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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Iokath is after all of the KotFE/KotET chapters. However.......you can play it before them and get him back. On this last run-through with my newest SW, I opted to do Iokath right after the first chapter in Odessan. In my head, my SW pretty much said, "I'm not going anywhere until you people find my husband!"....so Iokath happened (along with a LOT of head-canoning to explain inconsistencies and such) before almost everything else for me.


    Unfortunately, you still can't take him along with you during the chapters, but at least he's there to run Star Fortresses, and the like with you.


    Yeah, you can start Iokath when you reach level 70, but I'd warn against it - it chooses the ending of KOTET for you. Of course you can play KOTET afterwards and pick a different ending, but Iokath won't be changed; you can't replay Iokath, either.

  2. I don't have any Quinn fanart, buuuuuut...


    Quinn: Happy birthday, my lord Sarova. *presents a bouquets of orchids to you* "May your reign of terror be long and terrifying--" wait, wrong script. *frowns at cue card* ...even if that was the right script, the phrasing is atrocious. Ahem. "May your days be merry and may all your Christmases be white." Wrong script again. Excuse me.


    Quinn: The least you could do is warn me when I'm saying the wrong thing. Whose bright idea was it to read from cue cards!?

    It's "Happy birthday." How hard can that be to foul up?

    Quinn: Evidently, not hard at all. *death glare*

    ....heheh here you go *hands him the correct cue card* :eek:

    Quinn: *still glaring* Thank. You. After making me look like a fool... *grumble mutter grumble* AHEM. "My lord Sarova, I wish to congratulate you on your birthday." ...that was it? This is a terrible script, anyway. *throws cue card out the window* In all sincerity, my lord, I wish you happiness on your birthday. May your day bring you joy, and may you be surrounded by the people you love. :)

  3. What is a "LOS pull" ?


    "Line of sight" pull. As I understand it, it means aggro'ing a group of enemies, and leading them to a place where they're all tightly clustered together, so you can kill them all in one group.


    ...I think. My only experience with line of sight pulls, I had no idea what was going on. There were too many enemies/explosions/things dying on screen in one small little space - my computer lagged to a standstill. Same with another person in my group. :/

  4. I'm still mad about this. Why bioware? Why would you do this? We know for a fact that items can be restricted to a companion's exclusive use, so there is no cm sales based argument for this. Why do you do these things? Is there a sociopath in your midst that cackles upon seeing players agitated over such small but important details?


    Because a lightsaber pike is, for all gameplay intents and purposes, a double-bladed lightsaber - usable only by shadows and assassins (and a select few companions who can use double-bladed sabers). For Senya to use "her" lightsaber pike, she'd have to be reworked to use only double-bladed lightsabers, which means redoing every single cinematic she's in, or else have her constantly bisect herself and utterly ruin every cutscene she's ever in.


    Also, it's called "Senya's" lightsaber pike because she uses it, briefly, in the "Betrayed" cinematic trailer. Ever notice how her "lightsaber" isn't the one she uses in-game? It's the *other* lightsaber she uses in the trailer.


    Don't get so worked up about this extremely tiny, nearly nonexistent issue.

  5. Chapter Three: Arrival on Blackmoon



    “You’ve all been issued breath masks – put ‘em on, we’re getting into the atmosphere!” the team leader barked.


    Jorthat dug under his seat for the mask he’d seen earlier, and a general rustle from the rest of the large shuttle’s hold let him know that the other conscripted workers were doing the same. His rough uniform scratched at his fur – especially on his head, where he’d had to shave his mane of hair to fit whatever passed for regulation in an Imperial base. After going most of his life with a bushy head of hair, the sudden change was…distracting.


    He found the mask and tugged it on over his face. The tang of dusty plastic made him clear his throat – his sensitive nose twitched violently, and he tried very hard not to sneeze. He looked up as he was adjusting the strap around his head. Across the small walkway, a twi’lek was struggling to get the mask’s straps over his lekku. His neighbor, a rodian woman, tried to help. Jorthat was about to head across the way and offer his own help, but the team leader spoke up again: “Other teams coming in have their own jobs – yours is ferrying information back and forth. Obviously we need communication for a project this large—“


    That didn’t sound good.


    “—and you aliens can at least speak Basic.”


    Jorthat made an effort to smooth his hackles rising. What was left of his hackles after shaving, anyway.


