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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. You do get letters from him after you marry him. (It's the same with all romanceable companions.) They should be showing up in your mailbox fairly soon; there aren't any side quests to trigger them. There should be one or two more conversations after that, but I believe you need to finish/get close to finishing your class story for them to trigger. (If you've had the conversation about your legacy/future children/Quinn promising to always be by your side, that's the end of the conversation chain.)

    You also get a letter from him after KOTFE starts. Beyond that, I *think* you get a letter from him after Iokath, and the most recent story development, Umbara, but I'm not too sure because I haven't gotten there myself. :o


    As for cutscenes, there's a tiny bit in the introductory Shadow of Revan cutscene where your romance is acknowledged - he greets you differently than a non-romanced Quinn would. Your romance is also acknowledged in the early parts of KOTFE (and, of course, when you reach Iokath).


    (Also, welcome fellow Quinnmancer! :D )

  2. @Night; I read somewhere they misspell your name on purpose because people taking pictures with "lols they got my name wrong" and post it on FB, Instagram etc. actually generate free advertising for them. Dunno if that's true but if it is, smart!


    That's how Scarif from Rogue One got its name! :D I don't know if that was Starbucks or not - just a "coffee shop" - but still. XD


    @Luna: You are awesome, we all love you, and you absolutely deserve that love. :) *hugs!*

  3. PM has been sent, grania! :D I can send you the link, feylyndiira, if you'd like...? (Yeah, voice chat definitely isn't required; 'tis all just typing. ...I hate talking over a microphone, too. XD Apparently my sister and her friend have informed me that my microphone, after a period of time, abruptly gets really loud and I can't turn it down no matter how I fiddle with the settings. I have to whisper - and even that's too loud, apparently. :eek: I did just get a new headset/microphone, though, so hopefully that's been fixed.)


    The one bad thing about Discord: you can't have text colors in chat.

    Quinn: I'm slowly getting used to being "Blank White Text Quinn" instead of Purple Quinn.

    Purple Quinn lives on here. :)

  4. Was curious and messed with the general forums, we re the 3rd most replied to thread on the general forums, go us :)


    Whew! I just checked that, too. The two threads ahead of us were from early access/beta. :eek:


    Anyways, for those who are interested in the discord server, let me know and I'll send you a PM with an invite to the server. (PM coming your way, Nightfrogger!)

  5. Quit the game because some guys are posting crap threads like this?


    You are really funny.......


    Delete this crap would be more reasonable.... :-)


    I was content to gloss over this thread and not join in, but now, seeing how it apparently ruffles a few feathers that this thread exists...


    ALL HAIL BARRICADE RIFLE GUY! The most loyal 'Pub...um, Imp...you know what, his love transcends the boundaries of allegiances! That's how awesome he is! No matter what side he's on, he'll keep firing at the enemy until Kingdom Come. Or until Vitiate eats the galaxy, whichever comes first. But will even that stop Barricade Rifle Dude from firing that rifle? NO SIRREE! That level of loyalty is what we should all strive for. I salute you, Barricade Rifle Guy. I salute you! :D

  6. Is it sad that I'm looking forward to the server mergers so we can get our Quinn guild together more than I'm looking forward to the next flashpoint / story snippet?


    Haha, nope. Not at all. Which is...unfortunate, because they had the opportunity to do something amazing with Iokath/Umbara and beyond, but so far it seems they've dropped the ball.


    Speaking of the Quinnmancers guild, I have a Discord server we could use, if anybody's interested? :D


    Yeah, it's pretty bizarre and disturbing. I usually recruit the mages, but went with Templars for Malavai since I decided that his backstory would be that he was a Templar recruit...so he'd want to know what happened to the rest of them.


    And poor Malavai....getting pinned to the wall and choked out by a glowy-eyed person, no matter what universe he's in: https://snag.gy/PMef9w.jpg


    "At last..."

    Guh. D: I plan on a human male playthrough sometime in the future; he actually *was* a Templar who was sent to the conclave. He only managed to avoid being burned to an ashy mess by the explosion because his company was late to the conclave. Moral of the story: tardiness saves lives. XD So...Templar route for him, too. So not looking forward to that, but at least there's Cole. I love Cole. :D


    Here's the short hair mod: Mullet Be Gone (It only works on the one hairstyle, #10)

    Eyebrow mod (since the DAI ones are hideous): Eyebrows 4 Women (but they also work on the men)

    Complexion mod: Male Complexions (Malavai is using the Cullenstair mashup)


    Oh, wow, thank you! :D Yeah, no kidding about the default eyebrows...urgh. Would it have killed the developers to put in a *few* options that didn't look like tangled yarn? XD

    I love the short hair one. Now I'm torn between that one and this one ("tousled hair for human males") for my eventual human Inquisitor.

