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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Char_Ell

  1. Thanks, CT! Now we can stop talking about this, and get back to the real issues:

    • Keeping the DvL toggle, even if it's not tied to a global teeter-totter

    • Creating a toggle for hoods

    • Allowing customization for Character Select screen (ie showing more characters at one time, arranging them manually, etc)

    • Adding more sort options to Inventory, Cargo Bay, and Legacy Cargo


    For the record, these are not the "real" issues I want BioWare to work on. These are only the issues WHTJunior wants BioWare to work on. The only item on this list that I would support are hood toggles and that is not a high priority item for me.

  2. For example, Space missions, Horrible since launch, never fixed, no-one even plays them I mean, a Star-Fox (Space on Rails) system was the best they could do? GSF is "ok" but the original Space mission stuff needs an overhaul and has needed it for years.


    1) What do space missions have to do with the price of tea in China (GTN inflation)?


    2) I play space missions at least once per week on multiple characters. Using the fleet commendations I earn from them I purchase Grade 7 spaceship upgrades from the NPC vendor and post them for sale on the GTN. They sell quite well. This leads me to conclude your statement "no-one even plays them" is false. Getting back to the topic, I sold Grade 7 spaceship upgrades back in late 2019 for 13-18 million credits each. I now sell them for 45-50 million credits each. That is more than 200% increase in sale price in 2 years. I'm not sure where people get the credits to buy these limited scope of use items at such high prices.

  3. I still think cosmetic credit sinks are enormously helpful for the situation. Make some really cool mounts, outfits, and decorations cost huge sums of money.


    And then BioWare would have to deal with complaints from players who don't have huge sums of credits to spend on really cool mounts, outfits, and decorations. This may help resolve one problem but it would also create a new problem.

  4. Hi folks,


    Thanks for reporting the bug with the respawn time of the World Boss Primal Destroyer during the Feast of Prosperity Event.


    Our team is aware of this bug. As mentioned in this post: Darth Malgus - Belsavis World Boss not respawning, this issue seems to occur (at least in one case) when players kite the Primeval Destroyer's adds away from the boss area after the boss has been killed. You should follow this new workaround while we're looking into it:

    • Make sure the adds are dead before killing the World Boss. - Updated workaround
      • Note: If you see another group fighting the world boss, and you want a piece, help them and focus ads to ensure you get your own boss after.

    I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.


    Someone correct me if something changed with Belsavis WB Primal Destroyer but in my experience the mechanics dictated the most efficient way to down this WB is to pull the 3 adds away from the boss (not too far) while the rest of the group downs Primal. Once Primal is down then finish the adds. If the group takes out any of the three adds before Primal Destroyer goes down then a huge AoE knockback with damage is applied to everyone in the operations group.


    So basically BioWare seems to be saying as a workaround we need to down the three adds before Primal and just deal with the AoE damage that will result when each add gets killed.

  5. I'm not expecting much more than what we got in Onslaught length-wise, BUT they also said that there would be new stuff all year, so I wouldn't be surprised if they kept dropping new story content and flashpoints.


    Are you confident that BioWare's content release cadence and quantity in 2022 will meet your expectations? I expect two "content" patches with new story/group content in 2022. If we get more than two then that will be great but I'm honestly not expecting it.

  6. That’s all well and good if it’s a NA “only” game. But Bioware have touted swtor as a global game from the beginning and there is more to the globe than 4 US states with the highest population.


    Bitter, party of at least 2. But I'm sure it's not just you and your wife.


    Sadly we lost our Asia-Pacific servers, which was a mistake because Asia has way more people playing computer games than the whole of the US and EU combined. The problem was locating them in Sydney Australia instead of somewhere like Singapore.


    I can't pretend to understand how EA makes hosting decisions in Asia-Pacific area. However I don't understand why locating the servers in Australia was problematic unless latency from Southeast Asia to the Australia servers was too high for most SEA players. As far as I know EA has never made SWTOR available in China. The issue for the Asia-Pacific players was lack of players, which was the same problem North America and Europe servers had only Asia-Pacific had significantly fewer servers and players than NA and EU did. This caused EA to decide hosting servers in Australia was no longer worth the investment.


