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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Jagaimee

  1. Dromund Kaas, general quests:

    Taking the dark-side decision in Lord Grathan's estate when dealing with those, um... "droids."




    Those droids are actually soldiers. Living, breathing people. Or they were, until they got captured by Grathan and had their brains ripped out and put into droids. The one you talk to is just coherent enough to realize what's happened to him. He says such cutesy and pleasant things like "I can see my own dead body on the surgical table over there..." (and players can, too. Obviously there's no blood, nor is there a giant hole in the poor guy's head, but it's horrifying as all get-out nonetheless.)

    He's starting to lose his sentience, and he tells you that the others have lost theirs, as well. It's implied that they're still aware of pain, however...and the poor guy you talk to is in agony. He begs you to shut down the droids, mercy-killing all of the former soldiers.

    Light-side: mercy-kill them.

    Dark-side: reprogram them to serve the Empire.

    You force them to live out the rest of their existence (can't really call it a "life") in abject torturous pain, aware of nothing else but their programming and that constant, horrific agony. As cannon fodder.


    Holy. Living. Crap.

    Confession: I avoid that quest whenever I go to Dromund Kaas now. It's just too viscerally disturbing even on the light-side path! D:

  2. most of mine are light or neutral, I have a very hard time playing truly dark characters. So I am with you there.


    Same here. I have one dark side character - an inquisitor - and even she's on a slow but sure path to redemption. Everybody else is either light or neutral. Including several that I didn't think would be light/neutral, but wound up that way anyways.


    My main warrior, however, very nearly hit Dark II at one point on Makeb, following purely pragmatic options - what's best for the Empire/the current mission? After that, all of the pragmatic options were light-side. So I've been constantly switching that ridiculous dark/light toggle back and forth to keep her solidly neutral, as that's what she evened out as.

  3. Lies. You're here because of your Quinn remorse. Admit it, you killed him and now you wish you hadn't so you're here to wallow in the glory of as much Quinn worship as you can get :p The ghost of your Quinn points and laughs at you!


    Quinn: I have a ghost?

    Quinn: Of course you do.

    Quinn: GAH! ...er...hello there. You are...nearly transparent. And...pale. Are you a Force-ghost? ...how is that even possible?

    Quinn: Kept alive by the unending hatred of some people. -_- It gets tiresome. However, I am able to exact some small amount of revenge by turning invisible, rearranging furniture, inputting false coordinates into the hyperdrive, occasionally manipulating dreams--

    Quinn: Grand Admiral, Darth Sarova, if you're trying to reassure me that even after death my influence lingers on, this is not helping.

    Quinn: --and hiding ghost!Baras's snack supply.

  4. - Continuation of (fully voiced) class stories - with an added bit of story/dialogue for those who just "skip" (read: never did) KOTFE/KOTET.

    "Oh hey, [smuggler] Captain, where've you been the last five/six/seven years?"

    "Hiding from Zakuul. Hard to run a business in these times, y'know? / Joined with the Alliance, behind the scenes. Don't tell anybody I'm such a patriot, I've got a reputation to protect. / Oh...places. Doing...uh, stuff. With, er...things. Yeah."

    "Yeah, I hear you, but I've got a job for you now......"


    - RETURN. OF. COMPANIONS. WITH ADDED COMPANION STORY. ...whoops, caps lock, heh. XD But, seriously. We need our companions back. Not just to become mute dummies following us around and killing things for us like obedient attack dogs, but as fleshed-out as they were during vanilla - commenting on the landscape/places of interest as you pass by, occasional lines during the story, their own side-quests and conversations, etc.


