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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. I can't decide who wins but I sure enjoyed trying to :D And yay kittens, they are the most fun, I'm a cat person myself, I hope I'll get to play with kittens again someday.


    I love cats... but a) my dog hates all other animals in *her* house with a flaming purple passion, and b) my mom also loves cats, but she is sadly allergic to them. :( So I settle for looking at cute cat pictures online and writing stupid Warriors fanfiction. XD


    is there a list somewhere of like.. circlets that override a hood? I found one on the gtn that does it but it was expensive >.>


    If you go to TOR Fashion, you can look up that list. Go to the filter button -> database -> appearance -> by slot -> head -> hides hood / unobtrusive. Voila. :D Some of them are ordinary things you get by leveling, actually.

  2. LGBTQ people [are] just not their target demographic. It's not hate. It's just that we don't matter as much.


    ... in THIS game, maybe, due to the lower rating. Have you ever played Mass Effect or Dragon Age (especially the later games in those series)? BioWare has a MASSIVE LGBT+ fanbase for a reason.

  3. *giggle* :D I know that translation of the Mando'a was just for me. It was, wasn't it? :D I don't know what it is about Gault, but he always charms me, the old smoothy. <3


    Very entertaining, as always, Grand Admiral. And the translation was much appreciated.


    Omtu. (Possibly.) :p I'm a Mando nerd. And half the time my translations are off anyhow; the website I use tends to be a little...weird... XD


    Kittens! Fluffballs! EEEEE *passes out from cuteness overload* They're adorable. :D They all get along well?

  4. I'm behind on getting this put together. (New kittens!) Who Wore it Best: Imp vs. Pub version!


    Gault: Me, duh!

    Talos: *fidgeting and attempting to maintain dignity* ...this is...cold.

    Torian: Kyr'amur ni jii...*

    Quinn: *through gritted teeth* All of you. Deal with it.

    Theron: *STILL modelling poses* Hey, me and Gault are rocking these outfits...

    Koth: *shielding eyes* Yeah, uh, speaking of Gault, anybody want to tell him that he's way into his SIXTIES by now?

    Gault: And still looking fabulous.

    Doc: Don't forget ol' Doc in tha--


    Jorgan: ...geez, Quinn. Anyone ever tell you about anger management classes?

    Quinn: When it comes to Archiban Kimble, righteous fury is a virtue.


    (*Kill me now.... :p)

    I still think Theron wins, at least for the 'Pubs. Over on the Imperial side...well, Quinn, of course. XD


    ...also, kittens!? :D Little puffballs of pure undiluted cuteness! *squee*

  5. Yeah. They do. There's a strange paradox going on with them...

    Female players (more accurately, straight female players)? Pff. Who cares? Let's dump all the crappy LI's on them and tear their hearts into shreds repeatedly by having a good number of said LI's die, betray them, up and leave, cheat on them, etc.

    Female characters? All hail the goddesses of amazingness who can do no wrong, no matter how badly they treat you or others! You're going to be stuck with them no matter what you do. Go ahead, try and kill Leliana in Dragon Age Origins. She'll show up alive and well in the next two games! (Granted, that actually had a lore-appropriate justification, but still. For all intents and purposes, it's still the same character.) Try and be mean to Liara in Mass Effect! She'll treat you like you're best friends come Mass Effect 2, and your first - automatic - action is to hug her! Try to diss Lana Beniko and ignore her. She shows up IN YOUR BEDROOM watching over you in your sleep even if you're not romancing her! (But that's stupid, right? I mean, who doesn't want to romance Lana? Right? ...RIGHT!?!?)


    It's a good thing I actually like a number of the LI's available for women in this game and others. Cullen, Garrus, Thane, Theron, Corso, Quinn, Jorgan, Blackwall, Solas, etc.