  7. LoL... I knew this would be the response from east coast players... but I had to ask and get the discussion happening... so I’ll not take offeat your personal attack (this time)


    Stop it. Lunafox did not personally attack you; don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Her response is quite accurate. Your solution would amount to everyone all over the world lagging quite badly, in some cases being no longer able to play PVP or Operations or whatever it is you do that needs minimal lag. Um...do you want the game to fail? I don't even PVP, and I know I'd quit if such a thing happened.


    ...and for the record, I'm on the west coast. I seem to have experienced a minor increase in lag, but nowhere near as bad as the APAC players (or, indeed, most of the west coast). You have my sympathies, but dragging everyone else down into the mud with you is NOT the solution.

  8. If I remember, I'll take screenies of my sliders and share them. As far as the CC goes, I only used a couple of mods on him: one for the eyebrows and one for the complexion (and one for the shorter hair). Plus, for his armor, I used the Rogue Templar starting armor mod. (Can share link to all of these in the morning too, if you want...getting ready to head to bed now.)


    Malavai Trevelyan wishes you all a good night... https://snag.gy/dDEkpn.jpg


    Eep, the Templar recruitment mission... :eek: For some reason, In Hushed Whispers didn't disturb me all that much (despite the almost hilariously excessive amount of blood everywhere), but even just watching videos of people running through the Templar mission... gahhh *shudder* Sweet dreams, you adorable Malavai Trevelyan...don't let the envy demon bite...

    I'm curious about the shorter hair mod! :D


    This was my Quinn attempt in DA:I. Looks...okay, from that angle. But head-on? AAGH! *slams head-first into the Uncanny Valley*

  9. Stop what you're doing, and go play KOTOR 1 and 2, right now!.. they hold up well and honestly the game and story is 20 times better than anything from swtor.. plus you should know the lore and where swtor comes from. :D


    I'm waiting for the Apeiron mod to come out before playing KOTOR. :p After that, I will definitely play KOTOR 2 as well. I *do* know most of the lore, but the finer details - like who Visas Marr was before she was Nihilus's apprentice (thank you, orangenee!) - elude me.

  10. Wasnt she a Jedi who, after a bad day, worked for Nihlus(ms)?


    Pretty sure. She started out as a Sith apprentice, then became a Jedi.

    ...I think. Truth be told, I've never played either of the KOTOR games, and am slightly fuzzy on the lore. :o Maybe she *was* a Jedi, then became Sith, then...turned back to the light??


    Now I'm confusing myself. >_< But either way, Visas Marr would be considered a Jedi.

  11. Thanks....it's taken a lot of tries, a few mods, and lots of tweaking. I actually found a "short hair" mod that makes him even more canon-looking, but debating whether or not I prefer it to the longer hair.




    Oooh, nice!! More accurate than my attempt a while back. XD My DA:I Quinn looks like he has a deformed balloon for a head... o.O (Though I still have those sliders saved... *eyes possible Quinn Trevelyan playthrough because why not, what do you mean I haven't even gotten to Skyhold with my first playthrough yet ahaha*)


    Your Mum is a VISIONARY! I love that :D


    She is indeed :D (Also, I told you that you said that. She said it made her day!)

    Since I was homeschooled, we were in the same room as she was working on changing the names on that schedule. For about ten minutes, it'd go like this:


    Me: [working on schoolwork]

    Mom: (at the other computer) [snrk snrk snkr]

    Me: ...what are you laughing about--


    Me: Okaaay then... [goes back to school]



    Me: [question marks appear above head]

    Mom: Nothing, nothing! :D [finally hands me the schedule] Soooo, could you check it over really thoroughly to make sure I didn't miss anything?

    Me: Uh...sure? [reads it over] ...RYAP, Biology, World Hysteria, Ge--wait, WHAT??

    [we scared the dog with the subsequent burst of laughter]



    ) (And I'm just going to throw this out here - if you Quinnmancers like black haired, blue eyed LIs, and I know many of you do lol, you should get Neverwinter Nights 2. You can get it on gog.com. Ooooold game but so worth it for that LI who's voice gives Quinn's a run for his money..)


