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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Question: who was it way back in this thread that said they imagine Quinn being played by Benedict Cumberbatch and I was against it? After watching Dr Strange I have changed my mind :eek: I 100% agree now :D It was the tiny grey hair streaks that did it.


    I have no idea who originally said that, but that seems to be a pretty popular opinion.

    (link to someone's Quinn romance conversations/story), and a few people seem to think that Benedict Cumberbatch would make a good Quinn.

    ...I...guess I can see the resemblance? But the voice throws me off. .-. Quinn with a very deep voice is just...eep, no.


    Well you see when Quinn and I get to the end of the instance I say "Don't forget to pick some Umbaran tentacles for the base." And he says "Yes, my Lord. ..Ijsje, you are aware that Lord Beniko is allergic to Umbaran tentacles, yes?" And I stare at him blankly for several moments, and then he says "Right."


    So, these are rp tentacle bouquets and I have them everywhere because they are beautiful. :D


    This. This deserves an army of evil Quinn jawas. Each delivering a hand-picked bouquet of Umbaran tentacles directly to Lana. :jawa_evil:

  2. Haha poor purple Quinn, it's like he got the bratty little brother he always never wanted :D

    Theron, not to be left out, I have chosen a jawa :jawa_cool: for you--equally deranged as our dear Major and reflective of your beginnings in that puny Republic you came from. Better than anything the SIS gave you, no?


    I maaaaaaaaaay be taking some of Theron's characterization here from Samuel Drake in Uncharted 4 (same voice actor...which is bizarre to listen to; Nathan Drake is voiced by, of course, Nolan North. So we have the male consular and Theron Shan gallivanting around the world in search of pirate treasures and generally being hilarious goofballs together). :D I dunno; Theron always seems like he's so stressed all of the time in-game. It's nice to have him relax a little.

    Theron: My own jawa. Aw, you shouldn't have. :jawa_cool: Oh yes, FAR better than anything the SIS gave me. Hey, Major, I have my own jawa now.

    Quinn: :jawa_mad:

    Theron: Is that better or worse than deranged jawa?

    Quinn: Worse. For you, that is. Attack, minions!

    Theron: WHAT!?

    Jawa crew: *cheerfully bundle onto Theron and tackle him to the floor with loud obnoxious screeches*

    Theron: WHY

    Quinn: I bribed them with the dismantled parts of 2V-R8.


    "Quinnmancers. Taking over the forums one fangirl at a time. :jawa_evil:"


    ... *ahem*


    Theron: Lucky you.

    Quinn: Why?

    Theron: You get a jawa.

    Quinn: A deranged jawa.

    Theron: It could be a chiss jawa.

    Quinn: ...that doesn't exist.

    Theron: Well, when a chiss and a jawa love each other very much--


    Theron: Why don't I have a jawa?

    Quinn: Here's yours. No, actually, here's a squad of jawas. :jawa_mad::jawa_confused::jawa_tongue::jawa_redface::jawa_frown:

    Theron: Should've known I'd get the bedraggled bunch. Oh, I like the one with the sunglasses.

    Quinn: ...there are no jawas with sunglasses.

    Theron: No, it's right there. *points*

    Quinn: *leans closer to inspect the jawas*

    Theron: :jawa_evil:

    Quinn: That's my look. You stole my--wait. ...oh no.

    Theron: OKAY GUYS, ATTACK!

    Jawa crew: UTINI!!! *all leap on Quinn and start tickling him*


  4. You know, I think it will become a thing, I love it to bits :D I may have to include it in my siggy -- sort of a secret sign of belonging to the Quinnmancer Army :D


    On some of the cutscenes, especially when the Outlander sees Theron for the first time after being thawed, he looks like he has a wee bit of silver at the temples. It could also be my eyes too, cause I see silver as lavender lol. I like it though. And my Quinn, well, on my main SW he's a silver haired fox. :D


    *applauds signature* ...oooh I'm going to have to find a way to put that evil jawa face in my signature, too. XD (Edit: There. It's squished, but it works.)

    Quinn: I am honored and flattered to be represented by a deranged jawa.

    Was that sarcasm?

