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Everything posted by Striker

  1. I remember talking to a co-worker that played WoW at launch. He used to be in a hardcore guild in EQ and was in a bleeding edge guild in WoW. One of the top guilds on Mal'Ganis. The loot and bugs were disasters in early WoW. He was telling me tier 1 and tier 2 dropped off bosses in MC. And often times off trash. They'd have to zerg through BRD to get there since the portal attunement/portal wasn't there. Random deaths and falling through places. Complaining about fire resist gear. I'll have to get some more stories out of him as well. It sounded like the biggest challenges were getting people to 60 and there being 40 of them. Plus players are trained in MMO mechanics these days. When you only require 8 or 16, or 10, or 20, or 25 people and they've done it before its way easier to master end game content. Especially when the leveling curve in TOR as well as other recent MMOs is a joke compared to vanilla WoW and the MMOs before it.
  2. I tend to agree on the bug and refinement front. That takes time. The game needs to be competitive to what is out now content wise though. Which it is as well. Some stupid WoW fanboys throw out ridiculous number of dungeons and raids it has after 7 years. Which is true. However thats because those are spread across 85 levels instead of 50. There are plenty of flashpoints for leveling for 50 levels. As far as end game goes it all boils down to 3 heroic dungeons and 1 small(8 bosses) raid at end game in WoW. In TOR there are 6? hardmodes and 6 raid bosses. With an extra hardmode and 4 more raid bosses in a week or two. Very competitive. WoW would be an unstoppable force if its forced obsolescense of all previous content in EVERY new content patch didn't exist. But the way it is now only the newest stuff is relevant and everything else can be skipped. And they just entered a dead period of the same crap for 8-10 more months. Most people are already done, reached the max they are capable of, or are burning out after less than 2 months. The Old Republic launched at the perfect time.
  3. They seem like a console lobby game fan based on their complaints. So I am glad they don't like the game. Those type of people shouldn't be contaminating and destroying this great game.
  4. I agree. Make it like stances that persist through death.
  5. I agree with you. Hopefully they can get a separate EU maintenence window. Although I hope they don't separate the forums. WoW's EU community managers appear to be way more informative and helpful than the douches that run the US side. Splitting the teams might end up with such a situation here as well.
  6. I am so mad they took out killing your companions. I would have killed at least one based on my story for sure. The reason was because people would do it by accident. They should give you 3 "Are you sure prompts" before actually doing it. But it should be doable.
  7. I have no idea how people can't afford training. There was only once I couldn't right at 40, because I purchased the 55k speeder instead of the cheaper one and purchased the 50k bag slot increase. I didn't have slicing and my crafting/gathering were up to my level and probably above. Loot and sell EVERYTHING.
  8. Do you just expect your ship to land in the middle of a busy city? Its for the safety us of all. At least you don't need to wait for them to clear you before you land.
  9. I was off all last week. I played for a lot for several of those days.
  10. No, some complainers are trying to ruin what is a near perfect game for many of us. People wanting crap like LFD and instant teleports everywhere. That ruins the game for us MMO traditionalists. So we give our feedback there as well.
  11. Would rather have this than some of the ridiculous speeds people are requesting in this thread.
  12. Mostly agree. I didn't skip content and hit 50. But I took some days off of work and put in marathon sessions. Enjoyed all the cutscences completely etc. 200+ hours for me, but I still agree its too fast. People forget WoW when it first opened. Its leveling took twice as long as TOR and that was one of the reasons for its staying power. Only now when leveling has been nerfed into the ground to ridiculous speeds is it losing subs.
  13. Right. Thats worth the price alone.
  14. I agree with you. Prepare to be flamed by people with only their own selfish interests in mind. Most people don't know whats good for them and the game. I would probably only go with 15-20% reduction though.
  15. I found open world pvp on Voss. At neutral camps with neutral guards that don't care if you gank. Also you can gank players of the opposite faction in their district until they deflag from being in empire or republic territory.
  16. This is a good idea and I agree with. I am not for loading screens. I am just for the requirement to walk into your hanger or across the orbital station to your ship. Since thats where it is. Reducing the loading screens and having loading go on in the background during travel is ideal.
  17. And not everyone doesn't. Going to the ship hangar and orbital space stations is fun gameplay to me.
  18. It doesn't matter how many real days it takes to get to the end game. It matters of time played. Thats why I wrote down the specific numbers. Many people are space bar commandos and can get to 50 in 2 days played. And they are constantly complaining leveling is too fast. I went through the game in the time it was designed for watching all the cut scenes and taking part in many parts of the game(fps, pvp, space mission, heroics, bonus series). It isn't just people who skip all the cut scenes or pvp non-stop who think leveling is too fast. And for someone only playing 3 hours a day the leveling will be substantially increased due to rested XP. It would cut that number by 25% at least and basically force them to skip a massive amount of content or be overleveled by 5 levels. It wasn't until I did 48 hours of playing in 4 days, stopped pvping, doing flashpoints, and heroics that I was no longer overleveled. And it is not whining. I'm giving Bioware valuable feedback so they can improve the game and avoid this mistake in future expansions. Many people don't play much once they hit end game and by making it so fast to hit level 50 they lose a ton of subscription revenue, because they will get done too quick and quit. Taking 3-4 months to level instead of 2 months for most casual players lengthens the time a lot will be subscribed by a lot. Especially since future characters will level much quicker since a lot of cutscenes have already been seen. This isn't a typical MMO where leveling speed doesn't really increase much on alts. It will double or more due to skipping cutscenes.
  19. And I disagree with them. I have been playing a lot. Most people should be in there 20s or 30s. I put in basically 12 hours a day for 4 days in a row last week since I had some extra days off and at other times. Of course I had probably a day of AFKing and helping buddies in there as well. I went through all cut scenes almost never space barring and did most of the bonus series. But that is still too short of a leveling curve IMO. Something closer to classic WoW would guarantee sustained success. With leveling speed so fast as it is currently they need to keep new content rolling out quickly or people may get bored in 3-6 months.
  20. You are probably right. I'm not there yet, but gearing is a huge driving force of MMOs. Most people care about it more than conquering the content. Of which there is plenty of, but if it doesn't take 2 months for the best to gear out the longevity of that content will most likely be incredibly short.
  21. Welp I agree that they should have made leveling take longer. But there is plenty to do at end game. More than in WoW currently. So at least Bioware didn't **** up as bad as the competition.
  22. Well you should probably do the normal 50 fps before going to hard modes. Same with operations. What I plan on doing tonight is ganking on tatooine.
  23. Unlike what people claim leveling doesn't slow down that drastically at higher levels. I was hoping and thought it would, but I continued leveling at a rapid raid through the 30s and 40s. 49-50 only took 4 hours completely unrested.
  24. Thats how I reply to any helpdesk tickets that don't have enough information provided. Of course the people that send me tickets should know better but thats what tier 1 support should do as well.
  25. And did you check the lower level missions from the dropdown? Sometimes the scrolls you learn aren't for your current skill level.
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