    “You’ll get no special treatment!” the overseer snapped as the shuttle jostled a little. They must be coming into the atmosphere, or whatever counted for an atmosphere with a lack of oxygen. Jorthat noticed a Kel Dor woman looking fairly at ease…and then he realized he could actually see her eyes. She didn’t have the goggles any other Kel Dor normally wore. Jorthat’s ears twitched in surprise. A Kel Dor’s eyes – this woman, at least – were startlingly bright blue. In fact, they—


    “Just because Darth Vithren might be partial to you animals, doesn’t mean the rest of the Empire will be!” the (human) overseer went on, jolting Jorthat out of his observation. It was rude to stare, anyway, so Jorthat stared at the dingy gray floor. Hello, floor. You wouldn’t happen to know who Darth Vithren was, would you? he thought.


    “No, not even you, kitten,” growled the overseer; Jorthat glanced up to see he was glaring at him. “A few cathar clans might be rising in the Empire, but that don’t go for all of your species! Flea-bitten furballs,” Jorthat heard him mutter, and it was all Jorthat could do to not bare his teeth. His claws pushed at the edges of his gloves before he made an effort to retract them, not wanting to tear his gloves through carelessness.


    “And one final warning,” said the overseer. He turned to face the gaggle of beings in the shuttle’s hold, and they all turned to blink up at him. “I know most of you don’t like the Empire. But you’re here now. And if anyone finds you attempting to sabotage this project or abandon your duties or get information outside the base – you will be killed.”


    Kind of an obvious “warning”…at least, to Jorthat. He shifted position on the cold metal seat, gritting his teeth as the shuttle jostled again and slammed the seat right into his rear. Ow… Cold plastic, cold metal, and it was just a wild guess that Blackmoon itself would be freezing cold, too, with the lack of light.


    The shuttle’s engines slowly wound down – and then came the largest bump yet, as the ship touched down on Blackmoon’s surface. Not for the first time, Jorthat wished there were windows in the shuttle so he could at least see what was going on before he stepped out into it… “All right, move!” yelled the overseer. He kicked at something – there came a resentful wheep! – and T7-01 wheeled out to the main hold. The droid had been painted over to disguise any Republic markings, and so far the little guy was doing quite well as just another Imperial droid.


    Didn’t stop him from complaining, however.


    Teeseven was beeping a steady stream of grumbling at an audio level that, likely, no one else could hear – save Jorthat. His ears twitched wildly as he fought to keep himself from asking Teeseven to please stop.


    Thankfully, the shuttle door opened with a hiss just then, drowning out whatever Teeseven was mumbling about.


    A rush of stunningly cold air came flooding into the shuttle, making Jorthat recoil instinctively – and thank the stars for his thick fur. The Kel Dor woman he’d seen earlier, on the other hand, leaned forward and closed her eyes blissfully. Jorthat could almost imagine she was smiling…if Kel Dors actually had mouths to smile with. The twi’lek and rodian, on the other hand, more or less clamped onto each other like lifelines. Most of the others in the shuttle did the same to their neighbors – including a tiny Bimm, a rodent-like being, to glomp onto Jorthat’s arm.


    Jorthat squeezed his eyes shut at the sudden burst of light just outside. The Bimm strangling his arm squeaked in alarm. “What is that!?” the furball squealed.


    “The lights of the camp,” came the overseer’s harsh, accented voice. “Get used to it. The moon here doesn’t have any natural light. Only heat comes from what the atmosphere traps.”


    Forget the stars. Thank the Force for thick fur, thought Jorthat as he stood up…thankfully the Bimm let go of his arm as he did so. Jorthat finally dared to blink open his eyes and try to adjust to the harsh lighting. A blob came trundling up to him, which whistled cheerfully, and Jorthat finally recognized the blob as Teeseven – and translated the whistling. Make sure oxygen = attached // Atmosphere = lacking oxygen almost completely // Atmosphere = bad for most species.


    There came a burble of mechanical-sounding laughter. Jorthat blinked against the light and saw the Kel Dor woman standing up, stretching her arms. “I don’t have to wear those infernal goggles while I’m here,” she said. “Works for me.”


    Jorthat attached the oxygen mask’s air supply to his belt. “You seem oddly happy to be here,” he said to the woman.


    She shrugged. “If I can help the Empire in some way, I’m grateful for the chance.”


    Oh... Jorthat gave a non-committal nod and started to head out of the shuttle, careful not to jostle anyone else that was just getting up.