    Quinn: *utterly deadpan expression* No.

    Right, then...


    Theron *does* have gray hair. :D In SOR, it looks like a lighter shade than his normal dark brown hair, but in KOTFE and onward, it's definitely gray.

    ...which makes my inquisitor a hilarious hypocrite. One of the main reasons she didn't want to get involved with Andronikos was because he was way older than she was (she met him when she was about nineteen/twenty ish...she's not entirely sure how old she is...and Andronikos has got to be in his late thirties or early forties). Then she fell for Theron Shan. Who is definitely in his late thirties or early forties by now, and she's still about twenty-five. Oi. Even without the five-year timeskip, he'd still be about a decade older than she is. XD


    Quinn ages quite well. :jawa_evil: Wish I could use that customization, but I don't like the sunglasses/cybernetics... I have to be able to see the character's eyes. :o I can tolerate using a helmet for characters/companions when just out and about killing things on missions, but for cutscenes...just doesn't work for me.

  5. I will throw every like, vote, Euro, whatever at this idea. I've been running through the SoR stuff with my Hyperia clone and I swear, the more I play, the more stalker-creepy Lana seems to me. Everything she says to me, even if I'm blatantly disagreeing with her seems to always have this tone of "I admire you soooo much. You are my...I mean our...last hope. I always look forward to seeing you." etc etc. I mean, she comes off as "I want to be your bestie! Can I be your bestie? Oh, you spoke to me...we're besties now! You know, I really, really like you!". It just icks me out....even moreso when you get into KotFE/ET and she's ALWAYS there, hovering over you, being there for you, etc.


    Wait a minute. Are we talking about Lana still, or Liara T'soni from Mass Effect? o_O Even if you're incredibly rude to her, she's still acting like you're her best friend EVER and your default action when you meet her again in either ME2 or ME3 (never played the game; can't remember) is to hug her. And no matter how you treat her afterwards, she'll STILL be your bestest bestie ever. The Mess Perfect webcomic illustrates this hilariously. XD

    ...also, she's the only squadmate who cannot die in the main storyline. In the "refusal" ending

    (where EVERYBODY IN THE GALAXY DIES), *she's* the one to put together all the bits of information on how to defeat the Reapers and effectively saves the galaxy tens of thousands of years in advance. Oh, sure, it's all about Shepard and how they're the...hero...supposedly, but she's still the one who's heroically compiling all this information for future generations to find, and it's her voice that's talking over the ending montage.


    She is a big, BIG reason why I'm hesitant to ever play Mass Effect.


    And now I realize you can more or less switch out the situation/genre, and Lana and Liara are basically the same person. o_O Yikes.


    I laughed out loud as soon as I saw that evil jawa face :D Nighty nite, Grand Admiral, Purple Quinn and Silver Theron. See you later in the day. It's 6am here and in another hour I get to go to bed lol.

    Evil jawa face is probably going to become a thing. :p

    Theron: ...silver Theron? *self-consciously checks his hair* Hey...

    Frankly, Theron, I'd be surprised if you DIDN'T have any gray hairs.

    Quinn: Whereas I--

    --DEFINITELY have gray hairs at this point. Your in-game model might not show it, but still. ...but it's not like any of us mind! :D

    Quinn: *eye twitch*

    Theron: Ha.


    so mad :): https://i.imgur.com/bZqkBzN.png


    It's funny how such a little thing can mean so much. I don't want to sound like a downer but you know, swtor is like, a lot of anticipation and a little pay off lol :o (I also kinda wonder why our companion doesn't show up for the other cutscenes in the flashpoint. Devs, please allow more of this!)


    Also, I'm not sure how to pose this question exactly, but has anyone heard anything about this eternal alliance storyline ending, anytime ever? Is this our eternal expansion now? We just keep adding more and more to it. Cloudcastle's thread made me wonder if we might be able to circumvent the "inferior companion" problem by skipping the kotfe/et stuff entirely, sometime in the future but so far, we never quite get to the future :o (Of course, we're still missing tons of companions, so..)



    Aaaagh now I can't wait to get there and have my Quinn arrayed once again in his white trenchcoat, alongside my lady warrior in her black armor... *dreamy sigh* Angry Quinn is beautiful Quinn.


