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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Char_Ell

  1. Conquest objectives change based on the level of your character.  I don't remember how the levels are bracketed (10-50, 51-70?) but a character has to be level 50 or 51 to get the conquest objective that awards conquest points for increasing reputation.

    EDIT: Conquest level brackets currently are:




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  2. 18 hours ago, MasterCrumB said:

    I am not getting any daily resource matrix period, zero, for any of these activities. No daily resource matrix rewards show for rewards in the tooltip either when picking up the missions.

    Strange.  I haven't completed the first three missions on your list since 7.1.1 went live.  However I have completed weekly heroics and daily areas since then and am definitely getting 40 DRM's from heroic weekly missions and 50 DRM's from weekly missions for daily areas.

  3. 3 hours ago, superweasell said:

    So then, what if (and this would take a lot of work on the Company's part) every item had an in-game Credit Purchase cost?  Cartel Market items bought with in-game credits would be listed higher than the cost to buy from the Cartel Market.  So Cartel Market purchase would be more economical.  But this would put an in-game credit ceiling on all items.  Players could still sell items for just a bit less than their in-game credit purchase price  (or more if they could find people silly enough to spend their in-game credits), so that option to make credits is still viable.

    Just an idea that probably needs some work.  But its a thought.

    I'm not sure I understand exactly how your proposed solution would work.  Maybe if you gave a specific example of a Cartel Market item and what its price cap would be it would make it clearer for me.

    In all honesty I'm more interested in what causes the inflation as BioWare are the ones that would have to implement any attempts to lower the in-game economy's inflation rate, not players, and only they know what possible solutions are feasible for them and which really are not.  BioWare has yet to engage this controversial topic and I don't expect they will.  I feel it's tough to come up with effective solutions if the cause of the problem is not clearly understood.

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  4. 1 hour ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    I wasn't happy when the last go of server mergers occurred [I played on the Shadowlands server than] which perhaps is why I'm not favorably inclined for a new set of server mergers.

    Specifics please.  What are the negatives of merging servers where you are concerned?  What caused your unhappiness after the last round of server merges in 2017?

    Potential loss of character names due to conflicts?   That is a big one for me. 

    More characters than server allows?  Someone else mentioned that in this thread.


  5. 2 hours ago, JediQuaker said:

    One aspect worth considering. At this time 'inflation' mostly affects the prices of cosmetic items on the GTN...

    I believe this is not a true statement.  When people post NPC vendor purchased or easily obtainable items for multiple millions on the GTN and those items are purchased at those prices it seems abundantly clear to me that inflation has spread beyond mostly cosmetic items.

    2 hours ago, JediQuaker said:

     ... but if you create new 'credit sinks', that would adversely affect all credit functions, reducing the credits a player has available to pay for common game functions such as 'repairs', travel costs, etc.

    Just depends on how any credit sinks are implemented.  Credit supply is apparently abundant and when there is an abundant supply of money and product demand exceeds product supply then prices will increase.  That is the situation SWTOR's economy faces.  Options to reduce inflation are to reduce credit supply or increase product supply or decrease demand.  Based on what I see the credit sellers currently advertising the demand for their services has decreased in the last few months.  In any event, credit sinks are one way to reduce credit supply and yes, they can certainly be a negative experience.  I like the ideas of graduated tax rates for GTN listings (higher percentage for higher sale prices) and adding those same graduated tax rates for player-to-player and COD mail transactions.  I'm not an economist though.  I just know any solution that reduces inflation will create negative response from at least some portion of the player base.

  6. 41 minutes ago, septru said:

    Please for the love of god. Do something. Anything. 

    • Disable player-to-player trades.
    • Disable mail COD.
    • Raise GTN tax to 20%. 

    Just like that inflation gets fixed. 

    Literally can't buy anything on the GTN anymore because its priced above 1b. 

    I understand the sentiment but your proposed solutions to lower the game economy's inflation rate would have other not-so-positive consequences.  There is no easy solution to the inflation problem that would not have negative repercussions.  I think the adage "pick your poison" appropriately describes what BioWare faces with SWTOR's game economy.  There are negative outcomes for staying the course and there are negative outcomes for making changes.

    How would Cartel Market sales revenue be impacted by such a change?  I can't imagine it would be positive and I'm pretty sure BioWare would not want to take a hit on Cartel Market revenue.