    Let's see, though. Out of those... a few betray you and/or try to kill you. Several of them can or will die. One's practically engineered to offend the feminists so much they want to murder him on sight (that'd be Corso). One's tearing himself into shreds over a magical drug addiction (and of course you can force him to keep taking it, which eventually leads to his death). One's actually a murderer who's been lying to you all this time. Another's actually a murderer on an EPIC scale and is willing to tear apart the entire world to restore the lost glory of his people. ........okay, that guy might actually be the worst. XD

    Other male LI's in this game? Andronikos - a gleefully murderous and slightly insane amoral pirate. Iresso - who? Nice guy, but boring. Doc - sleazy womanizing slimeball. Torian - actually a pretty nice guy, but...also kinda boring. At least he's Mandalorian. (Hey! Lunafox! Mando'a is not gibberish! :p ) Vector - hive-mined bug boy. And that's just for SWTOR.....

  6. Hold on a second! I need to know what everyone thinks Quinn's theme song is. I've posted mine before but I'm curious what you guys might come up with. Or if you don't have one for Quinn but have one for someone else, like your warrior or Theron or something - that's fine too (: But Quinn really should have one so pick something, k


    (I ask because I just realized today that Vector and my dark V agent have a love song, its



    Quinn's theme song? The Imperial anthem. :p


    I don't have theme songs for my warrior or Theron... I do for my inquisitor, though (who romanced Theron).

    ...I love how the music sounds just faintly crazy, but insanely dangerous. That'd be the inquisitor. ;)

    And my agent and Vector's love song would be

    . So peaceful...a rare moment of joy for both of them, in the middle of their utterly insane lives.

    Some of my other characters have theme music, but it'd take me a while to find links to all of them. XD *skips away to go find everything*



    On a more serious note, I think Balmorra-The Forge always brings him to mind for me.


    Ooooh I love that music! Perfect. :D

  7. Hrm. Thank you for the info, I don't know what to make of it all.




    I don't know about this outfit either, just that it doesn't look appropriate for Alderaan


    That's... odd. Holo!Vector looks like he has normal eyes. Or maybe that's just the way the holo looks*. XD And that outfit looks like a smuggler's outfit...weird. o.o

    ...wait. I wonder if Vector is coded to be like Theron or Lana - they wear the look of their opposite faction, i.e., put an Imperial officer's jacket on Lana and it'll turn into its Republic equivalent of an ordinary coat. I think holo!Vector is wearing the Republic equivalent of what companion!Vector is wearing (the version of Vector you have standing next to the holo).


    *...unless his companion story is that he's broken away from the nest in the Agent's absence and we need to help him either reconnect to it or sever his connection completely :eek:

  8. Let's keep the Vector candle burning, a Vector reunion is still looking promising. I've only read the last couple pages of this thread since I left, but I walked into my stronghold on one of my agents just now and noticed the Vector holo wearing a strange outfit. Hadn't noticed it earlier, is it new or am I just unobservant?


    /knock on wood


    I looked at the companion customizations - those show new outfits for companions if they're returning/have returned (Zenith has a new outfit, yet he didn't come back/hasn't come back *yet* - he was supposed to...) - but Vector has his default outfit. :c Then again, some companions (Skadge, for instance) don't have their new armor, but instead their default one, so it's rather inconsistent.

  9. I've only just now heard about the Apocalypse. *yawn* Well, I lived through the Y2K thingie and the Mayan Doomsday, so what's this about now? Do the Reapers finally show up? Does Arcann and/or Vaylin bombard Earth with the Eternal Fleet? Is the Blight unleashed or the Veil torn down?


    ...if not, wake me up when it's over, yeah? :p

  10. I have to note the music in all of the expansions, notably in the Knights of... . Fantastic sweeping scores that paints the landscape! :D


    Ohh, yes. :D This cannot be understated. The music is fantastic!


    And something else to note - the music in KOTFE Chapter Fourteen. Definitely one of my favorite things about KOTFE. Republic Commandos soundtrack! YES!!!