    So when they shut down those servers we all went from 20-50ms to 150-220ms ping. Which drove many APAC players from the game. Those of us that remained had to deal with excessive ping and depleted players online when it was our prime time, but we mostly made it work.


    Then Bioware screwed us over again by moving the west coast server to the east coast and added another 50-80ms ping to the already terrible ping we had. Not only did that drive more of the remaining APAC players away, but also a large portion of the west coast NA players. Which totally messed up player density on Satele Shan because those that remained were spread too thin. That’s why that server is dying off slowly. .


    I think your doom and gloom is exaggerated. Yes, it totally sucked to see BioWare/EA stealth move NA servers to the US east coast and I am sure there were multiple players who stopped playing SWTOR because of this decision. However as far as I can tell Satele Shan has a fairly healthy population. I disagree that Satele Shan is slowly dying off.


    Bioware would be better off merging the last two US servers together and all the European servers together. Ideally they would relocate the US servers to TX so that ping is more fair for everyone (but we know they won’t)


    I still stand by my reasoning when they moved the servers last time. Bioware will eventually merge ALL servers into one and base it on the East Coast (thats why they moved the west coast server there last time). If they don’t, there won’t be enough player density to allow group content. I also expect this next expansion will drive more players from the game, so a merge will probably be needed next year sometime to keep alive or it will be the last year of the game.


    Population on both Satele Shan and Star Forge seems healthy to me. At this point the only reason to merge servers is if server populations are getting to the point where lack of players is causing long wait times for group content. I'm not seeing long wait times on either Satele Shan or Star Forge.

  7. Remember when there was a whole TAB of asian servers after the game launched? i got on here late 2012 i saw them for maybe a couple of months and I think the first update I received they were gone not long after.


    If by "whole TAB" you mean the 3 servers that were initially allocated to Asia Pacific area then yes, I remember that.

  8. Sure except gold augs are 700m. Which is only 300m off gtn credit cap. That seems normal. If you where to full augment yourself in gold augs you would need multiple times more then player credit cap. Yea that seems normal and very healthy.


    What are we discussing again? I thought it was game economy inflation making the vast majority of items out of reach for free-to-play and preferred players. I don't know why free-to-play or preferred would need gold augments. As far as I now the only content gold augments may be considered a need in is ranked PvP which free-to-play and preferred players are restricted from participating in.

  9. What does "game scaling" mean? Is this the system where a level 75 character (or level 80 as the case may be) is down leveled to the max level allowed by the map area? For example the level 75 character travels to Ilum and its stats reduced to level 50. Or is this something else altogether?
  10. My 75 lvl 306 geared operative got knife with all slots set as [unidentified] from Malgus in False Emperor Vet.mode FP via Group Finder.

    This one knife

    In group were two 75 lvl toons, one 50+ and one 60+


    Also noticed that from some other run got rifle with blue 275 lvl mods - which seems not intended drop for 306 iRate


    Also on an item rating 306 lethality operative in Czerka Core Meltdown veteran FP.


    Enhanced Duneclaw dropped two Onderonian Targeter's vibroknives, both with unidentified barrel, mod, and enhancement.


    Enhanced Vrblther dropped an Onderonian Targeter's Blaster Rifle with unidentified barrel, mod, and enhancement.


    Normal drops from final boss The Vigilant.

  11. I think we need to start differentiating classes from story.


    You don't have a "core" class. You have a combat style and a story.


    This game, in essence, is basically dumping classes in the way that we have traditionally thought about them.


    Now, you will choose a story. We can give these stories names to distinguish them, based on what happens in the story, or even maybe on the unique titles given by that story.


    • Hero of Tython
    • Havok Squad
    • The Barsen'thor
    • Privateer
    • Cipher
    • The Wrath
    • The Hunter
    • Forcewalker


    This is fixed and cannot be changed, once selected.