    One player is in an ops group and doesn't have a stim.  Another player has an extra stim to provide but can't trade with the other player because player-to-player trades are no longer allowed.

    Just a couple of things I thought of off the top of my head.

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  7. 2 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    Not to be indelicate, but that's a Satele Shan problem.

    *snipped content*

    My vote is against a merger of Satele Shan and Star Forge.

    LOL.  You've made your position abundantly clear.  As someone who plays mainly on Satele Shan I also am not in favor of a server merge. 

    That being said I wonder how you would feel if Satele Shan was your main server?  It stands to reason that your self-centered views would cause you to feel differently since you obviously value your own experience over all others.  Not to say that is wrong, just pointing out you clearly are not willing to accept any compromises or hindrances to your own gameplay experience. And yet you've had to endure at least one prior server merge and are still here.  I guess you must have had either little to no negative impact from prior server merge or got over any forced character renames.

  8. 10 hours ago, Shayddow said:

    This is for a Tank.

    Thyrsian relic of avoidance (328) shows as  >  Supreme Decurion Relic of Reactive Warding (330) & as  > Supreme Decurion of Imperiling Serenity (330)

    It's as @ZUHFB said.  As a PvE tank the only two relics you should be using are Avoidance (permanent absorb stat boost) and Shield Matrix (permanent shield stat boost).  Given the current state of gear in SWTOR tanks do not have enough shield and absorption stat points as it is, in my opinion.  All the other tank relics do not provide anywhere near the benefit of these two relics since they only provide a temporary boost instead of a permanent boost.

  9. I just downloaded the new launcher and had the same experience as @SteveTheCynic.  My standard (non-Bit Raider) SWTOR game client was already updated with the latest patch and it went thru 3 series of "downloads" but when I watched my network activity using Windows Task Manager it wasn't until the 3rd download that there was any significant network activity which only lasted for several seconds.  The launcher update apparently worked without issue as I was able to log into SWTOR and play as normal. After the update I closed and restarted SWTOR, clicked on the button with the two gear cogs in the lower left corner of my launcher window, and my launcher shows it's version

    1 hour ago, JackieKo said:

    What StevetheCynic stated in the above post is what the experience should be for players. I'm quoting this from my OP as well.  "When we are ready to deploy the new launcher, it will APPEAR as a client download (as it uses the same progress bar), but it will only be scanning files to compare them to the new data structure. The “download” in this case refers not to re-downloading the game client but downloading small pieces of information for validating the game data already on disk. So to reiterate once more, players will not be experiencing a full download." I hope that is helpful! 

    Hello @JackieKo, I recognize you provided the info about what downloading actually meant with respect to this launcher update and perhaps I'm preaching to the choir with this feedback.  However if the launcher is not downloading files then I think it would make for a better user experience for the status bar on the launcher to reflect that and indicate "validating game files", "verifying game data", "checking game files" or something similar instead of "downloading."   It seems to me that a relatively low percentage of players check the forums and swtor.com for game info and were not aware of that downloading did not necessarily mean the launcher was actually downloading game files.  I noticed a number of people posting complaints that they had to "re-download" the game.  You did say that people would have to download a good chunk of data if their game was not updated with the latest patch so I'm not sure how many of these people actually were downloading updates for the game itself instead of just for the launcher.  I just think it would have helped some if the game launcher only displayed download status when it was actually downloading files and had a different status when it was not actually downloading files.

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  10. I'm curious how people are navigating to access patch notes now?  I don't see a link for Patch Notes when hovering over the Community tab on swtor.com.  Patch notes can still be viewed at https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes but unless you already know that like me I'm not sure how you navigate to that page via mouse clicks now.  Patch notes link is actually available when I mouse over the Community tab on https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes page but as I said this link is not visible on the Community tab on swtor.com main page.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Here's the rub...you need to be a certain item rating to get the mission, think its 328 but not sure...


    You could be sure if you read the dev post that started this thread.


    How to obtain 7.1 modifications

    Both Republic and Imperial players can talk to Hyde and Zeek in the Supplies section of the fleet near the other modification vendors. Hyde will offer players 4 missions that will open up access to purchase mods. Please note that Hyde and Zeek will only offer missions to players who are wearing gear with an Item Rating of 324 or higher.


  12. Hey! You'd like to improve the user experience? To do so, you could finally add the option to turn on chat/speech bubbles which has been promised to be implemented over and over again for well over 10 years now.