    - EITHER new planets OR return to planets already seen to flesh them out further. Planets like Darvannis (it's so beautiful in KOTFE!), Vandin, Odessen, Umbara (PLEASE ESPECIALLY UMBARA), Rakata Prime, Manaan, Yavin IV (yes, I know that's technically a "full" world, but it could always be larger, yeah? :D), etc. A way to round out worlds in this incredibly diverse, beautiful galaxy through new stories would be wonderful. Or, heck, go back to old planets - Korriban, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Tython, Ord Mantell, Nal Hutta, etc. How are they doing in the intervening several years since we've been there?


    - Several new warzones, and at least a few (two, three) new flashpoints and OPS. That's a start, at least. Then *keep* producing those new warzones, flashpoints, and OPS. Have them take precedence - at least temporarily - over the story, if need be! Us story players got our two whole years' worth of story. It's high time for multiplayer content to come back.

  5. I finished my final exam in the second course of copyediting yesterday - I get three weeks off until the third and last course! :D :D So I'm VERY happy. One of the first years that I can remember that I didn't have to be fretting over the imminent start of school (especially with my chaotic mess of a school...).


    ...I just hope I did okay on that test. o_o

  6. I think guys are guilty of loving the 'bad girl' just as some women are into 'the bad boy.' There is a certain thrill to it, an unpredictability that makes things exciting at least at first. I don't know if men have the same 'quirk' because, I'm not a man, perhaps some of our resident male Quinn fans could shed light...but as a woman, I think there is a certain high that comes with, 'he's a rotten *****hole to everyone else, but gentle and kind to me,' like it makes you more special somehow that because you're so awesome that they've changed just for you, that sort of thing.


    Like you say, it gets hard to live with after a while, when you have to start hiding bodies and burning your underwear on a regular basis and walking in on someone with the UPS delivery person...and you might wonder what they're putting in your food too, when they cook for you... :D I personally don't mind 'bad boy' to a degree, but I draw the line at megalomaniacal murdering sorts for the most part. ;)


    That makes sense. But I suppose the key is "he's a rotten jerk to everyone ELSE, but gentle and kind to me." People like Thana Vesh and Vaylin are just rotten jerks to everybody, and we STILL have "bring back Thana Vesh" threads. o_o That part I don't understand. As for Kaliyo...I've never done her romance, but it seems to me that the only reason she keeps the male agent around is because he's exciting - not because she actually cares. Or, perhaps, in her own way, she does. That way just happens to include cheating on him and STILL betraying the agent - and the entire Empire - despite no one forcing her to do it (unlike Quinn??? :confused: ). She just does it for the lulz and gets mad at the agent when he objects.


    When someone says "I love you" but cheats on you, belittles you, manipulates you, betrays you and all that you stand for, makes it clear that they're only using you because you're what's most "exciting" right then and there... yeah, that's not love. That's not even attraction. That's just flat-out abuse. If a man did that to a woman, people would be screaming bloody murder 24/7. How sexist!!1! But a woman does that to a man, and suddenly that's "sexy" and desirable? Bleck.

    LS Jaesa is less annoying...even though she annoyed me and my characters, I never caught myself wanting to kill her, whereas with Ashara, it's all that would go through my characters and my mind...male, female, didn't matter, they all wanted Ashara dead. Shame we couldn't corrupt her properly, watching her spiral into a right proper lunatic would be amusing before I killed her. :D


    My dark side female inquisitor h-a-t-e-s Ashara. (She's still Dark V, but working her way to a gradual redemption...and she STILL hates Ashara!) My light side male inquisitor, on the other hand, just adores the heck out of her. XD ...then again, he's

    a) sixteen

    b) quite prone to puppy love crushes

    c) just that desperate for a true friend

    d) a total sweetheart whose normal behaviour is "meet someone, immediately shower them with affection because YAY NEW PEOPLE! :D"

    d) still not used to seeing a woman who's the same race as he is and isn't a slave.

