group finder is there a way to ensure you become lead?

    As far as I can tell the game selects the character with the highest level as the group leader.  If there is more than 1 character with the same highest level (e.g. 2-4 level 80 characters) I'm not sure how the game selects which one becomes the group leader.

  22. 14 hours ago, Death-Hammer said:

    Where do you get purple 336 from?

    Level 80 purple gear (Rakata) drops in master mode operations and veteran mode operation R-4 Anomaly.  In other veteran mode operations they will only drop for earpiece, implant, and relic.  The operation gear drop will match the item rating of whatever you currently have equipped in that slot so if you already have a 336 rating item in the slot that the item dropped for then it too will be a 336 rating.   Alternatively you can purchase a purple piece of rating 324 gear from the <Operations Gear Vendor> on fleet for OP-1 Catalysts and credits.  You can then use the <Operation Gear Upgrades> vendor to upgrade the item with more OP-1 Catalysts and credits.  You can also use this vendor to upgrade any <336 rating purple gear drops you get from veteran or master operations.

    Once you have a 336 purple equipable item you are willing to deconstruct then you visit Hyde and Zeek with the character that you want to be able to purchase 336 purple enhancements on and pick up the 336 artifact mission.  When you have the mission in your log then deconstruct the 336 purple gear item and this will advance the 336 artifact mission.  Talk to Hyde and Zeek again and the mission will complete and unlock 336 purple enhancements for purchase from Zeek.

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