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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. If you want to do the trade sooner shoot me a pm with a holder toon I can trade it to to be certain it is on the sever before the transfer happens, I know it is not a cheap dye. Let me know and we can arange this, right now I work some crazy hours so we can get this scheduled.


    I'll send you a PM, then. Oof, I know about erratic schedules... D: Again, thank you so much!


    My husband just reminded me that after the server merges we will have two Guild Flagships imp side. One could be a Quinnmancer guild ship. This sector is controlled by Quinnmancers! :p Just need to get a guild rename if we go through with it. :)


    Oh, that would be epic. I can hear the Quinn-hater rage from here. :p

    "The sector is controlled by those loony Quinn fans!?!?"

    "Yes. If you don't like it, get your own sector."

    "What he said! :D"

    "...is anybody else seeing purple and silver text appearing out of nowhere!?"

    "I don't know what you mean."

    "[innocent whistling]"

  2. Tell you what hun, after the server merges happen I will be on the east coast servers :) I have a black/black dye I am not using you can have once the mergers go active.


    Unless you feel like transfering her to shadowlands soon, then could hook you up sooner ;)


    You... you are an angel. :eek: Oh my gosh...aaaaahhh thank you so much!!


    I have a few things to square away before I transfer her to a server (it'll probably be to Shadowlands - guess it doesn't matter in the end, just *a* East Coast server), but I'll let you know when that happens. Again, thank you so much, Nightfrogger! :D [Purple Quinn sends a bouquet of roses and a hug]

  3. Apparently, I was reading that 'stamped' clothing won't be ruined. You'll retain your dye. You'll be fine, your outfit will be fine too. It's in the QA Blog here http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002


    It specifically says: Appearance Designer “Stamped” Appearances

    Your stamped appearances will not be affected by the United Forces update. All of your appearances will remain in place following the update.


    Quinnmancers is great, call us for what we are lol. :D


    Server merges don't affect outfit slots. Server transfers still do. I'm moving my warrior-with-the-stamped-dye-outfit from Begeren Colony to one of the East Coast servers, so she can be eventually merged into the Star Forge server.


    So it looks like a fair number of us will be on Star Forge? EEEEEE can't wait :D

    Quinn: And I shall prepare to face an army of Sith Warriors, all of whom I'm married to in some way or another...

  4. So, how are you guys feeling about the roadmap/changes?

    I'm...cautiously optimistic. Most of my main characters are on Begeren Colony, which is being merged into Hot Prospect...with Harbinger. *gack* So... server transfers to Ebon Hawk/Prophecy of Five/whatever other server that's being merged into Star Forge. .-. And hope and pray I don't lose my characters' names. For a majority of them, it'll be okay, since I can stick a surname onto them and accept that, but for two in particular...they don't have surnames, and I'm not changing their names to something else/similar. :/


    ...unfortunately, my warrior's currently on Begeren Colony. And, because I didn't ever think I'd need to move servers again, I was stupid with a black/black dye in an outfit designer slot. I stamped it to the *slot*, not the *piece of clothing* itself.

    Bottom line: I'm losing that dye/outfit with the server transfer, and I cannot afford another one. Actually, none are being sold in BC at the moment. I got lucky with that one with a cantina crate... Oi. Hopefully, with the increase of people on the new server, prices on the GTN might drop! :D


    I think we should make East Coast and West Coast Quinnmancer guilds so we can all tuck in a warrior or two. I would love to get together with you guys once in a while!


    I'd love to take part in a Quinnmancers guild!! Ooh, now we need to think up names...


    <Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing>


  5. The hot prospect sounds peculiar.:rak_03:


    The Hot Prospect is a ship from the KOTOR comics - the ones following Zayne Carrick's story.


    ...it's a run-down wreck of a mining ship. Nevertheless, Zayne and his group find a use for it


    Bit of a joke at Harbinger's server hamster constantly dying? XD

  6. While interesting.


    That still the next TWO MONTHS with no NEW content.


    Then after two months of no new content what we do get isn't what one would call "a lot":


    NAHUT - The 3rd Boss Encounter for Gods from the Machine Operation

    New Flashpoint on Copero – Find out what Theron’s been up to with the Chiss

    New PvP map

    New GSF Map set in the Orbit above Iokath


    Thats the new content for the next 3 months. Two of which gives nothing.


