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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Quinn: *deadpan expression* What, you don't like mohawks and ponytails--

    Theron: *despondently* It's a warrior's wolftail...

    Quinn: --and mistimed references to other fandoms? *glares at me*

    Sorry, couldn't resist.


    Well, Silver Theron, at least, will be keeping his fauxhawk. Because this new haircut is just plain ridiculous. o_o


    Theron: HEY! EXCUSE ME!


    Theron: I don't have a ponytail. Or a wolftail or whatever.

    You...don't? *squints* Looked that way to me, but that might've been just from the angle.

    Theron: Shut up. Let me enjoy the small hope I have left for some remaining dignity... :(


    (Edit: So yeah, seems I got that wrong, Theron doesn't appear to have a ponytail thingie. I think. It's hard to tell?)

  2. What the hell have they done to Theron? :eek: I think we can be thankful all they did to Malavai was mess up his stronghold decoration! Theron is not coming back to my main with that on his head! Purple Quinn is right to mock.


    Quinn: *deadpan expression* What, you don't like mohawks and ponytails--

    Theron: *despondently* It's a warrior's wolftail...

    Quinn: --and mistimed references to other fandoms? *glares at me*

    Sorry, couldn't resist.


    Well, Silver Theron, at least, will be keeping his fauxhawk. Because this new haircut is just plain ridiculous. o_o

  3. Ain't gonna lie, I was into Quinn and wished he was available for male Warrior but after Theron/Arcann he's like a long distant memory now so I'm surprised his fanbase is still so big :p

    The Quinnmancers shall never die. :D


    I haven't seen it yet since I am at work. What did they do to Theron??



    His fauxhawk has turned into an actual mohawk, and he now has little tufts/uneven strips of hair running lengthwise along his otherwise shaved head, all joining into a fluffy ponytail at the back. At least that's what it looks like; he's in the trailer for all of three seconds at the end.


    ...it...looks strange.

  4. Female agents got to romance him and got mail from him later etc, that makes him remeberable for some.


    And even agents - male or female - who didn't romance him, if you're a chiss, are

    named Merit Adoptive of his House. That's one of (if not THE) highest honors in Chiss society.



    I'm pretty excited for this (even though I have yet to even start KOTET). CHISS!! :D :D Chiss society! Aristocra Saganu! I liked him. Would've romanced him, too, but my lady agent was already head over heels in love with Vector at that point.

    ...and as for Theron's hair, to quote the smuggler: "Is that a haircut, or did a womprat die on your head?" Really, Theron...

  5. Quinn: Well. The preview video for Traitor Among the Chiss just came out. *snicker*

    Theron: Really? Cool, I'll watch it to find out what I'm doing, because even I'm confused at this point. ...wait, why are you laughing?

    Quinn: *still snickering* Oh, Shan...

    Theron: *watching video* Hey! Hey, there I am! :D I get a new outfit!

    *video!Theron dramatically turns to face off into the distance, finally revealing his face*

    Theron: . . . :eek:

    Quinn: *unable to contain his laughter*

    Theron: WHAT DID I DO TO MY HAIR!?

    Quinn: That's your hair? I had wanted to ask, as the smuggler is so fond of saying, "Is that a haircut, or did a womprat die on your head?" *snrk snrk snrk*

    Theron: *staring in mute horror*


    I've been laughing for the past five minutes straight. Help. :p

  6. Security Chief Sarova approves of this brief return of our favourite duo :D

    Whichever server the <Quinnmancers> guild will be on, I'll make a character there. I sort that all out once the server mergers are done.


    The <Quinnmancers> guilt looks like it's going to be on the Star Forge (east coast) server.


    At the moment I'm having a character clear out & a panic about multiple server legacy banks. I don't think they mentioned what will happen to these if you have one on various servers that will then merge.


    Legacy bank contents are not affected by the United Forces update. If you have more than one Legacy and they are integrated during the new United Forces update, then the sum total of the two banks will be added together. If this integration fills your Legacy bank slots, the extra items will go into a special storage called ‘Legacy Overflow’. This overflow will hold your extra items until you make space to withdraw them--you cannot place items into this overflow.


    Does that help...? o.o

    Edit: Aaaaand Nightfrogger beat me to it. XD

  7. Gee I'm actually excited about the merge, go figure? Didn't think I'd care.


    Ha; I know! :D I was kind of worried about it when the news first came out... flash-forward to now, when I have a way of keeping the name I was worried about, AND I'll get to be on the same server as (most of) you guys, and now I'm really excited!!

    Quinn: As am I. *waves flag* Hurrah.

    Theron: Wow. If this is your "excited" face, I don't want to see your "depressed" face.

    Quinn: *conspiratorial whisper* Actually, I am looking forward to the server merge. I've grown rather fond of the crazy band of Quinnmancers. I only act unenthusiastic to keep up the reputation I've gotten. ...get that look out of your eyes, Theron. Tell anyone, and I'll--

    Theron: HEY EVERYONE, QUINN'S EXCITED ABOUT THE-- *urk* *cough* *is being strangled by Quinn* haha i was just kidding...letmegoicantbreathe...

