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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. I hope it's not what I'm expecting too, but.. I dunno, I just don't see it since they removed the full customization we temporarily had for Shae.


    I'm...actually rather glad of that. I was casually browsing the GTN on Dromund Kaas. Someone came in with their Shae.


    In a slave girl costume.


    My eyes just about burned out of my head. WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING.


    *ahem* Anyways. I do wonder how far this customization will go; if it's just a few pre-selected customizations, or if we can swap out parts of the outfit at will like we can for vanilla companions and our own characters. Truthfully, I'd be happy even with pre-selected customizations, like how Shae Vizla is now. I don't think I could take Theron seriously if I saw him in the covert energy armor. XD

  2. I did laugh out loud at Purple Quinn's No Bones Predicament, but PLEASE do not give the devs any mad ideas about Malavai Quinn's statue pose :eek:


    At this rate, the statues of Quinn and Elara will be one single troll face. :p On another note, wouldn't it be fun if we could pose companions and then get statues of them in that pose? My Knight's Kira would be in the act of gracefully twirling her lightsaber; Nadia with a ball of light (Force energy) in her hands, staring at it in wonder; Quinn in his PROPER parade rest pose, etc.


    Quinn: *finally stops dancing* ...oh thank the stars *falls over* *just lays there for a while* I...need to recover...

    There are plenty of fangirls who would love to help you with that.

    Quinn: *sits up* Recovered. :eek:

    I can make you start dancing again.

    Quinn: That, ma'am, was not dancing. That was "spice trip crossed with seizure with influences of sticking one's finger in an electrical socket, in the style of a species who lacks a skeletal structure." In other words, an abomination. And that is not even my own wording, but rather THE OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION! ...or, slightly paraphrased... But even the DESCRIPTION hates that convoluted disaster that poses as a dance! How could you argue with THAT!?

    It's fun watching you shout.

    Quinn: *facepalm*

  3. At least give the poor man an ice pack lol


    Quinn: Due to cartoon physics, giving me an ice pack means running the risk of freezing solid in a position like this. I would...really rather not test that out.

    Yeah, and then someone would come along and go "That's the PERFECT pose he should be in for his long-awaited commemorative statue!"

    Quinn: Oh stars *facepalm...or, at least, he attempts to facepalm; as he's still noodling about, he winds up slapping himself in the face several times*

  4. KOTET, as in Knights of the Eternal Throne? No. That full expansion's already passed, and no new companions returned in it. Going forward, however - the story's not done yet - old companions are starting to return again. The War for Iokath (a Ziost-like interlude) returned two companions.


    Let's hope Kira comes back soon, though. :( I miss her.

  5. Oh do let them out :D You must share those images with the rest of the class :D


    Quinn: ...I must protest.

    You don't really have a choice.

    Quinn: *indignantly* I most certainly do, ma'am.


    Quinn: Yes. In fact, I-- *limbs go wild* AUGH!?

    You look like one of those floppy inflatable noodle-things flapping in the wind outside of stores...

    Quinn: *noodle-dancing* I have no idea what you're talking about. WHAT AM I DOING??

    No-bones dancing. An infamous...*cough*...pre-battle ritual...

    Quinn: To do what, make enemies laugh themselves to death!? I look like I'm having a seizure while touching a live electrical socket!

    They also say the no-bones dance is from some smuggler's spice trip, and it caught on.

    Quinn: That makes more sense... *grumbles* figures. Can I stop now!?


    Quinn: *NOODLE NOODLE NOODLE NOODLE* ...this. Is. Not. Amusing.

    Oh, but it is! :D

  6. Oh it is funny...and looks painful at the same time. Is like he either was on the wrong end of way to much force lightning or having the weirdest seizure I have ever seen.


    I love the description of it:

    "An infamous pre-battle dance ritual practiced only by the galaxy’s most elite. Some say its origins lie in the communication habits of an ancient species lacking skeletal structures. Still others claim it dates back to an anonymous smuggler’s bad spice-trip in a Nar Shaddaa Cantina."


    *snicker snicker* Bad spice trip *snicker snicker snicker* :Doh the images in my head...

  7. Yes, it happens to everyone. I would advise against accepting the mission, as it has a habit of screwing up other chapters - companions won't appear, the introduction for Iokath probably won't reflect your character's choices, etc. You can just ignore it.


    Also, you wouldn't start the whole thing over again, only replay Chapter I: The Hunt.

  8. Alrighty then, finally got it where I am happy with it. New chapter finished. There is no in game dialog, though it does reference a few events...the rest is all mine ;) So if you are interested here you go :) No maturity filter needed for this one.




