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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Char_Ell

  1. Sooo... Merc or PT? I'd also like to know which is more fun for solo play?


    The answer to your question is highly subjective, meaning it really depends on your personal preferences and I don't know what your preferences are. If you prefer using two pistols and playing a spec that is designed to fight from 10-30m then mercenary is for you. If you prefer playing with one pistol in a style that is much more melee-oriented and up in your opponent's face (most abilities have 10m or less range) then powertech is the way to go.


    Personally I enjoy playing both but if forced to pick one over the other I would go with mercenary.

  2. That said ... IMO there is still a HUGE opportunity IF someone (the RIGHT someone) wants to capitalize on it that is still there. Yes ... that is primarily due to the Star Wars community.


    IMO there is NO denying the opportunity and the still untapped potential of this game.


    Yeah ... I get it !! Some folks think I'm too much of an optimist !! (They'll just have to get over it !! ) :D


    What "big things" do you think BioWare could feasibly bring to SWTOR for the game's 10th anniversary that would tap some of this untapped potential that you believe SWTOR has?

  3. Considering that Anthem got tossed in the dumpster, EA and BioWare have no excuse not to give SWTOR significantly more resources.


    You're letting your emotions dictate your expectations and I'm pretty sure that EA doesn't make decisions strictly based on their feelings about a game. I don't think Anthem's demise necessarily means SWTOR will automatically get more resources. My impression is EA staffs a game's development team based on its expected revenue so that the game has a certain level of profitability. Unless BioWare management can successfully make the case to EA that an increase in staff size will result in more revenue and increased profitability then there is no reason for EA to allocate more dev resources to SWTOR, regardless of what is going on with BioWare's other games.

  4. *snip*


    It's a proven fact bioware could do alot more for this game and show each faction and classes the time and respect they have if they just simple disband the alliance and keep focus to what this game should be about, cause right now it seems they just now broke there word and promise back in 2011 where they said and qouted "It is not just about the Jedi and Sith".


    If you ofcourse like how it is going, then thats fine, thats your opinion, but I have the proof and fact that where it is going now it's just getting lazy and pointless.


    I'm not seeing any "proof" or much in the way of facts in anything you posted. Where are the links to your "proof?"


    I've got no issue with your subjective opinion that BioWare could/should do more with SWTOR's story. My only issue is you seem to be trying to pass off your opinion as some kind of fact.


    In any event, there are players with varying degrees of interest in seeing what "big things" BioWare will bring to SWTOR for the game's 10th anniversary. At this point it doesn't seem like a big change in the game's story will be one of those as the game's story seems to be including Malgus and Mandalorians. But who knows? Maybe BioWare will surprise us with some big change in SWTOR's story.

  5. So I saw part of an interview where the team was alluding to some big things coming to SWTOR this year. Possible rendering updates, possible expanding... Personally i would love to see a return to class stories... I know 6.3 and GS just released, but... is there any more info on what's yet to come? It's now June and I feel like the window of opportunity to get the hype train rolling is going to close soon. I really love this game, and the amount of love the dev team has for it too really shows. I just feel a little too left in the dark on this one.


    SWTOR 6.0 was officially announced on 2019-04-13 and released on 2019-10-22, roughly 6 months after the announcement.


    Keith Kanneg's comments about doing something major for SWTOR's 10th anniversary in 2021 were made in 2020 January, before the COVID pandemic had upended life in America and the rest of the world outside of China.


    In the recent SWTOR Twitch stream announcing 6.3 I seem to recall Eric Musco saying something to the effect that they had not forgotten SWTOR's 10th anniversary.


    EA's Play Live event is scheduled for 2021 July 22, a full month later than previous years' events. It's possible SWTOR's 10th anniversary plans could be announced there. Regardless of what is planned for SWTOR's 10th anniversary my only expectation is that BioWare will do something special and different. I'm no longer expecting 7.0 but we may still get it. It just comes down to what BioWare is able to do after the adverse impacts of COVID and Texas' 2021 February freeze. I think whatever "major" plans they originally had have likely been downsized after the turmoil of the past 12+ months.

  6. The following items all showed up on Jaleit Nall this past week:



    Model Zakuull Battlecruiser

    Title: Test Pilot

    Title: The Intrepid


    I already have all of these items / titles but they are still locked in collections (bringing out the pets did not unlock them either).


    Looking through collections there are a lot of items now labeled with "May be obtained through the Galactic Seasons Reward vendor." that I already have. Am I going to have to waste Galactic Seasons tokens buying all of these items again just to unlock them in collections?