    ... if you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to go die from pure fangirling happiness. :D

  11. Chapter Two of the Quinn and Shan Detective Agency. Finally. o_e In which we discover Jagaimee's "writing badly on purpose" skills are deteriorating into just plain "writing badly." I...guess that's what happens when you go several days in between writing on this thing? XD



    Chapter Two: Vette


    After a lengthy argument about where to start, we finally landed on a lead. Actually we tripped over one by sheer luck. Quinn realized there were two unsavoury miscreants who would be just waiting for an opportunity to discredit him. One was a streetwise gangster with a penchant for lowbrow humor and the potential for jealousy. The other was Vette herself.


    Other suspects popped out of the woodwork like stars circling someone’s head after they get whacked with a vase. Or a club. Or any other instrument of head-whacking. Darth Lunafox herself wasn’t out of the question. Darth Sarova, too – after all, as Quinn noted, she was Chief of Security. But that job would give her more alibis than a paranoid conspiracy theorist, probably without all the red string and photos taped to the wall. The Not-So-Grand Admiral was vaguely out of the question, because she was the one hiring us for the case, but she could be framing somebody else – and the picture was forgery. Point was, nobody was innocent.


    After a lot of headaches, mostly coming from those vicious dust bunnies nomming our heads, Quinn decided we’d pay Vette and Pierce a visit. Pierce was the streetwise thug with the intelligence of one of those dust bunnies, and the charisma to match. But first up was Vette.


    It was dark and drizzling when we set out. Fog stretched along the streets like a ghost looking for its sheet in the world’s biggest laundromat. I swear I heard an ooooooooo somewhere, too. Then I looked behind us and realized it was a whole team of special effects people with a fog machine and a bullhorn. That was nothing new in this part of town. We dodged a guy in the middle of a dance number with a lamppost, singing something about the rain.


    This place was weird, like the loony bin…without the actual walls for the bin, which didn’t make it a bin so much as it made it a wide-open loony bonanza. You couldn’t throw a cat and not hit a loony.


    Quinn asked me why I was muttering about loonies. I declined to answer.




    Vette lived in the dingy part of town, the one where all the street lights are blinking on and off like a flaky girlfriend’s loyalty, where all the cops eye you sideways and right-ways and upside down and forward-to-back-to-forward again. We found the address easy enough.


    Okay, so Quinn actually found it and waited for me to stop hanging around on the street corner looking tough (as he called it). Quinn knocked on the door. And then yanked off his cap.


    “What’d you do that for?” I asked. It was a perfectly good cap.


    “I am not looking like an idiot in front of Vette. That’s a year’s worth of prank ammunition right there.”


    You’re a year’s worth of prank ammunition,” came a voice from inside the house. The door opened, and there stood a dame. A dame with skin the color of a starry evening, the deep ocean, or terminal frostbite. She wore a black dress that slinked around her like an oil spill…and not one of those large, awful, icky oil spills you always read about in the news, but a small and clean one that manages to be confined to one area and doesn’t involve a few million fish dying, because that doesn’t make for a very attractive dress even if only a few fish die. Animal rights groups would be all up in arms.


    “Theron, what are you staring at?” Vette asked, hands on hips.


    “Ignore him,” Quinn said. “He’s most likely doing that internal monologue thing again.”


    “No, I…” I trailed off. Wouldn’t do any good to explain it to them.


    “So why are you here? I’ve got a date to go to.”


    Quinn flourished the letter, like a judge waving a piece of particularly juicy evidence around. Except that judges don’t generally wave evidence around because the court of law frowns on that sort of thing. In any case, Vette watched the letter-flourishing with a distinctly unimpressed look on her face, but I could tell the hammer of the judge was about to come down on the gavel, and the sentence was – justice!


    “He’s doing it again, isn’t he?”


    “Never mind him,” Quinn snapped. If looks could kill, Vette would be dead ten times over. Nine of those from that look, one from the aforementioned terminal frostbite. “Does this letter look familiar to you?”