    The stream of people exiting the shuttle slowly funneled Jorthat and Teeseven along like fish in a brook. Jorthat squinted a bit as he stepped out into the bright lights, but his eyes soon adjusted – right as he figured out that the gravity of Blackmoon was slightly above normal. He, and everyone else around him, apparently. Even the Kel Dor woman found herself going flat-footed and stumbling. Jorthat accidentally fell onto the person next to him, who gripped his arm. “Nobody told me about that,” the other man groused.


    Jorthat slowly got his balance back, nodding his thanks to the man who’d kept him from literally biting the dust. So, walking was going to be difficult. He tested a few steps, and was pleased to find that he could walk, it was just a little more strenuous than he was used to. He was able to look around just then, as the crowd of workers who’d come with him on the shuttle began to thin out.


    They were in a large, brightly-lit hangar, like the kind used for old-fashioned aircraft. There wasn’t much else in here, save more shuttles – some larger than the one that had brought Jorthat and Teeseven – and various armored guards wandering about.


    Jorthat searched for Teeseven, and finally saw the little droid trundling out to the exterior of the hangar. He followed, as no one was corralling the workers to give them instructions. As a messenger, he guessed he’d just go find someone who needed a message delivered. That had been the gist of his job description that the overseer, recruiting beings on Nar Shaddaa, had given him, anyway. So it was okay if he just wandered around—


    He stepped outside and his eyes went wide.


    The facility at Blackmoon was massive. It extended nearly as far as Jorthat could see in either way – rows and rows of easily-constructed buildings lining what could almost pass for roads in a city. This clearly had been here for quite some time, but the buildings were designed to be easily put up, easily taken down. An odd thought came to Jorthat – an old children’s holovid, a quote, something about promises. He appropriated it to use for the construction here: piecrust buildings, easily made, easily broken.


    The camp was lit by massive floodlights, shining bleakly through the otherwise pitch-darkness. The little puddles of blackness between the lights looked like yawning abysses. The contrast was so stark it felt like the entire world was nothing but dark shadows and blindingly bright lights. That, and the undulating mass of workers and guards already there that streamed from building to building. Black armor and the brown-and-grey worker’s uniforms mingled together in a dizzying sea of pulsing dull color.


    And beyond the camp… Jorthat squinted. Beyond the camp, there were no floodlights, and the coldly shining stars provided no light, either. But there seemed to be something there. The stars were blacked out in an odd pattern, like there was another building jutting into the eternally night sky. Jorthat wondered if that was the mysterious ‘project’ the overseer had warned the workers about. Probably, he decided, if it was hidden like that. They didn’t want anyone seeing what it was. Naturally, that meant Jorthat had to find a way to get to that ‘project’ and find out what it—


    “Hey you! Cathar!”


    Jorthat whirled around to find whoever was shouting at him. He lost his footing, however – his feet felt like they were about ten sizes too large, and he stumbled before getting his balance back. A shower of coarse laughter greeted him when he finally looked up. Two Imperial soldiers, fully armored, were standing nearby. He couldn’t see their faces, but it was clear they were the ones laughing. “Should’ve joined a circus, fuzzball,” one of them snickered. Her voice was deep for a woman’s, but still clearly feminine.


    “Sorry, sirs,” Jorthat said, slowly moving over to them. This was going to take a while to get used to the gravity, wasn’t it? “I’m new here,” he said for their benefit.


    “Obviously,” the other trooper – a man – sneered. “Now listen. You’re a messenger boy, and we’ve got a message. You’ll take this to the project’s interior – tell the guards you’re looking for Lieutenant Classen, you hear?”


    “Yes, sir.” The word sir tasted bitter on Jorthat’s tongue, and it wasn’t just from the dust still left inside his oxygen mask. Still, his ears twitched. Now he had a way to get into whatever this ‘project’ was.


    “Take this,” the female soldier said, shoving a datapad at him. “And don’t read it,” she added as Jorthat instinctively glanced down at whatever was being pressed into his hand. He looked back up to reply that he wouldn’t, but the female soldier was already walking away.


    The male soldier remained. “Take that to Lieutenant Classen. You got that, right?”


    “Yes, sir.” Jorthat nodded, and the soldier, black armor gleaming in the light, headed after his female companion.