    ...he and Ashara get along well. But for *me*, she's still quite annoying. It's just less obvious with a light-side inquisitor, because your goals and her goals actually align for the most part. Dark-side inquisitors, however...ugh, yes, there should've been an option to corrupt her. >_<

  7. That's fair. It was fun to corrupt her. In general, I find her less annoying than light side Jaesa. But I think she was complicit, she had this power that she could root out the true nature of people...so either she was in on it with Quinn or she didn't sense any duplicity from him because his true nature was that he loved the SW. Can't tell me that she wouldn't turn her ability on others aboard the ship, given that she was fairly loyal to SW, even if she was batsh*t crazy.


    My first warrior corrupted Jaesa, and realized approximately .5 seconds later why that was a very, very bad idea.

    Problem = warrior is extremely sympathetic to light-side Sith. She's not quite light-side herself - she's solidly neutral/pragmatic - but that hardly matters.

    You can see the issues piling up from there.


    Jaesa: Oh hey master, I found all these light-side Sith!

    Warrior: Excellent. I--


    Warrior: ...what!? No! Absolutely not, I forbid you to--

    Jaesa: You're no fun. *flounces off*

    Warrior: Get back here, young lady! .......oh for the love of... *rushes off to send quite a few messages going "WARNING: MANIACAL KILLER APPROACHING, GET OUT OF DODGE NOW"*

    *Jaesa comes back*

    Warrior: ...well.

    Jaesa: I killed 'em all! Are you proud!? :D :D

    Warrior: AFTER I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU TO DO SO!? [Thinking: oh force my entire family and several of my friends are dead now aren't they)

    Jaesa: You're NO FUN! WAAAAH!


    ...I swear she could be worse than Ashara sometimes! D: What I hated was that no matter what, you absolutely could not talk her out of it. There was an option to go "No, I forbid you to do this," but Jaesa would do it anyway, and there's no way to punish her afterward. *sigh* (Same thing with Ashara...with Temple ["No, don't kill your father! We can keep him safe here--aaaand you did it anyway, where's the option to point out how incredibly hypocritical this is?"]...heck, with preeeeetty much everybody.)

    My next warrior is going to keep Jaesa light-side, as *he's* a very light-side Sith (...well...up until a point...), so I wonder how that's going to go. Undoubtedly she'll be just as annoying, but hopefully not in a...a creepy way...



    Out of curiosity, why are guys attracted to people like Jaesa, Kaliyo, Vaylin, etc.? That has never made sense to me. "But it's fun and they're crazy!" ...yeah, try living with them. After the first few months of emotional manipulation, constant cheating, belittling, threatening, physical pain and mutilation (at least for Vaylin - add the constant threat of painful death on a whim because you don't actually matter to her), is it so much "fun" anymore?


    Make sure you take screenshots of the last cutscene. I missed it on my warrior, but caught it with my agent: very very angry Quinn brothers :D




    Oohhh! O_O Companions react, too? :D AWESOME. I'll be sure to take my warrior through with Quinn. ...when I eventually get there! Uuuuuuurgh. XD

  8. I also have OBS studio, because one cannot compare programs if one does not use all programs for a bit. I'd suggest it over fraps, I just use fraps as my preference. OBS is a free and decent video capture/recording program, and one can easily snag specific scenes in screenshots off the videos.


    Looking at OBS Studio now... ooh. This looks good. o_o Thanks so much for suggesting that - I might just download it, because this seems really nice. :D


    One thing I noticed about the story that's different now - as we've all been talking about, the "I love you" / "Marry me" conversations are now switched around the Quinncident. o_e Weeeeell that'll make things awkward - though I suppose if I'm just taking screenshots/videos, I can put them in any order I please, so it's not like I'll look back at that and have it conflict wildly with my "canon" playthrough (where Quinn proposed *before* the Quinncident). Huh.


    For years, meeting Quinn on Balmorra has been one of my favourite parts of the class story <3

    Yes I just got there, again. <3


    The first time I got there, I was all curious about who this Quinn guy was. Then I saw his masterful introduction scene - him threatening that poor soldier - and pretty much instantly got wingding hearts in my eyes. :D

    Favorite part...Oh. Yes. How could anybody not sit up straight and pay attention, at least, at that scene?


