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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Author's note: As this story takes place after the Ilum storylines but before Makeb, there will be heavy spoilers for nearly all of the class stories (trooper, smuggler, and inquisitor seem to have escaped...for now), as well as Ilum in general.







    Chapter One: The Call, Part One



    “What about Makashi?” Kira levitated her lightsaber in front of her, eyes narrowing as she inspected it. “I’ve always admired how elegant it is.”


    Jorthat shifted position on the hard bench as he mentally ran over the movements of the Makashi form. He looked down at the floor – briefly studying the softly blinking lights on the comm station in the center of the room – before looking back up and shrugging. “It is elegant,” he admitted, finally coming to his conclusion. His mind’s eye still saw a mental simulation of the Makashi form: graceful, fluid, almost like a dance rather than a deadly swordfight. “But it’s based on flashy, fancy movements and wavers somewhere between fencing and purely psyching out your opponent with false moves. Going up against a Sith…”


    “…and you’d be demolished,” Kira agreed ruefully. She sat up straighter against the bench, clasping her long-handled lightsaber out of the air, then turned to look at Jorthat. Her blue eyes smiled before the rest of her face followed suit. “How do you know so much about each and every fighting style, anyway?”


    Another, slightly awkward, shrug. Jorthat reached back to rub at where a seam in his clothing grated against a recent scratch; he had to remember to tell Rusk that sparring with deactivated vibroswords was perfectly acceptable, too. “It’s just a subject that’s fascinating to me,” he said deferentially. “Training with them…it helps to be prepared.”


    Kira laughed. “Yeah, never know when you might fight a Sith that switches to all seven lightsaber forms in four seconds flat.”


    Jorthat tried to do the math in his head. Seven divided by four was…He gave up after a few seconds, smirking. “Ki—“


    A shrill beep came from the ship’s intercom. Jorthat’s ears perked up, and he immediately straightened even further, looking over at the wall-mounted beacon.


    We’re getting some weird signal,” Doc’s voice came over the intercom. “If you and the Jedi Princess could condescend to mingle with us mortals…it might be important.”


    Kira sighed. “Not. A princess.”


    Jorthat didn’t reply, just got up from his seat and headed towards the entrance of the room. Well, if this was important, then any talk of training Kira had to – unfortunately – wait. With the Imperials retreating after the Ilum fiasco, he’d had precious little time to properly instruct her in lightsaber fighting. Not that she really needed it all that much…at least with a double-bladed saber. Single-bladed, however? That could use some work. And besides, it gave both of them a welcome retreat from Lord Scourge’s glowering, Rusk’s rattling off mission casualty rates, T7 wanting to play appropriately energizing music during any other training session, and Doc…being Doc.


    Doc at his most Doc-iest was waiting for Jorthat as he headed down the stairs into the main hallway of the ship. “Hey, your head’s not literally in the clouds,” he greeted the cathar cheerfully. “Thought that’s what happened every time you and Kira did a séance.”


    Jorthat suppressed a groan. “It’s not a séance,” he said flatly, moving past Doc. “I explained Jedi training to you before, didn’t I?” Here they went again.


    “Sure,” Doc said, falling into pace beside Jorthat. “But I’m starting to wonder if the training is of the explicitly Jedi type. For instance, you and Kira spend a lot of time behind closed doors…”


    “I can hear you, you know,” came Kira’s voice from behind them. Jorthat could feel the waves of embarrassment and disgust radiating from her, through the force, even halfway across the ship. He definitely couldn’t blame her: he was sure his skin was turning bright red under his fur by now.


    Apparently, it literally was. “I actually got a blush out of you?” Doc raised his eyebrows. “Must be true, then.”


    DOC!” Jorthat and Kira yelled.


    “Okay, right, proper Jedi don’t talk about that stuff!” Doc held up his hands in surrender. Jorthat resisted the urge to bonk the good doctor on the head. No, it was not true. But once Doc got some ammunition for teasing, there was no stopping him. Not even with a verbal sledgehammer to the face.


    Rusk glanced out of the bridge as they neared it. “Sir!” He saluted Jorthat, and Jorthat returned the gesture out of habit. Habit, and he knew that Rusk would look extremely disapproving if he did not. He’d learned that the hard way. “We appear to be getting some sort of coded message, Master Jedi,” Rusk said, standing in the doorway.


    “…okay.” Jorthat waited.


    Rusk didn’t move.


    “A-hem,” Doc coughed.


    “Oh.” Rusk stepped to the side. “My apologies, Master Jedi.”