    I know, not as good as our fan favorite purple Quinn, but I can try can't I? I hope you enjoy ;)


    ...so, are you going to publish a book anytime soon!? That was amazing. :D Quinn catching himself whenever he even thought something flirtatious, then when he accidentally said anything basically going "Oh gosh did I say that out loud AUGH CRAP NOW WHAT," and

    that dance

    at the end... *squee*


    "Not as good as Purple Quinn"? Well, considering how Purple Quinn slips out of character every other post or whenever hilarity/weirdness calls for it, and your Quinn stays perfectly in-character all throughout...I'd say it was a whole lot better. :p (Thanks, though. :) Made my day.) That was beautiful. That last line made me go "d'awwwwww" all over the floor. *mops self up from Jagaimee-puddle* I was grinning through the whole thing.

  9. Any truth to the rumor that you don't get the bonus vision if you answer all the questions in the first trial correctly?


    You mean at the very end of the quest, the vision of the last antagonist in your class storyline? No truth at all, then. I just did the quest a few days ago with a bounty hunter - got all the questions in the first trial correct, and still had the final vision.


    If there's a *different* vision you're talking about... uh, I have no idea about that? I've answered every question incorrectly, a few questions right and a few wrong, and every one correctly through various characters. Their "trials" didn't change.

  10. Or everyone shares your character's room. Night comes around and: "Well, come on everybody, pile in!" That's gotta be "cozy" in the Consular's ship toward the end of the storyline, I tell you.



    The logical extreme of this conclusion (with a male consular who didn't romance Nadia, that is):


    Consular: ...Nadia. I asked you to please sleep at the far end of the bed, away from me.

    Nadia: Sorry. ......not even a little cuddle?

    Consular: Nadia! *scandalized* I've told you time and again I see you as a sister, almost like a daughter! AND I'm more than twice your age! Now, please, keep those thoughts to yourself at bedtime!

    Nadia: :(

    Iresso: Can Qyzen sleep SOMEPLACE else? He's currently squishing me into the wall. Scales, ouch...

    Tharan: You left out where Holiday can sleep.

    Consular: Er...Tharan, Holiday can "sleep" in the ship's computers, can't she?

    Tharan: Well, yes... but sometimes we--

    Consular: Oh heavens, I don't want to know!

    Iresso: On that matter - Zenith, I know you love your sniper rifle, but can you please not sleep curled up with it? The tip is right against my nose, and I don't know about you, but sleeping with a loaded rifle pointed at my head is not my idea of comfort.

    Zenith: *grr*

    Alauni: So. Anyplace for us to sleep?

    Consular: ... e_e

    *five minutes later, every single person in the entire Rift Alliance is packed into one tiny bed*

    Consular: *from the very bottom of the massive pile* i dont know how this is possible

    Iresso: but i cant breathe

    Nadia: help me

    Qyzen: rasp

    Tharan: whose bright idea was this

    Alauni: I'm stuck between an Esh-Kha and the ceiling. My lekku are killing me.

    Zenith: grr


  11. I haven't even done Hutt Cartel yet so it will be awhile till I get to the FE expansion,..but if they take away our companions,.does that mean we're screwed out of crew-crafting until the story is done?! That's awhile , no?


    Not at all. Like I said, there is a companion terminal you can use after Chapter Nine of KOTFE. And, truthfully, going through chapters one through nine doesn't take very long.


    So companions that ive not got back in my story i can use this terminal to get them back early??


    Yes, you can. It won't affect their eventual return. They won't be treated as "present" in cutscenes or the story proper, of course, but you can still use them for crafting/combat.

  12. So since Theron's outfit is going to be customizable in 5.2.2, anyone got suggestions for good outfits for him?


    I'm going to wind up inadvertently dressing him all in black or something. :rolleyes: I'm so unoriginal... ("But Jagaimee!" my half-dead inner fashion designer is screaming, "He'll look so good with [inquisitor who's a rattataki]!" Yes yes, I know, but BORING. So boring. Everybody winds up dressed in black or gray or brown at some point! My smuggler, consular, and bounty hunter managed to avoid it so far, but everybody else... oi.)


    Time to go scour TOR Fashion! *gleefully rubs hands together* Black Vulkar Swooper Chestguard? Battle-Hardened Apprentice's Tunic?