    I don't know about the pets because I don't think I have those. From what I recall I got the Test Pilot title and The Intrepid title via in-game emails when those subscriber/login rewards were originally issued on my existing characters. I get them now via in-game mail when I create a new character. So if you deleted those in-game emails without pulling out the attached title tokens and activating them and they are not unlockable in collections then yes, that does seem like you would need to spend Galactic Seasons tokens to acquire them on any character that does not have them in their in-game mailbox.

  7. This seems to be one of the most popular lines used by the community team, to paraphrase 'I'm focusing on more important groups that don't include the forum users who are paying a subscription to post on the official SWTOR forums.'


    I think it important to remember that nobody at BioWare answers to any individual player even if, to me at least, it seems like TrixieTriss gets more replies from Jackie than anybody else. You and others want more than BioWare is willing to give and you can't force them to do what you want.


    Galactic Seasons is new and needs adjustments and I expect BioWare will make adjustments over time just like they've done with Galactic Conquest. BioWare usually does not get everything right in the first go but in my view they fix most of the issues that impact large numbers of players. BioWare will review their metrics for GS participation and whatever other feedback mechanisms they collect info from to inform future GS decisions. I certainly feel that it would be more effective to have an in-game method to communicate when items are leaving the GS vendor, maybe like a countdown timer on any item listing that will be leaving.

  8. If you spend 6,900 cartel coins, you can jump to level 69 of Galactic Seasons and acquire it.


    Whoa. I get it now. I mean, no way I would spend 6900 cartel coins on acquiring the apartment but if that is something that BioWare enabled and you chose to spend the cartel coins on it then I get why the dark lighting is a concern now.

  9. This was a huge complaint on the PTS that was obviously ignored. The Imperial Penthouse is still too dark (especially in the main room). Why couldn't this have been lightened up like the DK stronghold?


    I didn't use PTS for 6.3 testing but I thought nobody could buy the apartment on Imperial fleet until they acquired enough Galactic Seasons tokens. And since today is the first day of Galactic Seasons 1 nobody should have any Galactic Seasons tokens. So I guess what I'm asking is why is this a concern now when this won't be available for players to purchase for a while or am I missing something here?

  10. Did they not give any kind of end game gear at launch? Because yeah, I really don't remeber them being there. I remember doing class stories, planet stories, side quests, and heorics being group content. Then at some point Belsavis dailies which where quite tough to solo, really better grouped, especially on my sentinel which was literally one of the hardest classes to play at the time. Maybe our guild just wasn't organised, most didn't stick around long. They were a full 40 man WoW raiding guild but never really took off in SWTOR.


    I remember huttball launching and something that was end game group instanced content sometime after launch. But I had a baby then, so no real surprise here of details being fuzzy lol - not much sleep was had.


    I think Battle of Ilum and False Emperor were the only ones that did along with the ones that had a hard mode which wasn't all of them. Each flashpoint was designed for specific character level.

    Level 11 gear - Black Talon and Esseles

    Level 17 gear - Hammer Station

    Level 21 gear - Athiss

    Level 25 gear - Mandalorian Raiders

    Level 29 gear - Cademimu

    Level 33 gear - Taral V and Boarding Party

    Level 37 gear - Maelstrom Prison and The Foundry

    Level 41 gear - Colicoid War Games

    Level 45 gear - Red Reaper

    Level 48 gear - Directive 7

    Level 50 gear - Battle of Ilum and False Emperor


    My memory isn't so clear on the flashpoints that had a hard mode for level 50 characters but I think they were

    Black Talon, Boarding Party, The Foundry (Imperial only)

    Esseles, Taral V, and Maelstrom Prison (Republic only)

    Directive 7

    Battle of Ilum

    False Emperor

    These dropped Tionese gear which was tier 1 end game gear for PvE. Patch 1.1 added Kaon Under Siege and Patch 1.2 added Lost Island.

  11. Those flashpoints where not there at launch - i remember us doing esseles when it first came out. Heroics yes, and you needed groups for them. Flashpoints, no. They started some months later. After launch but before the oceanic servers first opened.


    Black Talon, Esseles, Hammer Station, Athiss, Mandalorian Raiders, Cademimu, Red Reaper, Colicoid War Games, Taral V, Maelstrom Prison, Boarding Party, The Foundry, Battle of Ilum, False Emperor were all available at launch. I'm not sure why you think otherwise unless you didn't actually play any of them until months later.