    As for the expansion thing... I honestly have no idea. o.O I really hope we can get back to Republic vs. Empire, eight class stories (BWAHAHAHAHA yeah what a dream :(), or at least eight different approaches to the same storyline, instead of this Knights of the Eternal This Is Dragging On A Bit Too Long. And I *like* the storyline so far! Oi.

  6. Ditto. it's funny the looks I get when I tell people that I've been playing for 4 years and have never done a single Op. I'd love to do them...it's just...usually not convenient for me.


    I've never even done a hard mode flashpoint. ...or tanked a flashpoint. Or done a warzone. Sigh. I don't like PVP, and I'm not confident enough to do flashpoints like that...would like to get back into tacticals one day, though. Er, veteran mode. *facepalm* TACTICAL.

    But yeah - ops sound really, really fun. I want to know more about the Gree stuff - about the Dread Masters on Darvannis and Denova and Oricon - about the pirate gang running Rishi - about the monster unleashed in the Eternity Vault.... But it's never been convenient for me, I don't have a guild and am hesitant to get into one, and so I'll probably never get a chance to do them. There's youtube to watch the cutscenes and/or fights, but it's just not the same. Oh well. :/


    ...oh look i found a quinn romance compilation video on youtube

    *watches happily* I always forget just how awesome his introduction scene is.

    Also, his voice seems a little deeper in vanilla than in expansions.

    ...it is one in the morning. Wow. Heh. Oops. *skedaddles off to bed* Eh heheh...Quinn dreams. Hopefully.

    Quinn: I believe I'll retire for the night--er, morning--as well.

    Theron: Yeah, I'm off to bed. ...wait, do we even have rooms in this thread?

    Quinn: Yes.

    Theron: Great. Do I have one, or...?

    Quinn: At the far end of the hallway. Take a left, then the first right you come to.

    Theron: Thanks. See you. *wanders off*

    Quinn: :jawa_evil:

    Theron: Take a left, and...oh, here's the first right. *opens door* So, it's--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    Quinn: :eek: THAT wasn't supposed to happen! *runs to investigate* If there's some sort of monster in here, I'd like to--*rounds the corner and promptly gets a giant bucket of water in the face*

    Theron: Did you really think I'd fall for the old "bucket of water balanced on the door" trick?

    Quinn: *soaking wet* :mad:

  7. Omg Quinn is in the cinematic at the end of the Umbara fp, I mean the second time going through, he doesn't go invisible or get swapped or anything, he's actually there! And he looks all serious! I just about fainted I swear. And you all probably knew this already :o Well now I know what I'm going to be doing for the next few weeks - grinding thingadoos for the Umbara stronghold :)


    I'm on Shadowlands too, I have stuff but not really that much stuff, I dunno, lol :) If anyone needs me for anything I'll be on my warrior Ijsje, say that name 5 times fast~! (Can you do storymode flashpoints with more than one person? I don't really know how that works anymore)


    You can do story mode flashpoints with more than one person. My sister, her friend, and I all found that out the accidental way... we bulldozed through Black Talon with three god-mode droids trailing behind us, plus one companion.

    My operative's a healer. I didn't get to do much healing. :p


    Eeeeee so glad Quinn's there - or any companion, right? :D Can't wait to get there and get a ton of screenshots with everybody.


    The Quinn uprising must begin.


    Now if only I could break into the servers and make Quinn the only available companion. May impact the playerbase somewhat but I can deal.


    Theron: ...hey.

    Quinn: :cool:

    Theron: What about me?

    Or Kira or Nadia or Mako or Torian or Vector or Talos or Jorgan or L--

    Quinn and Theron: DO NOT SAY HER NAME.


    Theron: Oh. >_>

    Quinn: Lokin!?

    What? I like Lokin.

    Theron: ...oh dear stars, he's not going to join us in here, is he?

    NO. O_O

    Theron: Good. I don't like being rakghoul food.

    Hm? Oh, right, right, but the main reason is I couldn't find a good text color for him.