    Been using shadowplay myself, but it does make huge files.


    This is going to be painful, doing the story for umbara on my male trooper just for the Done letter... who I is a healer who I don't know how to play well... this is going to take a bit lol.


    Oooooh o_o Good luck!

  9. Clone her on the same server if you want. I have various incarnations of my favorites. I'm rather tempted to make another myself lol. Nothing wrong with cloning and reliving what you love. Or cloning to try something different. I say go for it!


    I do have a clone of one character - my consular. (Amazing how just changing the complexion on a character can make their entire face look radically different!) He's got a mirror self as an Imperial agent, a "what if?" alternate-universe for him. Since, when his parents (he was born in the Chiss Ascendancy) found out he's Force-sensitive, their options were

    a) give him to the Sith, who would twist and corrupt him into a monster

    b) hide him deep within the Ascendancy and hope nobody ever finds him, constantly risking death because the Sith just might find him one day

    c) ...? They didn't have a third option.

    His mother decided to take a third option anyways: she brought him to the Jedi.

    So the "what if?" universe is "what if they just hid him within the Ascendancy? ...later on, he became the Imperial agent." Which had some really interesting implications on the agent's story, since he's still powerfully Force-sensitive, he just hides it reeeeally well. Like his last line to Keeper...


    "You still don't know who I am. What I'm capable of."


    Keeper didn't like that. I on the other hand got chills up and down my spine. o_O


    But as for replaying the same story on the "same" character...ooooooogh, I don't know. XD Leaning towards doing it just for funsies. I've got three weeks of free time coming up, after all, in between classes of the copyediting course I'm taking. :D

    I've heard of FRAPS, but I've also heard it's a) not free, b) can seriously bog down your computer, and c) ...contains viruses?? O_o Wha?


    It's the same with Theron tbh. Telling him I love him while being with Quinn??? You don't get a breakup for either like you did with the other romances returning. I hope they remedy that.


    ...BioWare does love their *cough* "diverse" romance options. O_O

  10. It is not strange to have an identical copy, can go get screenshots or videos of the story that you may have missed the first time. Can explore things you may have sped through and you will be amazed at the new stuff you find.


    True...which reminds me - again - I need a better screenshot program than the snip tool I have on my computer by default. :/ Attempting to hit it at the EXACT moment I want a screenshot (and there's always a tiny delay)...then click and drag around a paused screen...then by the time I get back to the game, I'll have missed a lot and usually just exit out to watch the cutscene all over again.

    Which gets difficult when the cutscene immediately goes into a fight or something. (Like in the middle of KOTFE chapter five - I wanted a shot of my knight, Senya, and Lana all standing in a row, lightsabers ignited, looking suitably heroic...and. Senya. BLINKED. Cue immediate fight, and I had to replay the chapter all over again to get back to the cutscene. Luckily, the second time, I got it. :D)

  11. It's brilliant, Grand Admiral!!! I love it and you do it so well. You always bring a smile to my face. :p


    Thank you... :) That really means a lot to me.


    Gah, everything is making me want to clone my lady warrior on another server and go through her story again. But then...what happens afterward? o_O It'll be...awkward...if I just leave her at level 50 or so after she's done with her story, and I am *so* not going through KOTFE/KOTET all over again. XD Sigh...I don't know...indecision...help me... :p

    Points against it: it's just strange to have an identical copy of my character. That and I'm already (sloooooowly) going through the warrior's story, albeit with a guy that time through (incidentally, he's my lady warrior's little brother).

    Points for it: . . . does this need to be said? QUINN!!

  12. I can't confirm it, since all my agents have been LS, but I do believe I read somewhere that you do need to be LS to get the option to join the SIS. I have always gotten the option myself.