    “It might, if you’d stop waving it around enough for me to actually see what’s on it…”


    Quinn handed the letter to her. She took it, delicately. Too delicately. Like it was a piranha that would bite her hand off and then keep munch-jumping its way up her arm. Which really made no sense when you think about it, because if a piranha bit someone’s hand off, they’d just fall to the ground, because there’s no way they could actually keep swallowing—


    “Shan, focus.”


    Like I said earlier, we did not get along well.


    “Okay, yeah, this letter is familiar.” Vette handed it back to Quinn. “And I’ve always wanted to ask, do you always write to the lady Wrath like that? Because…” she snickered. “…that’s the funniest thing since ‘Admiral Malcontent.’”


    I glanced at Quinn. “Admiral Mal—?”


    None of your business, Shan,” Quinn growled. “Vette, this letter was forged. It says I love your jokes. Obviously, I do not. Now, what I want to know is – did you write this defamatory statement?”


    Vette blinked.


    Aha! We’d caught her. The net of justice had been spread, and we’d caught her like a fish! She’d fallen right into that trap like it was a trapdoor and she faceplanted right into it. Several raindrops dripped off the roof and caught me right in the nose, ruining the moment of triumph with frantic sneezing and flailing. Shoot.


    Then, abruptly, Vette started to laugh.


    “Don’t act so—achoo!—innocent!” I growled. I wondered where my fedora had gone, and discovered it had been nommed right off my head by those dust bunnies. Sacrifices must be suffered in the line of duty.


    “I can’t—I—haha!” Vette leaned against the doorway. Her eyes glinted with merry tears. Hmph. Femme fatale, thinking she could fool us like that. “Quinn…there is no way I could’ve written that letter.”


    “Oh, really?” Quinn asked.


    “That letter’s only sent if I’m dead.”


    I blinked. I couldn’t tell if the blinking was from surprise or from more of the rain. But there was a flaw in her logic, a flaw that glared out at us like one of Quinn’s death glares, or the light reflecting blindingly off Grand Admiral Jagaimee’s glasses. “If you’re dead, how are you standing here talking to us?”


    “Fanboy armor,” Vette answered breezily. “Same as Quinn. And you, most likely. I’m alive for some people. It just takes a while to come back from that weird limbo state. Oh, and one of the people I’m alive for is my husband, who’s taking me on the date, which you’ve made me late for...” She looked over at Quinn. “And given how my husband is a Sith Lord, I—wait, Quinn?”


    I looked over. He wasn’t there.


    “Where’d he go?” asked Vette.


    I glanced around, and finally spotted Quinn’s Inverness cape billowing dramatically off in the distance as he stomped away. The special effects crew from before was following him and producing a personalized raincloud above his head. A few of them were playing

    on violins.


    “…so, we’re going to go ask Pierce about the letter now,” I managed to Vette.


    “Good luck with that.”


    “Yeah…uh, you too. I mean, good luck on your…lateness.”


    Then a thought struck me with all the force of a fist in the face. As I staggered backwards, Vette closed her door and then brushed past me. “Sorry, my fist slipped,” she said, and then she slinked off into the night.


    As I leaned against the doorway, holding my nose, I mulled over that thought. I wondered if the letter-writer really was Pierce…


    …or was it someone else?




    I promptly whacked my head on the nearby wall and glared at the half of the special effects crew who had come back from chasing after Quinn. They all blinked back at me like baby owls, and I swear I heard one of them chirp. Warn me next time, I tried to say, but it came out as “Ward be dext tibe” on account of my nose.



  12. This idea made me laugh... We really do need to look into the help we get on Odesson sometime...


    Wardrobe Malfuction


    Quinn: AUGH!?

    Theron: GAH!

    Quinn: ...why am I wearing YOUR clothes!?

    Theron: I had to go undercover as an Imperial for a mission or two. *glances in the mirror* ...brings back memories. Thankfully, I wear it rather well, if I do say so myself...and I do.


    Theron: *evil grin* And here we see the baby Quinn-bird, repeating the only phrase it--ACK *runs to avoid a very angry Quinn*

  13. Makeb: I really liked the "race against time" feeling the entire story had. It never quite lost its edge; never got bogged down. The pacing was excellent.