    Quinn: *FACEPALM*

  8. Harbinger (x4), Shadowlands (x3), Begeren Colony, The Progenitor, Red Eclipse.


    ... we are quite diverse, aren't we? :D All across the world. Heh, proxy Quinn cults and Quinn parades... That'd be fun! Any time I see somebody with Quinn out on fleet, I usually stop and stare and silently fangirl. Haven't quite worked up the nerve to /hug or blow a kiss to him. :p

    I've become a tad bit worried about taking my consular/inquisitor and their Theron onto the fleet or Odessen. I don't want to get angry whispers detailing all the spoilers, or people /spitting or /stabbing or /HULK SMASHing or anything on poor Theron. o_e Guys, if I have Theron out, I haven't gone through that part of the story yet. *facepalm* Duh? ...right? After Umbara, Theron's gone from your companions list, yeah? ...though I guess there's still the almighty COMPANION TERMINAL (which I'm still hesitant to use for Quinn...)

    Theron: Whatever story thing I did, I didn't do it.

    Quinn: ...I cannot even begin to follow that logic.

    Theron: Well, if I didn't do whatever I did, then I'm innocent. But if I did do whatever I did, that I didn't really do what I didn't do and did do it, then I'm guilty.

    Quinn: :confused: That...doesn't--

    Theron: If I did do whatever I didn't say I did do that I didn't do if I did, I--

    Quinn: JUST STOP *holding his head in pain*

    ...you were just putting random words together, weren't you?

    Theron: Of course. :cool:

  9. Ok, I've got to ask a very stupid question now: What terminal are you guys referring to? I've seen people with old companions, that should not be available and I've always asked myself, how they did it. :p


    In the Alliance headquarters on Odessen, there's a room near Hylo's smuggler den. That's the commander's room, evidently. There's a large terminal with a map of the galaxy floating over it off to the right side within that room. It's not lit up, nor does it light up when you mouse over it, but you can interact with it and retrieve your companions that way. :D


    I was going through Yavin IV last night, doing dailies, and my warrior had Vette with her. I was excited to finally hear Vette's comments on the world - I had Quinn last time - and then realized I wouldn't hear anything. Vette was gotten back through the story. Sure enough, I heard nothing. Vette was silent save for battle cries in combat. :( That was really, really disappointing... I don't understand why they can't just return companions as they are in vanilla, and cut out class/alignment-specific lines for other classes. (For instance, Vette might say "Don't get any twisted ideas in that Sithy head of yours" to Warriors and Inquisitors only, but that line would be absent for everybody else.) Probably it has something to do with coding and how it'd break the whole darn game... *sigh* Disappointing all the same.

  10. That would be quite the thing, to have all these Quinns doing the healing for all these amazing and lovely Sith. :D


    Interesting notion Theron...the peanut butter I can understand, the anvil...well...*teeters hand* not quite what I'd have in mind. Better yet, whipped cream rather than peanut butter, I enjoy the taste of it far more. And perhaps some pumpkin spice, t'is the season after all, we could have pumpkin spiced Quinn and pumpkin spiced Theron. Yum yum. *resumes gazing dreamily*


    Still wish everybody was on the same server. XD That'd be fun, to form an OPS group with a bunch of Quinns trailing after us (even if we couldn't go inside OPS themselves.) Which servers are y'all on, again? I know several people are on Shadowlands... My warrior's on Begeren Colony.


    Theron: Whipped cream? Not sure I--*suddenly gets it* :eek:

    Quinn: I'm very surprised it took you THAT long to figure out where you were leading that conversation.

    Guys, come on, even I realized that.

    Theron: *turning very pale* Uhhhhh...did not mean it like that.

    Quinn: You had better not.


    If you never do Ops, I understand the annoyance at not being able to finish the story to remove all from the log, but those Ops are actually fantastic :)


    As for purple: my Attira fully approves of it being her hubby's colour! :D





    Yeah, I don't do OPS. Mostly because I like to play at my own rate, and I frequently take breaks from the computer/log on and off sporadically to other characters/footle about and marvel at the scenery. All very annoying behaviour to deal with in an OPS, I'm sure. :o

    ...if I ever do get the chance, however, I would love to do those OPS. I've heard nothing but good things about them, and I'm intensely curious. Maybe after I get my glasses fixed...