    No idea why you would want to needlessly complicate the situation by creating new names when the story is still linked to the base classes that existed in the game at launch. It was several years until BioWare decided to make players choose their advanced class at character creation. However now that BioWare has decided to make more than two advanced classes available to each base class with 7.0 it has created confusion because people either don't know or forgot about the base classes in the game because everybody is used to picking their advanced class at character creation, obscuring the fact that the story is still tied to the base class. It doesn't matter if you pick Juggernaut or Marauder at character creation if the only thing you are concerned about is playing the Sith Warrior story.


    Republic faction has four stories and each story has a choice of two different advanced classes:

    • Jedi Knight (Hero of Tython) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel
    • Jedi Consular (The Barsen'thor) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Jedi Sage, Jedi Shadow
    • Smuggler (Privateer) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Gunslinger, Scoundrel
    • Trooper (Havoc Squad) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Commando, Vanguard


    Empire faction has four stories:

    • Sith Warrior (The Wrath) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Sith Juggernaut, Sith Marauder
    • Sith Inquisitor (Forcewalker) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Sith Assassin, Sith Sorcerer
    • Imperial Agent (Cipher) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Operative, Sniper
    • Bounty Hunter (The Hunter) -> ADVANCED CLASSES: Mercenary, Powertech
  12. I'm not in favor of BioWare making more "exclusives" no longer exclusive. They've already done that with the HK chapter and the other companions that were offered as "limited time only" subscriber (Nico Okarr, Shae Vizla) or event (Master Ranos) rewards.


    That being said, as far as I'm concerned the damage is done so what does it really matter? I now know that BioWare plays fast and loose with the terms "exclusive" and "limited time only." I now believe these terms when used by BioWare in the context of SWTOR rewards mean that it will be exclusive for a period of time but BioWare reserves the right to make the reward available again. BioWare has clearly demonstrated that they will make formerly "limited time" offers available again so I can use those actions to understand that my definition of "limited time" and BioWare's definition of "limited time" are not the same.

  13. Please note, going forward, we will be referencing the Central Time zone in our communication.


    After all these years what prompts the change from using Pacific Time U.S.A. to Central Time U.S.A.? Someone finally realized that you may as well use the same time zone for maintenance notifications that BioWare Austin uses? No conversion required that way.

  14. When the victory state lasted for an hour, this made sense. But now that victory states last for 18 hours, it is a terrible idea to keep the bosses from respawning.


    These bosses need to have a twenty minute respawn.


    I guess that depends on how it would really work. What I want is for the DvL boss to not leave its designated area (a.k.a despawn) if an attack does not take the boss down. That would resolve the issue with griefers that OP is upset about. It gives a single player way too much control when the boss despawns after combat is initiated and fails to down the boss. I'm sure there have been plenty of players who have encountered a DvL boss on the world they were roaming and attacked it only to belatedly discover the boss hits like a truck and they quickly wipe.


    I would be fine with DvL bosses only despawning by either being defeated or expiration of the LS or DS victory state.

  15. I liked this story. I am interested to see if and how this factors in to a certain character's disappearance.


    I'm not sure why I haven't thought of this before but after reading "A great pain in the shebs" in this story I got to wondering if Mando'a language is still used in Disney era of Star Wars.

  16. Hi, with combat classes, will weapons be locked to advanced classes? After the livestream and related posts I was under the impression that any tech class will be able to use the weapons of any other tech class so for example; my operative could use an assault cannon instead of my usual blaster rifle. The same goes for force users, so my assassin could be a duel saber wielder.


    I mentioned this to some people today and they are adamant that the weapons will be locked to the advanced class.


    Which is correct?


    I don't know if it is crystal clear yet but as best I can tell your friends are correct. A character's weapon choices will likely be restricted based on the combat style (advanced class) that is selected, same as it works now. So an Imperial Agent base class will likely only be able to use an assault cannon by selecting Commando for its combat style. A Sith Inquisitor would only be able to use two lightsabers by selecting Marauder (or Sentinel if light side aligned) as its combat style.