    Yup. I tried this on one of my agents...being just a liiiitle short of Light I.

    No option to join the SIS.

    As that was the whole purpose of that character, I was really ticked off. (I didn't know you had to be Light I or higher. Sigh.) Thank goodness for headcanon.


    One other thing I'm curious about, though, is how you deal with Darth Jadus at the end of Act I. My agent - the one mentioned above - managed to talk him down. Didn't join him, didn't directly fight him, either. I wonder if that affects if you can join the SIS at the end, too?

  13. My favour...I believe that can be arranged, Major. And this Kri'gee seems to have interesting reactions even prior to partaking.


    And I want the both of you to know, that I did notice you allowed the strip poker suggestion to fall unanswered. :cool:


    Strip backgammon then? Or perhaps strip monopoly--the core worlds version.


    Or better yet...strip snakes and ladders. Now that conjures some extraordinary imagery...:o


    Theron: Kri'gee...bleh.

    Quinn: I suppose ne'tra gal* is better?

    Theron: You know that stuff can knock out a rancor.

    Quinn: ...as we are not rancors, I will abstain.

    Theron: Now, about this poker--

    Quinn: *deadpan* Strip poker.

    Theron: --suggestion, uhhhhhh, how about...no? The last time I accepted an offer like that, I wound up naked in a ditch behind the Senate Building. *notices Quinn's strange look* It is a very, VERY long story.

    Quinn: I don't want to know.


    *yet another Mandalorian drink - ne'tra gal means "black ale."

    Somehow, I wound up writing both Quinn and Theron. How'd that happen? :p Somebody yell at me if I'm being annoying...I don't want to irritate anybody. XD


    Yay! Quinn wins \o/. I had my doubts given Theron's penchant for getting out of tight spots (like Rishii) but this is Quinn's thread so he must always win. Temporary asylum for you Theron - be grateful we don't make you sleep on the floor or worse, clean 2V-R8s floors :p


    Big thanks to you Jagaimee for making Quinn vs Shan chess happen :)


    Theron: Asylum? Only a matter of time before someone makes a "who's being committed?" joke. Anyway, thanks. :) And thanks for...uh, not making me clean the floors. Maintenance, yaaay! o_O


    Heheh, welcome. XD That was fun...a welcome diversion from final exams. e_e

  14. *claps and squees* That was the most entertaining round of chess I've ever witnessed! Congratulations to our Quinn! And what would our dear major like as his prize?

    And better luck next time Theron, you are a welcome and entertaining addition. Perhaps, next time Theron, you can choose the game or I can. Maybe strip poker...which the two of you will play under the influence of...krigee! While all of us watch. :rak_09:


    Quinn: Well, I--

    Theron: Here goes the preening.

    Quinn: I thought we had just agreed I was in charge here?

    Theron: Of cooooouuurrrse. But I can still snark.

    Quinn: ...wonderful. As for a prize... *bows* My lord, all I could ever ask as a prize is your favour.

    Theron: Rather smarmy for--wait, "favour?"

    Quinn: That's the proper way to spell it.

    Theron: "Favor."

    Quinn: ...o-u-r.

    Theron: *glares*

    If it helps, I spell it "favor" and "color"...but then I spell "behaviour" with an o-u-r...

    Quinn: You're going to give me a headache.

    Theron: Nah, kri'gee will give you a headache.

    Quinn: You're speaking from experience, I take it.

    Theron: ... *awkward flashback*


    Theron: To victory.

    Jace Malcom: To victory.

    *they both drink*


    Jace: ...sorry, should've warned you. By the way, I knew your mother--

    Theron: Oh--*cough*--really--?

    Jace: Uh...

    Theron: ...that was a *cough* euphemism, *choke* wasn't it. *cough choke*

    Jace: ...well...

    Theron: Don't--*choke cough*--tell me--

    Jace: Theron, I am your father.

    Theron: ...... *disbelieving choke*



    Quinn: ...my word.