    “Has he ever actually learned your name?” Doc stage-whispered to Jorthat as they finally stepped into the bridge. Kira snickered, apparently overhearing the comment. Then again, it was hard not to…as evidenced by the perpetual frown that was once again plastered on Rusk’s face. Even the chagrian’s horns seemed to turn downwards in a scowl.


    This could be worse, Jorthat reminded himself to keep his cool, as he headed to the flashing bridge comm controls. Scourge could be here and berate me for not being on top of this sooner.


    A wave of cool darkness flowed onto the bridge. “I would have thought you would be more punctual in answering this call,” came Scourge’s smooth voice.


    I jinxed it.


    “Even if I was,” Jorthat responded, struggling to keep his voice level, “it’s apparently in code.” He pressed the accept button. “And if even Rusk couldn’t—“


    The comm spat out a burst of harsh static, then a blue fuzzy image sprang to life.


    “Then again…” murmured Jorthat, bewildered. Any irritation he had with his dysfunctional crew vanished, replaced by curiosity.


    Master Jedi!” someone said over the comm. It was distorted from all the static, and the fuzz of an image wasn’t helping matters any. “Please – I had to be sure it was you – please, Master Jedi, if you can, help us! We’re in danger, the Imperials are attacking!


    “Calm down,” Jorthat said, frowning at the static-filled image. It coalesced briefly into a man – human, dark-haired, smudges of dirt or blood on his face, scruffy clothing that looked vaguely regulation of some sort – then dissolved again. “Who are you? What’s going on? Where are you located?” Imperials? Attacking? While they were actively retreating from most corners of the galaxy?


    O-our coordinates are 7717, cross C193R,” the man stammered. “We’re a mining outpost—we’re not affiliated with anyone, j-just some small company—but the Imperials are attacking because of this—this resource we found, it—“


    “Okay, stop,” Jorthat said firmly. “We’re not too far away; we’ll be there in a few minutes.” By luck or the Force – or both – they’d managed to wander right into the broadcast range for this signal.


    Oh thank you, thank you thank you thankyou…” The miner was all but tripping over his words. “We’ll try to hold off until th—“ Something off-screen exploded. The fuzzy image of the miner ducked, then looked around in a panic. “I have to go! We’ll hold out – please, hurry!” The image faded into nothingness.


    “Strange that the Empire should attack one isolated mining colony,” Scourge observed, his voice dripping with suspicion.


    Jorthat shook his head. “Strange or not, we can’t ignore a call for help.” He was already putting the coordinates into the Defender’s computer. “We can be there in ten minutes.” 7...717…cross—The rest of the coordinates abruptly filled themselves in, along with a cheery whistle over the intercom.


    “Thanks, Teeseven,” Jorthat murmured as the ship automatically started to readjust to its new course. “Everyone, gear up and prepare for battle.”


    Here they go.

  2. If you create a level 60 (or 65) token, you will NOT be able to do Forged Alliances/Shadow of Revan/Ziost.


    A list of things you cannot do with a level 60/65 token:

    - Your original class story (bounty hunter, warrior, knight, smuggler, etc.)

    - Companion conversations and quests

    - Forged Alliances (but the flashpoints themselves remain open; the story surrounding them does not)

    - Shadow of Revan (again, the flashpoints remain open; the story and thus the context for them is not)

    - Ziost (what is essentially the epilogue to Shadow of Revan and the prelude to Knights of the Fallen Empire)

  3. Quick question. I tried starting KotFE with my Vector-romancing agent. In the cases of the handful of other classes I've started KotFE with, it's always the romanced companion walking at the PC's side at the beginning of the chapter. My consular gets Iresso, my trooper gets Jorgan, etc. When I tried with my female agent, though, I got Kaliyo. Is this supposed to happen? Vector is my agent's husband and also her highest-affection companion. Makes me wonder if the romance got bugged somewhere. :( (Pun not intended!)


    Romance isn't bugged (teehee :D)...it's supposed to happen like that. It's the first romanceable companion of the class, regardless of romance chosen or relationship status.

    Smuggler - Corso

    Trooper - Jorgan

    Knight - Kira

    Consular - Iresso

    Warrior - Vette

    Inquisitor - Andronikos

    Agent - Kaliyo

    Hunter - Mako

  4. Wait...was that...something positive about this game...? In OUR forums!? :eek:


    In all seriousness, though - I agree. Personally I love the way this game engine looks. Some of the environments you explore--oh, what am I saying - practically every environment--is gorgeous. Look up at the sky while you're in Zakuul's swamp - or on Darvannis - or Odessen at night. Alderaan, Tython (I only recently was able to run this game with ultra graphics, and Tython just about made me cry from the sheer beauty), Coruscant, Balmorra, Korriban... so many beautiful places to visit and explore.