    Lieutenant Classen… no idea who that was, nor did Jorthat particularly care, but if he was inside whatever this project was…fantastic. Jorthat took off towards the expanse of blackness beyond the lights. Or, rather, he tried to take off. Running was difficult, so he settled for walking as quickly as he could. It still took him upwards of ten minutes to get from just outside the hangar to the edge of the camp.


    He heard a whistle from his right, and turned on instinct – to see Teeseven wheeling up to him from behind. Oh. He’d lost sight of the little droid when he was gawking at the camp…had Teeseven followed him all this way? Whoops. “Hello there,” he said in a neutral tone. He had to be careful not to give away that he knew who Teeseven was already.


    Teeseven beeped cheerfully. Greetings! // Worker = doing well?


    “No problems so far.” They were nearly to the black expanse. Jorthat strained his eyes to see beyond the glare of the floodlights, but no luck so far. Just a little farther, then.

    Unit = assigned to accompany worker, Teeseven chirped. Unit = requested it specifically // Worker = find this acceptable?


    “Sure.” Jorthat hid a grin. He wondered just how many layers of security Teeseven had had to hack past in order to get himself assigned to one errand boy in particular. “I have to deliver a message to a Lieutenant Classen. Do you know where he is? All I know is that he’s inside…er, the project, whatever the project is.”


    Teeseven issued a mournful whistle. Unit = not sure what “project” is // Unit = does know a Lieutenant Classen + can lead worker to him.


    “Great, tha…” Jorthat’s voice trailed off as they stepped beyond the floodlights. He blinked the last of the glare out of his eyes.


    Then blinked some more, because there was no way he was seeing this.


    The black shape in front of him, superimposed against the starflung sky, took on the dimensions and shape of a Star Destroyer…except the proportions were wrong. It was far too large. Jorthat felt the sharp pain of a crick in his neck as he tried unsuccessfully to see to either side of the massive blot of darkness. It seemed to stretch to the horizon.


    And in the center was a rounded protrusion. Not the bridge – that was far back along the ship’s exterior, even though Jorthat couldn’t see it – but it had the outline of some sort of weapons emplacement. Or, it would have, had it been a bunker on the ground. Star Destroyers had cannons and turbolasers, of course, but none that massive.




    The miner’s words came back to him.


    “…we were only just starting to experiment with the astrarium, but…we think it can be used for fuel, or even weaponry…”


    Even weaponry.


    Jorthat swallowed hard through a suddenly dry mouth.


    Oh sithspawn.


    “O-oh,” he said, trying to sound disinterested. “So that’s the project.” He looked down at Teeseven and forced a smile, even though he was fairly certain no one else could see his expression. “S-some ship, huh?” Blast it, his voice was shaking. He was shaking a little, as the implications of a Star Destroyer with a newfound superweapon attached began to sink in… What would they go after first? Carrick Station, the hub of the Republic fleet? Coruscant itself? Reenact the Uphrades disaster on another innocent world?


    Teeseven wheeped in concern. This = very…big, he beeped out. Jorthat noticed the last-minute word swap. Probably the droid had been about to say bad instead of big. Either way, Jorthat agreed. Worker = needs to see inside?


    Oh. Right. Classen and…and whatever unimportant message he had to deliver. He mentally kicked himself to get going. He had to explore as much of this as he could, figure out the timeline for its completion…


    And make sure this monstrosity never got off the ground.

  6. Oh...and I came up with the *perfect* look for the desert.... :D;)




    Oh, beautiful stronghold! :D Always loved the Tatooine one...I find myself a bit short of credits, though. But ONE DAY, I will have a Tatooine stronghold with a lot of fountains and plants. One day. And--

    ...wait there's a Quinn in that picture O.O

    Quinn: I was hoping you wouldn't notice, actually.

    So...pretty... *starry eyes*

    Quinn: !?!?

    Yeah, I mean, look at the buildings in the distance. They're so pretty against the backdrop of the sunset sky.

    Quinn: ... *whew*

    Also you look nice. ;)

    Quinn: *facepalm*

  7. Trolling right?

    You "emergency" patch for a UI issue with decorations but do nothing about the people who have collection unlocked tunings and crystals that have to now spend credits to use them as designed?


    Bit of a dick move.