  12. I have stacks of them that are bound to legacy. So I'm not sure what you're talking about here. I can claim them from collection at any time I choose, and while they may bind to that character, I can claim them on any other character with the click of a button in my collections. This is, effectively, bound to legacy, since only toons on that legacy can claim them.


    LOL. You're a funny guy trying to change the definition of bind-to-legacy to fit your personal narrative.

  13. Except that the answer is actually yes? Because once they're bound, there is a one time "fee" to unlock it for your legacy. Which was actually pointed out, a few times, on the first page, once by me. No, we didn't go into great detail, we just outlined the process through which it can be done. As we can see by the post a couple of posts up from your own, the OP found the crystals in their collection. If one has a security key, along with a sub, and they're posting on the forums, so likely subbed, they'll get more than enough coins from just those to do that, w/out having to touch their wallet again.


    I suppose the full answer to the OP's question is yes, BioWare could make CM crystals bind-to-legacy but no, BioWare is highly unlikely to make CM crystals bind-to-legacy. Have you ever seen a CM crystal that was bind-to-legacy? As far as I know the answer to that question is no, there are no CM crystals that are bind-to-legacy. The only BtL crystals I can think of off the top of my head are the ones that can be purchased from Eternal Championship vendor but of course those are not Cartel Market crystals.


    If the OP's issue was resolved because OP was guided to collections and the unlock process then that is great and job well done to those who helped educate.

  14. So...I just switched out master crystals with crit. And the set in my bank happened to be yellow/orange CM crystals. I put in my guns. play a few matches. Then I put all the gear in the legacy bank to play on another toon and WHAM! gun won't go into bank b/c the CM crystal is bound to character.


    I mean...really here. this is ridiculously petty. I don't even give a **** about CM gear. I need a crit crystal, and I don't have any lying around that aren't CM. why are we doing this? do we really have to remove and replace crystals every time we pass guns now that EVERY thing is legacy. this feel ridculously petty and, more important (to me) TIME CONSUMING and a reason NOT to use or buy CM crystals.


    I'm kind of surprised none of the veteran posters explained the history with this and why the answer to your question "Can CM Crystals be switched to Bind-to-Legacy?" is a likely no.


    Some years ago, well before 6.0 made BtL the rule for all top level gear, players were able to take a CM crystal, put it in a bind-to-legacy weapon or offhand, place it in their legacy bank or mail it to an alt, and then pull the crystal out and that crystal would then be unlocked for that alt to claim from collections as many times as that alt wanted. Rinse and repeat as many times for as many crystals as you wanted on as many alts as you wanted and it only cost the alt the credits to remove the crystal, no cartel coins. That behavior was possible for quite a while until BioWare decided to do something about it with patch 5.3 in 2017 July. Since that time items with CM crystals in them have not been able to be placed in legacy bank or sent via in-game mail to to other characters. As others have already stated, you need to pay cartel coins to unlock a crystal for account-wide use.

  15. I personally fail to see how my doing more work giving greater rewards constitutes an unfair advantage. It's not like I had a week head start on everyone, I just did the same routine anyone else is capable of. If the real problem is the potential hoarding of OEMs and RPMs, then maybe attaching them to tech fragments is a bad idea, and another currency, or just having them cost flat-out tens of millions of credits would be better. I don't understand how it's even logical for them to impose such a small cap and penalize us for quite easily reaching it. The limit needs to be increased, Zykken should be open all week, and these OEMs and RPMs should either cost a lot of credits or cost way more than 10k tech frags, so people who just want to gear and do their normal activities don't have to feel restricted.


    I understand you and others don't like the 10K tech fragments cap and perceive it as "punishment" and too low. What I think players in your position and probably players in general often fail to consider is the overall balance of the game because you're focused on your own needs and wants. I will again quote Design Director Chris Schmidt.

    "The reason behind this change is we observed some unintended behavior where the mechanics of the refund timer were being used to store more resources than intended by limits intentionally set in order to balance the game economy’s inflows and outflows."


    It seems quite evident to me that BioWare is changing how the refund timer works because they did not intend for players to have a way to access more than 10K tech fragments at a time and can readily predict that some players will use this banking technique to acquire multiple high value OEMs and/or RPMs when 6.3 goes live, giving these players an advantage over the players that do not use this unintended banking technique.


    Now you want to suggest that BioWare should use something other than tech fragments to acquire OEMs and RPMs as well as increase the number of tech fragments that can be stored. Obviously that is something you'll need to convince BioWare of as there is nothing I can do in that regard. It seems OEMs are currently only obtainable from master mode operations and RPMs thru ranked PvP. The 6.3 update appears poised to make those two items more readily available by allowing a player to purchase them with capped bank of tech fragments.