    I like the art style of this game, too. It's cartoonish enough that the characters don't dip straight into the uncanny valley (*cough* Andromeda, Horizon Zero Dawn), but realistic enough so that it doesn't look like a Loony Tunes production. :p


    Thank you, devs, for doing a lot of hard work to make sure this game engine keeps going. It's very much appreciated.

  5. Ahahaaa :D That never fails. And it never gets old. It's pure love, that. <3


    Quinn: I'm going to guess what that is.

    <Gucci by Malavai Quinn>

    Quinn: .....that, sir, is a TERRIBLE guild name.


    Quinn: Worse.


    Quinn: *calmly walks to airlock* *shoves guild name in airlock* *OPENS AIRLOCK*


    Quinn: *calmly walks back* Dealt with.

    ... :(

    Quinn: Anything else?

    <Filbert Widmark Pierce Approves>

    Quinn: ...I feel unclean.

  6. I appreciate the updates, Keith Kanneg and Eric Musco. If this is another Revenge of the Server Hamsters scenario, I suggest not leaving lightsabers and blasters within their rodent reach. Don't let their cute cuddly furball looks fool you. Those server hamsters have some meanness in them.


    While the issue is being worked on, I provide a re-enactment of a classic Episode IV scene (spoiler alert):


    :csw_falcon:pew-pew-pew --> :csw_vadertie:


    Augh! Don't jinx it! For all we know, the Harbinger server hamster was piloting that TIE fighter! :eek:


    ...besides, everybody knows hamsters can't use lightsabers and blasters with those tiny little paws (unless they're using telekinesis...hmm. Anybody notice any mysterious floating objects near their pet hamster lately?). Normally, they just step off their hamster wheels and declare a strike. Or stop running and flop around in the still-spinning hamster wheel like a furry load of laundry...

  7. I seem to be having some difficulties on Ebon Hawk, as well. In-game icons do not respond (can't travel to stronghold, can't quick-travel, etc.), I run into invisible walls...logging out stuck me in an endless loop of a loading screen. Eh, no big deal; been meaning to catch up on a few other things. Still, I hope this is fixed soon. :)


    Edit: Aaaaaand I was ninja'd by Eric. :D Thanks for looking into this!

  8. How much is that? Just to see how far off I am with my random number.:rak_03: also to add to my depression as I'm a proud owner of 100k credits.:rak_04::(


    Ahh, you weren't that far off. :p Evidently, it's thirteen million credits to fully unlock the Yavin temple. That translates to eleven thousand cartel coins. :eek:

  9. I know protests have to start somewhere, but not playing a game that you already paid for doesn't seem like much of a statement.


    Not sure if this was directed at me... if it was, then --


    Yes, I do subscribe to this game. Once my money leaves my pocket, EA/BioWare IS free to do what they want with it. They want to take that money and throw it down the toilet, fine. They want to take that money and give it to a charity that...seems a little dubious? Also fine. It's their money now.

    I'm not trying to make a statement (nor am I asking for a refund on lost sub time or anything :p That'd be just silly). And, I realize that complaining about free rewards that I received does seem a little petty. The truth of it is, I shouldn't have received anything, according to the rules of this event: log in from June 2nd to June 4th, group up, blah blah, receive pet and title, hurrah. I did not log in; I did not want to add to the numbers of people playing, not people subscribing, therefore, I shouldn't have gotten the pet and title. But I did. It's not really about the pet and title (cute pet, by the way; my friend also received one, and it followed us around as we played on Monday). It's about the fact that I'm now evidently one more person who "supports" this silly "inclusive play" thing, when I'm not.


    All in all, honestly, it's a very minor complaint, and at this point I'm past caring all that much. Next time something like this happens, though, I do wish they'd respect someone's choice to not participate in the event and not add another person to their metrics. "Look how many people support DIVERSE and INCLUSIVE play!" ...er, not me? Because I didn't log in? That was the terms of the event?? *shrug* :rolleyes:

  10. It'd be nice if people who actually "opted out" of this event - i.e. didn't log it at all - didn't get the rewards. I didn't log in at all that weekend; last time I logged in was Thursday afternoon, and the event ran from Friday to Sunday. And yet, come Monday morning - I somehow got the pet and the title in the mail. Instantly deleted, as I wanted no part of this; that's why I didn't log in. I don't *want* to support something like this. (...well, that, and it was finals week, with my final exam due on Sunday. And boy but I needed those few extra days to work on it! :eek:)


    Wish things like this were an opt-in sort of thing - if you want to play that weekend, but don't want to support this "charity" or the metrics of "look how many people supported iNcLuSiVe PlAy!!1!" then I wish we were given the option to say "Thanks but no thanks." But no...it was either log in and automatically get the pet and title even if you didn't do a single thing in-game - or don't bother playing at all.