    Actually, Keith explained his reasoning in a post somewhere in that thread about cartel crystals and tunings. (EDIT: Ah; my bad; you've already replied to that thread. I wasn't aware of that when I posted here. :o)


    Hey all,


    Let’s review today’s Crystals and Weapon Tuning change and what caused it. With Patch 5.2.2, we made a change so everyone could take advantage of the Weapon Tunings across their account. We did that by adding them into Collections. This is the same process we use for Flairs, Armor Sets, Mounts, Crystals, Weapons, Pets, and more. This appeared to be a very welcomed change, but over the past month we found out players were subverting the collection system by using an exploit related to Legacy Weapons. Sure, you can argue it’s been that way for a long time, but Weapon Tunings were new and being able to use them across your entire account is a cool benefit.


    What happened is some players would add the Tuning to a legacy weapon, send to an Alt, remove it on that Alt, re-add it to the weapon, which would then incorrectly unlock it in Collections on that toon. They would then send that weapon to all of their toons and perform the same process. Thus circumventing the entire collection system and obtaining Weapon Tunings for their legacy without having to pay for it. As everyone has pointed out, Crystals sold via the Cartel Market could also be collection unlocked this way, and in fact, as players have clearly stated in this thread, they’ve been doing that for a very long time.


    We did not impact the ability to use Crystals and Tunings in Legacy Weapons and we did not prevent you transferring mods, hilts, barrels, augments, or enhancements, through your legacy weapons (which I do all the time). This change did create a situation for all of us who are using Collections properly where there is an added step (and credit cost) to moving weapons. Our plan with Patch 5.4 in August is to resolve this new issue by allowing Collection Unlocked Crystals and Tunings to be transferred using your legacy weapons as you did previously (no cost/no removing of the items first).


    As most of you already know, we do not communicate details about exploits and typically only acknowledge their existence after a fix has been deployed. In this case, we included it with our Patch Notes yesterday so you knew ahead of time what we were doing today. I also know this makes some of you unhappy, but the loophole needed to be closed and we did that in today’s patch.





    you're absolutely don't know what you're doing..you change capacity without any sense and you try to change it one day after.


    so you'll nerf AP. you're pathetic, no more word to explain. you don't play your game you don't know what you are doing.


    pathetic really


    You did read the bug report about that change, right? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=927064

    It was a glitch that slipped through in the first place.

  8. Visual improvements have been made to loot indicators on fallen enemies.

    ...as per the 5.3 patch notes.


    The "improvements" consist of a large burst of light around the fallen enemy, complete with cartoonish-looking "sparks" that fly up before the actual loot indicator - blue, green, dark blue, or purple beam - turns on.


    That, and every time you mouse over...anything - an NPC, a companion, another player, gathering nodes - there is a noticeable white flash around the outline of said object. Even on gathering nodes...that your character cannot collect because they don't have that gathering skill. It's...rather jarring.


    Anyone else notice this? What are your thoughts on it?

  9. Oh, this is a very interesting turn...

    I do want to quest throughout the whole thing of course, for the experience and to sit on the knowledge of everything that's happened. If I decide to go straight to Iokath once I hit 70, will I miss out on anything special?


    Actually, you just might. If you go to Iokath once you hit 70, a) much of the story won't make sense, and b) decisions will be made for you (if you're a warrior, I believe you'll automatically have dark-side decisions in the KOTFE/KOTET storyline, even if you go back and do KOTFE/KOTET later). Those dark-side decisions affect the beginning of the Iokath storyline, deciding which people have lived or died in your story, etc.


    I'd recommend doing KOTFE/KOTET first, even if you hit level 70 before that storyline or somewhere in the middle of it. ;)

  10. Oh, this is the perfect thread as I want some questions answered in regards to Malavai Quinn!


    I'm a returning player to the game and this is the first time in years that I've actually played it thoroughly, especially when it comes to all class storylines.


    I'm currently levelling my first Sith Warrior, she is level 46 as of right now and recently married Malavai Quinn. At least, I think so? He asked if she wanted to marry him and I had her say yes (of course!).


    Now I'm asking for spoilers... Once Malavai proposes, that's it? They're just magically married? If so, why doesn't it say anything under the 'interactions' section?


    I'm also wondering about the return of Malavai in the later expansions, which if I've understood correctly will occur in the latest expansion, will you actually regain him as a follower once more?


    Welcome, fellow Quinnmancer! :D


    I don't think vanilla companion interactions are listed under the "interactions" section - I've only ever seen KOTFE and beyond companions having interactions listed there, e.g. "You took Koth with you to meet with [important character]. He appreciates that." or "You killed [character name] after meeting him on Asylum" or whatnot.


