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  1. will you still get deserter debuff if your afk or kicked?
  2. macphisto

    Deserter de-buff

    The deserter debuff is something i welcome, but i do find it very unfair that with this you have not given the option for us to choose or exclude certain war zones. I hate huttball with a passion and the second i load up in it i leave but with the new deserter de-buff i will be forced to play this highly irritating pile of **** war zone.
  3. I feel these moves need a longer animation to bring them in line with the lagish animation of Overload/Force Wave. When a Sorc or Sage use there abilites you can see it comming and in most cases counter act. but with Concussion Charge/Jet Boost and the instant animation thses have they need to be brought in line with other classes.
  4. We really need cross server LFG tool, so far today ive spent 2 hours spamming on fleet for a HM FP and still no group. I understand the views of it could spoil the community but when you cant play the game because you cant get a group i think we really need this.
  5. Please can you stop forcing the 5 Battle for Ilum quests on my screen each time i enter. Ok i understand for it to happen the 1st time i go but does this have to happen every time. I turn them off for a reason, because i dont want them showing. This dosnt happen on any other planet if i remove a quest from showing on my screen leave ands come back they are not forced back again, so why are these 5 so must have?
  6. sad to see the game dying so fast. too many servers and too few players on each.
  7. Its sad really, I waited for so many years for this game and in the most part im very disappointed on how cheap it feels.
  8. If what i read is correct the servers are down so free loaders can play the game at the weekend. Has the game fallen down hill so fast that they have to offer it for free so soon after its release?
  9. You give 15 min notice and direct us to the forums and all we get is a 2 line brush off. tell us what you are doing and then maybe people wont be so pissed off at you.
  10. They should just remove access to this game for players outside america. people in the EU get shafted yet again by prime time shut down.
  11. Are UI settings server side or client side?
  12. Ive tried what you have said and it still wonnt go away. ive linked a picture to show what i mean. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/17/opsxw.png/ The green box i want to keep. the red box i want gone
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