    - Oricon was great too. Wish it didn't end in Ops, but even though it does, I love the eerie, creepy feeling of Oricon in general.


    Shadow of Revan: The class stories! :D I loved each of them (...when they weren't making me cry - *glares at trooper story*). They provided a good sense of closure for some things that never got wrapped up (smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, agent, knight), added in personal touches as to "why am I even caring about this?" (warrior - THAT WAS AWESOME* - knight, consular, inquisitor), and were just well-done in general. I also adored Rishi and Yavin, such wonderful places to explore. The end fight against Revan on Yavin IV was spectacular.


    KOTFE: Oooh...hard to choose. The enhanced and beautiful cinematics, the improved voice acting (it was always fantastic, but now it's phenomenal), the ability to go back and replay chapters, and yes, I do like the story. :) Zakuul is a beautiful world to explore, as well - so's Odessen, from the short time we get to see the wilds.


    KOTET - haven't gotten here yet. :D


    *The Warrior's story on Shadow of Revan. Definitely one of my favorites.


    Telling the Emperor himself to take a hike - and doing so by FORCE-CHOKING SERVANT ONE - made my jaw drop. I squee'd a bit. :D


  14. I almost feel bad for having my Theron - well, one of them... o_e - decked out in a perfectly normal set of armor/clothing. XD He shall not compete in the "who wears it better" contest - because Quinn is absent for my warrior. :( And Quinn wears white anyway.

    ...getting pictures is difficult. He keeps moving around. And the lighting in the Coruscant stronghold makes him look like he has nearly a full beard at times.

    Theron: ...ahahaha what?

    Quinn: *facepalm* I too have that predicament.

    Theron: What?

    Quinn: We have the same complexion. Sort of.

    Theron: ...what?

    Quinn: To my everlasting shame. But yes, shadows can play tricks on the eye.

    Theron: WHAT!?

    Quinn: And here we see a baby Shan-bird, repeating its first word over and over. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the only way they learn.

    Theron: Going to punch you...

    Quinn: Its vocabulary grows rapidly, as you can see. It--AUGH! *flees with Theron chasing after him*


    As for ranking love interests--wait, hold on

    BOYS! Cut that OUT!

    Theron: *stops chasing Quinn* But I didn't get to brain him with this heavy dictionary yet.

    Quinn: Oh, such a missed opportunity. What a shame. *dodges punch from Theron*

    I'm trying to write here, quit interrupting me! *death glare*


    1) Corso Riggs. My first character in SWTOR was a female smuggler. She fell for Corso at the exact same time he fell for her - which is to say, the second they first saw each other. :p

    2) Probably Kira. I love her personality.

    3) QUINN.

    4) Vector. It should be noted that 1 - 4 are more or less tied, separated only by veeeeeeeeeeeeery small degrees.

    5) Everybody else. Theron, Torian, Jorgan, Vette, Scourge, Arcann--wait, what do you mean, the last two aren't love interests (yet)? Hmph.

    ......99999) Lana. That's *after* the resident gungan, Hutt, gamorrean, and sarlacc. :D

  15. I think I need to have a lie-down now. Rawwrr! But amazingly, my vote goes to Theron (sorry, my dear Quinn!)...mainly just for the pose. He has the whole "Yes, I'm rocking this sexy look" attitude going on.


    Theron: *still modelling poses* :cool:

    Quinn: *standing completely at attention*

    Theron: ...Quinn.

    Quinn: What, Shan. -_-

    Theron: You're supposed to pose. It's fun.

    Quinn: I am not subjecting myself to humiliation.

    Theron: Says the man in the sci-fi equivalent of a gladiator bikini... *flexes biceps*

    Quinn: *through gritted teeth* You. Are. An. Embarrassment. To. The. Human. Race.

    Theron: And several alien races besides.