    Theron: It felt like my brain was sending a strongly-worded letter of resignation. Repeatedly.

  15. Theron: I hate that look. You’re planning something evil.

    Quinn: I know what you’re thinking: “Since when do Imperials not plan something evil?”

    Theron: Well, duh. A minute ago you were all despondent over moving that warrior…ugh, you’re up to something. Guardian to A6.

    Quinn: Warrior takes pawn at G7. Check.

    Theron: Chancellor to D8.

    Quinn: “Chancellor?”

    Theron: Your “Emperor.”

    Quinn: My Emperor was a homicidal maniac. Your Chancellor was…also a homicidal maniac, albeit on a much smaller scale. *raises eyebrow* They also had egos the size of your shoulder pads.

    Theron: *dead serious* That was low.

    Quinn: Darth to F6. Check.

    Theron: …seriously. My guardian takes your Darth at F6. *surveys the board* Wow. I really didn’t expect you to lose that easily. I mean…you hardly have any significant pieces left. No lords, one inquisitor, no Darth…ha. *starts to smirk* If only you hadn’t wasted time moving that pawn to E5, you might have….*begins to realize what Quinn set up* …m-might…have……. :mon_trap:

    [Quinn’s lowly pawn stopped Theron’s Grandmaster [queen] from taking Quinn’s warrior [knight]. That forced Theron to move his Chancellor [king] to D8…walking him right into the trap for a perfect checkmate.]

    Quinn: *evil grin* “Wasted time”? Oh, I beg to differ.

    Theron: Wh…what…no. Oh no no no no no that’s not possible what even how did you what no oh no…

    Quinn: Inquisitor to E7. Checkmate.

    Theron: I don’t…how…*stares in numb amazement* …wow. Just…wow.

    Quinn: I win.

    Theron: *blankly* …yes, yes you do…

    Quinn: Well then…?

    Theron: *sigh* …this is your thread.

    Quinn: And…?

    Theron: And I’m just hitching a ride for a while. You’re in charge.

    Quinn: Don’t ever forget it.




    So, the game that they were playing...

    is called The Immortal Game. Evidently it's one of the most famous chess games in all history.

    I had never even heard of it before - of all things - playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. Solas and Iron Bull, two of your companions, start playing a chess game in their heads while they're out and about in your party. It happens to be The Immortal Game. Here's a representation of it, with voiceovers from Inquisition as the characters talk. (Warning: spoilers for Iron Bull's character arc, and - probably - a certain revelation about Solas. Also, a bit of language, which tends to be EMPHASIZED given Iron Bull's...accent/way of speaking/I don't even know what that is.)

    A lot of Quinn and Theron's back-and-forth banter came from Solas and Iron Bull talking, as well. XD


  16. My suggestion of chess was brought to life purple & blue style! Yay!! :D Absolutely brilliant.

    I love Quinn however I think Theron may have the upper hand when it comes to strategy. Malavai was on occasion surprised by some of the things the warrior did, whereas Theron would most likely have seen them coming. Having said that, Malavai almost always kept a cool head. Theron is frequently seen panicking (especially in KOTET). Can't wait to see who wins. Maybe it will end in a stalemate...


    My reaction to the suggestion of chess:

    Me: Oh, chess! Brilliant!

    Me: ...I know nothing about chess!

    Me: *RESEARCH* ...I still know nothing about chess! o__o

    That just about broke my brain in half. XD When I was a little girl, the one time my dad tried to teach me chess, it ended...poorly. I can't remember if we managed to play a full game, or if we called it off and played checkers instead. Probably the latter...think we settled frustrations over a truce of ice cream, though.

    Still...it was fun researching the game Quinn and Theron are playing. Even if I still have no idea what the rules are. :p


    Quinn: *sigh* Warrior to D5.

    Theron: Aaaand Grandmaster takes pawn at B2.