    PURPLE :D Beautiful purple. Your character looks NICE. Love her hair! Oh - that second picture, where she's wearing Visas Marr's shirt - what are the lower robes called? That looks beautiful.

    The only one of my characters with purple as a main color anywhere is my male inquisitor. He *is* purple. Well, a sort of light purple-gray (he's a togruta). His main outfit is a dark purple-gray lab coat, most of his Force-powers as a healer are colored purple, and at some point in headcanon, he gets a purple lightsaber (for now he still has a vibrosword).

    Unfortunately, he won't be going through KOTFE/KOTET, Iokath, or Umbara, so I can't take a screenshot of him and Quinn walking along, the very short Inquisitor gazing up at Quinn with a big grin on his face. "You actually know the Wrath? Like, talked to her in person?? Wow! [idol worship]" ...........he's that kind of guy. Everything is full of wonder to him.


    Hi Jagaimee, hi purple Quinn! Hi.. Theron :p (Quinn I suppose you can't just deal with him the way you dealt with with Doc that time he showed up here? >.>)


    And things are improving greatly, thank you. I don't mean to be mysterious about it, it's just one of my kids got sick over the summer and it's not the easiest thing to talk about :o

    Quinn: I tried. I'm not sure what prevented me, though...possibly fangirl interference.

    Theron: He settled for kicking my rear to the Void and back in a game of chess. *rubs forehead* Never living that down...

    Quinn: :jawa_evil:

    Theron: THAT - that right there - that's that look he wore when said rear-kicking happened. I've learned to be very afraid of that look.

    Quinn: And it was glorious.

    Theron: My backside's still smarting. So's my pride.

    Quinn: As it should be.

    (I have the chess game posts written down somewhere. If you want I can go find them again. :D)


    Oh... so sorry to hear that. :( But here's hoping that things continue to improve, yeah? Godspeed to you and your family.

  11. I didn't get to do the ops either, so I didn't really get to find out first hand what happens, I watched a bit on youtube, but it's never the same. Oricon was awesome otherwise though

    Really wish companions were allowed in Ops. Then the Quinnmancers could all group together and bulldoze through the Ops with an army of Quinns at our backs! :D Juggernauts and marauders make up the tanks and DPS, Quinn(s) make up the healers!

    ...anyways. Gah this is making me want to go back and do Oricon with a 'toon that hasn't done it yet. *searches available characters* ...agent or consular. Meh. Probably the agent. Force-sensitive double agent against the Dread Masters, go!


    Gentlemen, no need to argue, I am Sith--and if I say it looks like a shade of purple, then it is. It's almost like that Terran theatre piece, The Taming of the Shrew...It is the sun Kate! Not the moon, even if it is the moon, I, Petruchio say it is the sun! *laughs* But then again, it's such fun to watch you two argue--it's quite exhilarating! RRRRR! *rests chin on folded hands and gazes dreamily* You know what? Carry on. :D

    Quinn: Oh. It's purple.

    Theron: What!? No! Sil. Ver. Does this look purple? It doesn't look purple!

    Quinn: One word for you: Sith.

    Theron: ... *deflates* All right, good point. Question, though.

    Quinn: As long as it's not idiotic. Oh wait, that would be everything out of your mouth. Never mind.

    Theron: . . . I am going to flatten you. To the ceiling. With an anvil. And peanut butter. Are you afraid of peanut butter? You will be afraid of peanut butter.

    Quinn: Same word: Sith. Fanclub.

    Theron: That's two words. Anyways, how did YOU come to be...um, well, you know. "Purple Quinn."

    Quinn: I honestly have no idea. I would have thought black or silver or dark red fit me better, in truth.

    Well yeah, but black is impossible to read on here, dark red's equally an eyesore, and silver just didn't quite fit on the screen. Not sure how I landed on purple, though.

    Quinn: So there's your answer, Theron.

    Theron: You could've just said "No clue" and left it at that.

    Quinn: But then I wouldn't have annoyed you. ...also, peanut butter? What...?