    Quinn: *FACEPALM*

    Theron: Oh come on, I once fought and killed a Dark Council member while in my underwear. This is nothing compared to that.

    Quinn: Be that as it may, I--wait, YOU DID WHAT!?

    Theron: Did I mention that the Jedi with me was also in his underwear?

    Quinn: *rapidly pales in horror*

    Theron: Took the drama right out of the finale, I'll tell you that. I mean, there we were, in all our semi-naked...um, glory...

    Quinn: *turning green*

    Theron: ...fighting off several Sith apprentices who sadly didn't appreciate all the trouble we'd gone through - torture and all that - to appear as awkwardly attractive as we did...

    Quinn: *about to faint*

    Theron: ...oh, and the Jedi was a Kel Dor. Did you know they have these neat little ruffles on their--

    Quinn: TOO MUCH INFORMA-- *passes out*

    Theron: ...on their heads. What'd he think I was going to say? *mischievous grin* So, long story short, I look good. :jawa_cool:

  16. Yes...please... It used to be, before 5.0 hit, that Chapter Ten of KOTFE wouldn't automatically start, giving you the perfect opportunity to get Alliance Alerts and Star Fortresses done, and have access to the base to turn in alliance crates... now it automatically starts. Every single chapter automatically starts. :( It'd be so nice if there was an option to manually start them - click on the situation table in the war room, check in with Lana, go to the Gravestone, etc.
  17. I'm starting to think that romancing Lana was a pretty stupid idea. Since you can only break up with Lana/Theron/Koth if your original LI comes back...and my consular didn't romance Nadia (and she's not back yet anyway), so he doesn't *have* an original LI... I'm stuck with her. :/

    At least I have headcanon...which I'm using pretty extensively throughout all of KOTFE/KOTET.

  18. I finally managed to get my Expert Outlaw set...so here is Expert Outlaw Malavai! :D





    Looks amazing! :D


    Also - thanks, guys, for your kind comments. Had kind of a bad day, and you cheered me up. :) Glad you liked Quinn and Marr! They--

    Quinn: --will hopefully be leaving soon?

    What, you didn't like meeting Ghosty!Marr?

    Quinn: As a matter of fact, I-- *double-take* ..."Ghosty"...right, never mind. *facepalm* It's just that, you seem to take your pleasure nowadays from pitting me against various...strange people...and seeing how I react. Frankly, sir, I am not sure how that could possibly be amusing.

    Marr: Fangirls are a paradox.

    Quinn: *jumps* GAH!

    Marr: ...they empower and imprison, they destroy characterization and unite themselves under a common cause, they bind the fandoms together and tear people apart. They have a will, but need an object of their affections.

    Quinn: What? They don't imprison or destroy or tear people apart.

    Marr: ...

    Quinn: ...I MEAN, I--I'M SO SORRY, MY LORD MARR :eek: I didn't mean to contradict you. Sir. M-my lord.

    Marr: Then what did you mean?

    Quinn: I... *deep breath* Will all due respect, my lord - these fangirls are a strange lot, yes. To spend so much time devoted to one character speaks of intense loyalty, however. And, to be honest, despite putting me in various...awkward...situations, they mean nothing but good intentions. They are, at their hearts, just a group of people who enjoy a character and want to share that enjoyment with others. I see nothing wrong with that.

    Marr: You would defend them?

    Quinn: ... Yes, my lord. I would.

    Marr: Hm.

    Quinn: *glances at the unseen fangirls* ...on a different note - *lowers his voice* Darth Marr appears to be acting...strangely. I of course do not know the ways of Sith - at least in certain areas - but even from our last conversation not a few hours ago he seems different.

    Marr: *clears throat* I'm not acting different.

    Quinn: No offense, my lord, but...you actually are. For another matter, your text color is off. Just subtly, but...off.

    Marr: *clears throat again - it sounds like he swallowed helium or something; his voice is odd* Of course it's not. I am Darth Marr.

    Quinn: ...right.