  13. I actually laughed out loud during the KotFE chapter where you wake up in Satele's ship and you nose around and you can find that holo of teenage!Theron and he's wearing the same damn outfit he always has in the game. I mean, I love the character, but does his closet have nothing else in it? :rolleyes:


    'Scuse me for being childish (bear with me: I left my childhood behind not too long ago :p), but it's like that one quick gag in one of the Disney Fairies movies. Tinkerbell is trying to find an outfit for a journey, so she goes to her closet and reveals...a dozen leaf dresses exactly like her iconic one. She compares two of them for a moment (they're identical), then throws one back. "That one's not for travelling." :p


    You just know somewhere Theron has a closet full of identical jackets. "Hmm...nah, that one's not for spy stuff. Oh, THAT one's good for a romantic evening with my significant other." etc. XD

  14. Last week, I gave you a few of the highlights for the next game update coming in June (5.2.2); here’s another one – You’ll now be able to customize Theron’s outfit!





    ... *cough* I mean. Ahem. Yay! My inquisitor is very happy now. That red jacket is adorable, but, um, he's been wearing it since he was a teenager. XD


    On another note, thank you for the heads-up. I'm really looking forward to this roadmap!

  15. Thank you - that helps a ton. Sounds like I should just enjoy the story until after Chapter 9 and then look at companion, crew skills, and heroics again. Thank you.


    Glad it helped! :D


    One thing to note, however, is that chapter ten of KOTFE seems to auto-start as soon as you're done with chapter nine. :/ Didn't used to be like that, but something changed with 5.0. I *think* you can just esc. key out of the opening cinematic and it'll allow you to access the Odessen base without issues, but I don't know.

  16. You are correct I am just being polite. I am sure it is the same reason why the male smuggler can flirt and sleep with everything that moves and the female smuggler barely gets a flirt option.


    ...ehh?? Skavak, Darmas, that guy on Balmorra, Alderaan, the married man on Voss, would all love to disagree with you. Oh, and on Ziost


    the flippin' Emperor himself, though guys also get that option because...reasons that actually make sense, sort of, ish


    ...also Jace Malcom on Alderaan's bonus series... I swear I'm missing a few people, but it's been a while since I played my female smuggler. Anyway, yeah, that's less than guys get, but it's hardly "barely getting a flirt option."


    And about the clothes thing? ...I don't get it. What's there to discuss? The thread was from back in 2011 when there were a lot less options. It's...really not relevant now? What's the big deal?

    (And after that discussion about male slave outfits, Filbert Widmark Pierce would very much like to drop the subject as well. :D)

  17. You can get your companions back after you complete chapter nine of KOTFE - that gives you access to a companion locator terminal on Odessen. You could also wait until you get them back in the story; but getting companions back through the terminal *DOES NOT* affect the story at all. They're simply treated as though they "aren't there" in terms of story; they have yet to reunite with you. They come back with all of their influence and gear, however.


    With Heroics, you're getting Alliance crates, yes? Those come into play during/after chapter nine of KOTFE, as well. Turn them in to Alliance specialists (you'll know who they are when you're introduced to them; there's a whole part of the storyline dedicated solely to getting to know them) and you can get rewards. Namely, a chance at some of these armors - plus companion gifts, occasional credits, and very rarely speeders.

  18. I don't know, I'd be curious lol. I'm not even sure where everyone plays. I play on Shadowlands.


    Begeren Colony is where my lady warrior calls home. I was actually going to suggest something like "Hey guys, let's all get together in-game with our Quinns and...I dunno, go tackle Operations or rampage through Heroics/flashpoints or something! Sure, we'd probably wind up flattened in Operations, but who cares, we'd have fun with our army of Quinn :p" .......and then I kept forgetting. And nobody seemed to be on my server(s), anyways. XD (Server*s* because I have a few characters on Ebon Hawk, but none of them are warriors. My lonely male warrior is collecting dust on Prophecy of the Five, because I only play him with my sister, and her computer's broken. *sigh*)


    Quinn: Army of Quinn!? Is this a new spin on "fangirl army"?

    No, that's where eight warriors have eight Quinns and said Quinn vanguard heals/DPS's for us.

    Quinn: ...I have clones?

    Or alternate-universe copies of you, yes.

    Quinn: :eek:

    I thought we talked about that already.

    Quinn: Never quite so bluntly...

  19. The largest that has been modified I think was Agent? Bounty Hunter?


    Smuggler, too. We actually get to see their fancy flying as they come in to land on Ord Mantell. Their conversation with Skavak is better paced and seems more urgent, as it should given the nature of their dialogue; they move quickly, walk around more, etc. (And we get a better explanation as to where Corso was all that time before he came running in.)

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