    They are indeed married. Normally you don't actually see the wedding ceremony - I think there's a grand total of three times that you actually see your character getting married to their companion: Doc, Torian, and Corso. If there are others, I haven't seen them... Quinn will, however, reference your marriage in later conversations. ;)


    And yes - Quinn will return as an actual follower if you complete the latest expansion. He's...different, though. All returned companions are: their mouths do not move when you click on them for idle lines, they don't comment on the places you go to, and in some cases, their names are different. Quinn, for instance, went from "Malavai Quinn" to simply "Quinn." For no discernible reason. :/ He'll still remember your character's relationship to him, however.

  11. No need to PM us, or bump the thread! Posting here in bug reports is the correct thing to do (we don't respond to every thread). I have sent this additional info on to the team, thanks for the report.




    Oh, my gosh, thank you so much!! :D I was just worried the thread would get lost in the other bug reports threads, but thank you for responding - that's a huge relief.


    Again, thank you! :D

  12. Actually fixing female cathar fur colors? :o


    On another note; I know this has probably been said before, but I love the idea of having our legacy characters as companions. They could have short "idle" lines (like companions' various lines - "There's the easy way, the hard way, and your way..." or "What's our play, Captain?") that are fairly neutral for all classes, such as the voice responses they give when you decide their gender in character creation. Or just pick-and-choose from the various responses they repeat throughout their stories, such as the Jedi consular's, "Sounds dangerous. I'll take care of it" or the smuggler's "Dying wasn't on my agenda for today!"


    Or if that could possibly go more in-depth, we could choose our legacy companions' "personality." For example, "light" consular might say things like "The Jedi way is to serve" and other typical light-side-consular dialogue, and a "dark" consular could say things taken from their more sarcastic/dark-side options in dialogue: "A child could do this." That way, it would really seem like we were actually adventuring around with the other characters in our legacy, as befitting their specific personalities.

  13. 5.6 is here, and this is still not fixed.


    When creating a Cathar, the fur color 3 option will now be consistent regardless of what Cathar head is chosen.


    ...actually, no, it hasn't. Not for previously-created cathar, at least. Now *nothing* is working correctly for previously-created cathar: the fur colors across *all* heads and *all* colors are noticeably wrong.

    There's still a noticeable orange tint to every brown fur color and every gray/white/black fur color has a bluish tint to the head (except perhaps fur color #7). The fur color should be the color present on the body, not the odd color on the head.

    Fur color #1

    Fur color #2

    Fur color #3

    Fur color #4

    Fur color #5

    Fur color #6

    Fur color #7 - this one doesn't seem to be too bad, actually - there's still a visible "seam" where the neck meets the torso, but the colors themselves seem to match fairly well.

    Fur color #8

    Fur color #9

    Fur color #10 - this one is less noticeable, but there is still a bluish tint to the head that isn't present on the body.


    Any chance of a fix to restore the proper colors? They should be the color of the body all over, not the color of the (current bugged) head. I know this isn't "working as intended," because previous to 5.0, my cathar (fur color #1 on the list here) had the medium brown on her face that was on her body. Other people have posted screenshots of their female cathar with noticeable discolorations, as well.

  14. How many skimpy-clothed Lana's? Oh, hundreds. New drinking game: Take a drink every time you DON'T see Lana in the dancer's outfit. You'll die of dehydration. :p


    Now, what about skimpy-clothed Shae Vizla? *drink* Yesterday. I noticed the hair color and thought someone had gotten Kira back from the companion terminal, then I noticed the hair *style*. And just kinda went "...please tell me you're joking... [glances at her] Oi vey, nope, that's Mandalore the Avenger in clothes a pole dancer would call underdressed. MY EYES! D:"

  15. Purple Quinn, can I have a signature on this poster? There's some stranger I briefly met on Balmorra once on the other one. :rolleyes:

    And on Iokath... :o


    It was im-poster!:D





    Coincidentally, mine's wearing a white uniform :D


    Quinn: Well, that's better. I might expire of heat exhaustion slightly more slowly.

    Well then, what would YOU say is suitable for Tatooine!?

    Quinn: *signing poster* Garb in the style of the natives - loose-fitting, brown or off-white (as I imagine it would be difficult to keep anything pure white on Tatooine for more than three seconds), preferably with something covering your head--

    So, Jedi robes, then.

    Quinn: Yes. And I.................wait a minute!