    Quinn: Inquisitor to D6.

    Theron: Grandmaster takes Master at—wait, you’re calling them “lord.” Right. Grandmaster takes lord at A1. Check. *blink blink* …uh, that was easier than I thought. What—

    Quinn: Emperor to E2.

    Theron: O…kay. Consular takes lord at G1. That...was your last lord. It can’t be that easy to win against you.

    Quinn: Pawn to E5.

    Theron: ………..my entire side of the board is about to choke the living banana peels out of your Emperor – history repeats – and that's your move? A pawn? Really?

    Quinn: :jawa_evil:

    Theron: o_O

  17. "That's the spirit Quinn! And I do see you took my suggestion at finding an activity the two of you could bond over. I must say it's working! And it would appear our resident SIS agent gives as good as he gets." *claps hands together and grins wickedly*




    Quinn: :D




    Quinn: Lord [rook] to G1.

    Theron: Haha! Pawn takes inquisitor at B5. Typical Imperials: sacrificing people you no longer have use of. Or…just for any arbitrary reason.

    Quinn: We’ll see about that. Pawn to H4.

    Theron: Grandmaster to G6.

    Quinn: Pawn to H5. Watch out.

    Theron: Says the man who lost that cons—inqui—whatever the heck you call it. Grandmaster to G5.

    Quinn: Darth [queen] to F3.

    Theron: Oh, nice try, attempting to trap that Grandmaster…buuuut not quite. Guardian to G8.

    Quinn: And inquisitor takes pawn at F4. It’s threatening your Grandmaster. Do be careful, I’d so hate to see you lose to a brief moment of stupidity…*mutter*…that’s so commonplace to you ‘Pubs.

    Theron: Heard that. *glare* Grandmaster to F6.

    Quinn: Warrior to C3. You know, you’re mostly only moving your…”Grandmaster”…around.

    Theron: Game’s not over yet. We should’ve called those pawns that got knocked on their heads “Major.” It’d be appropriate.

    Quinn: Those were your pawns. But the point is taken. *death glare*

    Theron: Consular to C5.

    Quinn: …well then.

    Theron: *grins*

  18. Quinn: *wicked smile* Emperor [king] to F1.

    Theron: *death glare* Pawn to B5. Seriously, “Emperor?” Right, if this was real life, every piece on the board would be turning on that one.

    Quinn: I’m aware…*grumble* smart-aleck. Inquisitor takes pawn at B5.

    Theron: Guardian [knight] to F6.

    Quinn: …“guardian.” Really?

    Theron: You call yours “Sith Lords That Rain Down Uber-Destructive Doomy Dooms of Doom,” right?

    Quinn: Warrior. On that note, warrior to F3.

    Theron: Grandmaster to H6.

    Quinn: Pawn to D3.

    Theron: Guardian to H5. Got. You. *leans back in his chair* Go ahead, rack that fabled brilliant military strategist mind. When you come back in a year, let me know what you thought of—

    Quinn: Warrior to H4.

    Theron: --oh that was quick. Grandmaster to G5. Want me to take your inquisitor at B5, or your warrior at H4?

    Quinn: Neither. Warrior to F5.

    Theron: Pawn to C6. Oh hey, there’s your inquisitor, all alone and vulnerable…

    Quinn: And there’s your warrior – oh, excuse me, guardian – all alone and vulnerable, too. Pawn to G4.

    Theron: *glare* Guardian to F6.

    Quinn: …

    Theron: *smirk*



    (...I know nothing about chess. XD I'm just copying the moves of an actual chess game. :D)

  19. I actually had my first SW go totally white-haired after she got out of carbonite.


    Do Sith Purebloods even have the option of having white hair? I can't remember if they do, or if their hair colors are solely varying shades of red/pink-ish and jet black.