    Please finally get the ball rolling, Mr. UX Director! ;)


    Hey, maybe this is something that can finally happen. If BioWare could finally add "dual spec" support, a.k.a. loadouts, after 10 years maybe they can finally add chat bubbles.

  13. Took a day to let the announcement of Charles Boyd's departure sink in. My last interaction with Charles Boyd was at the 2019 San Diego cantina. I proudly wore my Havoc squad T-shirt and Charles, being the writer for the trooper story, pointed at it and nodded in acknowledgment. And then I asked him a question about itemization after he told me that wasn't his area. Sorry about that Charles. :o I was going to make sure to ask story related questions only at the next cantina event but alas even if there is another in-person cantina event I will not get that opportunity. Thanks for your dedication to SWTOR and all your awesome costumes over the many years and best wishes to you for the future.


    As for the BioWare folks that remain, may the Force be with you. It seems like there are a lot of behind-the-scenes challenges that y'all understandably don't publicly talk about. From my perspective SWTOR seems to be struggling. I hope you're empowered and able to deliver on the game's promise.

  14. ...


    Seriously keep your privileged opinions of ignore it to yourself people, I'm tired of being told to ignore it, EA needs to uphold it's own rights and police the game and monitor the ingame chat, especially seeing as it's Pride Month, which means until July 1st this is gonna be an every day thing.


    Nah. If you can express your opinion I can express mine. Equal rights for all.


    My guess is EA doesn't want to pay for more in-game issue management than what they already have. It doesn't matter if it's Pride Month or Black History Month or whatever disadvantaged group is being focused on. EA would have to fund more support staff or invest in developing AI technology to handle the in-game chat concerns you've expressed. SWTOR doesn't seem like a game that is doing all that well right now so it seems unlikely EA would make additional investment unless a clear and positive return-on-investment case can be made.

  15. So how about you all who aren't contributing anything to this conversation by trying to critique me and telling me what to do and how to deal with this situation be quiet and let actual adults who care about others and want the SWTOR environment to be safe for LGBTQ+ talk? Thank you!


    So you want to censor anybody that does not agree with your viewpoint. That leaves me with little desire to support your cause even though I do think it is worth supporting.


    Seems like your issue is that BioWare does not immediately stop those players who are violating SWTOR's terms of service and/or rules of conduct, specifically:

    To keep the Service a compliant, fun, fair and safe gaming environment for everyone, you may not engage in any of the following behavior:

    Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything to another player that is unwanted. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated. (See also “Harassment Policy” below.)


    As others have said, your options for dealing with unwanted communications is to

    1) report the person making posts in game chat that you believe violate the game's Rules of Conduct

    2) add the person to legacy ignore


    It's up to BioWare to investigate and determine if a RoC violation has occurred and if suspension or ban is warranted. I'm sure there are a lot of complaints filed with BioWare about player behavior so I would not be surprised if it takes some time after the report is made to make a determination. As far as I can recall the game has never had live moderation for game chat channels.

  16. A new (returning) player's perspective - top-tier boomer MMO, but 7.0 concerns


    What does the word "boomer" mean in this context? I'm used to boomer meaning someone from the Baby Boomer generation that was born between 1946 and 1965 or thereabouts. 30-something's certainly are not "boomers." Do current teens and 20-something use the word "boomer" to mean anybody that is middle aged or older now?

  17. ALSO the republic one drops ONLY in imperial side runs and the Imperial drops ONLY in republic side runs.


    Maybe that was how it worked when these mounts were first added to SWTOR (I seem to recall seeing the Imperial Korrealis on Republic fleet) but as I stated it dropped for me in Assault on Tython story mode on 2021 May 25. What I didn't say was that I was playing my commando. So if the Imperial logo Korrealis previously only dropped for Republic faction toons and the Republic logo Korrealis only dropped for Imperial toons then based on my experience that is no longer true.

  18. The Korrealis with the Republic logo dropped for me in story mode Assault on Tython flashpoint a few months ago. I probably ran it more than 20 times before it dropped but I wasn't actually counting. I just kept running the story mode FP a few times during various play sessions and even tried grouping for veteran and master mode Assault on Tython. It eventually dropped in story mode.


    EDIT - I checked and the screenshots I took of it were dated 2021 May 25.

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