  8. Honestly, I should just direct you towards the FAQ, but in this specific case assuming you are both subscribers and you are getting merged to the same server, the person with the most playtime will get to keep the name while yours will be something random that you will be able to change.


    I ask you to read the FAQ, Bioware was aware that there would be multiple questions about this and it's all outlined in simple English in the FAQ with examples as well as the rules.


    They're both my characters. I didn't like the playstyle of one, so I started a new character with the opposite advanced class, and the same name and appearance, on another server. This new character is the level 70 with much more play-time logged to it. I'm just worried about losing that one's name; I have a list of alternate names in hand in case my other characters are forced to change their names, but for that lone character, there are no alternate names that I'd feel okay with changing it to.


    I have read the FAQ. :) I was concerned that I misread or missed something altogether (that happens a lot...I tend to read way too fast, form opinions based on incomplete knowledge, and then get horribly confused when the correct information is pointed out to me. In short, I'm a dunce. XD). Thanks for answering the question, though! I feel a bit better about keeping my character's name.


    So, in short - once the servers merge, my higher-level alt keeps his name while my lower-level alt with the same name loses his? Sounds perfect to me.


    But if these alts wind up keeping their names in the merge ... I can delete the alts after the merge, and give their names to whichever of my mains have lost their names."


    ...wait. Is that how that works?

    Okay... and what if said alt is level 30-something, with the same name as a level 70 (level 70 has much more play-time and achievements to its legacy, etc.) on a different server that'll get merged? I wonder which character would keep their name? Does it matter?

  10. I wearily gazed out from the bars of my cell. Two days. Two days trapped in this horrible internetless world. I know, I know, first world problems, but I sort of needed the internet to access the online class I was taking. I sighed. The new modem wouldn't be here until tomorrow, so it looked like I was trapped in the prison of no-internet for a while longer...

    Then a horse neighed.

    I looked up in confusion.

    White light spilled down from the heavens, outlining a figure in shining armor astride a white horse. I didn't stop to think how on earth they got inside the prison, because that would've ruined the moment. The horse finally stopped rearing and whinnying dramatically, and the rider got down and walked toward my cell. In his outstretched hand, he had a brand-new modem.

    " :D " could best be summed up as my reaction. It got here early! Joy!

    "My apologies, Grand Admiral," the man said, in an Imperial accent that I knew very well, "that it took me so long to get here..."

    The bars of my cell melted away and I shamelessly threw myself into his strong arms. "Oh, Quinn," I breathed, "everything's all right now that you're here!" I buried my face in his shoulder. "Just take me away from this horrible place--"

    Quinn: Excuse me?

    *abruptly wakes up* Wha! Huh! ...uh. Was...was I talking in my sleep...?

    Quinn: *staring at me strangely* Yes.

    ...umm...what did I say?

    Quinn: *deadpan expression* I'll spare you the embarrassment.

    Thank you... :o

    Quinn: *patented Admiral Malcontent facepalm*


    When you all say "Quinny" I think you're talking about me. This is what my guild calls me :o


    That is a nickname to be proud of. :D You do our Quinn proud!


    Yep, I miss her. She's so lively and fun. <3


    Well that made my day. :o Thanks.

  11. To all the people who complained it's offensive:


    ... do you guys even know what a "hot prospect" is?


    Prospect: (noun)

    a) an apparent probability of advancement, success, profit, etc.

    b) the outlook for the future


    When a prospect is "hot," that means it is exciting, profitable, and happening or about to happen very quickly. So the term "hot prospect" means, basically, an event or opportunity that is exciting and/or profitable.


    How on earth is that offensive? If the word "prospect" makes you think of something else, that's your problem. If the term means something else in urban slang, so what? Slang terms aren't universal. What, are people going to get all huffy and run screaming to their safe spaces because of some imaginary "discrimination"? (By the way - I'm female.) If you're the kind to be seriously offended by a sever name, you have bigger issues to worry about. Like someone else pointed out - "The Fatman" was sooooo offensive. I'm sure various other servers (Ebon Hawk, Red Eclipse etc.) are horrifically offensive to all of two people, as well. Let's censor ALL the server names so NOBODY can be offended in the month before merges! :rolleyes: (And we can't just rename them "East Coast" and "West Coast." That's VERY offensive to people who are, say, from the West Coast playing on the East Coast, and vice versa!! /sarcasm off now)

    Now, is "The Hot Prospect" a silly name? Yeah; it does sound kind of goofy. I'm glad it got changed, sure...but it's not offensive. Geez, you snowflakes...

  12. I just realized... I never showed you guys what my warrior looks like. Whoops?

    This is Virne, in her full battle armor. Hence the use of a black/black dye (thank you again Nightfrogger!!). Without the dye, the chest looks...okay (well, it changes to a weird dark gray with lighter gray trim)...but the pants color-match to a secondary dark red color. There is a little circle of said color right...um, between the legs.


    This is Virne in more casual clothing.