    Yeah, 'cause a lot of those two months are going to be spent making sure the giant server merges go off without a hitch. Not a lot of room for releasing new content in among that mess. I'm okay with waiting - I just hope said merges go smoothly!

  7. Oh. It's Temple.


    I hope we can kill her. Even my cold-hearted sniper was utterly horrified at Temple's blase "Oh by the way I gotta go kill my dad, BRB............'kay, back, it's done, I'm mildly upset but nahhh, not a big deal, we'll never speak of it again." :eek:


    ...killing her father...who was hiding her for being Force-sensitive...and so that's breaking the law for the Empire...but instead of

    a) hiding her father aboard the agent's ship - which the agent can suggest and even urge Temple, multiple times, to do so

    b) Temple coming forward and saying "I'm Force-sensitive, sorry, you can kill me now" to the Sith

    ...Temple kills her father to "save" him and continues to hide and break the law, and of course the agent is totally not loyal to the Empire whatsoever because there's no option to turn her over to the Sith, they just go along with it.

    What the what.


    Yeah. Can we kill her? Please say we can kill that disgusting hypocritical sociopath.

    AND. WHERE'S. VECTOR. :mad:

  8. My only gripe is that I don't really care for the new Harbinger server name: The Hot Prosepct. The others have some SWTOR sounding names. Is that a joke about Harbinger running hot (heavy load) or something? :p The Star Forge name is so much better!!


    I was happy when I saw that name. :D The Hot Prospect is the name of Zayne Carrick's ship in the latter arc of the KOTOR comics. Slightly obscure, but a lore nerd like me rejoiced. XD

  9. Begeren Colony is merging with Harbinger?


    . . . dang. Time to move all of my characters to Ebon Hawk or Shadowlands or something. I am *not* being merged with the most toxic server there is. I'm glad we have that option, however. :D


    Thank you for the roadmap! I look forward to the coming changes.

  10. Where's purple Quinn? :D I think we need to have another virtual poster autographed. Have a dark side cookie while you wait :D


    Purple Quinn was watching The Ghost Breakers. Utterly hilarious 1940 Bob Hope movie...with zombies! :D ....Quinn, you can stop hiding behind the couch now. Which is frankly a miracle, because our couch is shoved up against the wall...

    Quinn: *inching out from behind the couch* I was not hiding. >_> I was...checking for dust bunnies. I hear the Quinn and Shan detective agency has a problem with those.


    Quinn: *dusts himself off* aHEM. I hear we have another poster to be signed? -_- *signs poster* My lord...LordFell. Darth LordFell?

    (Welcome to the Quinnmancers, LordFell! :D)


    @rachetsw: Wish I could read your fanfiction, but I haven't gotten to Umbara yet... :( Sorry!

  11. 5.5 is nothing but bug fixes. ALL the bug fixes. From the history of the entire game since ever. Even the little things: courting gifts, that DANG CATHAR FUR BUG (sorry, still a little annoyed about it...), the zabrak skin color bug, clipping issues with clothing/weapons, etc. etc. etc.


    ...a'right, frankly, I'm just hoping they'll fix even a few of those things. :p

  12. They are going to unveil two new bosses:


    Darth Spuds, the eternal pessimist, will represent the dark side of the force and we will fight a giant Mr. Potatohead.


    Yiliarus, the eternal optimist, will represent the light side of the force and we will fight a giant smiling unicorn.






    Don't forget the Knights of Eternal Quinnmancing: a legion of Sith warriors all decked out in purple Imperial uniforms. :D Their special ability is Overwhelming Squee, which fashions Malavai Quinn's name into a projectile and hurls it at players to stun them for 10 seconds with the sheer force of fangirling.


    [points at signature] Yes I am a proud Quinnmancer. :p


    A'righty, joking aside... I do hope the surprise is along the lines of class stories, however short they may be, preferably with individual companions returning. I adored the class stories in Shadow of Revan; they added wonderful different perspectives to the same story, and tied off a lot of loose ends from the original class stories (whatever happened to General Garza? Was the Wrath ever going to know what the Emperor's up to? We never got to see the Inquisitor doing Dark Council-y things.... and now with these short class stories, we do).