    Theron: How else am I going to make you stick to the ceiling? ...maybe I could call up Skavak, I know HE had some interesting ideas for honey and a colony of starving kretch insects...


    Theron: I hate that plot armor thing.

    Quinn: I had that revoked on Iokath. No, this is something even stronger: the power of...love.

    Theron: *waits*

    Quinn: *stoic*

    Theron: ...you said that with a straight face? Wow. I might actually be able to find a molecule of respect for you after all.

    Quinn: Try looking in that large empty space between your ears. The molecule might be clinging to your lonely brain cell.

    Theron: Anybody know where I can find anvils and peanut butter this time of night?

  12. Quinn, Theron, of the varying shades of purple...you two are awesome as is the Grand Admiral. <3 Instead of calling us the 50 Shades of Grey people, they should be calling us the 50 Shades of Purple people. Purple, light or dark, is where it's at. :p

    Quinn: *steam coming out his ears* THAT is not purple. MY color is purple. HIS is not.

    Theron: It's silver.

    Quinn: It's a light blue--wait, silver?

    Theron: ...it says "silver."

    Quinn: It looks light blue.

    Theron: *whispers* Looks light blue to me, too, but it says "silver," so who am I to argue with the almighty text color overlord... *mutters something*

    What was that?

    Theron: Who came up with the name "Grand Admiral," anyway? Kind of a ridiculous title.

    In honor of Thrawn.

    Quinn: Who?

    Only the best villain ever, that's who.

    Theron: Think it's one of those timeline-breaking things we're technically not supposed to know about.

    Quinn: ...makes sense, given Grand Admiral Jagaimee's personality.

    Hey! :mad:


    (Theron's text really does look light blue to me. This is silver, and this is light blue. ... *stares at both of them* Uh, they BOTH look light blue. Varying shades of it, but still. Weird. It's probably just my computer screen; I have the color settings all strange to make it easier on my eyes. Also, thank you. :D)


    Well, I wouldn't say seditious so much, the only thing we rebel against is anyone who wants to deny us our Quinn and Theron love. :D Oricon eh? Sounds like it could get toasty. *calls back to the crew* Break out the marshmellows! :cool:


    Oricon... I love Oricon, for some reason. The missions were awesome - except for those stupid Ops at the end, never did them :( - and I love the environment and atmosphere. Just the right amount of creepy to really set you on edge, like the Kaon and Lost Island flashpoints. Which is strange, because normally I *hate* spooky things. Oricon, Kaon, and Lost Island, though... I like those. Weird.

    Anyways! *brings out the marshmallows* For all your toasting needs. :D Oh, wait, nearly forgot the Dread Graham Crackers...

  13. Hi Quinn thread :) I've just had the most wretched summer ever, so I'm going to celebrate the end of it with a cider(s) and a visit with my man-pet, I mean pretend husband Quinn. Decided to resub after watching Force Awakens the other night. That General Hux, so adorbs you know what I mean? Made me miss Quinn lol.


    I love the alignment topic. I'm so obsessed with the d&d alignment system I know what my, my husband, my kids, my characters and Quinn's alignments are. He's lawful neutral obv.


    Did I miss anything good? There some new art or fanfic or anything for me to catch up on? I love that stuff. Someone really needs to write some Quinn/Hux/Wrath fanfiction.:D


    YOU'RE BACK :D *hug*

    Quinn: My lord Grania. *bows* Welcome home. :) .... *smile fades* I should inform you that we evidently have a new guest--

    Theron Shan: Hey. *waves from an office chair in the background, where he's reading Spacebook*

    Quinn: *growl* .......and he is extremely annoying by virtue of existing.

    Theron: I'm temporarily hanging out here. As for why, uh...careful of spoilers from the newest story update.

    Quinn: We played a chess game, I won, that settles things. This is still *my* thread.

    Theron: I did say "temporarily," didn't I?

    Quinn: Don't. Forget. That.


    ...on a more serious note, I'm sorry your summer was so miserable. :( That sucks. Here's hoping the rest of the year gets significantly better for you.