    ...aaaand now you can see why the circle of dark red was such a problem. XD

  13. I am solely a story player - and for the love of Mike, it's about dang time the PVE/PVP/starfighter crowd gets some love! :eek: Us story players got two whole years' worth of story. It's more than okay to wait for a while to get more. Yeah, it might be frustrating to wait for story, but it's only fair that other players get what they want, as well.
  14. They're getting Timothy Zahn to talk at the cantina!? :eek: Oh my gosh...that's so cool! Gah, wish I could go...


    Kira! Scourge! My knight is going to explode with happiness at the return of his beloved wife...and be sliiiightly more reserved but still really happy to see Scourge again.

    And Vector. CORSO!! *squee* So happy. I have something to look forward to, now. (As soon as I get over my disappointment of not having a character available to romance Arcann... XD)


    Thanks so much for the livestream notes, Dulfy. :D All your hard work is very much appreciated.

  15. As per Dulfy's livestream notes... (thank you Dulfy you are AMAZING)


    Andronikos will be coming back as a companion a bit sooner, they got some story planned for him. Same for Keira and Scourge.

    Companions actively being worked on for a return

    • Ensign Temple (5.6)
    • Arcann with Romance
    • Corso
    • Risha
    • Akaavi
    • Mako
    • Vector
    • Keira
    • Scourge
    • Dark Side Jaesa
    • Felix Iresso
    • Ashara

    Companions that are not named doesn’t mean they won’t return.


    ...yay!! So Vector is definitely coming back. Soon . But they're working on it. Something to hope for, at least. :)

  16. I got EXCITED and went to look, but could not find it on CZ-198 vendors. :(


    Dang it! :( Wish it was still there...

    ...wait, didn't they change the vendors around so that you only see gear for your class/discipline? Now I'm curious if those gear pieces are bind on pickup...if not, you could go there with a sniper/gunslinger and mail them/legacy bank them to your warrior, and then to Quinn.

    Well, presuming those gear pieces are even still there. :c

  17. I imagine that would look pretty good on Quinn. Is it still in the game as drops? If it is then you might be able to get a set from the GTN. Their looks to be a very similar set crafted from Armormech if you have that or know anyone with it.


    I think there's a vendor on CZ-198 that sells the set. I haven't checked recently (within the past few months), however, so I'm not entirely sure if that's still accurate or not. :/ I'll check again sometime this evening.

  18. Already done for my Twitter and Blog with stories and art banner: http://www.swtor-quinn-clan.kylemehr.avx.pl/


    (from left to right: Narell (gunslinger, Malavai's cousin); Milivai (Operative, Malavai's brother); Nayel (Sorcerer, Narell's brother and Malavai's cousin); Malavai himself; Nil'awr (Juggernaught, Malavai and my SW's son), Attira (Marauder, Malavai's wifey).


    Oooohhhh, they look AMAZING :D ...and I am not just saying that because my desperately-in-need-of-a-haircut bushy head happens to resemble your lovely Quinn's haircut at the moment. >_> Nope. Not saying that at aaaaalll ~

    ...seriously, though, they all look so cool. They look very similar but not like clones of each other - all distinct. I love seeing them all together like that!

  19. Why does Purple Quinn sometimes appear to be so (dare I say it) wimpy at times? Granted, he is in awe of his Warrior's power, but in my fantasy, Quinn with those abs and shoulders and a 5 year term in jail is even more of a man than he was before. And he has a prison tattoo (private business for my fan-ficton ;)


    Quinn: I am routinely asked - nay, forced - to break character for the sake of hilarity. Definitions of said "hilarity" seem to vary widely.

    Rule of Funny is in full effect, Purple Wimpy Quinn! :p

    Quinn: I fought and killed a dragon and had my own version of the Skyrim theme song.

    And now you're scared of zombies.

    Quinn: This would be that "rule of funny," I presume.

    You presume correctly. Whatever's amusing at the time, is what you do. Mostly.

    Quinn: I also punched out Doc...several times... *eyes computer screen menacingly*

    ...h-hey, there's a thing called the fourth wall! I'm safe back here!

    Quinn: The fourth wall shattered a long time ago.


    Quinn: :mad:

    OKAY SEE YOU ON THE STAR FORGE *flees back to the safety of homework*


    They wouldn't even have to add the replay option. I'm ready to sacrifice one of my Harb "spare" warriors to do this to her for screenshots. But it's not going to happen. More than that, I fully expect Raina's return not be customised, so soon my agent will talk to another stranger, instead of (hopefully) permanently dumping her for breaking his heart, then behaving like they were married or something.


    I so wish customizations worked... D: It's utterly insane that they don't. They worked for other returning companions! (I was surprised to see how much I'd come to associate Vette with darker blue skin and jagged black markings on her lekku - not this powder-blue-skinned twi'lek girl who seems to know my warrior. Who was that??) It's just... ugh. Some bugs or glitches you can shrug and accept, but others are totally game-breaking and downright infuriating. Quinn is not the same Caucasian, black-haired, blue-eyed man for everyone, just as Vette's not the same light-blue-skinned twi'lek with brown eyes for everyone. :(

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