    Quinn: *aHEM* Your poster, my lord Lammia. Ignore the crazy Grand Admiral attempting to bait me into an argument.

    "Attempting to"? I'm shocked, SHOCKED that you would think that of me, Malavai Francis Quinn!


    Oh sure it is.

    Quinn: It is, in fact, a RESPECTABLE name--

    What, like...Bob? Malavai Bob Quinn? Malavai Egbert Quinn? Malavai FILBERT WIDMARK Quinn!? Your middle name is Francis, accept it!

    Quinn: :jawa_evil:

    ... "attempting to bait me into an argument," huh? Seems I succeeded! :D Payback for that crack a while ago about losing my marbles, O Snarky Quinn.

    Quinn: *FACEPALM*

  16. OMG they weren't really twins but TRIPLETS XD


    So who's this now? Arcann, Thexan...Bugsan! Glitchan? Nobody knows! The one kid Senya neeeeeever talks about. His special talent in the Force: showing up where he's least wanted.

    With minor side-powers of obliterating continuity while he's at it.


    ...actually, he might just be the most powerful being in the universe due to the ability to time travel at will. :eek:


    Anyways! About Theron. XD Still can't find an outfit for him. Sigh...gonna have to haul him over to the GTN one of these days and go shopping. It'll probably go like this:

    Theron: ...I hate shopping.

    Inquisitor: It'll be fun! Granted, there's no lightning, so that takes a lot of the fun out of it...but shopping is, at times, actually rather relaxing.

    Theron: But...clothes.

    Inquisitor: Yes, those are things that you wear. Most humans do.

    Theron: That's not what I--*snicker* Ha ha, very funny, you know what I meant. And coming from you...most of your wardrobe is black, gray, or that weird color of blue on one of your dresses--

    Inquisitor: ROBES.

    Theron: dresses Robes, then. Black and gray are kind of boring, and I don't think I look good in blue--

    Inquisitor: *grabbing his arm* We'll find out! :D Come on!

    Theron: No no no no nonononono..... *gets dragged out of the Odessen command room by a squee'ing Darth Nox, with most of the Alliance staff looking on in bemusement*

  17. And here is a poster of our dashing Malavai! Where is purple Quinn, he needs to sign it :D





    Quinn: ...AGAIN!?

    We have a lot of posters of you.

    Quinn: Evidently.

    Sign it, please?

    Quinn: ...

    ...pretty please?

    Quinn: *looks despairingly from Quinnmancer to Quinnmancer* :(

    ...pretty please with a Moff Broysc's corpse on top?

    Quinn: When you put it that way... *signs poster*

    Yay! :D Oh, and nice outfit for Quinn on said poster!

    Quinn: *squints* ...a black uniform on--where is that, Tatooine? I'm going to get heat exhaustion.

    We'll save you.

    Quinn: And die.

    ...we'll save you from that, too. C'mon, there've got to be a few Sith in here skilled at healing.

    Quinn: Healing. From death.

    Healing, resurrection, it's all the same to a Sith.

    Quinn: *facepalm*


    Couldn't resist to make a Friends/Joey reference with this facial expression XD



    Friends? Joey? What are-- :eek:

    Quinn: *is still smirking* .................. *smirk starts to fade* Er, sir?

    Can't...stop...staring...it's so handsome...and just...j-just...

    Quinn: ...I should run now, shouldn't I.

    Before the fangirl horde crushes you under their squee'ing weight? *starts to hear the stampeding approach of many many fangirls* ...hmmm...

    Quinn: *starting to sweat*

    ...yeah, I'll give you ten seconds' warning. You can run--

    Quinn: *FLEES*

    I thought you LIKED the attention!

    Quinn: *pauses* ;) *starts running again*

    ... :eek:

  19. /cheer

    A step in the right direction.


    The wording is starting to worry me a bit. Does this mean that only fur color #3 will be consistent? The bug affects all fur colors. It's head #3 that makes all fur colors consistent/is unaffected by the bug. Hm...not sure if the "fur color #3" is a typo, or if it's just that fur color that's being fixed. In any case, even if it is just that one fur color, I'm glad there's ONE fix. :)


    If your female cathar has bugs, you should consider a flee and tick collar. It should help keep those nasty bugs away.


    Last time I tried that, I had to get a crowbar and physically pry my cathar gal out of the corner, where she'd retreated after taking one look at herself in the mirror and deciding she looked silly. *sigh*

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