  14. I don't care if it can be turned off or not really. I just want an explanation as to it's purpose and use. It doesn't seem to have one that I have noticed, therefore, it should just be eliminated if so.


    You've got a point. If people want to see which side of the light vs. dark "war" is winning, they can click on the galactic command interface.

    I mean, I *guess* it's a nice reminder just out and about when you're actually grinding points for either side, but still - the GC interface is still there, with the same information, two clicks away.

  15. Here's something for fun. What do you think your Sith Warrior's Dungeons and Dragons alignment is?




    The link gives details all nine DnD alignments so you'll be able to pick the one that fits the best.


    I'll start :) Nathrrya is due to the way I've written her in my fic Neutral Good but can act more Chaotic Good at times.


    Uhhhh. That's...a tough question. I honestly have no idea where Virne falls on those lines. Her little brother Leas (in-game also a Sith Warrior) starts out as Chaotic Good, then slips, falls, and faceplants into Lawful Evil, or even Chaotic Evil for a time (like Baras, his own Sith master betrayed him and left him for dead. He didn't get out of that one unscarred. ...or with all limbs intact. *cough*). He eventually - in KOTFE/KOTET - evens out somewhere around either Neutral Good or True Neutral.

    And then Chapter Eight of KOTET comes along


    and he dies alongside his wife Vette when Vaylin attacks them. Still haven't played KOTET, but I do know of that one sadistic choice. :( And yes, I know that Vette and Torian are alone during that choice - I think - but in headcanon Leas is there too.


    As for Virne? ...gah. Spoiler'd here purely for length... I tend to type essays when I don't need to. :p

    She's extremely pragmatic, "neutral" in the overall balance of the Force, and solidly loyal to her Empire (not the Emperor, or the Dark Council*, but the Empire as a whole), but she fully recognizes the flaws inherent in the Empire and strives to change them. For instance - she believes slavery is flat-out wrong, but unfortunately the Empire in its current state needs the slave trade to survive, as its such an integral part of its labor force. So any reforms Virne could possibly implement would have to work around that, and work toward eventually stopping the slave trade - but she knows it can't happen immediately. The backstabbing inherent to the Sith is also petty and selfish, in her eyes - it undermines the goals of the Empire to waste time and effort on stupid power plays - but how can she change something that's considered not only a necessary part of the Empire, but a necessary part of the Dark Side itself? She's realistic about her goals, but she laments that change cannot happen immediately.


    At the same time she won't hesitate to do things considered "evil" if it ultimately results in something good or beneficial to her, the Empire, or the people she's with (kill the cyborgs in their tanks on Rakata Prime, for instance; not out of petty revenge, but because a) they're going to die anyway, why not give them a painless death, b) they cannot be redeemed/reformed, c) the group she's with stands a high chance of injury or death if they actually fight those cyborgs, and d) they need to get to Arkous and Darok as quickly as possible, they simply don't have time to fight another horde of enemies). Still...there's a line even for her. Letting the reactor blow up in Chapter Three of KOTFE? Detonate the Spire in Chapter Ten? Not a chance. There's no benefit to it - the "cover of darkness" theory isn't good enough - and innocent people would die and suffer horribly. Her vendetta isn't against the Zakuulan people...unless they were directly involved in the Eternal Empire's conquest of the galaxy - in which case, let them burn. But far too many innocent people would be caught in it. Ultimately, it's not worth it.


    I'm not sure what alignment that would translate to. :confused: I kind of thought she might be a Type 2 of Lawful Evil, as detailed here (WARNING: TV Tropes link. Beware of the labyrinth), but I'm not entirely sure.


    *Darth Marr is the sole exception. "Had he taken the Sith Emperor's throne for himself," Virne has been noted to say, "I would have supported him until my dying breath."



    On another note, I squee'd when I saw Zayne Carrick and Jarael on that list of Star Wars characters. :D

  16. I'm the one staying in the far background, quietly talking only with the people I know and am comfortable with [story, solo Heroics/flashpoints]. I'll socialize with those people all day long, but attempt to introduce me to others [operations, warzones] and you'll get a polite "Hi, how are you" with a VERY nervous smile before I retreat into my corner at the earliest possible opportunity. Occasionally I can make new friends [RP, tactical flashpoints], but those never seem to last long due to my shyness and feeling intensely uncomfortable in new situations.


