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Everything posted by FINALBOSS

  1. Certainly doesn't help that interrupt doesn't lock out spell classes. I can spend almost half my resource bar (Annihilate) for 2.8k-3.4k dmg in one GCD (which obviously needs ramping up time) while a healer can cast a heal on themselves for 5k+. I wouldn't say just healing is OP (although it might be slightly) it's the combination of healing + guard. I can seriously spend an entire WZ (and have) whacking away on a healer with guard and I'm a fully decked out Marauder.
  2. And what's your point? Ranged have a much higher time-on-target compared to melee along with equal damage...
  3. I could definitely get behind that. In addition to roots/kbs adding to resolve.
  4. Except then I'm not doing damage? Can run around a pole to avoid a ranged class as much as you want, you're still going to end up getting hit occasionally. It's fact that ranged have more up-time than melee along with equal damage. Not sure how you can't see that as an advantage towards ranged.
  5. I honestly can't tell if you're being serious. Ramps/Ledges/Stairways/Pits would like to talk to you. Are you seriously debating that ranged and melee have the same time-on-target?
  6. It's why I play melee as well. You can position yourself for the inevitable knockback as much as you want, it's still gonna send you wherever it chooses 60% of the time. As I said earlier, most melee's main gripe is time-on-target.
  7. I love how people assume that Marauders have this insane burst...you do realize our primary tree is made up of DOTs and one hard hitting ability (averages 2.8k-3.4k) that costs almost half our resources. To topic at hand, I do think that Operatives need a tiny bit of love. I don't think it should be gap closer because it really doesn't make sense--unless it was a sprint activated with UpperHand/TA.
  8. And from what I understand, that's what BW is moving towards with the War Hero gear not requiring a valor rank. You may not GET the gear as fast as super e-peen elite teams who steamroll and win every time--but you'll definitely get it. That's something I can get behind.
  9. Huttball is definitely fun...but the announcers are horrid.
  10. And so are ranged? They are pretty much equal....what exactly is your point here? Superior time on target = more damage
  11. Why is it so hard for some people to contribute to a discussion without being a child? ...Seriously turning these forums more and more into the old WoW ones (the pinnacle of trash)
  12. I enjoy Watchmen's videos...kudos to you guys. Except Shinraka (sp?)--he uses some voodoo magic which I believe you can only get in New Orleans.
  13. I think the classes are quite balanced as it is--the best I've ever seen in an MMO, honestly. Some classes need a TINY bit of love (Snipers/Operatives/Deception Assassins), while others need a TINY bit of hate (Sorcerers/BH). But they all feel within ~5% of each other.
  14. Melee classes are pinballs in PvP...you realize that, right? Ranged doesn't have to answer ANY of those "questions" you proposed. Find target--press skill. The main issue is TIME ON TARGET. Ranged have WAY more time on target compared to melee. This wouldn't be an issue if melee had superior damage--WHEN in melee range (obviously), but we don't.
  15. And what do you think Guard is? Or taunt? As a geared Marauder (and admittedly a good player) I can seriously beat on a healer with guard for weeks.
  16. Listening to Georg speak at the Guild Summit gave me a TON of faith in the game. The dude is unbelievably smart and knows what he's doing.
  17. One thing WoW did right is weapons. Getting a new weapon from a raid, EVERYONE wanted to see what it looked like--and it usually didn't disappoint. Really not sure where they go from here...I would say fancier hilts...but some hilts are already fancy--just almost impossible to see clearly.
  18. They are literally adding a BUTTLOAD of orange items in 1.2 Don't like the look of the tier gear (that you probably won't even get) pop out all the mods and put them in orange gear you actually enjoy the look of. But wait a minute, you say, the armor I actually like doesn't have THAT great of colors going for it. Guess what, you can change that too!
  19. Rated WZs will have all the stats/information you'll ever want. If you want an arena style setting, organize a tournament in Outlaw's Den. That's what we do.
  20. Powerr refuses to share Shadow/Assassin info like gear/stats/priorities. He HELPS the community guys!
  21. It would definitely be nice to see melee's have a resolve max of HALF of what it is now.
  22. Pass on Arenas. NO thank you. Objective based WZ maps and maybe 1-2 TDM maps > Arenas. Arenas are breeding grounds for skilled players...but they are also breeding grounds for a terrible community with a dash of class OP outcry.
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