    Marr: I--uh, how dare you accuse--


    Fake!Marr: AUGH! *jumps out of his skin. ... literally. Ghost!Marr fades away, and in his place is a very short human woman with graying hair, crooked teeth, and constant oxygen deprivation [or one would assume so, due to her perpetually blue lips]* I--I--c-can explain!

    Marr: *draws ghostly lightsaber* Satele Shan. I knew long ago our alliance should come to an end, but I did not foresee this end. Your Order trusted you to lead them, and this is how you repay everyone? By deception and treachery? You are a conniving--

    Satele: He started it! *points at Quinn*

    Quinn: I did no such thing. But I can tell you what I will do.

    Satele: What?

    Quinn: Finish it.


    Satele: ...purple! *falls over with a tranquilizer dart in her neck*

    Marr: *sheathes saber* If I were still alive, I would recommend you for a promotion and medal, Major. But, disregarding that inconvenient fact of my incorporeal state, I am recommending you anyway. Darth Lunafox, I believe, would be happy to give you a medal. *sees Quinn's wide-eyed stare* Yes, I am aware of her. Her talent for weaving stories is legendary.

    Quinn: I...w-will tell her you said so, my lord... *bows and blushes with a rather proud smile* :o


    Theron: *wanders into the thread -- immediate double-take* . . . what the heck did I MISS!? :eek:


  19. I've thought of a good one. Purple Quinn speaks with the force Ghost of Darth Marr. It might not end well :D Unless of course Malavai*

    left the Empire for his beloved wife



    *spoiler tags just in case someone hasn't done that yet ;)


    Quinn: What! I would never...well, maybe in that circumstance--

    Marr: What was that?

    Quinn: :eek: *flattens himself on the floor* D-Darth Marr! My lord, it's an honor to...............er, you're transparent.

    Marr: That is the usual reaction. You would think, after nearly seven years, I would be used to it. In truth: it's as annoying as it ever was. I get it all the time. From everyone. Satele Shan - [high-pitched voice] "Oh, like, golly gee, Marr! What happened to you? You're all, like, blue and stuff! What was in that rootleaf stew!?"

    Quinn: . . . she said that?

    Marr: [normal voice] Among other things, which convinced me that her mental faculties were slightly...dilapidated. Comparable to post-apocalyptic Taris, in fact.

    Quinn: You said she was your equal?

    Marr: Because if I did not - and it has happened before - she would promptly subject me to a binding ritual, from which I could not escape, and force me to... *growl* ...watch Barney and Friends while she had a tea party with imaginary guests.

    Quinn: ...........well, that explains a lot of the Jedi Order's behaviour.

    Marr: Dying didn't hurt as much as that did. Now, what was that spoiler'd out section?

    Quinn: Ah! Uh, nothing! Nothing at all! My lord. Nothing! *sweat drop*

    Marr: ...really. Because I could swear I heard you say


    "leave the Empire for [your] beloved wife."

    Quinn: That--I never said that. I might have actually done that, but I never SAID it. That was, in fact, a fangirl.

    Marr: A fangirl.

    Quinn: An invisible one. They watch over all.

    Marr: An invisible fangirl.

    Quinn: One of them makes me write in purple.

    Marr: And I in dusky red?

    Quinn: Yes, I--wait, you're aware of that?

    Marr: I am a Force-ghost.

    Quinn: ...forgive me, my lord, but that raises more questions than it answers.

    Marr: As an incorporeal presence, bound only to the Force itself, I have looked into the depths of time and seen countless births, deaths, lives crossing in between. I can reach to touch the farthest star, and affect the smallest atom. The universe unfolds like an opening rose in the full power of the Force. ...so yes, I'm aware of being written as dialogue on a computer screen.

    Quinn: ....... *fidgets* Er...what--whatever you say, my lord... o___O

    Marr: To mangle a popular quote: When a Force-ghost you become, a good grip on sanity you will not have!


    (Read: I have no idea how to faithfully depict Marr's character, and went with the "rule of funny." :p)

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