    If I'm somehow persuaded to join events and games [tactical flashpoints, RP, warzones], I'll be extremely hesitant, but I can enjoy myself once I get the hang of it. It might even motivate me to break out of my shell for a little bit. A few rude comments or idiotic people ruining said games, however, and I'll retreat again. I might try it again much later, but don't count on it. If I manage to win anything, I'll be elated no matter what it is, and that might get me to try it again just for the fun of it.


    At the end of the evening, I'll go home, utterly exhausted from all the social interactions, and read a book or listen to music or watch a movie to unwind. Something by myself. Alone once more. :)

  17. Because of these characters I've created. I've grown rather attached to them (<-- understatement of the century). They all have differing personalities, voices, motivations, backstories, likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams, fears and phobias; imagining how they interact with each other, watching how they individually react to various twists the story throws at them, is a joy for me. (...then again, I was that little girl who assigned emotions to inanimate objects like rocks, pieces of string, and bits of dust. *facepalm* Think I just transferred that tendency to pixels.)


    And the story. I'm probably in the minority, but I rather like the KOTFE/KOTET story so far. Maybe that'll change when I get further into it, but for now I like it.


    And because there's still a plethora of things I haven't explored yet. I dabbled in flashpoints a bit, a while back, but I haven't done one for...ah, gosh, upwards of a year? Kind of want to get into that again. RP, too, I want to figure that out (...still). So even when I thoroughly exhaust the story, there's still things to do.


    ...and because it's Star Wars :D

  18. Please, please let this be an option. The popup is nearly unnecessary anyway - if you want to know which side is "winning" in the light vs. dark war, just click on the galactic command tab and it'll tell you, sprawled across the bottom of the page in a large, can't-possibly-miss-it banner.


    But instead we have to deal with the stupid thing blaring into our faces and completely ruining the atmosphere. A quiet stroll through Odessen's wilderness, learning about the mysteries of the For--DUHHHH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUHHHHHHH, the dark side is victorious. *twitch* (And before anybody tells me to turn down my headphones, I already have them at nearly the lowest possible setting. :p)


    Please give us the option to toggle the popup on and off. It's also incredibly annoying when you're below level 70, but the silly thing keeps sliding onto the screen anyways. You have no use for the dark/light war pre-level 70, but it's there no matter what. For those who want quick updates for the dark/light war, it's a good thing, and I don't mind it when I'm doing Heroics - have it on by default if you must - but I strongly feel there should at least be an option to turn the darn thing off.

  19. On my server it might take a few days of waiting in the queue to get specifically into the Maelstrom Prison (Master Mode) given how bad the state of the server population is, finding a group might actually be the hardest part.


    The flashpoints can be done solo, actually. :) The quest log still says you need to do the hard mode/master mode, but that's outdated.

  20. SWG players can't understand why is why games made for them eventually die or go free to play. A SWG or Everquest formula type of game were a lot of people have settled onto this game you guys can't understand. It's like me wondering how a masochist can get pleasure out of pain like you all do with your 'accomplishment'


    Never played SWG or Everquest, never want to. :)


    So...still not understanding your complaint... You just don't like running around looking for HK-51 parts? You can group up with other people who are also searching for the parts, and since everyone can search at the same time, that'll drastically increase your chances of finding those parts a lot sooner.

  21. The Imperial world arc on Hoth. That guy who voices (Captain? Colonel?) Yudrass... *starry eyes*

    That voice is the one I tried to imitate when reading The Thrawn Trilogy out loud, for Thrawn's dialogue. Sure, I failed miserably*, but it was fun! :D


    And as for PC voices - yeeeeeeeeeeah, I freely admit to going back and doing old exploration quests just to hear my male knight, male consular, female warrior, and female smuggler. ...and female agent. Audible chocolate, as someone once described her voice? YES. (Seriously, who said that? It was *somebody* on these forums, and that description's stuck with me ever since. :p)


    *I can't seem to get the accent right. What *is* Yudrass's accent? It's beautiful.

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