  13. I am so late to this page. I wasn't subscribed, sadly, but I am now. I have found my people!! SW was my first class that I played all the way through, and now I have seven warriors, because I love Malavai so much! Don't worry, I have at least one of every other class too. Now back to reading all these pages, and writing my latest chapter in my Theron story. (Which Quinn is guest staring in.)


    ANOTHER QUINNMANCER! :D Welcome!! Welcome to our insanity, hugs, support, warm friends, and general Quinn-loving craziness!

    ... Quinn! We need an autographed poster.

    Quinn: I thought we'd dropped that tradition by the wayside?

    Yeah, unfortunately.

    Quinn: I misspoke: I'd hoped we'd dropped that tradition by the wayside...

    Seven warriors, Quinn! That's devotion! [glare] Show gratitude.

    Theron: Otherwise I'll steal it.

    Quinn: [signs poster in a hurry]

  14. That cupboard is called a Zakuulan Cabinet, and it's wonderful. :)


    And yes, it's nice to be able to duck in here away from all that. It feels like there are less people posting, it's definitely quieter in game and out, so I'm just grateful to be able to come in here and chat it up with you guys. <3


    Oh, thank you! :D Another thing to look out for, then... gah I need to start writing these things down. XD (Still so happy the Makeb Pergola doesn't have a valor requirement anymore. [squee])


    Begeron Colony's getting a little quiet, but Ebon Hawk is bustling as always. Except lately it feels like half of Harbinger migrated over, what with all the insults and arguments being slung around the Imperial fleet. o_O Didn't used to be like that...

  15. These give an idea. I changed Theron's pet to a nerf herder the other day. Malavai I gave an ack dog in one room and a warhound in the other. The nekarr cats didn't match - this game needs more cat pets!


    Quinn 1

    Quinn Red Room 1

    Quinn Red Room 2

    Theron view 1

    Theron view 2


    Screenshots don't show you everything. If you're on TRE PM me for the name and you can go and look around my main Nar Shadaa stronghold as it's open for both sides.


    Oooooh!! Wow, those are fantastic!

    Oh - question. In the Quinn Red Room 2 picture, what are those cabinets/shelves beneath the Imperial flags? Those look amazing.


    Just checking in to see if there's been any violations of the sanctity of the best thread on the forums. Seeya ladies (and possibly other dudes).


    This thread is a refuge from the pointless whining elsewhere on the forums. .-. ("Waaaah, my class got nerfed! I have to kill things a whole five seconds slower / heal people with more effort than mashing my face on the keyboard!" [facepalm])

  16. Because Scourge is NOT LI and he is obviously NOT able to become LI - because he doesn't feel anything?


    At the moment, yes. Who says that can't change later on?


    Anyways, on topic: I'd prefer they focus on bringing back old LI's, but I wouldn't mind in the least if they added new ones. Just so long as they don't focus solely on adding new ones before bringing back Kira, Mako, Vector, Iresso, etc.

  17. Good point, we might need to employ a taster just to be on the safe side...bring out one of the haters...we'll make them try it first. :cool: Because I don't actually trust Jaesa...Pierce might spit in it (on the off chance we're sharing it with Malavai)...and Vette might spike it with Toydarian hot peppers just to see the look on our faces. Or use Gorak sauce instead of milk. :eek:


    Quinn: Dark Jaesa would put poison in it just for fun. [higher-pitched voice] "It was just an experiment, Master! You the big strong Sithy type person can of course survive an experiment!" [normal voice] Light Jaesa would put an absolute mountain of sweets in it. Gummi bears, whipped cream, chocolate chips, chocolate sprinkles, chocolate shavings, frosting, pure sugar...

    Theron: ...and now I never want hot chocolate ever again.

    Quinn: Ah. My plan worked.

    Theron: *glare*

    Quinn: *smug grin* In any case... yes, I can see Filbert Widmark Pierce doing that-- *ignores angry shouting from F.W. Pierce* --and Vette would probably put gasoline in it and light it on fire. Chocolate flambé.

    Theron: Chocolate explodé, more like...

    Quinn: ...and then make Toovee clean up the resulting volcano.