    From my point of view I would like to know when BioWare became aware of this "unintended behavior" and how long did it take between the time they became aware of this behavior and now when they decided to take action to curb it. I suppose it is unlikely BioWare will reveal this info though. I just wonder if BioWare chose to ignore this unintended behavior until they decided that they couldn't ignore it any longer now that they are going to make these high value items available for purchase via tech fragments.

  16. But really, this has been requested over and over. Can we get it as an option?

    Male Togruta would look so majestic and awesome with longer lekku. Pretty please BioWare?

    I love my male Togruta Jedi, but he'd be SO majestic with long lekku. I need this so much, I can't even express how much I want this :'(


    I thought we couldn't get long lekku for male Togruta player characters because TCW canonized male Togruta as having shorter lekku prior to BioWare moving to add Togruta as a playable species in SWTOR. Thus Lucasfilm would not approve male Togruta appearances with long lekku for player characters after this point even though NPC male Togruta with long lekku had previously been added to SWTOR.

  17. The text color you chose is really difficult to read so I won't bother to quote it again, I can't even read that much bright green wall of text. So if I missed sometthing important you wrote, too bad.


    That is interesting. It's the same color I used in my first post you previously quoted. I just think you're telling me you don't like nor agree with what I wrote so you summarily dismiss it. Ce la vie.


    Next time you look up a word from the dictionary, you should at least try to understand what it says, instead of distorting the explanation to suit your personal agenda.




    As long as you keep calling people abusers and exploiters when there has not been abuse or exploits, you are verbally abusing them and that doesn't give you a moral highground, it makes you a hypocrite.


    But at least you answered my last question: You rather play in a community where everyone is at each other's throat instead of trying to play nice and that's a shame.

    From what I have read here you are the one twisting what I wrote to suit your personal agenda so I think you should take a good long look in the mirror when calling someone a hypocrite.
  18. A lot of people don't seem to understand the meaning of the word exploit. Exploiting is gaining some unfair advantage over other players, and that has not happened.


    Definition of exploit from dictionary.com

    1. to utilize, especially for profit; turn to practical account:
      to exploit a business opportunity.
    2. to use selfishly for one's own ends:
      employers who exploit their workers.
    3. to advance or further through exploitation; promote:
      He exploited his new movie through a series of guest appearances.


    Exploit in the context I used it falls closer to the 2nd definition. With games an exploit is an action the game allows that was unintended by the developer. Players that have utilized this specific exploit have gained an advantage over other players that haven't used this exploit by being able to bank more then 10K tech fragments at a time which enabled them to buy more items with the excess tech fragments than players that did not use this banking technique.


    Devs have not called this an exploit, but some players on their high horse seem the be the highest judges here. If devs would consider it an exploit, it would have been patched years ago like some real exploits we've seen over the years. It has been a feature, and the feature is now being changed. If someone is happy about it, go ahead. Your happiness doen't take anything away from me. However when you all come here to yell exploit and calling people who stored them exploiters, you are only creating bad blood. You are not creating a community, you are creating rifts. Is that the kind of community you want to be a part of?

    Design Director Chris Schmidt posted "The reason behind this change is we observed some unintended behavior where the mechanics of the refund timer were being used to store more resources than intended by limits intentionally set in order to balance the game economy’s inflows and outflows." You want to call it a feature. I call it an exploit. It's a difference in opinion and I expect we're unlikely to agree. I will acknowledge the nature of the exploit does not, in my opinion, warrant any type of player disciplinary action.


    BioWare has allowed this "unintended behavior" for a long time so I can understand being upset that BioWare has only now finally decided to make an update to prevent this behavior because BioWare's previous inaction lends credibility to the behavior's permissibility. However if you are offended because those players who don't know about or don't utilize this "unintended behavior" are not upset that BioWare has decided to finally address this issue and thus are not supportive of those that have utilized this "unintended behavior" then that is what it is. In my opinion and apparently those of others who have read between the lines, BioWare is taking this action to prevent players utilizing this "unintended behavior" from being able to profit more than BioWare intends from a method of acquiring high quality end game crafting material using tech fragments that looks like it will be added with the 6.3 update. If you are unwilling to acknowledge that as the impetus for BioWare's announced action then you are clearly only taking your own concerns into account and ignoring the concerns of other parts of the community.

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