    Or in my case, don't bother playing at all and STILL somehow wind up "supporting" this nonsense. o_O I'm still confused on how that possibly happened...


    Also, OP, thank you for saying that. About dang time somebody pointed out how ridiculous the whole thing was.


    dafnsefsfl? *falls over*

    Quinn: ...what. Was that.

    The sound of Jagaimee short-circuiting from handsomeness overload.

    Quinn: *facepalm* If you're done with your ridiculous antics...

    *gets back up* I'm okay!

    Quinn: *aHEM* My lord grania. Wherever you are, wherever your journey takes you...know that you will always be in our thoughts. We wish you well, my lord. *utterly sincere* May the Force be with you.

    Does anybody else want Quinn to actually say that in-game?

    Quinn: You ruined a moment.

    In all seriousness, though - grania, we miss you! :)

  12. Woah woah woah...I want a male force using companion that my male characters can romance...can we get two new romance options than? Again I'd like to plug something like a KoZ, Scryer, etc...


    Personally, I'd prefer it if only the gals were able to romance this hypothetical male Force-user companion. I mean - I'm a girl, yes, but I also play male characters, and many of them are involved in romances with their companions (or Lana, in *one* case), but...they get *so many* options. SO. MANY.

    I think it's the girls' turn to get a Force-using companion all to themselves. Guys already got *deep breath* Lana, Kira, Jaesa, Ashara, Temple, Cytharat, and Nadia. Girls have..........nobody. Lana doesn't count because she's also female. :/


    Scourge would be nice (*salutes Darth Lunafox*). Or


    if and only if he was redeemed, of course.

  13. My list of bugs I want fixed:


    - Fix the fur discoloration of female Cathar (head vs rest of body).

    - Fix the discoloration of female Cathar's teeth (tied to fur color).

    - Fix the neck seam on the skin textures for both female Cathar and female Twi'lek.


    This. This this this. o_o It's so annoying. But now maybe - hopefully - it'll be seen and added to the list of fixes... my cathar wants her light brown fur back. She's a little tired of looking sunburnt all the time. :p

  14. Just received mine and all i did was log in during the event. Didn't do a single group activity or quest and got both the pet and the title.


    I didn't log it at all during the event. Last time I logged in was Thursday afternoon. And I received the pet and the title. o_O ...I am...confused...

  15. Isn't that given? He says "no" over and over, but there's always that little print "Purple Malavai Quinn approves." there. :D


    <Filbert Widmark Pierce Disapproves> :p


    Thanks for the welcomes, guys! (Seriously. Made my day. :)) As for exams...uhhh. Evidently, you can do all the studying in the world, and it won't matter worth bananas when the questions on the test are barely comprehensible. :rolleyes: I didn't get the grade I wanted, but I did my best and got a passing score. So...eh. Stuff happens.


    Quinn: [responding to Nightfrogger] For the--sake of art--!? I--*sputter sputter* *turns very red* My lord. I am NOT a model! I am an Imperial officer! Not...not some...ART PROJECT! ............... *very long pause* ............................................althoughtruthbetoldyourartworkisveryniceandIdon'tactuallymind I DID NOT SAY THAT OUT LOUD, YOU HEARD NOTHING.


    <Malavai Quinn Approves>

  16. *door opens*

    Quinn: ...if you had paid attention, you would have--AAH!


    Quinn: You didn't tell me we were heading back to Fangirl Headquarters.

    Your text is purple. Where else could we possibly be going?

    Quinn: *facepalm*

    So hey guys, Purple Quinn is back. :p Subscription lapsed because I was too busy freaking out over final exams, and then I just plain forgot to log back in. Whoopsie. Now, what was that about Quinn sans clothing?

    Quinn: Whatever it was, I am studiously ignoring it and pretending it is not happening. *eye twitch* Although that has never helped in the past...

    Are you...studying the wall...?

    Quinn: I find that if I imagine myself to be like the wall, impervious to all that goes on around it, it makes the situation easier to deal with. *stares laser bolts at wall*

    You need help.

    Quinn: Thank you, sir, but I find I am quite capable of--wait, "help?"


    Quinn: :eek:

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