    Theron: That's a bad thing?

    Quinn: And blame it on me.

    Theron: ...again, that's a bad thing?

    Quinn: :mad:


    Quinn, you didn't know you were Felix? :eek: Well, you are. You're Felix Unger. Surprise!

    And Theron, you know that makes you Oscar, right..? :D


    Theron: Anything to get on Quinn's nerves. I can see why you like poking him to the edge of sanity. It's fun! :D

    Quinn: *death glare to rival all death glares since dirt*


    ("Since dirt" ... my geometry class was once poking fun at a teacher saying we were "on fire" that day. Cue joking discussion about how long math has been around - "it's been around since, like, dirt was invented" - and then that mutated into "Math: setting people on fire since dirt." :p)

  18. As Security Chief I advise you not to drink this! 2V may be trying to kill us after all. Only accept Hot choc from beloved companions. You know Quinn will bring it [yes, the hot chocolate, get out of the gutter] with whipped cream and a choc flake for our esteemed Grand Admiral


    Quinn: Of course Toovee is attempting to kill everyone. If not on purpose, his lethal stupidity would be enough to--

    *CRASH! clatter clatter clatter......* [quickly followed by a mechanical voice saying "So sorry, master!"]

    Quinn: ... *facepalm* There goes the hot chocolate. Just as well. I doubt we could really--

    Theron: Did someone say hot chocolate?

    Quinn: Out.

    Theron: But I like hot chocolate.

    Quinn: OUT.

    Theron: But the Grand Admiral doesn't!

    Quinn: O--wait, what?

    ...I don't like sweet, chocolatey things...? :o

    Theron: Seeeeeee?

    Quinn: If you two are in on this together, conspiring just to get hot chocolate so Theron can take it guilt-free...

    Theron: Cross my heart and hope to die-- *notices Quinn eyeing him* ...don't take that last word literally.

    Quinn: *death glare*

  19. *crawls into thread*

    Starting to get tired of all the whining going on with one class being nerfed... -_-


    First, thanks! I didn't know the search functions could be so specific! Second..



    Have you ever held a kitten? I really hope you've gotten to do that at least :) In the 90s, my high school boyfriend's himalayan cat had the most beautiful kittens I've ever seen, I was so lucky I got to help take care of them. Then he gave them away. And then I broke up with him LOL. I only loved him for his kittens :D


    Pretty sure I have gotten to hold a kitten, but I can't remember doing so. When I was about three, my family found a kitten wandering around on the road and took her in. Her name was Gracie. She was with us for a few weeks before her extremely worried family came and found her (she'd accidentally fallen out of a car or something; she was miraculously uninjured, though!). That was something like fifteen years ago, so I'm not sure if Gracie's even still alive, but I remember what the little gray tabby poofball looked like. She was young - not more than a few months old. So adorable...

  20. The idea would be for them to get introduced through an instanced zone in a future Story piece. So, depending on the Class and gender that goes into the instance, they get back one LI or another. If i go in there with my male SI, i get Ashara, but i get Andronikos with my female SI, if i get in there with my male BH i get Mako. Same for all the others.


    Whoa, no. My female bounty hunter is clawing the furniture (...she's a cathar :p) to go find her dear friend Mako. Mako and Torian were her family - she's got Torian back (or will, once they fix that cathar skin color bug...!), but now she's worried sick about her friend. And hey, *I* like Mako, but I'm not dragging my male BH through all of KOTFE/KOTET just to find out what happened to her.

    My male consular wants to find Tharan Cedrax and Iresso (as well as Nadia) because they were his good friends and allies, and he's worried about what's happened to them in the ~7 years he hasn't seen them. But I'd have to go in with my female consular just to get them back...on that one character, and for my male consular they'd be permanently missing with only a mention of "Oh, they did [so and so], but you can never see or hear from them again"?


    I don't think that's such a good idea. :/


    ...but as for Ashara being turned, oh heck yes please. .-. My female inquisitor was at her wits' end with that girl! And then Ashara goes and says things like "you're not what I expected - you're so light-sided!" and there's my inquisitor staring at her with full dark-side corruption on her face, utterly bewildered and wondering if Ashara hit her head.... XD

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