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  1. I PvP casually in my raid gear (192/198) and do just fine. You would have a legitimate gripe if you were referring to ranked arenas....but unranked warzones? C'mon man, lighten up....nobody takes warzones seriously haha.
  2. Honestly, it's probably a staffing issue. BW simply doesn't have the manpower to efficiently patch and troubleshoot this game. EA is notorious for running skeleton crews (especially with older games which have already peaked...I know because I used to work there). And because the majority of the player base doesn't raid on a regular basis, it's simply not at the top of the priority chain. Trust me....I'm on your side....raiding is the only reason I still play. I'm just offering a realistic outlook.
  3. Clocked in at just over 26 hrs gameplay for lvl 1-55.....and I finished all class quests on Corellia before going to Makeb. I didn't realize how ridiculous quick you can level on Makeb:/
  4. Three things to do: 1) Wait for a guild advertisement to appear on general chat (on the fleet). They usually come up rather frequently during peak hours. You can then contact the individual and sort out details 2) Advertise yourself on general chat and hope to get picked up 3) Go to the Prophecy of the Five server forum on this site and see if anyone is advertising. You can probably find some guilds who are actively recruiting SIDE NOTE: If you haven't done any raiding yet, at least make sure you've pugged EV and HP through hardmode. Also clear all the hardmode flashpoints. Most decent guilds (or my guild, at least) aren't going to recruit someone who has no raiding experience and doesn't have a basic understanding of roles/boss mechanics. You don't have to be amazing....just not a total idiot.
  5. I know it's a pain but I'd just group with somebody and get it over with.
  6. People will continue to undercut because the listings are organized according to price. I could charge 30k for biometric crystal and be on page 38...or sell it for 25k and be on page 1. My advice to to go biochem or slicing if you want to make consistent money on the gtn. People will always need their stims and neural augmentors. I have alts specifically for biochem and slicing. That's all they do
  7. I would really just like to know when the server lag will get better......
  8. Personally, I think you and I are in the same boat. You really really want to like and enjoy this game, and there are enough good things that you don't just want to give it up. But there's just not much to do right now so here's what you do. Un-sub for a few months and come back when you're ready. Sound good? I promise your characters won't go anywhere:D
  9. I know exactly what you mean. My guild had to call off our EC HM run last weekend when we got to Kephess...for exactly the same reason. Hard to say what the solution would be. More instances of Denova?.....100 ppl per instance seems a bit high. I think what should happen (but won't) is to add two new operations instead of one, kind of like they did with EV and KP released very closely to each other. This will spread out traffic. The vast majority of raiding guilds are on Denova SM/HM right now, so it's waaaay too crowded. If there was another way to get campaign gear it would help. Nightmare Pilgrim (with 2 hour respawns) was NOT the answer.
  10. I play swtor a few times per week to raid with my guild and do a few pvp matches. The rest of the time, I play other games I will go back to playing swtor more when there's more content. You don't have to have the best gear in the game to enjoy it or to be competitive.
  11. So...you just started a thread complaining about people complaining....
  12. Yeah quit lying OP! There was absolutely no lag preventing my guild and I from beating Kephess on hard mode last Sunday. The 100+ player Denova instances are amazing! Working as intended....
  13. 1. Nightmare Denova 2. Arena PvP Matches (smaller map....3v3 or 4v4) 3.Pazzack 4. Swoop Racing 5. Datacrons transferring to alts (didn't think of that...but good one)
  14. I think I have a rather simple solution that would appease both sides of the fence AMAP. Don't change gear stats for 16-man raids. Instead, give people access to the following: -Titles only attained by completing 16 man HM raids -Mounts -Different color scheme options for gear and mounts I think this would work well. Everyone knows that if you see a guy on a dark black speeder, he's completed Denova HM. Wouldn't it be cool if 16 man HM vets could get a gold speeder, a black light-saber, or a title like "<Insert Name Here>, God Among Men". In other words...there would be no statistical bonuses to doing 16 man raids but doing so would unlock rewards that would earn you some recognition.
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