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Everything posted by Striker

  1. They can't answer every single thread. I think they do a pretty reasonable job so far.
  2. We had this guy on twin spears doing it for a while. Almost every game of huttball you'd hear groaning in general about getting the bot on someone's team. People kept reporting him but he was around for at least 4 hours. of straight huttball botting.
  3. Just for republic. I remember most forum polls were 45/55 or 40/60 in favor of the empire. Goes to show how good of a sampling forum posters are.
  4. I liked the rifts in Rift a lot. But I completed all the quests in the first zone. And it almost outleveled me for the 2nd zone. Its rapid and overleveling are worse than TOR which is why I ended up quitting in the mid 30s. A slow leveling curve is much more appealing.
  5. January 8th in the morning. I was in the very first wave of early access. I didn't take time off until that prior week so I played more casually initially. I averaged 7 hours a day up until that point. I could have hit 50 sooner, but I didn't hardcore level the entire time. Spent a good bit of time afking, crafting, talking, helping friends, etc.
  6. From what I understand Greenscale wasn't even in the game at launch. Not until a week or two later. So SWTOR still had more raid content. Rift definitely had different features some I don't like and some that would be good in TOR(like UI customization). Rift did have more hard/expert dungeons but less normal end game dungeons.
  7. Did you close your program and reload the launcher. I was still connected from last time and it ran worse for me than before. Once I restarted and patched it was great.
  8. I reconnected and lag was awful in fleet. Couldn't even pick up pvp dailies. Never experienced something so choppy. Then I realized I had not logged out and patched. Patched and wow is this an improvement. No noticeable lag in the fleet and I never was too bothered by abilities in pvp before. But it does feel fluid and smooth now. A+ patch Bioware.
  9. I agree. Factions need more balance.
  10. Welp that sucks man. Time to reroll. twin spears had 280 as the most i saw tonight at the fleet and 220 currently.
  11. The reason I trash that expansion has little to do with the pandas. Its because its combining the worst aspects of WOTLK and Cataclysm and has really no positives revealed yet. Maybe they'll reveal something good about it eventually, but so far everything has been garbage.
  12. I never left WoW. But I am more and more disgusted every time I log in there. I just don't like the slow paced boring combat. At least I only need to play WoW for 4 hours a week now. Not subbing when panda land expansion comes out. Hopefully there is still stuff to do in TOR for the next year.
  13. I really like the travel system to be honest. WoW's is portal here, portal there. Skip almost everything. It all makes sense. Some planets have spaceports other you need to go to the orbital space station. Nice variety.
  14. They also released it during the weakest point in WoW's history. They have the perfect window to grab a large share of the market. They timed it perfectly. All they need to do is follow up and fix the key bugs like ability delay and keep pumping out content.
  15. Do quests, sell greys, stop buying stuff. I bought an upgrade every so often but prior to 50 I was VERY frugal about it.
  16. Sometimes but its my own fault. I could go find a HM group or do some heroic dailies or pvp. There is so much to do sometimes I just can't decide what I want to do and afk in the fleet.
  17. It used to be a great game. Slow leveling curve. Being fun. Challenging dungeons. And lack of dungeon finder. Dungeon finder basically makes everything get done far faster and is why people have been burning out and subs dropping since its implementation. Bioware is doing a lot right from a philosphy stand point.
  18. My hate for their panda expansion has to do with their half assed content they are adding. I really don't care about the pandas as much as the lack of challenge and only 5 levels. Leveling shouldn't be an afterthought in MMOs. Which is why TOR has a lot of potential.
  19. Interesting, I'm the opposite. I am raiding tonight and depressed that I have to play this boring ****** game. Constantly tabbing out to run missions in TOR. Oh well, its only 4 hours a week.
  20. I agree ability lag needs fixed. What else do you want for end game? MMOs are level to max, gear grind via pvp, flashpoint, or operations. I like that and its the reason I play MMOs.
  21. Cantinas on each planet have different social gear. Some are male only, some are female only. As you get to higher level cantinas they usually require more social points.
  22. Its true. You get to 85 grind 3 heroics and 1 8 boss raid. TOR has 6 raid bosses and more relevant hard mode flashpoints. Within a week there will be more raid bosses as well. Neither is particularly good by standards WoW set 5 years ago. But TOR isn't going up against BC or WOTLK. Cataclysm is worse than TOR and going to stagnate for 10 months before anything new comes out. Meanwhile TOR is pumping out new content over the next year.
  23. I don't mind the sith warrior armor. It seems fitting. Although I don't have the mask and won't display it when I get it. The inquistor one looks stupid though.
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