    But I'm thinking of doing the same with my consular. He's in his mid-forties by now, which is solidly in middle age for a chiss. That plus the strain of using the Force so heavily and being in carbonite = white hair...except chiss only have the option of this dingy gray hair color. :( Sigh... And no crows'-feet around the eyes or laugh lines around the mouth. I asked my sister how old she thought my consular was, and she said "Eighteen." O_O ...I can see that. But yeesh, still.



    Quinn: I suggest a game of chess.

    Theron: …really? Didn’t know you played.

    Quinn: I wasn’t aware you played chess, either.

    Theron: I’m game.

    Quinn: *white* Pawn to E4.

    Theron: *black* Pawn to E5. Kind of expected you to be Black.

    Quinn: Which is part of the reason why I chose white. According to some Quinnmancers, I look dashing in it. Pawn to F4, King’s Gambit.

    Theron: Accepted. *smirk* Pawn takes pawn at F4.

    Quinn: Inquisitor [bishop] to C4.

    Theron: Aggressive move for y—wait…you call your consulars, inquisitors?

    Quinn: Typical Republic short-sightedness.

    Theron: [grumble] …Grandmaster [queen] to H4. Check.

    Quinn: And you call me “aggressive.” I—hold on, “Grandmaster”!?

    Theron: What do you call it?

    Quinn: Darth. Of course.

    Theron: My grandmaster can whoop all your darths' arses.

    Quinn: When she's not too busy pretending her son doesn't exist, that is.

    Theron: . . . a mom joke. Really? Seriously? Oh, you. Are. Going. DOWN.

  20. "Well, Grand Admiral, that went...remarkably well, I think. And perhaps we should assign Theron a colour all his own..."

    *stands between them a hand on each one's chest to keep them apart* "I do recommend you gentlemen behave. I do understand Quinn's upset...the whole death *COUGH* did seem rather creative and could be construed as one-upmanship on Theron's part...however, I don't believe that was the intent. So make nice gentlemen...have some tea and do whatever it is you men do to...I don't know...bond..."


    *walks toward quarters* "And should you feel so inclined, you know where I'll be, Major."


    Theron: I get a color all my own? Thanks! Better than anything the SIS di--

    Quinn: NO. And stop saying that! It gets old quickly.

    Theron: How about this one?

    Quinn: Purple Quinn and Brown Theron. *conspicuous silence*

    Theron: Eh. All right, this is good. Like my jacket.

    Quinn: That you've been wearing for five years straight.

    Theron: *stiffly* Not. The same. Jacket.

    Quinn: Do you have a wardrobe full of identical jackets?

    Theron: No! ........maybe.

    Quinn: Whatever color you choose, I still win this little battle of wits. Also, that color hurts the eyes. Stop it.

    Theron: I'm younger, available to more people, and have a much larger role in the overall story. Don't seem to remember you having this large a role.

    Quinn: Age is irrelevant. Despite being "available" to more people, I see your fan-thread is still lagging behind my own by two hundred pages - oh, and it was made earlier. Over one year earlier. As for the role in the story? A matter of perspective. You're only just now becoming a focus, whereas I am one of the more important companions of the Sith Warrior's story--

    Theron: *cough* "matter of perspective" *cough*

    Quinn: Right, did any other love interest in any other story attempt to betray the player? ...no? Oh, how shocking. I thought, from your lackluster reaction, it was commonplace. Perhaps that would explain the outrage, however... you see, I seem to be relatively safe now from haters, but you are getting the brunt of it. *significant pause* Oh, and given how the story just loves to be able to kill off companions, your head is on the chopping block.

    Theron: Says the man who might be dead many times over on Iokath.

    Quinn: ... *facepalm* Touche.

    Theron: Did we tie?

    Quinn: We might have, much as I hate to admit it. *sigh* Tea?

    Theron: I'd love some, thanks. Well, that was over quickly.

    Quinn: *going to get the tea* It would appear so. ....... *makes sure he's out of earshot* Who said it was over? :rak_04:

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