    Would that be Casavir? Bishop has dark hair and...I have no idea what color his eyes are, but he's a jerk. And not a full romance option because it got cut. Boo. I hate jerks like that, but hey, options, why not. I'm really curious about that game...in keeping with my usual luck about spoilers, however, I managed to get a few major ones revealed :p Oops. Oh well, nothing *too* game-ruination-worthy. ...that's, um, that's a phrase now... >_>

    But Casavir's...rather like Quinn in personality, isn't he? *eyeing game a bit more intently now*

  12. Wow! Thank you soo much for responding! Yes goodness a lot has changed haha. I think the last time i stopped played they were just hyping up the stories and were saying subscribers would get them freely or something. I have a level 50 that's working on Illum right now. The quest was purple but I couldn't for the life of me remember if that was the main story quest or not!


    I have a level 11 Sith warrior perhaps I will work on that or a smuggler just to refreshen my memory of the game. Again big thank you for breaking it down like that. I have a few characters in the level 50ish range So that helps a lot!


    Glad to be able to help! :D I hope you enjoy the stories.


    Oh - one more thing you might need to be aware of. Server merges are coming up on November 8th (server transfers are currently unavailable, and will remain so until some undefinable time after the merge).

    On the US side of things, The Harbinger, Bastion, and Begeren Colony will be merged into the server Satele Shan. The Ebon Hawk, Shadowlands, Jedi Covenant, Jung Ma, and Prophecy of the Five will be merged into the server Star Forge.

    Here's an article detailing the changes - http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002

    Hopefully it won't be anything too disruptive (to subscribers, at least), but time will tell.

  13. Welcome back! :D Indeed, A LOT has changed since 2011. Starting a new character would likely be helpful. :) That way you can get used to the all the changes the game's gone through, and you can refresh your memory on the stories you've completed and have yet to see.


    Levelling nowadays is super fast and easy - even if you start a new character, you'll be max level pretty quickly, so take your time with the story. As for the story itself, the order it chronologically goes in is

    - your individual class story (Jedi consular, Sith inquisitor, smuggler, agent, etc. etc.)

    - Ilum (unlocks at level 47)

    - Makeb (unlocks at level 51)

    - Forged Alliances (a prelude to Shadow of Revan; unlocks at level 55)

    - Shadow of Revan (also unlocks at level 55)

    - Rise of the Emperor (epilogue of Shadow of Revan)

    - Knights of the Fallen Empire (unlocks at level 60)

    - Knights of the Eternal Throne (unlocks at level 65)

    Note: If you are at level 60 or 65, and you accept the starter quest for KOTFE or KOTET, you will be locked out of previous story content that you have not completed yet. This includes your class story, all companion conversations/missions, Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan, and Rise of the Emperor (and Knights of the Fallen Empire if you start KOTET first). If you haven't completed those stories before starting KOTFE/KOTET, you will not be able to start or finish them. This is due to the way the KOTFE and KOTET expansions and story are structured. Also, if it's your first time through, the story will make zero sense if you haven't finished the previous stories beforehand.

    (Yikes, sorry for the giant bold letters. :p There've been quite a few people asking "Hey, I started KOTFE/KOTET, now I can't go back to Act II of my class story / Shadow of Revan / can't get a companion to talk with me, what's going on?" There are multiple warnings that pop up on your screen before you actually start KOTFE/KOTET, informing you that some content will become inaccessible once you start these new stories, but...some people tend to ignore those warnings. :/)


    You *can* "boost" a new character to level 60 or 65, but...

    a) this character will not be a previously created character (e.g. you can't have a Jedi Knight at level 46 and then boost them to level 65) - this will be a completely new character

    b) they will be locked out of the aforementioned story content

    c) they will not be given titles or achievements for their skipped-over story content (titles you earn through your original class stories, for example, or achievements for getting various classes to level 50/55/60/65/70 naturally)

  14. Happy Halloween, everyone! :p I'll do what I normally do nowadays: turn off the porch light (sorry, kiddos, no candy), and hunker down in my room. While wearing a Dracula cape. Because why not. XD


    ...when I was in high school, my Mom decided to write down the names of all my classes in my weekly planner...differently...for Halloween.


    LAC (Literary Analysis and Composition) Honors - LAC Horrors

    Life Skills* - Life Shrieks

    P.E. - P.umpkin E.eeeeeks!

    World History - World Hysteria

    Geometry - Geomonstry

    [break in between classes was written down as "bleak"]

    RYAP (Reaching Your Academic Potential - basically Homeroom) - Really Yummy Apple Pie

    Biology - Double, double, toil and trouble....


    *The "Life Shrieks" name was really appropriate. :rolleyes: 'Twas a useless fluff class that taught absolutely nothing important, despite the pretentious name. The only reason I took it was because you *had* to take one or more electives, and that class seemed like the least of all evils. XD

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