  17. That’s not true. They currently have PC games on Xbox that only use keyboard and mouse.


    The credibility of a claim like this would be helped if you provided examples of Xbox games that only use keyboard and mouse that people can verify for themselves if so inclined. I generally treat statements like this with a grain of salt unless somebody takes the time to provide evidence in support.


    If the barrier between playing on PC and playing on current Xbox generation consoles is as low as you suggest then it would seem like a good move on BioWare's part to make SWTOR available on Xbox and increase potential player pool and revenue generation opportunity for the game. Of course, that is only if it is true that it really would not take that much effort on BioWare's part.

  18. There are plethora of bugs, things that glitch out and outright broken stuff that have existed since launch and never been fixed. Add to that the plethora of other issues added with their "new content" since launch that they never fix, it's assured they will indeed implement even more issues with the "new" expansion and things that have always worked will be outright broken. It will be the 10 year special indeed to ensure job security for no skill inept developers.


    And yet you are still here playing SWTOR and paying for a subscription no less. I mean, the devs can not be that inept since you are still here playing their game...


    As for predictions about bugs with 7.0 goes I'm sure they will be there. In my mind it is more a question of how severe the bugs will be and how quickly the bugs that cause the most problems with playability get addressed. If it is a bug like player can't hide helmet then that isn't, in my opinion, game breaking.

  19. Nope. Conquest isn't end-game. Story flashpoints also drop the exotic mats. Anyone can get gold gear eventually if they play long enough, all lvl75s will earn tech fragments. None of this requires end-game content.


    I think the person you responded to and myself do not agree with your definition of "end-game." I agree conquest is not strictly end-game but since it's an activity that can be engaged in at max character level I consider conquest to be both a leveling and end-game activity.


    I've no real idea what stokes the massive inflation in SWTOR's economy. People buying from credit sellers? Credit exploits that are either still active or were active long enough for people to acquire credits via the exploit and then quickly use them to acquire goods which makes the exploited credits unrecoverable? I do not know.

  20. In previous posts, discussions and streams devs stated that guard ability for dps specs will have a debuff for 50% damage reduction. It was asked for by players for a long time because guard from dps specs ruins duels (by guarding healing companions), unranked and ranked (letting healers or other targets survive too long).


    So i have one question - where are these changes? WHy dps specs still guard and get no debuffs?


    You must not have done any research before asking the question. A 50% nerf to damage for dps specs using guard ability was implemented on 10/20/2020 in update 6.1.4. It's listed in the Classes + Combat section for each dps spec that was impacted by the change.


    As somebody else already mentioned, the tool tip for Guard ability mentions this now.

  21. Is anyone else hopelessly behind schedule on GS? I don't have the creds or CC (and refuse to $$ my way up the ladder), and I will probably not be anywhere near the middle by the time it ends. As long as the next season vendors have mostly the same items on them, I guess I won't complain too much.


    Does anyone know what the future looks like for Galactic Seasons 2 and on? Do we think GS1 rewards will go on the GS2 vendors, like the items that were previously limited to other expansions? I just hope to avoid FOMO, as I start to focus more on other games, as they release, or receive new content.


    Seems like you already have a case of FOMO where SWTOR is concerned. BioWare is dangling that carrot out there and some people don't want to do what is required to get the carrot but still want the carrot.


    We know the fleet stronghold apartments will still be available for purchase in GS 2. Who knows about the rest of the stuff but my guess is they probably will be available to purchase in GS 2 as well.

  22. Since nobody seems to have mentioned this yet, I just came here to say that I've tried to log in twice and had this issue.


    When I went to the task manager to end task the SWTOR application after it hung on the load screen, I noticed both times there were *two* instances of swtor.exe running. Maybe this is causing the issue since you can only have one instance of the game going at once?


    SWTOR has run with two swtor.exe executables since launch in 2011. This is normal and expected for SWTOR. This has nothing to do with the log in problem you are having which per BioWare was caused by an improperly deployed patch.

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